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Consul General of the United States of America

A member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister

Counselor, M. Elizabeth (Betty) Swope was the Department of State's Senior
Coordinator for Consular Notification between August 1998 and August 2001.
Prior to assuming that position, she was Coordinator for US-Mexico Border
Affairs from October 1995 until August 1998. During the 1994-95 academic year,
she participated in the US Government's most senior executive training program,
the Senior Seminar, which included officers from various Executive Branch
agencies as well as from the five military services. Other recent assignments
include Deputy Director for Management Planning in the Office of the Under
Secretary of State for Management (1993-94) and Counselor for Consular Affairs
and Consul General in Cairo, Egypt (1991-93).

Ms. Swope received the AB degree from Mary Baldwin College. "She also
holds a master's degree in public administration from the John F. Kennedy
School, Harvard University, as well as a diploma in international security from the
Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. She is also
a graduate of the Senior Seminar in foreign policy.

Early overseas assignments included Mexico (Mexico City and Nuevo

Laredo), Spain, Portugal, and France. In Washington, she has held positions in
personnel, management operations, consular affairs, the US Mission to the
Organization of American States, and international organizations affairs. She
also served as Special Assistant to the Ambassador at Large and United States
Representative to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in
Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Her foreign languages are Spanish and French.

Ms. Swope was tapped by former Secretary of State Albright to be Senior

Coordinator for Consular Notification. One of the Coordinator's primary
responsibilities was to work with Federal, state and local officials to ensure that
the US met its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
At the request of the Secretary, Ms. Swope developed a multi-year action plan on
consular notification and outreach. Given the importance the Secretary placed
on Consular Notification, the Senior Coordinator was expected to provide political
and foreign policy input on relevant issues.

Ms. Swope was cited for her work on consular notification and access
issues by the legal Adviser and US Attorney (Utah), Paul Warner. She was also
cited for her efforts as US-Mexico Border Coordinator by the California
Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), the Border Trade Alliance, the
Arizona Department of Transportation, the General Services Administration, the
Southwest Border Transportation Alliance, the US Secretary of Transportation
and the Governors of Arizona and Texas.

Ms. Swope is a member of the American Foreign Service Association,

Executive Women in Government, the Alumnae Board of Mary Baldwin College
and a number of other organizations. She is married to Patrick Kennedy, also a
Foreign Service officer.

August 2002

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