Effective Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom: Part 1

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Effective Web 2.

0 Tools for the Classroom Part 1

Johan Eddy Luaran

First Printing 2012

All right reserved. No part of this publication may reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recorded or by any storage information or retrival system, without the prior written permission from the author.

Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom : Part 1 Johan Eddy Luaran ISBN 978-983-41835-2-3

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 EMAZE ..................................................................................................................1 What is Emaze?................................................................................................................................1 Benefits of Emaze ............................................................................................................................1 Get started with Emaze ....................................................................................................................2 References ......................................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER 2 TITANPAD ..........................................................................................................12 What is Titanpad ............................................................................................................................12 Advantages of Titanpad .................................................................................................................13 Disadvantages of Titanpad .............................................................................................................13 Ways of using Titanpd ...................................................................................................................14 How to use Titanpad in teaching environment ..............................................................................14 Get started with Titanpad ...............................................................................................................15 References ......................................................................................................................................25 CHAPTER 3 SPICYNODES .....................................................................................................26 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................26 What is Edcanvas ...........................................................................................................................26 Benefits of Edcanvas......................................................................................................................27 Getting started ................................................................................................................................28 References ......................................................................................................................................57

CHAPTER 4 TWIDDLA ...........................................................................................................58 What is Twiddla .............................................................................................................................58 Benefits of Twiddla........................................................................................................................59 Ways of using Twiddla for teaching ..............................................................................................60 Get started with Twiddla ................................................................................................................61 References ......................................................................................................................................78

CHAPTER 5 POPPLET.............................................................................................................79 What is Popplet ..............................................................................................................................79 Benefits of Popplet to teacher and students ...................................................................................79 Features of Popplet ........................................................................................................................80 Ways of using Popplet in the classroom ........................................................................................81 Get started with Popplet .................................................................................................................82 References ......................................................................................................................................97

CHAPTER 6 GOCLASS ............................................................................................................98 What is GoClass.............................................................................................................................98 Advantages of GoClass ..................................................................................................................98 Ways of using GoClass ................................................................................................................100 The Web App ...............................................................................................................................103 Gettting started with GoClass ......................................................................................................105 References ....................................................................................................................................116

CHAPTER 7 KIDBLOG ..........................................................................................................117 What is Kidblog ...........................................................................................................................117 Benefits of Kidblog ......................................................................................................................117 What do you use it for ..................................................................................................................119 How to get started ........................................................................................................................120 References ....................................................................................................................................131

CHAPTER 8 DROPBOX .........................................................................................................132 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................132 Benefits of using Dropbox ...........................................................................................................133 Getting started ..............................................................................................................................134 References ....................................................................................................................................154

CHAPTER 9 MURALLY ........................................................................................................155 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................155 Advvantages .................................................................................................................................156 Getting Started .............................................................................................................................157

CHAPTER 10 BUBBL.US .......................................................................................................169 What is Bubbl.us ..........................................................................................................................169 Advantages of Bubbl.us ...............................................................................................................170 Get started with Bubbl.us .............................................................................................................171 References ....................................................................................................................................192

CHAPTER 11 STORYJUMPER............................................................................................193 What is Storyjumper ....................................................................................................................193 Benefits of Storyjumper ...............................................................................................................194 Getting started ..............................................................................................................................195

CHAPTER 12 LIVEBINDERS ..............................................................................................211 What is Livebinders? ...................................................................................................................211 Benefits of using Livebinders ......................................................................................................198 How to work with the website? ...................................................................................................200 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................225 References ....................................................................................................................................225

CHAPTER 13 SPIDERSCRIBE.NET ....................................................................................226 What is Spiderscribe.net ..............................................................................................................226 Benefits of Spiderscriibe.net ........................................................................................................226 Getting started with Spiderscribe.net ...........................................................................................227 References ....................................................................................................................................234

CHAPTER 14 TEXT2MINDMAP ..........................................................................................235 What is Text2mindmap ................................................................................................................235 Benefits of Text2mindmap ..........................................................................................................236 Getting started with Text2mindmap ............................................................................................237 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................252

CHAPTER 15 PRIMARYPAD ..............................................................................................253 What is Primarypad? ....................................................................................................................253 Benefits of using Primarypad.......................................................................................................253 How teachers and students can use Primarypad.com ..................................................................255 Features of Primarypad ................................................................................................................255 Features of Primarywall ...............................................................................................................255 How to get started with Primarypad ............................................................................................257 References ....................................................................................................................................268

CHAPTER 16 PLANBOARD .................................................................................................269 What is Planboard? ......................................................................................................................269 Benefits of Planboard ...................................................................................................................270 Get started with Planboard ...........................................................................................................271 References ....................................................................................................................................281




Emaze is a software similar to Prezi and PowerPoint but is more advanced. With Emaze, users can create high-quality presentations with very little effort. Emaze can be used by users who want to go beyond PowerPoint to create interesting presentations in order to communicate ideas to the target audience.


Emaze is an excellent presentation software and there are many benefits that the users can gain from this software. The following are the benefits: 1. Emaze is very user-friendly. 2. Spectacular presentations can be made simply and fast. 3. Emaze provides better results and more visualization. 4. Users can choose from the varieties of templates ranging from 2-dimensional to 3dimensional patterns provided by Emaze to prepare their presentations. 5. Templates are free to use. 6. Users can view the presentation online or download it as an HTML file to display to the target audience.



Go to http://www.emaze.com


Sign up for Emaze if you have not yet registered

1 2 3


Creating a new presentation

2 1 3


Selecting a template


Design your chosen template by adding texts, images, videos and shapes.

1 3 2


Add more slides and section title to your presentation.

1 2

1. Choosing your slides

2. Adding section title to slides

1 2

3. Choosing the themes for your slide


Save your presentation.

1 4 2 3


After saving your presentation, you will be directed to the page as shown below. You may continue on with your presentation or you may pick from the various options provided at the right side of the screen.

1 2 3 4 5


Present your presentation in the most advanced manner with Emaze.


1. http://geektime.com/2013/06/04/emaze-nextgen-presentation-platform/




What is Titanpad ?
TitanPad is a free Web 2.0 tool that lets a group of people come together to create and edit documents but does not require a user account. The groups can access the document at the same time or individually at any time; all you need is the URL to the pad. When you are on at the same time you can see the changes that others are making. Each person is color-coded so you know who is making what changes and contributing what to the document. TitanPad will automatically save, but you also have the ability to save changes whenever you like and you can revert to older versions if necessary. It contains a time slider feature that lets users slide the button back to any time in the creating/editing process and bring up the document as it was at any of those times. You can import other text documents into your pad and export the work product into a word document. A chat feature lets you communicate with others in the groups. It is a simple way to create and edit documents such as manuscripts, essays and reports for a group of people. (Karen Schneider,2013)

Advantages of Titanpad
The advantages that Titanpad brings to the uses especially in education teaching and learning : I. As accounts are not necessary, the teacher will not lose any classroom or meeting time getting colleagues or students online through a long registration process II. It can be created quickly and easily for hosting and recording any online brainstorming session with students that collaborate them as a group in project-based learning in order


to keep teacher aware of the group progress, and to allow for communication beyond school times and walls. III. IV. Titanpad also can be a good platform to interview experts on a specific topic. The teacher also can use titanpad to collaborate in curriculum planning, working on text documents, keeping meeting notes, and drafting plans. V. Many features available in document software such as Word are available on TitanPad such as bold, italic, spacing and etc. VI. You can go back in the history to see what was typed if something was deleted

Disadvantages of Titanpad
The following are some disadvantages of using Titanpad : I. For public users, there is no log in and password security. Although the invitation access is given to your friends but maybe uninvited people use your friend's computer and get the access to your document. II. III. IV. V. VI. Too many people editing the same page at once can get confusing. Any group work or discussion only limited to 8 people at one time. Its text only, you can't create spreadsheets, charts or tables in TitanPad. When there are many people on with the same name color, it can confuse the names. Students can write a fake name and then abuse the use of this pad during a project. They also might use inappropriate language in the conversation. VII. Users also can delete others work easily.


Ways of Using Titanpad

Collaborative Writing Titanpad is main use as collaborative writing that allows a teacher to create their own working space, where new documents can be set up and password protected easily. Giving children a QR code or link will take them directly to the pad, where they can add/edit information and see others contributions in real time. Each users contributions show up in a different color and there is the option to chat alongside the work. The beauty of using iPads to work in this way as opposed to PCs, is that children can more easily work alongside one another to work.

How to Use Titanpad in Teaching Environment

1. Situation: You are teaching a class of student at school. The class is divided into work groups of 5 or 6 students as specified by the course administrator to facilitate a teambased approach to learning. 2. Plan: Publish a student study guide on literature subject that can be used by them to better prepare for their written exam. Each group is asked to create a chapter on a specific category of a novel. The groups are asked to answer a set of questions regarding the category and to work together to finalize the chapter. Ask them to use TitanPad as a public user to create the document. Each student will join the pad and the group will also invite you as the instructor. By being invited to the groups- pad, you will be able to monitor the contributions of each student to the document.


Using the chat feature you can give them feedback on the content to ensure that they include the important concepts so that the finished product will be a functional study tool for the entire class.

They will submit the complete document as a group for a grade that will be used as a portion of their final grade and you will give a group participation grade for each student based on their contributions to the TitanPad document. This will be an interesting type of learning for the students.

Get Started With Titanpad


Go to titanpad.com



Log In / Register

Titanpad can be used publicly or using personal accounts. First you need to sign in (if you already have an account ) or (register if this is your first time).

Click log in button at the top right hand corner.

Click this button of you want to be a public user


After you click the sign in button, you can choose the button for new user to register like in the picture below :

If you already have an account, just sign in and click Sign In

For first time user, click here to register


Just follow the instruction given to register your personal account Click this button to finish the registration for your account



Creating Your Own Pad

Click this button to create your document

This is the homepage for your Titanpad account


After you click the button,you can start creating your own documents in the space provided on the pad

You will see your name as the administrator on the upper side second box

This is the chat box between the administrator and another user during any group wok or discussion


To start a group discussion, you can divide all the other people using the step above :

Firstly, you have to click this button to share your pad.

Then, this box will appear. You just need to fill up all the needed information and your pad will be shared with other

This is the url address that will be sent to your friend


In order to be able the link to be used by other user you have to change the security setting.

You have to change the security setting from private to public by clicking here. Only then the other user can also use the pad

You also can create any password that will only be known by your friend in order to keep the confidentiality of your document

Your friend name will appear here


Your conversation between each other will be appeared here and each person will have different color code to differentiate from each other

This will be the type of interaction between teacher and student in a group discussion


Step 4

Export and Import Document

You can import document here by clicking the browse button here

You also can export all your discussion to choosing what type of file would you export it



1. http://blog.emints.org/2011/03/22/tuesdays-tool-titanpad/ 2. http://dmchugh675.edublogs.org/2013/03/14/collaborative-writing-using-titanpad/ 3. http://primaryipadclassroom.com/2013/04/01/lesson-idea-using-titan-pad-forcollaborative-writing/ 4. http://newtech.coe.uh.edu/tool-name.cfm?toolid=176&toolname=TitanPad 5. http://teachweb2.wikispaces.com/TitanPad




What is spicynodes?

Michael Douma, Founder and Executive Director of IDEA.org, is the brilliant mind behind spicynodes. He is a person with interest in supporting the educational field. Other examples of his committed works are WebExhibits, WikiNodes and WordFlare. His success in producing interactive tools programs also involves the members of the Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA). IDEA is a non-profit organization that works to enhance scientific, artistic, and cultural literacy by improving how people use technology to find and interact with information. Michaels main agenda is to encourage people to create as well as consume. Via his production, he aims for users to develop a broader mind. Spicynodes was launched on the Web in 2006. It is flash-based display engine allowing users to produce a more organized work. Its tree-like structure represents information using interconnected nodes in virtual space. The basic concept is mind mapping. However, spicynodes excel more than just the ordinary mind mapping techniques. Spicynodes allows users to link their ideas to a direct source on the internet, other nodes or other nodemaps. It has a complete visualization environment.


The benefits of using spicynodes

1) Work outcome is more organized. Spicynodes has a home node and sub nodes. The main idea is within the home node and the interrelating ideas are within the sub nodes. Users can specify each of the sub nodes with different points. Categorizing points helps work outcome to be clearer. Thus, work outcome becomes more organized. 2) No limits to users creativity Spicynodes users can keep adding new nodes if there is more information needed to be included. They can link it to various sources especially using direct URLs. This allows users creativity to broaden.

3) Immediate link to other sources Users can add a link for each node. When the users want to view the link, they just need to click on it.


4) The program is free for individual users There is no payment needed to make a spicynodes account. Anyone can make a free individual account.

5) The nodemap is centralized at a home node This helps users to maintain focus on the main idea of the nodemap. Users can have an overview of the nodemap by clicking on the home node. 6) There is a focus function When user clicks on a node, it will automatically zoom into the node; focusing on that particular node.

Getting started
Step 1: Go to page
Firstly, go to the link given to create an account.


1.1 Creating a spicynodes account

Look for a sign up button on the top right corner of the page and click to create your account.


Next, fill up the form with your preferred user name, E-mail, password and a verification of your password. Once you have done that, continue by clicking on the sign up now button.


You will be notified once your account has been created. Click the continue button to start making your nodemaps.


1.2 Signing up using email account

You can also sign up into spicynodes using your google/yahoo/OpenID account.


If you are not logged into your E-mail account, you will be asked to log in.


Once you have logged into your E-mail account, click agree to continue creating your spicynodes account.


1.3 Editing profile

If you are signing up using your E-mail account, you will automatically be identified as Openid user. You can change your user name and other information. Click Edit profile to do.


Do not forget to change the information about your country and time zone. Click Update profile to save changes.


After you have successfully updated your profile, click continue to proceed with spicynodes.


Step 2: Create a nodemap
Second, click the Create new nodemap link under Quick link to start creating your nodemap


Give your nodemap a title. The description is optional. You can choose to Begin empty or Upload (text or xml). Click Make new nodemap to continue creating.


Continue creating by clicking the Continue button.


Step 3: Editing nodemap style

Third, edit your nodemap style to make it more interesting.


7 Basic tips and tricks

Before editing the nodes, you need to know seven basic tips and tricks. This include copying, pasting, merging, adding, deleting nodes as well as changing the order.

Copy and Paste below


Cut and Paste below


Merge up


Merge down


Add a new node

Deleting a node


Changing the order of the nodes


Step 4: Editing a node
Fourth, start editing the nodes. You can start by clicking Edit details. Here are some examples for your reference.

4.1 Adding description

The text in the node will appear as the main point while the text in the description box will be the sub points.


4.2 Adding a picture for a node

To add a picture in the selected node, you can upload, copy from URL, or use URL. You can also use Youtube video. Just paste in the URL in the box provided. Remove the current picture if you want to change it. Then, choose a position for the picture.


4.3 Changing the nodes background and text colour

Edit the colour of the selected node and its text. The choices of colour include vivid, muted, warm, cool and surprise. Click OK to verify your choice.


4.4 Nodes connector

This is optional. You can leave it blank. There will be arrows that connect your nodes.


4.5 Linking selected node

The linking options include within and outside the current node.



Remember to click Ready to save your nodemap contents.


Step 5: Editing nodemap details

Finally, you need to edit the nodemap details once again. This time, you can edit the authors name, date of publication, and the language. Choose whether to publish your nodemap or not. Give your nodemap a thumbnail to make it attractive. Once you are satisfied, click Ready to save the changes.


5.1 Selecting thumbnail for nodemap

Congratulation! You have successfully created a nodemap. Enjoy this software and create more nodemaps in the future.



1. 2.

http://www.michaeldouma.com/index.html http://www.michaeldouma.com/index.html




WHAT IS TWIDDLA? Twiddla is an online collaboration tool. Twiddla is easy to use because it does not require any downloads or complicated firewall stuff like programs. It is also free for everyone. The main part of Twiddla is the whiteboard or a blank canvas. In this whiteboard, the user can mark up and interact with the web page at the same time with people all over the world. Twiddla is a solution to an easy and free way to collectively look at, mark up and discuss websites and images in realtime from anywhere people have got a web browser and internet connection. As using Twiddla, people feel that they are as close as they can get to being in the same room and looking at a webpage together. Twiddla also provides users a platform for group communication and collaboration. Even without logging in, people can experience Twiddla by starting a new session from the homepage. Users can add their friends to the session by type in their email or just give them the URL provided in the meeting. Twiddla allows users to share texts, web pages, documents, images and the whiteboard itself. Users can draw shapes, lines and other small inserts.



Twiddla is a free tool. Anyone can try using it without worrying about the fee. Especially, students who are always want something that does not need any money. In twiddla, students can feel free to explore another way of learning.

It is available to anyone at anytime. Twiddla is a user-friendly website even though it takes some time for user to get use to it. Twiddla is a user-friendly because it can upload any pictures, documents and even power point. Users can use Twiddla for many purposes.

Twiddla is extremely stable. There is no plug-ins needed. The users only need a web browser. As it is a cloud based collaboration tools, the user can access to their Twiddla account as long as they has access to the internet.

Twiddla utilize the cloud. It does not require any downloads or storage on hard-drives. It is compatible with all browsers and allows the storage of numerous projects at once. Users can interact with the web and mark it up at the same time. For example if John uploads an image or a power point, his friends will see the changes after a while. Anyone can make the changes by giving opinions or comments. Therefore, there will be many words or pictures pop up in the whiteboard.

Twiddla incorporates chat and voice. The users also can have chatting session in the box at the side of the whiteboard. The users just need to type in their friends email or just give out the URL given in the box to their friends. The users friends can only see the chatting session if the users setting the meeting session to private from open.



1. Twiddla act as the online whiteboard. Nowadays, teacher can have an online class by using Twiddla. Twiddla has pen for the teacher to write anything on the whiteboard. The students also can write their opinion on the whiteboard. 2. Twiddla also has mathematical formulas for any Mathematic teachers to use. It also has ether pad for teacher teach the students. The ether pad act like Microsoft Word for teachers creates a document or gives some notes to the students. By using Twiddla, teachers and students can have an impromptu interaction by using both words and drawing. 3. Teacher can also lead the students to go to any webpage by using the button webpage at the above of the whiteboard. Insert the URL, and the webpage will appear on the whiteboard. Twiddla also has the drawing tools, which the teachers can use to underline, circle or put in some shape to the important point the teachers want the students to give attention. 4. In Twiddla, teachers can upload any power point or document for the students reading. It is not only photo and drawing that can save in Twiddla, power point and documents can also be save in Twiddla. Teachers just need to click the button save on the upper right of the whiteboard. 5. For any mathematic teachers, they can use the mathematical formulas to insert any mathematic equation. By using those formulas, teachers can give questions to students and the students can discuss the answer with their classmates.




Go to http://www.twiddla.com/


Start using a Twiddla

Click Start your 30 Day Free Trial and create an account.


Give your username, password, and your email.

Then, click Get Started

They have sent you a confirmation email. You need to open your email.

Click here to activate your 30-day trial.


Click My Account.

Click nurul (your username).

Click Click here to rejoin your meeting.


If you click here, you will go to the main page as the picture below.

You can log out by click Log out.

Then, you can log in back. Refer to the screenshots below.

Click Log in.


Click Log in.

Enter your username.

Enter your password.

Click nurul (your username).

Click Meetings.


Click this link.

Click Invite.


You can type in your friends email addresses to invite them to this meeting.

Click Join Audio.

Try clicking any of these buttons.

You can type in any comment here.

You will see this in the chat room.


You can use this button to move this box to the other side.

Click here to close or hide the box.

Click here to open the box again.


At the right of the page:

Click Room to modify your room.

Click Undo to go one-step before.

Click Save to save a snapshot of your current board.


Twiddla tools

If you click Whiteboard it will clean the current board and open a new whiteboard.


Click Web Page.


Insert a URL.

Click Open.

It will clear the exits board and appear this board:


Click Ether Pad.


It will clear the current board and appear this pad:

Click Browse to edit this pad. You can use these tools to edit the pad.

Click here to save any document in the pad.


Click Document.

Click Choose File to upload your files.


Click the link.

It will clear the current board and appear this power point:

Click these buttons to go to the next slide or to the slide before.

E) Click Image.


Click Choose File to upload images

Click the image.

It will clear the current board and appear this image:


F) Click Select.

You can choose the type of grid you prefer.

G) Click Draw.

Click here to choose the color of your pen.

You can choose the grid for the board. Click here to choose the size of your pen. You can choose to clear the markup or the whole board.


H) Click Erase.

Click here to choose the size of your pen.

You can choose to clear the markup or the whole board.

I) Click Shape.

You can choose the shape you want.


J) Click Text.

You can cut copy or paste in this board.

You can choose the type and size of font. You can bold or italicize the font.

You can choose any alignment that you prefer here.

You can choose the type of text that you prefer here.

K) Click Widget & Code.

Click Embed.

You can type in anything here.


Then, the words will appear on the board.

L) Click Mathematical Formulas.

The symbols you choose will be here.

You can choose any symbols from here to make a complete structure of mathematical formula.

Click click to embed.

The equation will appear on the board.


1. http://cshah-summer2012.blogspot.com/2012/06/web-20-tool-review-

twiddlacom.html 2. http://6080collaborationtools.blogspot.com/p/collaborative-tool-3.html 3. http://www.slideshare.net/ProfDrAmin/web-20-interactive-tools-a-quick-guide




What Is Popplet? Popplet is a new and fun technology to create a lively learning environment. It can be used in all grade levels for all subject matters and provides an endless possibility to show our creativity. Popplet combines the online sticky notes services with mind mapping functions. It allows us to create our own boards and diagrams that can be used as concept maps of any topics and ideas. Users are able to create walls on which they can create Popples, or individual bubbles, to provide images, drawings, information, videos and other media to convey learning. Benefits Of Popplet To Teachers And Students 1 ) Engage the users. The Popples feature allows the users to contributing any idea or opinion as much as they can and presenting their ideas with each other. When the users invite other people in Popplet, the guest can add any Popples in the users wall. 2 ) Build a body of knowledge. The users can share their ideas and knowledge with the world. They can make their Popplets accessible by the public, group or certain individuals.


3 ) Encourage the users to think and train their skills to organize information efficiently. The Popplet allows the users to create a mind map by using Popples. They need to organize their ideas better and neatly by moving the Popples around so that the information does not look crowded and easy to understand. 4 ) Help the teacher to monitor the students who is and is not contributing. The teachers can make use Popplet in their teaching and they also can know whether the students are participating or not. The teacher can invite students in Popplet and asks them to answer any question posted in the teachers wall. 5 ) Help the users to visualize their learning and ideas through graphic organizer. The features in Popplet allow the users to customize the mind map according to their own creativity. Popplet also is very colorful and it makes the information becomes more interesting to read. 6 ) A user friendly application that can be used by everyone from all age level. The users do not have to worry if they make any mistake in using Popplet. With this application, if the users accidentally draw the wrong thing or make an unnecessary Popples, deleting it is simple and easy. Features Of Popplet 1 ) Variety of customization options. 2 ) Zooming work space. 3 ) Can add Youtube links and upload pictures from the computer, Google Maps, Flicker and Facebook. 4 ) Can share the Popplet through social network, such as Twitter, Facebook or Blog. 5 ) Can export the Popplet as a JPG or PDF file. 6 ) Can print the Popplet.

7 ) Can comment and draw on the Popples . 8 ) Suitable for online and offline presentation. 9 ) Allow access to multiple users by email. Ways Of Using Popplet In The Classroom 1 ) Presenting historical events The teacher can use the timeline option with the lines and multi-media to create a historical map for an event. 2 ) Learning a new language Mind map is a great way to learn a language because it uses both sides of the brain effectively through pictures and words. 3 ) A tool for brainstorming Mind map can be used to generate and organize creative ideas in a workspace that can be expanded. 4 ) Summarizing The teachers and students can summarize their main ideas before and after a lesson. 5 ) Feedback The comment option allows the users to comment or add ideas on the Popples. 6 ) Homework and notes The teachers can use Popplet to give printable homework and notes to the students. 7 ) Class photo albums / Posters : The students can use Popplet to create class photo album or poster because they can export it as JPG or PDF files.


Get Started With Popplet


Go to http://popplet.com/


Create an account




Create and Customize a Popplet



Build a Popple


Customize the Popple





Link the Popples




Add content to the Popplet



Insert a link to the Popplet


Save the Popplet



View Popplet in presentation mode




Export the Popplet as a JPG and PDF file



Print the Popplet


Share the Popplet




1. http://paulhami.edublogs.org/2012/06/11/popple-for-mind-mapping-sharing-

2. http://allisonmccarthyeportfolio.weebly.com/1/post/2012/11/popplets-endless-

3. http://rachelyoungeducation.wordpress.com/tag/popplet/




What is GoClass?

Goclass is a cloud empowered instructing requisition for tablet gadgets that redefines the borders of figuring in the classroom. Interface with your studes such as never before, modify and finetune your lesson plans on the go, captivate student in new ways and constantly assess their comprehension while you are in class. By enhancing existing systems -instead of swapping them -Goclass enables you to expand your instructing knowledge while captivating learners in a 21st century environment.

Advantages of GoClass.
1. Assemble Online Communities Today's people can utilize synchronous work team up without going anywhere, all through a country, or over the globe and fabricate vibrant studying groups that empower support and animate enhancement. With Goclass establishments and teachers can even set up virtual person spaces for planned gatherings or specially appointed joint effort, with or without an instructor present.


2. Save Travel Costs Today, education institution is instructed to equalize instructive results with the budget as the main concern. Accomplishing more with less has turned into a lifestyle for the educated community as it has in the business planet. In the meantime, schools are working in a more and more aggressive environment and worldwide commercial center. This means that more money is needed for education, with go class we can reduce the weight of the cost needed for an education.

3. Suit Multiple Learning Styles Goclass makes a rich and captivating studying environment that permits clients to benefit completely from a session, paying little heed to their inclined toward studying styles. As we are using colourful notes which can be displayed by a projector or through a gadget students can learn through the instructors voice or self learn on their own.

4. Save Information and Knowledge

Enter usefulness in any virtual classroom might as well incorporate the capacity to record and play again sessions, making reusable studying questions expand access and power assets. Recorded classes might be utilized for exam audit, and qualified information sessions might be prerecorded to furnish after a course starts. Furthermore, prerecorded preparing for personnel, understudies, and staff on points like usually utilized requisitions or online library assets could be created. Making an effortlessly approachable information base of intuitive, recorded recordings is simple with Goclass.


Ways of using GoClass.

How does it work for Instructors?

Goclass is a exciting tool that permits an educator to construct, alter and administer class sessions. Like for any classroom, the teacher can utilize assets, for example message, notes, media, questions and explore gadgets to construct arranged and timed lesson plans. It permits you to clarify on pictures or draw outlines, offer materials and ask inquiries in the lesson plans with understudies throughout class. Moreover, the application catches comes about information for developmental appraisals directed in class for after-class assessment.

1. Make Lesson Plan Teachers can string together assets in a lesson arrange design on top of address notes and inquiries for developmental appraisal through a single application, then afterward convey it through the same application. Also, these lesson arrangements might be made and altered throughout class session.

2. Show This characteristic permits the educator to send materials to single student units utilizing the Broadcast characteristic or project items using the Project feature and by connecting the device to an external projector. While projecting or broadcasting a specific item, the instructor can browse through other items in the lesson on the mentor's device. For example, the instructor can browse through questions while broadcasting some reading material. When the learners have finished perusing, the teacher can then broadcast questions to check people's grasping of the idea. Here, the educators can comment pictures and the scholar can gain the annotations continuously on their mechanisms


3. Explain This characteristic permits the teacher to make lecture notes in association to the context of the lesson. It empowers the educator to summarize the idea in straightforward bulleted record that might be imagined utilizing a projector or kept as ideas for the educator's reference as people are facing perusing or review materials. An additional way the teacher can utilize this characteristic, is to record out and assignments or give points and direction for in-class pair or group exercises that people can imply while working on the activity. Here, the educator can utilize the Scribble characteristic to draw outlines or compose equation and broadcast it.

4. Ask Activity The Ask characteristic permits the educator to make inquiries that could be managed in class while illustrating the lesson designs. The application gives you instant effects with the intention that you can modify your educating context continuously. You can make CYU (check your understanding) questions after introducing a topic, asses questions before introducing new theory or end-of-chapter drill questions. You can select to project the results to do an error analysis, converse common misunderstandings, or give constructive response.

5. Make Polls Goclass App permits you to do a instant survey to get learners inference and get them involved in active studying instead of latently listening to the lecturer. This characteristic can additionally be utilized for developmental evaluation and utilize the effects to pace instruction accordingly. Survey comes about plus outcomes of any inquiries asked in class might be checked on in the Reports and Logs segment of the web application.


How does it work for Students?

Goclass makes a remarkable chance for learners to take after a class at their own particular pace. Learners can contemplate materials shared by the educator, and connect with content and pictures utilizing touch cooperations, for example as pinch, zoom, pan, and so on. You can utilize this application to reply within class inquiries and survey the complete lesson in addition to logs of your responses after class.

1. Join Session When the educator begins a class session utilizing Goclass and chooses the a relevant student roster, students in that class can join the class session through the App on their exclusive gadgets.

2. Interact & Respond When the educator shares reading or materials with the students, the students can interface with the substance utilizing all the touch connections, for example zoom, squeeze, dish. People can additionally react to question asked throughout class through the Goclass App on their gadgets.


The Web App

You can access the Goclass web application through a Web browser utilizing any pc, smart phone or tablet. The Web App permits the instructor to enlist as a new user and manage all class work. It immediately adjusts with the Goclass App on the tablet so you can access all eligible information from both applications at any place and time. Student can likewise enroll on the Web App and survey class work after a session is finished.

1. Create Lesson Plans As an educator utilizing the Web App permits you to maintain all your lesson plans from any area or device with the expectation that you have a web connections. You can make and alter lesson plans all the more effortlessly. For instance, in the event that you safeguard all your educating lessons and materials in one Pc at home or at school, you can access the Web App from the same machine and transfer pertinent materials straightforwardly into your lesson arrangements. When ready and recovered, you can immediately access this lesson arrange from your tablet and take a class session utilizing the same lesson move toward the Goclass App.

2. Create Student Roster The Web App permits you to make student roster for the purpose that you can select a specific roster before taking a class session. Student lists could be made by including distinct names or by making mass entries utilizing a .csv record sort that records the names and student IDs. Sample .csv files could be utilized as a template. It Is important that you make a student roster before you begin a class session from the Goclass App on the tablet because it will require you to select a student program that you have made. This helps you to operate various lists and view logs and reports created based on specific class sessions.


3. View Logs and Reports The teacher can see logs and reports of each class session that has been led from the Web App. This characteristic empowers the teachers to screen people's performance and change their destiny lessons appropriately.

4. Create & Manage Profile This feature permits teachers to make and administer their own particular profile by expressing their name, message address, name of organization. You can likewise personalize the application by transferring a profile picture.


Getting started with GoClass.

Step 1- Website
Enter the website URL http://www.goclass.com.

Step 2 Instructors Registration

Click the Create Instructor Account or Register button from the home page.


Fill in the blanks accordingly.

Read and accept the terms of condition.

Verify your account through email.


Step 3- Starting Goclass

Login to the website







dashboard page.

Dashboard purpose is to view all our activities, from uploaded files, participating students and class, students attendance and also grades.


Step 4 Adding Rosters and Students

Create and name the Roster.


From Roster we can add students.

Fill the blanks to send invitation to the students.

EDU220 B


Step 5- Adding Lesson Plan

Click lesson plan to add documents, questions and media.

Fill in the blanks accordingly.


Class sessions can be timed and limited to record the attendance of the student.


There are a varitity of ways where we are able our students understanding, which is through multiple choice questions, polls and also short aswers


Step 6 Log and Report

From the logs and report button we can view our students current and past performance in class. It also helps see what we had post and also see the specified time we had that session. Finally it also keep record of the class attendance.


Step 7 Broadcasting
To start sharing the teacher and student must be within range and also with acess of wifi. The instructor and student must have the Goclass app and log in to Goclass to be connected.

Once all the files are transferred into the instructors account, the instructor can choose to broadcast or project his or her teaching material.

The Students can then save any of the materials sent.



In conclusion Goclass is a new way of studying which can change the way we are currently learning. It is cheap, saves time and is a new approach to keep students interest in educating themselves. It is like the webis site used by Ilearn but is more practical and technologically friendly to the users.

1. http://www.goclass.com 2. www.techsmith.com/jing.htm




What Is Kidblog?
Nowadays, there are so many ways where we can keep in touch with our students to keep them in track, to transfer knowledge or even to hear their opinions about something. One of the ways is by using Kidblog. Just from the name (Kidblog), we know that it is a form of blog where we can share our thoughts and opinions in there. Kidblog is intended for educators who need to give every understudy a single online journal. Scholars distribute posts and take an interest in scholastic discussions inside a secure classroom blogging group. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs and user account. In short, Kidblog is a site where teachers give students their chance to have their own blogs and voice up their opinions in the academic discussion held in the blogs.

Benefits of Kidblog
These are some benefits of Kidblog: Kidblog is a free site, where you only have to register and set up your own class. You do not have to pay for anything to use it. Not only that it is free, this helps us to save the consumption of papers.


Kidblog was created by teachers, for teachers. It allows them to interact with their students during school holidays or weekends. Students can gain experience about blogging as they can have their own blogs. Through this site, students are acquired to have their own blogs too to interact with their teachers. Thus, other than learning academically, they can also increase their knowledge about blogging. Kidblog provides only the features and menus that are relevant to both students and teachers. Thus, it is a user friendly site. Upon setting up a Kidblog account, Kidblog does not ask for any personal information. You can use your own usual E-mail but it is just so that it is easier for the students to search for your class. Your blogs can be viewed by anyone (but you can change the availability). However, your students blogs are personal. They are only to be viewed by the teacher or classmates. Teachers can post questions, upload files or make a discussion through Kidblog just by making new post in the blog. Students can react using their own blogs by commenting on the posts given. Students can upload files for example their writing, and have it reviewed and commented by the teacher. Teacher can give feedbacks about their performance by putting up comments or new posts. This can save time as students only need to submit their work online, and the teacher can directly check and mark them up. Moreover, Kidblog does not need any personal information from the students. The teacher in charge just needs to register the students in the set-up class. Remember to give them their usernames and passwords so that they can be logged-in to it. Once the teacher has registered their usernames and passwords, their blogs are automatically set up. Other than that, the teacher can ask the students to just write about anything that is educational in their own blogs. Other than sharing it with their friends, the teacher can also assist their writing.


What Do You Use It For?

These are some useful things that can be done through Kidblog: Once a student is registered, (s)he will have his or her own blog. Therefore, it means that a student can post anything (as long as it is not personal) and have his or her writing commented by the teacher. A student can also use Kidblog to upload any educational files or medias that he or she wants to share with the classmates and the teacher. A student can use Kidblog to submit their work. As a teacher, Kidblog eases a teacher to assist and grade the students work. A teacher can post questions in the blog and the students can answer it either by commenting or uploading a Microsoft Word document that contains their answers.



Go to this URL
If you are a teacher.


Setting up a class



Fill up these boxes with appropriate information

After setting up your class, you will have this page. This is your dashboard



Adding up students to your class

As your students are not

registered in your class yet, you have to click Add New Users to register them.


Adding new students require a teacher to provide their passwords which will be given to them for logging in later.

You can choose to give them questions, homework, or upload any articles or journals for them to read and review it.

Sharing post with your students 1 2


After you are done making your post, you can choose either to save it as a draft or straight away publish it for your students view.

After publishing your post, you will be brought to your homepage that consists of 1. Your published post 2. Your All Blogs button 3. Your My Blog button 4. Your New Post button 5. Your Comment button 6. Your search button

Your homepage

3 4

6 1



Logging off

You can choose to go to control panel@dashboard(where you can approve your students comments on your posts) or to go to your profile( to change your class name or add up your profile picture) or just click Log out to log off.


Go1 to this STEP

Go to this URL

If you are a student


Logging in to your teachers class

1 2

You have to click LOGIN first to enter your teachers email

After you have entered the teachers email, you will be given the class link and you have to click it in order to be logged in.


You will then be brought to your teachers Kidblog page after clicking the link. You can choose to either 4 . Just read the post given 5. Log in to your teachers class

To log in to your class, select your name from the choices of user indicated by the arrow, and type in your password that has been given by your teacher. Make sure your teacher has already registered you.

6 7 8



Getting to know your blog

This is your Kidblogs homepage. You can click any of it to check it out.

If you select NEW POST in the homepage, you will be brought to this page and the followings are the functions of the buttons



Making a post and publishing it

In this page, you can make a post to answer to any of the work given by your teacher or you just can share educational stuff (not your personal story) with your friends or your teacher. The post can be commented and graded by your teacher and commented by your friends too.

On the right side, you can choose to save your post, preview it or if you are satisfied with it, you can straight away publish it


After you have published your post, your teacher and friends can now view it. Remember that they can always comment on your work by leaving comments. The teacher might also leave her or his feedbacks through the comment section.


Logging out 2 3

To log off, just go to your right side and click Log Out. To log in back, just repeat Step 1 and 2 ( for both teacher and students)


1. http://www.Kidblog.com 2. http://assessmentthewebtwopointoway.wikispaces.com 3. http://www.blogtap.net




Dropbox is a well-known service for free online file storage. Other vendors offer comparable
services, like Box.net, Mozy, Sugrasync, and Syncpility or the platform-oriented MobileMe (Apple) and Windows Live Skydrive. However, based on Alexa traffic rankings, Dropbox is the most widely used application so far. Dropbox allows its users to generate their special folder on each of their computers. Then, Dropbox will synchronize the folder and it appears to be the same folder (with the same contents) regardless of which computer is used to view it. Files placed in this folder also are accessible through a website and mobile phone application. According to Dropbox founder, Drew Houston careful thinks of the idea after repeatedly overlooking his USB flash drive while he was a student. He began making something for his personal use, but then he came to his senses that it could help others with the same problems. As being said by Craig Buckler in his article, the concept is simple; install the Dropbox application on your PCs, smartphones and tablets and it creates a magic folder which synchronizes all its files across all your devices. As a bonus, it is useful for backing-up, accessing files online, extracting historical versions, exploiting the API and sharing files with other users. With a free 2GB account, users can make use of the space given to actually save their important files so that they will be wellsecured. If anything bad happen to our computers, tablets or phones, at least all the files are safe


and still can be retrieved later. Besides, it is very easy to be used because the steps are very simple and understandable.

Can be accessed anywhere You can save a PowerPoint slides in your office and then open it everywhere. For example classroom, library, coffee shop, home, airport, hotel, or conference centre.

Can be used in multiple devices Backup files on your desktop and see them later on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone Works across platforms Sync up a to-do list from a Windows machine and modify it on a Blackberry, Mac, Linux, iPhone, or Android device Optional If the computer in your classroom that doesnt have Dropbox installed; you can simply access your files from a browser. Good way of sharing You can set up a folder to be accessible by a specific set of Dropbox accounts. Try this with students, colleagues, committee members, co-authors, family, or other groups.

Back up essential files Everything you save in a Dropbox folder is automatically copied, not only to the cloud but also to other devices connected to your account. Keep files in sync Always have your most recent to-do list or folder of browser bookmarks. I keep my genealogy database in Dropbox, so I have the most up-to-date info at home and on the road.

Provide a history An account maintains 30 days of undo, allowing you to return to last Fridays draft of class preparation notes the one before you accidentally deleted that awesome anecdote.

Low price There is no fee for 2 GB of space. If you need more, pay up to $20/month for 100 GB. You can earn extra free space by using a special URL to refer new customers (I resisted that temptation here).


Getting Started !

Before being able to start using this application, we have to go to http://www.dropbox.com/ . Then, we will be asked to create our own Dropbox account for free. We just have to provide them our own name, email and password. Then, all we need to do is press the Sign Up button.

Do not forget to click I agree to Dropbox Terms


If you already have a Dropbox account, you can simply Sign In and start using this application within a minute.

For a beginner, before you start using this application, you are advised to read the guideline because all the information about Dropbox is stated there.


First of all, we have to take the Dropbox tour. It gives us information about this application.

While going through the tour, we will be exposed to the purpose of using Dropbox, its benefits and other qualities that it has.

Basically, the tour is being divided into five subtopics.


The first subtopic is Whats Dropbox?. It tells us a little bit about this application, how it functions and its speciality compared to other related software available nowadays.

Secondly, the next point will be focusing on more on its convenience while using this app. We will be informed that Dropbox can be easily used regardless of no matter where we are. Once this app being downloaded in our pc or phones, it will automatically upload the photos, videos or any other documents directly to your Dropbox folder. Manual transferring is not needed.


The next chapter will point out how easy Dropbox is especially for sharing. We just have to invite our friends to register for this app and they will receive every file we upload after being invited to our folders.

Moreover, Dropbox has its own safety precaution as well. It helps the users to protect their important files from being destroyed or lost. Even if our pc or phone is having some problems


and can no longer function, Dropbox will make sure all the files are protected and can be retrieved straightforwardly.

Besides that, it tells us that Dropbox able to help people all over the world in their work such as designing buildings, composing music or even running a business.


Then, proceed with the next step, which is to download the app into our pc, tablet or phone. The downloading process will only take us less than 10 minutes.

Second step is to install this app into our pc, tablet or phone.

To download this app, we just have to click the link and it will direct us to the downloading process. Everything is automatic. If the downloading process is not starting, we just have to click restart the download. Then, the installation process will begin.

After this app is properly installed in our electronic gadget, we can freely start using is. Since it is free, the storage capability is quite limited for only 2Gb. For a larger storage, we will be charged.

How to start using Dropbox?

Start uploading your files here!

Easy, all we need to do is just click the link and it will precede us with the next step, which is to start uploading the files into our own folders in Dropbox.

All we need to do is click Choose files

Next, we can freely choose files that we want to upload. Put the most important folders there. Music and Photos folders might work if you have enough Dropbox space. Remember, you can upgrade from the 2GB that Dropbox gives you for free to 50GB ($10 per month) or 100GB ($20 a month) paid accounts.


Right after that, click Open.

Further step to be taken is letting the process completed by itself. While waiting for a file to be installed, we can actually upload more files at the same time. It can actually save our time.

Click to upload more files.


After done uploading all the files that we want, we can arrange them into different folders.

If the folders are too crowded, create a new one!

Not just that, we can share our files with other Dropbox users as well.


We can easily share our photos or videos with other users just by clicking Photos.

All we need to do after that is just to choose any of the photos or videos to be shared.


Besides that, Dropbox gives us option which folders we want to share.


Apart from that, we can share our files with friends. If other users join shared folders, they can freely access our folders. All we need to do is click New shared folder to make sure other users can access our folders for sharing purposes. It provides us with some privacy which we can keep some of the folders unseen by others.

Click Learn more for better understanding.

Sharing happens when someone has joined our shared folders where all the files that we upload in that specific folders will also appear in their computers. To share work files among coworkers, store them in Dropboxs Public folder; Control-click (or right-click) on a file in that folder, select Copy Public Link, and share that URL. Or share a folder: At dropbox.com, Control-click on a folder, and then select Invite To Folder and provide an email address. Or select Share A Folder from the top menu. You can save money on postage by scanning large documents and then depositing the scans in Dropbox. Its a lot cheaper than sending those same documents via mail or some other delivery service.


Moreover, we can create a link to any files or folders so that it can be easier for us to share our files or folders.


If we click the Events button, every activity will be recorded. We will be able to know the exact date and time every file is being installed in Dropbox. This is basically for safety purposes. Since every files will be uploaded directly from our phones, tablets or PCs, we can easily detect if someone else is using our gadgets instantly.


Dropbox Makes Everything Easier !

After we have completed with the downloading and installing process in the website, we can actually view all the folders in Dropbox from our desktop.

Then, proceed with the next step where we can easily Copy and Paste any folder that we want into our Dropbox folder. The example has been shown below.


After that, all the files that have been transferred to that folder can be seen. We can actually organise those files as usual, according to dates and so on.


Just like what we can do while we log in our Dropbox account, we can still do some sharing with other people.



Besides that, we can always see there is a Dropbox icon which will keep us alert about what files are being synced and what files cannot be uploaded into our folder.

Through Dropbox, we can easily organise our files even though we are not connected with the internet. We can just place all the files needed into the folder and once we log in into our Dropbox account, we can see all the files there! Indeed, as simple as that.


1. http://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-use-easy-file-sharing-in-dropbox/. 2. http://www.informationweek.com/cloud-computing/infrastructure/8-smart-ways-to-usedropbox/231902845. 3. http://www.macworld.com/article/1161311/62_things_you_can_do_with_dropbox.html. 4. http://www.businesszone.co.uk/topic/technology/dropbox-pros-and-cons/42935.





Mural.ly is a website that consists of a mural. Mural is a board or container in which we add elements that reflect our ideas. Mural.ly was first launch on September 2012Launched: September 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina which was privately held. The founders of Mura.ly include Agustin Soler, Johnny Halife, Mariano Suarez Battan and Pato Jutard. Mural.ly offers a new, different way to collect and share ideas and mind mapping. Mural.ly is a collaboration tool thats part Google Drive, part Pinterest. Professionals in designrelated industries, students, teachers or anyone that basically uses mind-mapping and simple notes on ideas can collect links, videos, profiles, photos, and presentations to post on their murals, and then share those murals as a way to map out the entire creative process with their teams. It lets visual people creative quickly map that content, share their ideas and receive feedback or new ideas online.


Users can plot out their plans for a website they are designing. There are plenty of rooms for the users to collect their thoughts and just be creative and then mapped out all the ideas in a single mural. This way, the users do not have to use a lot of papers and space on anything else because Mural.ly users get a scrollable space which can grow both horizontally and vertically according to needs. Users can also be creative in creating an interactive presentation to woo new clients. Rather than just using a boring slideshows, clients can now enjoy a different way in looking into their ideas with a lot of pictures and videos with much more colourful and organised simple notes. Collaborate with colleagues on an upcoming project is one other thing that Mural.ly offers. Mural.ly offers users to grab websites, photos, audio and other media and work arrange them on a virtual canvas, as well as invite others to work together at the same time in the same space. Thus, users do not need to meet up at the coffee shop, or a house in order to brainstorm ideas. Mural.ly is a great tool for teams looking for a more visual way to collaborate on projects. I remembered that I sometimes forgot to save all the ideas or notes I was making and all of the sudden my laptop will go off. And when I opened the laptop back, the documents was already gone. But no matter, using Mural.ly users can actually avoid that. Mural.ly auto-saves murals every few seconds. Thus, users do not need to worry about losing their document. Users also have total control over the privacy of their murals. If they do not want to publicise their murals, users have the option to make their mural as private.



1.1 Registration

The first thing that we need to do before we can use this site is to register. This site does not need any payment or fees to register. To sign up, just click the Sign-up for free button to make an account for free. Once we have signed-up, we can start using the site.

1.2 Sign-up

After clicking the Sign-up for free button, the site will immediately show up as shown on diagram 1.2. Users need to enter email address, username, and password. If you are happening to make Murals for your company or organization, you can put in your company or organisations name. Once done, just enter create your account and you are in.

1.3 Optional way If you do not want to create your account using email address, you can also signup using other social network accounts that you have such as Facebook, Twitter or even Google account. Confirmation will be requested if you are about to open using social network accounts.


1.4 Home Once you are in, you will see your home page shown in diagram 1.4. Here you can make changes to all your settings to your account. CREATING MURAL

2.1 Create Mural To begin your own Mural, you can just click the box with create new mural sign in it. You can easily start your mural after that.


2.2 Invitation

2.3 Optional Invitation Once you clicked on create your mural, a pop-up window of invitation will come out. You just have to put in our friends email to invite them. You can also customize private


massage with every invitation. Once done, you can click on send invitations to send them off. You can also use your contact from your Google account to invite them.


3.1 Elements On the left you can find, vertically, the various tools to add items to the mural, classified by three categories: Content, Tools and Show. The content consists of Mobile Inbox, Web Content, Images and Document. Web Content: Allows you to insert any type of content: photos, videos, news, maps, text documents, presentations, etc., either from the web or from your computer. In itself, this menu has no icons


or buttons to add, if not that, having opened mural.ly, in another browser window; you can select and drag part of a new to the window of mural. The same goes for a photo of a page, an Instagram image, a Youtube video, a SkyDrive or DropBox document. You can also add items using the file explorer files. For Images, you are allowed you upload images directly from your computer. Tools consist of Text Tools, Shapes, Stickers, Spaces, and Background. In Text, it allows you to insert a text on several formats: Title single line text, Text Box - multiple lines text, Sticky Notes post-it in several colours, Shapes allows you to insert several shapes (connection lines with arrows, circle, rectangle, triangle, Schema shape ({), and smileys. Meanwhile Stickers allows you to insert different pre-defined icons. Spaces allows you to insert a content organization structure, such as tables, parallel lines, concentric circles, Kanbas boards, etc.. Lastly, Backgrounds allows you to select a texture for the background mural. Show consists of comments and show. In Comments, they let you to make comments with Balloon comments while Show allows you to define areas for zooms, in sequential order, to be shown in presentations.


3.2 Paste URL to add conten

3.3 Example of pasted URL


3.4 Put in Images

3.5 Text Tools


3.6 Title

3.7 Shapes


3.8 Stickers

3.9 Backgrounds

3.10 Layout

3.11 The examples of some of the tools used


3.12 End product





What is BUBBL.US? Bubbl.us is a website that allows users to create interactive mind maps. This website also allows users to save, print and share mind maps with people around the globe. Users only need to sign up and they can start brainstorming. However, users can also start creating their mind maps without signing up!

Bubbl.us homepage.


Advantages of BUBBL.US

Some advantages of using bubbl.us are: Simple and easy. It is very simple and easy to create new mind maps by using this websites. Furthermore if, you have any question on how to use the website, you can always click the Help button. It is free. You can sign up for a free account. Although, the upgraded provides more features for example, for upgraded version you can import your mind maps, a free account is sufficient enough for you to save your mind maps to your computer. It is available to anyone, anytime and anywhere that has Internet access. No installation needed. You can just go to https://bubbl.us/ to start mind mapping. Users only need to sign up by providing their usernames and emails. You can be a member by just providing your personal information such as email, username, and your password.




Go to https://bubbl.us/


Signing up.

Bubbl.us homepage.

..or if you are already a member, just sign in your account.



Signing in.

If youre already a member, enter your username @ email and password and then click sign in.



Creating mind map.

Click here to learn how to use bubbl.us

Click here to start brainstorming


Click here to start brainstorming.


(a) Typing input.


(b) Bubbles tool bar.


(c) Changing bubbles colour.

For examples:

(d) Resizing the bubble and text.



(e) Connecting bubbles.



(f) Arrows tool bar


(g) Changing the arrows head direction.


(h) Labeling the arrow



(i) Moving the bubble.


(j) Making new bubble.


(k) Making new child bubble.


Click here to save your mind map.

Saving mind map.

Your new mind map is now saved. Simply double-click here to view or edit it.



Printing mind map.

To print your mind map, clickmap. this Print (o) Creating a new mind button.


Saving mind map to computer.

To save your mind map to your computer, click this Export button.



Creating new mind map.

To create new mind map, click this button.

And start again making your interactive and creative mind map!


1. 2. 3. http://www.wikihow.com/Brainstorm-Using-Bubbl.Us http://www.teachersfirst.com/single.cfm?id=1207 http://www.web2teachingtools.com/bubbl_us.html





What is Story Jumper?

Story jumper is a website that allows teachers and students to create their own childrens books. We can use the existed images on the website or we can also upload our own photos to be used in our books. When we are done, we can embed the book to a website or we can order hardback version of the books. Students can work alone, or collaborate as a class. Teachers and students can register for free, and teachers can use the Classroom Edition to manage and review students' work, enable students to share stories at home and at school, establish privacy controls for your students' stories, and receive discounts when ordering books. Apart from making story books, students can also make various kinds of maps such as treasure maps, and mind maps for their educational purposes.


What are the benefits?

Story Jumper enables students to create their own story book in a more interactive ways using colorful and interesting visuals. Give teachers an interface to manage and review students' work. Enable kids to share stories between the classroom and home.


Getting started

For Teachers
1. Go to the website

2. Sign Up



3. Create your class






For Students
1. Entering your class



2. Create your own book











What Is Livebinders?
The word binder might ring a bell in your head. It may remind you of the traditional binder or combs used to compile a work of the same value. So does Livebinders, except the fact that it is actually a website that serves as a platform for users to bind their work in the same place. Livebinders is actually a virtual three-ring web that enables users to have their own works organizer. Livebinders is a flexible websites whereby users can choose whether they want to be a member or non-member. Non-members can only view the binders shared publicly by the member-user. On the other note, members are given free account-based whereby they are provided with 100MB capacity as their workspace. Plus, there is no limit of time for memberusers like some of the free-trial websites. Livebinders can also be referred to as virtual notebook. This is because it works similarly like a notebook with division. The way it works is very convenient, with a straightforward layout and easy-to-work-with options. Users are given their own dashboard, shelves to view their work easily. Every detail in your work is within reach. So it makes it easier to work with the websites since the probability of losing any details of your work is very low. Finally, users are given options whether to keep their binders as private or to publicize them to other viewers. The binders can be made public by sharing them on the social networking sites which are linked with the websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and a few others. In contrast, premium users whom paid for their account can be made their binders private (viewable for authorized members only). Not to mention another special figure of the website is that is

allowed collaboration to take place. Users can collaborate with one another to come out with their binders. This makes the websites suitable to be used to make school projects and any teams work.

Benefits of Using Livebinders

Among the benefit of using Livebinders are: It saves time and energy. Users dont have to go through the entire headache in having to juggle between many files. Livebinders has made organizing work as easy as a mouse-click away. The layout and the structure of the website are not complicated even for beginners. It is easy to create a binder and arrange all the materials in a single binder. You can have multiple tabs and subtabs in a binder. It is free. You can have a basic account without having to pay any fee. However, a sum of money has to be paid if users want to upgrade into premium users. It is user friendly. Livebinders can be used to do various task. It can collaborate and integrates with other websites such as Prezzi, google doc and may other web 2.0 websites. It can also be used for smart board and laptop presentation. It is flexible. Users just have to add the LiveBinders it bookmark on their browser toolbar. Then, they can save the links that they like by clicking on the bookmark without having to log in to this websites. This button can also be included in the users personal websites or blog. It is suitable to be used for any subjects. Students or teachers can use Livebinders for every subjects taught in school because Livebinders doesnt has any specific format. The website is universal whereby it can be used for making notes, presentations, portfolios, science school projects, quizzes and many others.



STEP 1 : Go to http//:www.livebinder.com

STEP 2 : Create an account


STEP 3 : Creating your own binder


STEP 4 : Customizing your tab


4(i) Changing the tab colour


4 (ii) Changing the tab layout

4(iii) Setting the Tab Text Layout


STEP 5 : Adding content to your subtab

5(i) Uploading a file into your subtab



5(ii) Uploading another content into the subtab (Video)


STEP 6: Adding annotation to your subtab

STEP 7 : Saving your binder


STEP 8: Sharing your binder


STEP 9: Viewing other binder



Conclusion Technology has brought education to a higher level. Education today does not rely on the conventional blackboard and chalk only, but it is becoming globalised as man is making advancement in technology. New and improvised technology promise better education to the mankind. In conclusion, both the teachers and the students are the ones that gained benefits from this miraculous development.

1. http://www.livebinders.com 2. http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html





What is SpiderScribe.net? SpiderScribe is an online mind mapping and brainstorming tool. It allows users to organize their ideas by connecting notes, files, calendar events and many more in free-form mind maps. You can collaborate and share those maps online with other users. (Source: http://www.spiderscribe.net/)

Benefits of SpiderScribe.net

Some of the benefits of using SpiderScribe are: The ability to organize ideas in mind mapping form for easier reference. Users can connect notes, pictures and files together to give the idea a more modified and illustrative look. The user can access his/her mind maps anywhere which is very convenient on-the-go. It can be updated as and when required. Very user friendly in a way of how interactive it is with anyone who is using it. Easy to pick up and learn within just a few minutes. Fun to use and mess around with during your spare time.

(Source: http://www.e-junkie.info/2011/06/start-up-of-week-spiderscribenet-brand.html)


Getting started with SpiderScribe

First of all, go to http://www.spiderscribe.net/

This is located on the top right for you to log in or sign up if you arent already a member.


You have three separate choices on how to sign up. However for now, we will choose the personal (free) use option.


Once you have signed up and logged in, you are ready to create your very own mind map of ideas.


You start by including a title and description for your mind map.

Next, we can begin constructing the mind map. On the left-hand side there will be five icons each with its own separate functions. The first icon inserts a text box.


You can customize the colours, size and type of the font and text as follow under properties. The following four icons allow you to insert a word file, a photo, a map or location as well as an event respectively.


Once your mind map is complete, you can share it with your friends and acquaintances by clicking share which is located on the top right corner.


There are several options whether or not you want the link to be public (with link or without) or private (only for your own access). You can also choose to embed your mind map into your own personal website or blog. Finally, just click the save button and you have yourself a mind map.


1. http://www.e-junkie.info/2011/06/start-up-of-week-spiderscribenet-brand.html 2. http://www.spiderscribe.net/





What is Text2mindmap
Text2MindMap is a free mind mapping tool where you can convert your ideas into mind maps. To put it simply, using Text2MindMap you can map your thoughts onto dashboard and later download them to your PC. The way it works, you simply make a list of things you want to have on the mind map, optionally bundle items under nodes, and arrange the nodes to your liking. Once the mind map is ready you have an option to download and save it to your computer.

Test2mindmap is a free visualization web application that allows users to turn ideas into node-based maps. Users simply write out a list, and whenever an indent is placed, Tex2mindmap will separate the bundle of items into node, with little sub-nodes below each one. It provides a user-friendly way to put together simple or complex mind maps in a very short amount of time.

Text2mindmap is a way of creating a visually stimulating outline without a fuss. This made any simple outline that had been limited to just words, a two dementia picture showing the branching relationship between the outlines concept. This can be useful for almost any subject. I used it myself in a personal project to demonstrate the different cultures that my family members represent. It turned a confusing jumble of countries and names into a cohesive picture with lines showing relationships.


Benefits of Text2mind

Easy to create mind map and you can save them to your PC No membership required The program is free Does Not require Downloading or Installing Make as many maps as you like. Organize and group map objects into nodes. Can customize maps: change font size, line colour, text colour, etc. Can download or retrieved mind maps in JPEG format (image file).


1. Getting Started with Text2mindmap

















1. http://www.text2mindmap.com/ 2. http://www.text2mindmap.com/flashversion/index2.php?map=hsn7vH 3. http://hillerspires.wikispaces.com/:





What is PRIMARYPAD? Todays generation of learners are social beings who communicate, collaborate, create, co -create and connect using online technologies. PrimaryPad is a web-based word processor designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time and integrates seamlessly with PrimaryWall and PrimaryPaint.Primary Technology operates this PrimaryPad. Primary Technology is a UK based company that provides ICT services to Education worldwide. Primary Technology also provides a range of tools both offline and online.These applications are great for teachers who want to create a collaborative space for a small groups or classes. Besides, what this web based tool allows is for numerous students to collectively create and edit the same document simultaneously online (Mark Robinson, 2010). PrimaryPad are useful for getting ideas, collaborating, sharing and quickly posting pieces of information when working in a group or collaborative environment. Moreover, it is improving important typing and English skills as well as critical thinking.

Benefits of Using PRIMARYPAD The following are some advantages of using PrimaryPad (Jalger, 2011) Ease of Use Primary Pad is very easy to use. There is no need for the users to log in register to start collaborating with one another. Simply click create pad start typing and share the unique URL with others so they can join in. There are a minimal number of icons, common to most word


processing documents like bold, underline, undo, redo and save) So most users will instinctively know how to use the features. Value for money Most users will only require the basic features which are completely free. However if you or your school really likes the application then the pro features can be accessed. Different cost will be charged for the different period.

One PrimaryPad Pro account for one year 50 One PrimaryPad Pro account for six months 30 One PrimaryPad Pro account for one month 6

Overall Rating Primary Pad is a useful tool that allows users to collaborate easily on one document. Like most tools Primary Pad is only limited by a teachers creativity and the application is definitely worth checking out if you have access to several laptops, an electronic whiteboard and internet access within your classroom. A teacher could lead a discussion on the whiteboard and allow students to contribute ideas from their seats. In fact some students can even join in without being present in the classroom. PrimaryWall and PrimaryPaint integration Primary pad integrates with these both tools. PrimaryWall is a web-based sticky note tool designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time. Teachers and students can get ideas, collaborating, sharing and quickly posting pieces of information when working in a group or collaborative environment while PrimaryPaint is a web-based painting tool designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time.



Generating ideas and lists Collaborating with others on one document in real time Sharing pieces of information when working in a group or collaborative environment Improving important typing and English skills as well as critical thinking Task management Story writing Meeting minutes Your imagination is the limit!


Create a new pad with a single click Users do not need to register and can start typing straight away Text within the pad is synchronized whenever anyone types Unlimited Pad creations, each with its own URL Invite others to join by sharing your pads unique URL via email or online Each person typing can have their own colour, which helps keep track of contributors You can copy and paste text in and out of primary pad You can also export the pad as a .pdf, or Word document if you have a pro account Additional Chat functionality will work together on a document Time slider feature allows users to review how their your pad has evolved over time

FEATURES OF PRIMARYWALL Basic/free features include:

Unlimited Wall creation Note search Search for notes Sort notes Sort the notes so they fit into a grid pattern


Community support Get help from the community to improve your experience

Professional features include:

Save walls for longer than 30 days Password protect walls Manage walls Delete etc. Change font Change background Profanity detection and filtering Phone support Pass name of author from third party applications Easy wall embeds Moderate notes Add photos Add clickable links




Create pad or sign up/log in

Click the Creat Pad to start without sign up. This creates a new Pad with a Unique Web Address. You can also sign up to Primary Pad to create a pad with password security.

Click sign up if you want to create a pad with password security

Click Create Pad if you dont want to go at login/register

Click log in if you already have an account

If you already have an account, just log in and click Log in


Fill up the the PrimaryPad account


Tick this box if you wish to use PrimaryPad for other use

Click Create New Pro Account to finish




Share the link with the students

The picture below is the view that will appear after you click Create Pad


Click this button </> to get the link and share it with others

This box will appear after you click </>



Start writing

Whatever will be write here will be automatically highlighted according to your own color You can click timeslider if you want to read again what you have save. Click here to save your revision






You only can import or export documents or pictures if you have a pro account. Thats mean you have to sign up first.

Click here to import other file by importing it from your computer Click this button to import/export documents



This box will appear after you click Import/Export button

You can choose the type of file you want to export the pad from this PrimaryPad to your computer.






You can monitor your student here. Each person will be represent by different color


Then, it will appear here after you click Enter


You can type your word here to enter the chatting room



EXAMPLE OF INTERACTION BETWEEN TEACHERS AND The informations that the students had posted You can click here to save the informations to your computer

Students can chat among them or with their teacher while they are posting their information




If you want to remind your student about homework or to discuss simple topic, you can leave a sticky note to them at PrimaryWall. You do not have to register to get started with this.

Click What is PrimaryPad


Click on Collaborative stickynote to enter PrimaryWall



Click create wall to get started without register


Click here if you want to register


Click log in if you already have an account



Click Add a note or anywhere on the screen to create a new note



Type a title, note, name or nickname and click Post me! to post the note to the wall


The message will appear on the wall instantly for everyone else online to read. Drag your note around the screen to new positions






2. http://edjudo.com/collaboratively-work-on-one-document-in-real-time.html 3. http://community.prometheanplanet.com/en/blog/b/blog/archive/2010/01/04/prima ry-pad-a-tool-for-supporting-collaborative-writing.aspx#.Ua3VRtiyqSo





What is Planboard?

Planboard is an intuitive online application for teachers and educators to streamline their daily lesson planning process. Planboard has been designed to allow teachers to edit their lesson plans quickly so that making changes before or after a class can be done in a matter of minutes. Teachers can easily plan and view their entire academic year while aligning with their schoo ls schedule. Planboard allows teachers to integrate and track curriculum standards To encourage knowledge sharing, Planboard enables teachers to publish their lesson plans to the world. This lets teachers work together worldwide to create the best lesson plan for a particular subject. At Planboard, we recognize the difference an inspiring teacher makes. We understand the profound effect a great teacher has on a student, and our job is to help teachers focus on what matters. Planboard helps teachers and educators simplify their lesson planning. Best of all, there is no software installation necessary. It's easy to get organized with Planboard.

Planboard eliminates the need for bulky physical books by centralizing everything onto a computer. Ranging from broad yearly scopes, to weekly overviews, down to detailed reminders, you can gain access to personal plans anytime, anywhere. Not only will you be saving time, you'll be saving trees too.


Benefits of Planboard


Help teachers streamline lesson plans, find resources, and collaborate with others. Share lesson plans to the world and collaborate with colleagues. Can access their agendas and lesson plans from anywhere in the world. Environmentally friendly because no more papers, binders and three-hole punches. No longer have to create forms in MS Word and Excel. Allows to create your lesson plans online, save them and access them from any computer. Has been designed to make lesson planning easier, faster and more fun. Makes it easy to find your lessons from any day of the semester. Easy to share lesson plans amongst your colleagues in real-time and even print it out in a friendly, easy-to-read format.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Get started with Planboard. Step 1.: Go to the website

Step 2: Sign Up/ Login


Step 3 : Learn the Homepage

Step 4 : Edit Profile


Step 5 : Edit Planboard Setting

Step 6 : Edit Period Names


Step 7 : Create Plan Template


Step 8 : Invite/ Referral

Step 9 : Create New Standard.


Step 10 : Following others.

Continue :


Step 11 : Plan the lesson

Step 12 : How to use the editor


Step 13 : How to insert image # insert image from file

# insert image from internet


Step 14 : How to insert video

Step 15 :Edit and view plan fot the day


Step 16 : How to Share / Publish the lesson


1. http://web.appstorm.net/ 2. http://web.appstorm.net/reviews/office/planboard-letting-teachers-organize-their-days-on-the-web/ 3. http://blog.planboardapp.com/


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