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Recommendations made by 13th FC and releases

Items Share in Centre Taxes NPRD Grant Other Grants Local Bodies State Disaster Relief Fund Capacity Building Justice Delivery UID Distt. Invoation Fund IMR Employee and Pension Database Statistical System at State & Distt. Level Elementary Education Forests & Environment Water Sector Management Maintenance of Road & Bridges State Specific Needs Total (A+B+C)

2010-11 Allocation Release

2011-12 Allocation Release

2012-13 Allocation Release

4773 Nil 434 246 98 4 28 10 Nil Nil 3 3 25 17 Nil Nil Nil 5207

5142 Nil 426 246 98 4 28 5 Nil Nil 3 Nil 25 17 Nil Nil Nil 5568

5599 Nil 1256 419 103 4 28 10 7 Nil Nil 3 27 17 44 220 375 6855

5934 Nil 1188 409 103 4 14 Nil 7 Nil Nil 3 27 17 44 220 340 7122

6604 Nil 1486 598 108 4 28 10 7 15 Nil 3 28 34 44 232 375 8090

6841 Nil 601 368 101 Nil Nil Nil Nil 15 Nil Nil 28 25 Nil Nil 64 7441

Source:13 FC Report, FCD of DEA of M/o Finance, Govt. of India and Statement No.2 provided by State Government.

The actual transfer under Share in Central Taxes was higher by Rs.368 crore, 335 crore and Rs.237 crore in 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 respectively. The State could not draw grants amounting to Rs. 885 Crore in 2012-13 mainly on account of Local Bodies (Rs. 230 Crore), Maintenance of Road & Bridges (Rs.232 Crore) and State Specific Needs (Rs. 312 Crore).


State Disaster Response Fund On the recommendation of the 13th FC, State Disaster Response Fund has been constituted vide notification dated 9th February, 2011 and the existing balances of Calamity Relief Fund have been transferred to State Disaster Response Fund. The State generally faces the natural calamities of flood, hailstorm and drought. The year wise details of expenditure on calamity relief, fund transferred, transfer from Centre, funds required to be transferred/actually transferred to CRF/SDRF are as under:
(Rs. In Crore)
Total expenditure on calamity relief Total MH 2245(-)05 Amount debited to CRF/SDRF MH 8235/ 8121 (Disburse ment) Transfer from Centre (As per FCD) (75%) Required to be transferred by the State (25%) Fund required to be transferred to the CRF/SDRF (Col. 3+4+5) Fund actually transferred to CRF/SDRF (As per Finance Account) MH 2245-05101


1 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 -22.05 427.08 1379.51 66.38 1092.23 1189.34

2 352.72 230.51 812.19 206.48 48.67 308.20

CRF/S DRF 3 0 172.88 229.17 142.95 317.17 231.15

NCCF/NDRF 4 0 522.51 523.97

CRF/SDRF 5 0 57.63 76.39 47.65 105.72 77.05 6 0 230.51 828.07 190.60 422.89 832.17

7 324.07 427.08 1379.51 66.38 1092.23 1189.34

Source: Finance Accounts

The year wise details of opening balance, receipts, disbursement and closing balance of CRF/SDRF are as under:
(Rs. In Crore)

Opening Balance -

Receipts 234.07 230.51 812.19 206.48 293.52 313.28

Disbursement 234.07 230.51 812.19 206.48 293.52 308.20

Closing Balance 5.08

2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Source: Finance Accounts

Out of the closing balance of Rs.1092.89 crore in CRF/SDRF as on 31 st March 2012 an amount of Rs.1050.50 crore has been transferred to State Disaster Response Fund Investment Account.


District Innovation Fund The District Innovation Fund (DIF) is being implemented through Science & Technology Department in Haryana for utilizing these grants in the field of health, education, water supply and energy. A District Innovation Committee has also been constituted under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner for conceptualizing, monitoring and implementation of the projects under the scheme District Innovation Fund (DIF). The 13th FC has recommended a grant of Rs.21.00 crore for District Innovation Fund to Haryana State. The 1st instalment, amounting to Rs.10.50 crore had been received from MoF/GoI under 13th FC Grant during 2012-13.


Utilization of Outstanding Cash Balances before resorting to fresh borrowings

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