Bhagavad Gita Mahatmyam

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mad Bhagavad-gt-mhtmyam The Glory of rmad Bhagavad-gt from r Vaiavya-tantra-sra GSBg 1 TEXT 1 TEXT aya uc gity caiva mhtmya,

yathvat sta me vada pur nryaa-ketre, vysena muninoditam TRANSLATION The sages said: O Sta, please kindly reiterate to us the glory of the Gt, as it was spoken long before at Nryana-ketra by the great sage la Vysadeva. GSBg 2 TEXT 2 TEXT sta uvca bhadra bhagavat pam, yaddhi guptatama param akyate kena tad vaktu, gt-mhtmya uttamam TRANSLATION Sta Goswami said: O venearable ones, you have certainly asked the most glorious question. Verily, who can describe the supreme, grand glory of the Gt, the most hidden of all treasures? GSBg 3 TEXT 3 TEXT ko jnati vai samyak, kicit kunt-sta phalam vyso v vysa-putro v, yjn-valkyo tha maithila TRANSLATION Certainly Lord Ka is in full knowledge of that glory; Arjuna, the son of Kunt, knows something of its fruit; Vysadeva, ukadeva, Yjavalkya, and the saintly King Janakathey are all somewhat conversant with it as well. GSBg 4 TEXT 4 TEXT anye ravaata rutv, lea sakirtayanti ca tasmt kicid vadmy atra, vysasysyn may rutam TRANSLATION Apart from them, others, who have heard from one another about it are engaged in singing the praises of a tiny fraction of its greatness. GSBg 5 TEXT 5 TEXT sarvopaniado gvo, dogdh gopla-nandana

prtho vatsa sudhr-bhokt, dugdha gitmta mahat TRANSLATION All the Upaniads are the cow personified, and the cowherd boy Sri Ka is their milker. The son of Pth is the calf personified, this ambrosia of the Gt is the superexcellent milk, and the highly intelligent virtuous souls are its tasters. GSBg 6 TEXT 6 TEXT srathyam arjunasydau, kurvan gtmta dadau loka-trayopakry, tasmai katmane nama TRANSLATION To begin with, I offer my obeisances unto Lord r Ka who accepted the position of the chariot driver of Arjuna, just to distribute this ambrosia of the Gt for the benefit of all the three worlds. GSBg 7 TEXT 7 TEXT sasra-sagara ghora, tartum icchati yo nara gt-nava samsadya, pra yti sukhena sa TRANSLATION That fool who wants to cross over the ghastly ocean of material suffering can do so very easily by taking shelter of the boat of the Bhagavad-gt. GSBg 8 TEXT 8 TEXT gt-jnam sruta naiva, sadaivbhysa yogata mokam icchati mdhtm, yti blaka-hsyatm TRANSLATION That fool who wants to attain liberation by constant yoga practice without hearing the wisdom of the Gt, is fit to be laughed at - even by a child. GSBg 9 TEXT 9 TEXT ye vanti pahanty eva, gt-stram ahar-niam na te vai mnu jeya, deva-rp na saayah TRANSLATION One who day and night hears and recites the Gt is never to be taken as a mere human being. Without a doubt, he is a veritable god.

GSBg 10

TEXT 10 TEXT gt-jnena sambodha, ka prhrjunya vai bhakti-tattva para tatra, sa-gua vtha nirguam TRANSLATION In order to enlighten Arjuna by the knowledge of the Gt, Lord Kacandra has sung the praises of the supreme principle of devotion, both relative and absolute. GSBg 11 TEXT 11 TEXT sopndaair eva, bhukti-mukti samucchrtai kramaa citta-suddhi syt, prema-bhakty di karmasu TRANSLATION In this way, the heart is purified by the knowledge of the Gt, a ladder of eighteen chapters which refutes all doctrine, propounding sense enjoyment and liberation (bhukti-mukti). Step by step, the qualification to practice loving devotional service is developed. GSBg 12 TEXT 12 TEXT sdhor gtmbhasi snna, sasra-maha-nanam raddh-hnasya ta krya, hasti-snna vthaiva tat TRANSLATION Bathing in the pure waters of the Gt, the devotees are liberated from contamination of the mundane world. But such an attempt by faithless persons is utterly useless, just like the elephants bathing and immediately rolling in the dust afterwards. GSBg 13 TEXT 13 TEXT gtyas ca na jnti, pahanam naiva phanam sa eva mnue loke, mogha-karma-karo bhavet TRANSLATION A person who knows nothing about learning and teaching the Gt is a failure in the duty of the human form of life. GSBg 14 TEXT 14 TEXT tasmd gt na jnti, ndhamas tat paro jana dhik tasya mnuam deha, vijna kula latm TRANSLATION Therefore, there is no one more fallen than he who does not know the teachings of the Gt. His family, his practices, his conceptions, and his human birth are all condemned.

GSBg 15 TEXT 15 TEXT gtrtha na vijnti, ndhamas tat paro jana dhik arra subham la, vibhavantad ghraman TRANSLATION There is no one more fallen than he who does not know the meaning of the Gt. His beautiful body, personality, opulences, and married life are condemned. GSBg 16 TEXT 16 TEXT gt-stra na jnti, ndhamas tat paro jana dhik prrabdha pratih ca, pj dna mahattamam TRANSLATION There is no one more fallen than the person who does not know the scripture Bhagavad- gt. His undertakings are condemned, his reputation is condemned, and his worship, charity, and good qualities are all condemned. GSBg 17 TEXT 17 TEXT gt-stre matir nsti, sarva tan niphala jagu dhik tasya jna-dtra, vratam niham tapo yaa TRANSLATION A person who does not care for the holy Gt is to be known as failure in all respects. His teacher is condemned, his vows are condemned, and his conviction, austerity, and fame are all condemned. GSBg 18 TEXT 18 TEXT gtrtha-pahana nsti, ndhamas tat paro jana gt-gt na yaj jna, tad viddhy sura-sammatam tan mogha dharma-rahita, veda vednta garhitam TRANSLATION There is none more fallen than he who does not study the purport of the Gt; and that knowledge which is not sung in the Gt should be known as useless, irreligious, offensive to the Veda and Vednta, and demoniac. GSBg 19 TEXT 19 TEXT tasmd dharma-may gt, sarva jna-prayojik sarva-stra-sra-bht, viuddh sa viiyate TRANSLATION Therefore, the Gt should be offered all respects at all times and in all

places as the inaugurator of all religious wisdom and the spotlesss essence of all holy scriptures. GSBg 20 TEXT 20 TEXT yo dhite viu-parvhe, gt r hari-vsare svapan jgrat calan tihan, atrubhir na sa hyate TRANSLATION A person who studies the Gt at the time of holy festival days especially the fasting day known as Ekadasi - such a person, whether awake or asleep, moving or still, is never defeated by enemies. GSBg 2l TEXT 2l TEXT lagrama ly va, devgre ivlaye trthe nady pahed gt, saubhgya Iabhate dhruvam TRANSLATION One who recites the Gt in the presence of the Deity lagrama-l, or in a temple of the Supreme Lord, or a temple of Lord Siva, at a holy place of pilgrimage or on the bank of a holy river - such a person becomes qualified to become the recipient of all good fortune. GSBg 22 TEXT 22 TEXT devak-nandana ko, gt-pahena tuyati yath na vedair dnena, yaja-tirtha-vrtadibhi. TRANSLATION The son of Devak, the Supreme Lord r Ka, cannot be satisfied by anyones study of the Vedas, charity, sacrifice, pilgrimage, or vows, as much as He is satisfied by the devotional recitation of the Gt. GSBg 23 TEXT 23 TEXT gtdht ca yenpi, bhakti-bhavena cetas veda-stra-purni, tendhtni sarvaa TRANSLATION The study of the Vedas and Puras - verily, the study of all scriptures is completed in all respects by one who studies the Gt with devotion. GSBg 24 TEXT 24 TEXT yoga-sthne siddha-phe, lagre sat-sabhsu ca yaje ca viu-bhaktaye, pahan siddhi par labhet TRANSLATION The highest perfection of life is attained by one who recites the Gt at

a place where yoga meditation is performed, at an exalted holy place, before the lagrama-l, and during the performance of a sacrifice, and especially, in the association of devotees. GSBg 25 TEXT 25 TEXT gt-pahan ca ravaam, ya karoti dine dine kratavo vjimedhdhy, kts tena sa-daki TRANSLATION Great sacrifices such as the Asvamedha, along with their remunerations are naturally achieved by one who daily hears and recites the Gt GSBg 26 TEXT 26 TEXT ya oti ca gtrtha, krtayaty eva ya param rvayec ca parrtha vai, sa prayti para padam TRANSLATION One who attentively hears and sings the glories of the purport of the Gt, or reiterates that purport to others-such a person attains to the supreme destination. GSBg 27-28 TEXTS 27-28 TEXT gty pustaka uddha, yo rpayaty eva sdart vidhin bhakti-bhvena, tasya bhry priy bhavet yaa-saubhgyam-rogya, labhate ntra saaya dayitn priyo bhtv, parama sukham anute TRANSLATION One who, with respect and devotion, and according to scriptural regulations makes a gift of this holy book, the Gt-such a person will have a devoted wife, and without a doubt will attain fame, fortune, and good health. Furthermore, he becomes extremely beloved by those near and dear to him, and enjoys great happiness. GSBg 29 TEXT 29 TEXT abhicrodbhava dukha, vara-pgata ca yat nopasarpati tatraiva, yatra gtrcana ghe TRANSLATION The misery caused by a curse or black rites can never enter into that house where the Gt is worshipped. GSBg 30 TEXT 30 TEXT tpa-trayodbhav p, naiva vydhir bhavet kvacit

na po naiva ppa ca, durgati naraka na ca TRANSLATION In that house, there is never any suffering from the threefold miseries, nor is there ever fear of any type of sickness, curse, sin or misfortune. GSBg 3l TEXT 3l TEXT viphotakdayo dehe, na bdhante kadcana labhet ka-pade dsy, bhakti cvyabhicrm TRANSLATION In that house, no one is ever born with an infected or deformed body; and those residing there achieve exclusive and continuous devotion in the mood of servitorship to the Lotus feet of Lord Krsna. GSBg 32 TEXT 32 TEXT jyate satata sakhya, sarva-jva-gaai saha prrabdha bhujato vpi, gtbhysa ratasya ca TRANSLATION A person who is devoted to studying the Gt, acquires a friendly disposition to all living beings, despite his accruing the reactions of his previous actions in this world. GSBg 33 TEXT 33 TEXT sa mukta sa sukh loke, karma nopalipyate mah-ppti-ppni, gtdhyyi karoti cet na kicit spyate tasya, nalin-dalam-ambhas TRANSLATION That person is liberated and happy. Although acting in this world, he is not implicated. Even if by chance a person who studies the Gt happens to commit extremely horrible sin, he cannot be affected by that, just as a lotus leaf cannot be touched by even a drop of water. GSBg 34-35 TEXTS 34-35 TEXT ancrodbhava ppam, avcydi kta ca yat abhakya-bhakaja doam, aspya sparaja tath jnjna-kta nityam, indriyair janita ca yat tat sarva namyti, gt-phena tat kat TRANSLATION Sin arising from offensive behavior or speech, the offence of eating forbidden things, and sinful activities incited by the senses and committed knowingly or unknowingly in daily routine activities - all kinds of sins are at once eradicated by devotional recitation of the


GSBg 36 TEXT 36 TEXT sarvatra pratibhokt ca, pratighya ca sarvaa gt-pha prakurvo, na lipyeta kadcana TRANSLATION Although he may accept foodstuffs at all places or charity in all circumstances, the devoted reciter of the Gt is distinguished in that he remains totally unimplicated by these actions at all times. GSBg 37 TEXT 37 TEXT ratna-pr mah sarv, pratighyvidhnata gt-phena caikena, uddha sphaikavat sad TRANSLATION Even one who, against the injunctions of the scriptures, accepts in charity as many precious jewels as would cover the entire surface of the Earth and oceanssuch a person becomes as spotless pure crystal simply by devotional reciting the Gt only once. GSBg 38 TEXT 38 TEXT yasyntakaraam nitya, gtya ramate sad sa sgnika sad jp, kriyvn sa ca paita TRANSLATION A person whose heart is always absorbed in the Gt is certainly to be taken as superbly replete in the performance of sacrifices and the constant repetition of the holy names or mantras (japa). All his actions are properly adjusted, and he is truly learned (paita) GSBg 39 TEXT 39 TEXT daraniya sa dhanavn, sa yog jnavn api sa eva yjiko yj, sarva-vedrtha-daraka TRANSLATION Certainly he is fit to be seen (i.e have darana of), he is truly wealthy, he is a yogi, and a genuine scholar. He is a knower of sacrifice, a performer of sacrifice, and a knower of all the Vedas. GSBg 40 TEXT 40 TEXT gty pustaka yatra, nitya-pha ca vartate

tatra sarvn tirthani, praygdni bhtale TRANSLATION All the holy places in this universe such as Prayaga are eternally present wherever the Gt, the eternal book of divine song, is present. GSBg 41 TEXT 41 TEXT nivasanti sad dehe, deha-ee pi sarvad sarve dev ca ayo, yogino deha-rakak TRANSLATION The protectors of the body, in the form of demigods, is, or yogs, all reside within the body of one who constantly studies the Gt, and they are even present at the demise of his body. GSBg 42 TEXT 42 TEXT goplo bla-ko pi, nrada-dhruva-pradai sahyo jyate ghra, yatra gt pravartate TRANSLATION Accompanied by His associates such as Nrada and Dhruva, the cowherd boy Lord r Ka personally appears as a guardian wherever the Gt is present GSBg 43 TEXT 43 TEXT yatra gt -vicra ca, pahanam-phanam tath modate tatra r ka, bhagavn rdhay saha TRANSLATION With supreme ecstasy, the Supreme Lord Ka and His divine consort r Rdhik are graciously present wherever the conception of the Gt scripture is discussed, studied, and taught. GSBg 44 TEXT 44 TEXT r bhagavn uvca gt me hdaya prtha gt me sram uttamam gt me jnam aty ugra, gt me jnam avyayam TRANSLATION The Supreme Lord said: Oh Partha, the Gt is My heart, the Gt is My supreme essence, and the Gt is intense, imperishable knowledge of Me. GSBg 45 TEXT 45 TEXT gt me cottamo sthna, gt me parama padam gt me parama guhya, gt me paramo guru

TRANSLATION The Gt is My supreme shelter, the Gt is My supreme abode, the Gt is My most hidden treasure, and especially, the Gt is My supreme guru. GSBg 46 TEXT 46 TEXT gtraye ha tihmi, gt me parama grham gt jna samrtya, trilok playmy aham TRANSLATION I am present within the Gt, and the Gt is my supreme residence. Only by the knowledge of the Gt do I maintain the three worlds. GSBg 47 TEXT 47 TEXT gt me param-vidy, brahma-rp na saaya arddha-mtr-har nityam, anivcya-padtmik TRANSLATION Know without a doubt that the eternally ineffable Gt as My other Self, is My supreme wisdom of the Absolute personified. GSBg 48 TEXT 48 TEXT gt nmni vakymi, guhyni u pava krtant sarva-ppni, vilaya ynti tat kat TRANSLATION Oh Paava, I shall now utter those holy names of the Gt by singing which all sins are immediately destroyed. Hear now those confidential names from Me: GSBg 49-51 TEXTS 49-51 TEXT gag gt ca svitr, st saty pativrat brahmvalir brahma-vidy, tri-sandhy mukta-gehin arddha-mtr cidnand, bhavaghn bhrnti-nin veda-tray parnand, tattvrtha-jna-majar ity etni japen nitya, naro nicala-mnasah jna-siddhi labhen nitya, tathnte parama padam TRANSLATION Gag, Gt, Svitr, St, Saty, Pativrat, Brahmvali, Brahmavidy, Trisandhy, Mukta-gehin, Arddhamtr, Cidnand, Bhavagn, Bhrnti-nin, Vedatray, Parnand, and Tattvrtha-jna-majar. A person who with a sober mind continuously utters these confidential holy names achieves the perfection of divine knowledge, and in the end he reaches the supreme destination.

GSBg 52 TEXT 52 TEXT phe samartha sampre, tad arddha pham caret tad go-dna-ja puya, labhate ntra saaya TRANSLATION One should recite at least half the Gt if he is unable to recite the entire text at one time. Then without a doubt, one achieves the piety which is accrued from donating cows in charity to worthy recepients. GSBg 53 TEXT 53 TEXT tri-bhga pahamnas tu, soma-yga-phala labhet a-aa japamnas tu, gag-snna-phala labhet TRANSLATION One will achieve the fruit of the Soma sacrifice by reciting one-third of the Gt, and the result of bathing in the holy river Gag is achieved by uttering one-sixth of it. GSBg 54 TEXT 54 TEXT tathdhyya-dvaya nitya, pahamno nirantaram indra-lokam avpnoti, kalpam eka vased dhruvam TRANSLATION One who regularly recites two of its chapters with full conviction, will without a doubt attain to residence in the planet of Lord Indra for one millennium (kalpa). GSBg 55 TEXT 55 TEXT ekam adhyyaka nitya, pahate bhakti-sayuta rudra-lokam avpnoti, gao bhtv vasec ciram TRANSLATION One who recites with devotion one chapter daily is perpetually taken to be on a par with the gods known as Rudra, and he thus attains to the planet of Lord iva. GSBg 56 TEXT 56 TEXT adhyyrddha ca pda va, nitya ya pahatejana prpnoti ravi-loka sa, manvantara-sam atam TRANSLATION

A person who regularly recites one-half or one-quarter chapter will achieve residence in the sun planet for a duration of one hundred Manus. GSBg 57 TEXT 57 TEXT gty loka-doaka, sapta-paca-catuayam tri-dvy-ekam arddham atha v, lokn ya pahen nara candra-lokam avpnoti, varm ayuta tath TRANSLATION A person who faithfully recites ten, seven, five, three, two, one, or even only half a verse of this Gt, will attain to residence on the moon for ten thousand years. GSBg 58 TEXT 58 TEXT gtrddham eka pda ca, lokam adhyyam eva ca smaras tyaktv jano deha prayti parama padam TRANSLATION One who, at the time of death, remembers half the Gt, a quarter of the Gt, one chapter of the Gt or even one verse of the Gt -such a person reaches the supreme destination. GSBg 59 TEXT 59 TEXT gtrtham api pham v, uyd anta-klata mah-ptaka yukto pi, mukti-bhgi bhavej jana TRANSLATION By uttering or hearing the purport of the Gt at the time of death even a gravely sinful person becomes entitled to liberation. GSBg 60 TEXT 60 TEXT gt-pustaka sayukta, prs tyaktv prayti ya sa vaikuham avpnoti, viun saha modate TRANSLATION One who has a devotional connection with a book of the Gt will, at the time of death, attain to Vaikuha and reside with the Supreme Lord Viu in divine ecstasy. GSBg 61 TEXT 61 TEXT gtrdhyya samyukto, mto mnuat vrajet gtbhysa puna ktv, labhate muktim-uttamm

TRANSLATION One whose concentration is intent on just one chapter of the Gt will attain a human birth after death. Then, by again studying the Gt, he achieves ultimate liberation. GSBg 62 TEXT 62 TEXT gtety-uccra-sayukto, mriyamo gati labhet TRANSLATION Even if at the time of death one simply utters the word Gt, a happy destination is achieved by him. GSBg 63 TEXT 63 TEXT yad yat karma ca sarvatra, gt-pha prakrtimat tat tat karma ca nirdosa, bhtv pratvam pnuyt TRANSLATION Certainly all actions performed along with the recitation of the Gt become purified and are then accomplished to perfection. GSBg 64 TEXT 64 TEXT pitn-uddiya ya rddhe gt-pha karoti hi santu pitaras tasya, nirayd ynti svargatim TRANSLATION A person who recites the Gt in the performance of obsequial ceremonies (rddha) satisfies his forefathers. Departing from hell, they ascend to heaven. GSBg 65 TEXT 65 TEXT gt-phena santu, pitara rddha-tarpit pit-loka praynty eva, putrrvda tat par. TRANSLATION The forefathers, having been offered obsequial libations by the recitation of the Gt, offer that son blessings, and ascend to the heavenly plane known as Pit-loka. GSBg 66 TEXT 66 TEXT gt pustaka dna ca, dhenu puccha samanvitam ktv ca tad dine samyak, ktrtha jyate jana TRANSLATION To make a gift presentation of a book of the Gt along with a yak-tail

whisk, enables a man to achieve complete success on that day.

GSBg 67 TEXT 67 TEXT pustaka hema-sayukta, gty prakaroti ya dattv viprya vidue, jyate na purna-bhavam TRANSLATION One who donates a gold-bound Gt to a learned brhmaa, never takes birth in the material world again. GSBg 68 TEXT 68 TEXT ata pustaka dna ca, gty prakaroti ya sa yti brahma-sadana, punar-vrtti durlabham TRANSLATION One who donates in charity one hundred copies of the Gt attains to a plane of the Absolute, wherefrom rebirth is rarely encountered. GSBg 69 TEXT 69 TEXT gt-dna prabhvena, sapta-kalpa-mit sam viu-lokam avpyante, viuna saha modate TRANSLATION The potency of presenting the Gt as a gift is such that the soul, having achieved a place in the planet of Lord Visnu for a period of seven milleniums, then associates with that Supreme Lord Visnu in divine ecstacy GSBg 70 TEXT 70 TEXT samyak rutv ca gtrtha, pustaka ya pradpayet tasmai prtah r bhagvan, dadti mnasepsitam TRANSLATION A person fulfils all his aspirations by pleasing the Supreme Lord, if after fully hearing the purport of the Gt, he presents the book as a gift to a brhmaa. GSBg 71 TEXT 71 TEXT na unoti na pahati, gtm-amta-rpinim hastt tyaktvmta prpta, sa naro viam anute TRANSLATION One who neither recites nor hears the Gt, which is the embodiment

of ambrosia, drops nectar from his hand in order to drink poison. GSBg 72 TEXT 72 TEXT jana sasra-dukhrto gt jna sam-labhet ptv gtmtam loke, labdhv bhakti sukh-bhavet TRANSLATION Having discovered the knowledge of the Gt and drinking its ambrosia, persons afflicted by the misery of this mundane, deathly plane take refuge in devotion unto the Supreme Lord and become trully happy. GSBg 73 TEXT 73 TEXT gtm ritya bahavo, bh-bhujo janakdaya nirdhta-kalma loke, gats te parama padam TRANSLATION Many saintly kings such as King Janaka took shelter of the knowledge of tile Gt, and, remaining sinless, they achieved the supreme destination. GSBg 74 TEXT 74 TEXT gtsu na vieo sti, janeccvaceu ca jnev eva samagreu, sam brahma-svarpi TRANSLATION In the recitation of the Gt, there is no consideration of high or low birth. Only the faithful are qualified to recite the Gt, because of all knowledge, the Gt is the embodiment of the Absolute. GSBg 75 TEXT 75 TEXT yo bhimnena garvea, gt-nind karoti ca sa yti naraka ghora, yvad hta-samplavam TRANSLATION A person who out of egotism or pride vilifies the Gt, will have to reside in ghastly hell up to the time of the great universal cataclysm. GSBg 76 TEXT 76 TEXT ahakrea mhatm, gtrtha naiva manyate kumbh-pkeu pacyeta, yvat kalpa-kayo bhavet TRANSLATION That fool who, inflated with egotism, insults the purport of the Gt,

must remain boiling in oil in the hell known as Kumbhpka, up until the annihilation at the end of that millennium. GSBg 77 TEXT 77 TEXT gtrtha vcyamna yo, na oti samsata sa kara-bhav yonim, anekm adhigacchati TRANSLATION Despite singing the praises of the purport of the Gt in a thorough way, the person who does not hear about that purport, repeatedly takes birth in the wombs of hogs. GSBg 78 TEXT 78 TEXT caurya ktv ca gty, pustaka ya samnayet na tasya saphala kicit, pahanam ca vth bhavet TRANSLATION A person who obtains the book of Gt by theft is unsuccessful in all his endeavors, and even his study and recitation of that book is just a waste of time. GSBg 79 TEXT 79 TEXT ya rutv naiva gtm ca, modate paramrthata naiva tasya phala loke, pramattasya yath rama TRANSLATION One who does not experience divine ecstacy even after having heard the Gt, simply endeavors fruitlessly like the hard labour of a madman. GSBg 80 TEXT 80 TEXT gt rutv hiraya ca, bhojya paambara tath nivedayet pradnrtham, prtaye paramtmana TRANSLATION In order to please the Supreme Lord, after having heard the Gt, one should offer gold, eatables, and silken cloth to a Vaiava brhmaa. GSBg 81 TEXT 81 TEXT vacaka pjayet bhakty, dravya vastrdy upaskarai anekair bahudh prtya, tuyatam bhagavn hari TRANSLATION For the transcendental pleasure of the Supreme Lord Hari, one must worship the speaker of the Gt with devotion, by offering him cloth

and many kinds of worshipped presentations. GSBg 82 TEXT 82 TEXT sta uvca mhtmyam etad gty, ka prokta purtanam gtnte pahate yas tu, yathokta phala-bhg bhavet TRANSLATION Suta Goswami said: One who, after singing the Gt, sings this eternal glory of the Gt, as it was uttered by Lord r Kasuch a person, as aforementioned, can partake of the fruit of the Gt. GSBg 83 TEXT 83 TEXT gty pahana ktva, mhtmya naiva ya pahet vtha pha-phala tasya, rama eva udhta. TRANSLATION After singing the Gt, one who does not sing the Glory of the Gt loses the fruit of his chanting. It becomes only so much useless labor. GSBg 84 TEXT 84 TEXT etan mhtmya-sayukta, gt-pha karoti ya raddhay ya oty eva, param gatim pnuyt TRANSLATION One who, with faith, recites or hears the Gt complete with the Glory of the Gt, certainly reaches the supreme transcendental destination. GSBg 85 TEXT 85 TEXT rutv gtm artha-yukt, mhtmya ya oti ca tasya puya-phala loke, bhavet sarva-sukhvaham TRANSLATION Whoever with true faith sublime hears this deep meaningful Gita-Song Divine, his pure and holy gain brings his whole life to the plane of all pervading joy, sweetness, and charm. iti r vaiavya-tantra-sre rmad-bhagavad-gt-mhtmya samprna. Thus is completed the Glory of r Gt

sarvopaniado gvo dogdh gopla-nandana prtho vatsa su-dhr bhokt dugdha gtmta mahat "This Gtopaniad, Bhagavad-gt, the essence of all the Upaniads, is just like a cow, and Lord Ka, who is famous as a cowherd boy, is milking this cow. Arjuna is just like a calf, and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gt." (Gt-mhtmya 6)

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