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National Citizen Service 2013 with Sheffield United

Say yes to NCS this summer and this is what you will be doing Step 1: Induction 2 half days meeting the staff, your NCS team and preparing everything for the weeks ahead. Venue: Sheffield Kind of activities: Ice breakers, team building, and preparation work.

Step 2: Away residential 5 days away from home team building and taking part in challenging activities, in an outdoor adventure setting. Venue: Wave 1- Kingswood, Dearne Valley Wave 2- Haworth YHA Kind of activities: Canoeing, rock climbing, abseiling, high ropes, archery, rifle shooting, raft building etc.

Step 3: Home residential 5 days staying in Sheffield University accommodation developing new skills and learning about the local community through challenging activities and new experiences. Venue: Opal 3 Student Accomodation, Sheffield. Kind of activities: Come dine with me, The Sheffield Challenge, Dragons Den, Local organisation workshops, skills sessions and training such as first aid.

Step 4: Social Action Project 2 weeks working in your team to plan and deliver a social action project to benefit your local community. Venue: Sheffield

Kind of activities: Whatever you choose to do your project on Fundraiser event, renovation, community work, event planning etc.

Step 5: Graduation - At the end of it all, get dressed up for the NCS graduation ceremony, where youll be recognised for your achievements and even get a certificate signed by the Prime Minister. Venue TBC.

When does it all take place? (Home rest days between each phase) Summer wave 1: 3rd July - 3rd August
Induction Bramall Lane 3rd 4th July Away residential Kingswood,Dearne Valley 6th 10th July Home Residential Opal 3 Student Accommodation, Sheffield 13th 17th July Social Action Projects - Sheffield 20th July 3rd August

Summer wave 2: 31st July - 29th August

Induction Bramall Lane 31st July 1st August Away residential Haworth YHA 3rd 7th August Home Residential Opal 3 Student Accommodation, Sheffield 10th 14th August Social Action Projects - Sheffield 15th 29th August

Autumn: 28th October 3rd November

Away residential Haworth YHA 28th 31st October Home residential Sheffield 31st October 3rd November

(social action project evenings and weekends up until 10th December)

What else do you need to know? Cost When you sign up to NCS you pay 50 to secure your place on the programme, 25 is refunded to you on completion. Its worth 1200 per person! For a limited time only the programme is only 35 if you sign up before the 26th June so dont hesitate! (If necessary, payment can be paid in instalments with a 10 deposit upfront). Places There are 60 places on each programme running this summer and 45 on the Autumn programme. Act quickly to secure your place! How to sign up There are several ways you can secure a place on NCS: 1. Send you application & payment by email or post. 2. Return your application & payment to an NCS representative. If you have any questions or queries please dont hesitate to get in touch (contact details below).

Need more information? You can contact the NCS Coordinator by email or telephone: Email: Telephone: 0114 292 2347

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