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SURYA YOG (Sun Yoga or Sun Gazing or Sun Worship) Ask@suryayog.

com Surya means the Sun and Yog means Oneness. Surya Yog means to become one with the Sun. By Surya Yog, one absorbs Solar Energy for physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Charged with the power of the Sun, one attains Bliss or Harmony, a constant state of profound happiness and joy in the mind, undisturbed by gain or loss. Did you know: Sun generates the heat and light necessary to create and sustain all life on our earth? ASANA Asana are a set of physical exercises for efficient flow of Prana or energy in the body. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a sequence of twelve revitalizing asana. Surya Namaskar is a dynamic exercise that loosens up all the joints, flexes all the muscles of the body, massages the internal organs and activates the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. Surya Namaskar stimulates the endocrine (thyroid and parathyroid) glands. The endocrine glands secrete the human growth hormones which are responsible for good health and longevity. PRANAYAM Act of breathing draws Prana, the vital life-force or bioenergy from the atmosphere. Pranayam is the process of absorbing energy by regulated breathing. Pranayam is comprised of four stages of Inspiration (Autosuggest energy or O2 intake), Holding the breath with lungs full of air (Autosuggest energy absorption), Expiration (Autosuggest CO2 exit) and again holding the breath without air (Autosuggest energy optimization). Surya Bheda Pranayam An increase of vital energy in the body by absorbing the energy of the Sun. Pranayam is performed in Padm-asana or the lotus pose. Did you know: On an average a human breathes 21,600 times a day or 15 times per minute. Our body temperature is maintained at a constant 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit through our breathing process. By Pranayam, a yogi reduces the number of breaths per minute and also absorbs more energy, thereby increasing his lifespan. SURYA DHYAN A process of concentrating ones gaze at the Surya (Rising Sun) or Jyoti (Oil lamp) without blinking an eye lid is called as Surya Tratak (One-Pointedness). After gradual practice one attains Dhyan, the meditative state to optimize the potential of our brain. The objective of Dhyan is to optimize the potential of our brain for innovative thinking and to attain harmony. YOG NINDRA Yog Nindra is a practice of dynamic sleep to optimize the potential of our brain. During Yog Nindra one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.

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