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/9/11 P e r s o n a l P r i v a c y

John Raidt

August 2001
to present Public Affairs and Legislative Consultant
Private contractor providing public affairs and legislative
consulting services.

August 2000
to July 2001 Visiting Fellow-Hudson Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana

April 1999
to June 2000 Policy Director-McCain 2000
Coordinated policy development, and served as speechwriter
for'the U.S. presidential campaign of U.S. Senator John

January 1996
to Jan. 1999 Chief of Staff, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce,
Science and Transportation
Managed operations and legislative functions of
Congressional committee with jurisdiction over technology,
aviation, communications, foreign commerce, consumer affairs,
manufacturing, oceans, fisheries, surface transportation,
science and space. Responsible for committee staff of 54
people and budget of $2.3 million.

January 1994
to Jan. 1996 Legislative Director to U.S. Senator John McCain
Responsible for developing and implementing legislative
agenda; managing legislative staff; writing speeches, floor
statements and policy positions; and representing the Senator
at public forums.

January 1993
to June 1993 Staff Member, Resources Management Division, Haleakala
National Park, Hawaii
Responsibilities included resource management staff work
within the Haleakala Scientific Study Reserve. Assisted in
recovery and population maintenance activities of endangered
bird species. Produced a report on issues and policies
regarding park overflights of commercial aircraft.

January 1989
to Dec. 1993 Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator John McCain

Responsible for developing and implementing legislative

agenda on various issue areas, including environment, energy,
public lands, public works, judiciary and small business.

January 1987
to Dec. 1988 - Legislative Correspondent for U.S. Senator John McCain
Responsible for constituent communications on a wide
diversity of policy issues.
January 1984
to Dec. 1987 - Staff Assistant to U.S. Representative John McCain
Responsible for social service and governmental case work
assisting Congressional District residents in resolving
problems with agencies of the federal government.


2002, Master of Public Administration — Harvard University

1983, B.A., Journalism -- Arizona State University


• Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B) - National Registry Certification

• Federal Advisory Committee - U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict
Resolution (Tucson, Arizona)
• Founding Board of Directors - Mesa (Arizona) Boys and Girls Club
• International election observer, Albania, 1994


• The Honorable Douglas B. Bereuter Alumni Achievement Award Public

Service Fellowship--Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
• Outstanding Public Service Award -- American Rivers
• Citizenship Award -- American Legion
REFERENCES : Available upon request

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