FO B1 Commission Meeting 4-10-03 FDR - Tab 3 Entire Contents - Minutes of 3-20-03 Meeting 531

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Minutes for March 20,2003 Meeting

The Commission, with Gov. Kean presiding, met at 9:05 AM on March 20,2003. All
Members of the Commission were present.

The Commission took up for discussion the following topics: access to the Joint Inquiry
report and documents; direction by the White House to Executive branch agencies on
cooperation with Commission information requests; clearances for Commissioners and
staff; the agenda for the New York City hearings; Commissioner access to staff; the
budget; and the nature of the family liaison staff position. At 11:15 AM the
Commission heard from Eleanor ffill, Director, and Rick Cinquegrana, Deputy Director,
of the Congressional Joint Inquiry staff.

Commissioners took the following actions:

-Scheduled meeting dates between March and September;

--Approved the agenda for the New York hearing with some revisions, including
additional time for Commissioner statements at the outset (especially by the Chair and
Vice-Chair), additional time for the family member panel, and a broader list of invitations
to Members of Congress;

-Agreed that Commissioners, in pairs, would take leadership roles in questioning

members of the expert witness panels on the second day of the hearing;

-Agreed that a professional should be appointed to the family liaison position, with input
from family groups with respect to proposed candidates;

-Agreed that a balance must be maintained between policy and investigation in the work
of the Commission, and that Commissioners should come back to the Chair and Vice-
Chair if they believe there is an imbalance between policy and investigative work;

-Agreed that Commissioners should have direct access to all staff, understanding that
staff need to contact the front office so that all pertinent information can be brought to the
attention of Commissioners in response to their inquiries; and

-Agreed that the General Counsel would brief on the question of compensation rules and
procedures at the next Commission meeting in New York.

Commissioner Ben-Veniste noted his view that there should be a more extensive
historical record of internal proceedings at Commission meetings. He requested that the
Commission revisit the question of the nature of minute taking at the next Commission

Concerning task force participation, Commissioner Ben-Veniste stated for the record that
Commissioners had tentatively agreed at initial Commission meetings that, at their
request, individual Commissioners would be assigned to specific task forces, and that the
Commission ought to begin to implement that understanding.

Commissioner Roemer noted for the record his sense of urgency and his strong sense that
the Commission is off to a disturbingly slow start with respect to clearances, access to the
Joint Inquiry report, and access to Executive branch documents. He stated his concern
about the Administration's lack of support for the Commission's supplemental budget

The Commission adjourned at 1:45 PM and will hold its next meeting in New York City
on March 31,2003.

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