FO B1 Commission Meeting 4-10-03 FDR - Tab 7 - Bittinger Resume - Mark S Bittinger 540

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9/11 Personal Privacy


• International Affairs / National Security • Public Policy Analysis
• Data Collection / Analysis / Reporting • DoD Top Secret Security Clearance
• Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) • Project Management
• Leadership / Personnel Training • Logistics Coordination
• Oral / Written Communications • Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Master of Public and International Affairs, 1993
UNTVERSFTY OF PITTSBURGH, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, 1988

DREW UNIVERSITY, Madison, New Jersey

Policy Analyst . . 1997 to present
With over 14 years experience, provide consultant services as part of SAIC's Strategies Group to support and
improve the operational effectiveness of numerous organizations, as well as assess alternatives, determine
impacts of alternatives and develop defensible positions in DoD and Congressional arenas. Federal clients have
included: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff J-4, Army CIO/G-6, Marine Corps Systems Command,
Army Materiel Command, Army Logistics Transformation Agency, and U.S. Department of State.
• Researched and wrote portions of the 1998 congressionally-mandated "Report to The National Guard Bureau Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD) Study," analyzed homeland security and consequence management capabilities and requirements
• Assisted in developing a clear, concise and actionable Emergency Surface Transportation Evacuation Plan Annex to the District of
Columbia Response Plan
• Rewrote the District of Columbia's Emergency Support Function (ESF) *H—Transportation, defining responsibilities and
requirements associated with fulfillment of the entire spectrum of emergency transportation evacuation, minus au
« Developed the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command's Strategic Plan 2000-2003; familiar with Six Sigma methodology
• Publications: "Emergency Response: Police, Firefighters and Medical Personnel" and "Media Coverage of 9/11," forthcoming in the
Encyclopedia of World Terrorism: 1996-2002. New York: M.E. Sharpe, January 2003

Logistics Analyst 1994 to 1997

TROY SYSTEMS, INC. (acquired by PEC Solutions), Fairfax, Virginia
Assisted the Navy International Programs Office by providing expertise in researching all logistics and supply
transactions related to the Iranian Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Program and the Iran-United States Claims
Tribunal. Coordinated and interfaced with the Office of the Legal Adviser (L) and the Office of International
Claims and Investment Disputes (L/CID) at the U.S. Department of State regarding FMS issues.

Logistics Specialist 1990 to 1991

DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania
Coordinated logistics, packaging and documentation for domestic and international shipment of materials,
equipment and commodities in support of major U.S. Armed Forces troop deployments. Calculated weights and
balance to expedite shipments, verified accuracy of accompanying documentation and entered all shipping data
into mainframe computer terminal. During Operations DESERT SHIELD/STORM, assisted DLA in providing
the military services with over S3 billion of supplies and weapons system repair parts in response to over 2
million requisitions; for Operation PROVIDE COMFORT, assisted DLA in preparing over 16,000 short tons of
supplies to be airdropped or delivered to refugees in northern Iraq.

Platoon Leader 19S3tol990

UNITED STATES ARMY (2*1 Squadron. 9* Cavalry. 7* CD). Fort Ord. California
Trained and led a team of 17 reconnaissance soldiers in preparation for military maneuvers worldwide. Held
full accountability for assigning daily work schedules, r e v i e w i n g / evaluating work performance, initiating
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