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01-24-2003 13:Z8 FfoHWOOROI WILSON CENTER \1 T-B05 P.002/003 F-350


foreign policy jmd fcs pQlicy-roafegprooas,, itaough
H' «**»"»« Exee^vee
««to **&« «d editorial skflla, ram expari^in b
preparation and Congipsaoiial testimony.
,. " •* #'

1 998 .' present Dcputf Asaistani Secretary of Stale fer InteUigencc Policy su^d
Coordinatton, Bureau of JnteUigence and Rfiseaich, Department of Stale.
P^onStoWttaq; of 4325-anpJoy« office, with direct tcspauaibflw fe 70
mfasiaaal st^ff. Lewi responsibility for the direction aod-pRpwafton of a $45
budaet daily editorial review of inteUigeacc assessments, arocuiauor. of -Stare
Ocpwrkaa inwresB «ndrequi«n«tfs. inWTaciioa with foteUigcuce Commuroty
counterparts at &c DCJUUCS' level.
T 984-1 998 Staff, Cotnmiucc oo Foreign Affian, US House of Reprwcwativw. under .
Rep Uc H Hamilwn. Raking Vtonbcr (1995-1998), Chair (1993-94) and Ch*r of ihc
£urop=& Middle Eas: Subcommittee (1984-1992). _
Direcar Qfl^iciau & Security Issuer OH flic D«T,Qtvanc Sufi (199^1998)
Coordinsrad die foreign afiairs work of 10 staScrs for Rep. Hamilton, with direct
responsibility for Curt .pean, Middle Eastern, Arrw Control and_ Security Assistance
ss4s Extrusive 5pc«xhwritiag, op-ed drafting, and rsspoasibvUv for overall ednoriai
production. Alao served on the associate staff of flic Join: Congressional Coiunuttee
Tavcatigatian of the inm-Contra affair 0987).

1979-84 Serdcr Editor, Foreign Policy Association, New York, NY.

Promoted from Assistant Editor in 198 1 . Wrote 4 of 8 anicles each year a the <£S
Decisions publication devoted ro citizen education OQ Ameneaa foreign policy iss

Woodrow Wilsorv Sdiool of Public and Lnamaiioaal Affair Priivceton Uo.vwsity,
Wastsra Degr=*m Public Affairs, with honors. 1579.
Harvard College, AB BUgw cum bud* in History, 1977. National Men: Scholarship,
Phi B«ta Kappa,
01-24-2003 13:28 Fron-WOODROW WILSON CENTER +2026914001 T-605 P.003/003 F-350


Department of State S ttperior Honor Award (2QQ1), Exceptional Performance Award,

Intelligence Conmwii.ty Management Staff (2QQI); Pdlo'wship, ATpffiri ran Academy in
Berlin (May-June 2001); Intelligence Ccjrnmvraity Senior Management Leadership
Program (2000); USUv Speakers' Tots, 1998, Germany and Finland; American
Leadership Peltaw in Germany (1988-89), Robert Bosch Fonrtdgrioa; Council on Foreign
Relations, term membership (1985-90); Ghostwriter, Mr. Abba Eban, former FM of
laraal (1982), researcher (1978-79)j Jdiwrial Assistant, Foreign Afikirs Quarcerly,


Lee H-Hamilton •
Director, "Woodrow ^TilsonlutcroatiQnal Center for Scholars
Washington, D;C. (202)691-4204

Michael H. Van Dussaci

Deputy Director, Wo adrow Wihonlrvternanonai Center for Scholars (202) 691-4055

John Gannon
Office of Homeland '.Security (former Chairman, National Intelligence Council; farmer
CIA Deputy Directoi for intelfcgcn&e) (202") 456-1652

Carl W. Ford
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Intelligence and Research (202) 647-9177

Thomas Fingar, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Intelligence and

Research, (202)647-7826

]. StapletonRoy
•Kissinger Associates (212)759-7919; (2Q2) 872-0300


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