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Oc ccupation nal Safety y & Health Academ my Sdn B Bhd

(360532M M)

8 89-02 Jalan M Masai Utama 1 Ta aman Masai U Utama, 81750 0 Masai, Joho or Tel/Fax: 07 2 2525144 HP: : 6012711514 44 URL : www.osha.c Ema ail ; inquiry@ my

Prog gram
Dura ation Targe et Ratio onale


2 Days Authorized Manage ers, Supervis sors, Safety y & Health Co ommittee Membe ers, Union Officials, O & Sa afety & Heallth Represen ntatives One of the guiding principles in n managing OSH at the workplace is s "IN CONSULTATIO ON"; this crit tical element is performe ed in guidanc ce & complia ance with th e OSH (Safe ety & Health h Committee e) Regulations 1996. tial interpreta ation of this regulation is s paramount t so as to The init ensure current & fu uture OSH le egislation is integrated successfully.


At the end e of the pr rogram parti cipants will be able to: Iden ntify & desc cribe the OS SH legal co ompliance; Eva aluate exist ting OSH co ommittee se etting up & managing pro ocedures Des scribe the OSH O docum mentation re equirement; ; Des scribe the Accident A Inv vestigation Process Dev velop the SHC S Manage ement actio on plan velopment and fundame entals of OSH H laws Dev OSH Safety & Health H Comm mittee regula ations - application. Oth her OSH Reg gulations Workplace Insp pections & S Safety Audits s k Assessme ent Risk Prin nciples of Ac ccident Repo orting & Inve estigation

Cour rse Content ts

Meth hodology

The delivery has a balance of l ectures, workshops & v video present tation to ass sist participa nts to interp pret the OSH H requirements in pra actical situat tions, together with the q questions & r sessions. answer Maximu um 20 per se ession

Number of participants

OSHA 2013 All rights reserv ved

1 of 3

Oc ccupation nal Safety y & Health Academ my Sdn B Bhd

(360532M M)

8 89-02 Jalan M Masai Utama 1 Ta aman Masai U Utama, 81750 0 Masai, Joho or Tel/Fax: 07 2 2525144 HP: : 6012711514 44 URL : www.osha.c Ema ail ; inquiry@ my

PROG GRAM SCHEDULE Module Dura ation

Time e Day 01 0 08:30 0 09:00 0 Re egistration of trainees ntroduction to program m In Objectives s Program Outline O Methodolo ogy Trainers in ntroduction tion OSH Legislat ment of OSH Laws Developm Common Law Due Diligence 1 (Overv view) OSH Act 1994 Te ea Break Factory Machinery M Ac ct 1967 Over rview OSH Act 1994 In class Workshop W Case Stud dy Group Pre esentation Lu unch/Solat ommittee) R Regulations s 1996 OSH (Safety & Health Co on/Composit tion Formulatio Functions & Duties Te ea Break Other OSH Regulation R s & related ac cts. anization rela ated OSH Orga e of Practice es OSH Code En nd of Day 01 0


Ev vent

09:15 5

10:00 0 10:15 5

12:45 5 14:00 0

15:15 5 15:30 0

17:30 0

OSHA 2013 All rights reserv ved

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Oc ccupation nal Safety y & Health Academ my Sdn B Bhd

(360532M M)

8 89-02 Jalan M Masai Utama 1 Ta aman Masai U Utama, 81750 0 Masai, Joho or Tel/Fax: 07 2 2525144 HP: : 6012711514 44 URL : www.osha.c Ema ail ; inquiry@ my

PROG GRAM SCHED DULE Time e Day 02 0 09:00 0 10:00 0 10:15 5 ement Syste em Overview w OSH Manage 2003 MS 1722:2 Te ea Break ccident Pre evention Pri inciples Ac Risk Asse essment Prin nciples Risk Asse essment Wor rkshop Lu unch / Solat afe System of Work & Arrangeme ents Sa Ev vent

12:45 5 14:00 0

15:15 5 15:30 0

Permit to work w Pe erformance e Measurem ment & Analy ysis Workplace e Inspections Accident Reporting R & Investigatio n Safety Committee Me eetings

Te ea Break afety & Hea alth Commit ttee Worksh hops Sa Manag ging SHC requirements (Safety & Health Comm mittee Meetin ng) Role Play Re ecap En nd of class

16:30 0 17:30 0

OSHA 2013 All rights reserv ved

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