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Principles of Hydrodynamic

A hydrodynamic plane-slider is shown in Fig. 1-2 and the widely used hydro-
dynamic journal bearing is shown in Fig. 1-3. Hydrodynamic lubrication is the
fluid dynamic effect that generates a lubrication fluid film that completely
separates the sliding surfaces. The fluid film is in a thin clearance between two
surfaces in relative motion. The hydrodynamic effect generates a hydrodynamic
pressure wave in the fluid film that results in load-carrying capacity, in the sense
that the fluid film has sufficient pressure to carry the external load on the bearing.
The pressure wave is generated by a wedge of viscous lubricant drawn into the
clearance between the two converging surfaces or by a squeeze-film action.
The thin clearance of a plane-slider and a journal bearing has the shape of a
thin converging wedge. The fluid adheres to the solid surfaces and is dragged into
the converging clearance. High shear stresses drag the fluid into the wedge due to
the motion of the solid surfaces. In turn, high pressure must build up in the fluid
film before the viscous fluid escapes through the thin clearance. The pressure
wave in the fluid film results in a load-carrying capacity that supports the external
load on the bearing. In this way, the hydrodynamic film can completely separate
the sliding surfaces, and, thus, wear of the sliding surfaces is prevented. Under
steady conditions, the hydrodynamic load capacity, W , of a bearing is equal to the
external load, F, on the bearing, but it is acting in the opposite direction. The

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hydrodynamic theory of lubrication solves for the fluid velocity, pressure wave,
and resultant load capacity.
Experiments and hydrodynamic analysis indicated that the hydrodynamic
load capacity is proportional to the sliding speed and fluid viscosity. At the same
time, the load capacity dramatically increases for a thinner fluid film. However,
there is a practical limit to how much the bearing designer can reduce the film
thickness. A very thin fluid film is undesirable, particularly in machines with
vibrations. Whenever the hydrodynamic film becomes too thin, it results in
occasional contact of the surfaces, which results in severe wear. Picking the
optimum film-thickness is an important decision in the design process; it will be
discussed in the following chapters.
Tower (1880) conducted experiments and demonstrated for the first time
the existence of a pressure wave in a hydrodynamic journal bearing. Later,
Reynolds (1886) derived the classical theory of hydrodynamic lubrication. A
large volume of analytical and experimental research work in hydrodynamic
lubrication has subsequently followed the work of Reynolds. The classical theory
of Reynolds and his followers is based on several assumptions that were adopted
to simplify the mathematical derivations, most of which are still applied today.
Most of these assumptions are justified because they do not result in a significant
deviation from the actual conditions in the bearing. However, some other classical
assumptions are not realistic but were necessary to simplify the analysis. As in
other disciplines, the introduction of computers permitted complex hydrodynamic
lubrication problems to be solved by numerical analysis and have resulted in the
numerical solution of such problems under realistic conditions without having to
rely on certain inaccurate assumptions.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, only long hydrodynamic journal
bearings had been designed. The length was long in comparison to the diameter,
L > D; long-bearing theory of Reynolds is applicable to such bearings. Later,
however, the advantages of a short bearing were recognized. In modern machin-
ery, the bearings are usually short, L < D; short-bearing theory is applicable. The
advantage of a long bearing is its higher load capacity in comparison to a short
bearing. Moreover, the load capacity of a long bearing is even much higher per
unit of bearing area. In comparison, the most important advantages of a short
bearing that make it widely used are: (a) better cooling due to faster circulation of
lubricant; (b) less sensitivity to misalignment; and (c) a compact design.
Simplified models are commonly used in engineering to provide insight and
simple design tools. Hydrodynamic lubrication analysis is much simplified if the
bearing is assumed to be infinitely long or infinitely short. But for a finite-length
bearing, there is a three-dimensional flow that requires numerical solution by
computer. In order to simplify the analysis, long journal bearings, L > D, are
often solved as infinitely long bearings, while short bearings, L < D, are often
solved as infinitely short bearings.

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The first assumption of hydrodynamic lubrication theory is that the fluid film flow
is laminar. The flow is laminar at low Reynolds number (Re). In fluid dynamics,
the Reynolds number is useful for estimating the ratio of the inertial and viscous
forces. For a fluid film flow, the expression for the Reynolds number is

U rh Uh
Re ¼ ¼ ð4-1Þ
m n

Here, h is the average magnitude of the variable film thickness, r is the fluid
density, m is the fluid viscosity, and n is the kinematic viscosity. The transition
from laminar to turbulent flow in hydrodynamic lubrication initiates at about
Re ¼ 1000, and the flow becomes completely turbulent at about Re ¼ 1600. The
Reynolds number at the transition can be lower if the bearing surfaces are rough
or in the presence of vibrations. In practice, there are always some vibrations in
rotating machinery.
In most practical bearings, the Reynolds number is sufficiently low,
resulting in laminar fluid film flow. An example problem is included in Chapter
5, where Re is calculated for various practical cases. That example shows that in
certain unique applications, such as where water is used as a lubricant (in certain
centrifugal pumps or in boats), the Reynolds number is quite high, resulting in
turbulent fluid film flow.
Classical hydrodynamic theory is based on the assumption of a linear
relation between the fluid stress and the strain-rate. Fluids that demonstrate such a
linear relationship are referred to as Newtonian fluids (see Chapter 2). For most
lubricants, including mineral oils, synthetic lubricants, air, and water, a linear
relationship between the stress and the strain-rate components is a very close
approximation. In addition, liquid lubricants are considered to be incompressible.
That is, they have a negligible change of volume under the usual pressures in
hydrodynamic lubrication.
Differential equations are used for theoretical modeling in various disci-
plines. These equations are usually simplified under certain conditions by
disregarding terms of a relatively lower order of magnitude. Order analysis of
the various terms of an equation, under specific conditions, is required for
determining the most significant terms, which capture the most important effects.
A term in an equation can be disregarded and omitted if it is lower by one or
several orders of magnitude in comparison to other terms in the same equation.
Dimensionless analysis is a useful tool for determining the relative orders of
magnitude of the terms in an equation. For example, in fluid dynamics, the

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dimensionless Reynolds number is a useful tool for estimating the ratio of inertial
and viscous forces.
In hydrodynamic lubrication, the fluid film is very thin, and in most
practical cases the Reynolds number is low. Therefore, the effect of the inertial
forces of the fluid (ma) as well as gravity forces (mg) are very small and can be
neglected in comparison to the dominant effect of the viscous stresses. This
assumption is applicable for most practical hydrodynamic bearings, except in
unique circumstances.
The fluid is assumed to be continuous, in the sense that there is continuity
(no sudden change in the form of a step function) in the fluid flow variables, such
as shear stresses and pressure distribution. In fact, there are always very small air
bubbles in the lubricant that cause discontinuity. However, this effect is usually
negligible, unless there is a massive fluid foaming or fluid cavitation (formation
of bubbles when the vapor pressure is higher than the fluid pressure). In general,
classical fluid dynamics is based on the continuity assumption. It is important for
mathematical derivations that all functions be continuous and differentiable, such
as stress, strain-rate, and pressure functions.
The following are the basic ten assumptions of classical hydrodynamic
lubrication theory. The first nine were investigated and found to be justified, in the
sense that they result in a negligible deviation from reality for most practical oil
bearings (except in some unique circumstances). The tenth assumption however,
has been introduced only for the purpose of simplifying the analysis.

Assumptions of classical hydrodynamic lubrication theory

1. The flow is laminar because the Reynolds number, Re, is low.
2. The fluid lubricant is continuous, Newtonian, and incompressible.
3. The fluid adheres to the solid surface at the boundary and there is no
fluid slip at the boundary; that is, the velocity of fluid at the solid
boundary is equal to that of the solid.
4. The velocity component, n, across the thin film (in the y direction) is
negligible in comparison to the other two velocity components, u and
w, in the x and z directions, as shown in Fig. 1-2.
5. Velocity gradients along the fluid film, in the x and z directions, are
small and negligible relative to the velocity gradients across the film
because the fluid film is thin, i.e., du=dy  du=dx and
dw=dy  dw=dz.
6. The effect of the curvature in a journal bearing can be ignored. The
film thickness, h, is very small in comparison to the radius of
curvature, R, so the effect of the curvature on the flow and pressure
distribution is relatively small and can be disregarded.

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7. The pressure, p, across the film (in the y direction) is constant. In fact,
pressure variations in the y direction are very small and their effect is
negligible in the equations of motion.
8. The force of gravity on the fluid is negligible in comparison to the
viscous forces.
9. Effects of fluid inertia are negligible in comparison to the viscous
forces. In fluid dynamics, this assumption is usually justified for low-
Reynolds-number flow.

These nine assumptions are justified for most practical hydrodynamic

bearings. In contrast, the following additional tenth assumption has been
introduced only for simplification of the analysis.

10. The fluid viscosity, m, is constant.

It is well known that temperature varies along the hydrodynamic film,

resulting in a variable viscosity. However, in view of the significant simplification
of the analysis, most of the practical calculations are still based on the assumption
of a constant equivalent viscosity that is determined by the average fluid film
temperature. The last assumption can be applied in practice because it has already
been verified that reasonably accurate results can be obtained for regular
hydrodynamic bearings by considering an equivalent viscosity. The average
temperature is usually determined by averaging the temperature of the bearing
inlet and outlet lubricant. Various other methods have been suggested to calculate
the equivalent viscosity.
A further simplification of the analysis can be obtained for very long and
very short bearings. If a bearing is very long, the flow in the axial direction (z
direction) can be neglected, and the three-dimensional flow reduces to a much
simpler two-dimensional flow problem that can yield a closed form of analytical
A long journal bearing is where the bearing length is much larger than its
diameter, L  D, and a short journal bearing is where L  D. If L  D, the
bearing is assumed to be infinitely long; if L  D, the bearing is assumed to be
infinitely short.
For a journal bearing whose length L and diameter D are of a similar order
of magnitude, the analysis is more complex. This three-dimensional flow analysis
is referred to as a finite-length bearing analysis. Computer-aided numerical
analysis is commonly applied to solve for the finite bearing. The results are
summarized in tables that are widely used for design purposes (see Chapter 8).

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The coordinates of a long hydrodynamic journal bearing are shown in Fig. 4-1.
The velocity components of the fluid flow, u, v, and w are in the x; y, and z
directions, respectively. A journal bearing is long if the bearing length, L, is much
larger than its diameter, D. A plane-slider (see Fig. 1-2) is long if the bearing
width, L, in the z direction is much larger than the length, B, in the x direction (the
direction of the sliding motion), or L  B.
In addition to the ten classical assumptions, there is an additional assump-
tion for a long bearing—it can be analyzed as an infinitely long bearing. The
pressure gradient in the z direction (axial direction) can be neglected in
comparison to the pressure gradient in the x direction (around the bearing).
The pressure is assumed to be constant along the z direction, resulting in two-
dimensional flow, w ¼ 0.
In fact, in actual long bearings there is a side flow from the bearing edge, in
the z direction, because the pressure inside the bearing is higher than the ambient
pressure. This side flow is referred to as an end effect. In addition to flow, there
are other end effects, such as capillary forces. But for a long bearing, these effects
are negligible in comparison to the constant pressure along the entire length.


The following analysis is based on first principles. It does not use the Navier–
Stokes equations or the Reynolds equation and does not require in-depth
knowledge of fluid dynamics. The following self-contained derivation can help
in understanding the physical concepts of hydrodynamic lubrication.
An additional merit of a derivation that does not rely on the Navier–Stokes
equations is that it allows extending the theory to applications where the Navier–
Stokes equations do not apply. An example is lubrication with non-Newtonian
fluids, which cannot rely on the classical Navier–Stokes equations because they

F IG. 4-1 Coordinates of a long journal bearing.

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assume the fluid is Newtonian. Since the following analysis is based on first
principles, a similar derivation can be applied to non-Newtonian fluids (see
Chapter 19).
The following hydrodynamic lubrication analysis includes a derivation of
the differential equation of fluid motion and a solution for the flow and pressure
distribution inside a fluid film. The boundary conditions of the velocity and the
conservation of mass (or the equivalent conservation of volume for an incom-
pressible flow) are considered for this derivation.
The equation of the fluid motion is derived by considering the balance of
forces acting on a small, infinitesimal fluid element having the shape of a
rectangular parallelogram of dimensions dx and dy, as shown in Fig. 4-2. This
elementary fluid element inside the fluid film is shown in Fig. 1-2. The derivation
is for a two-dimensional flow in the x and y directions. In an infinitely long
bearing, there is no flow or pressure gradient in the z direction. Therefore, the
third dimension of the parallelogram (in the z direction) is of unit length (1).
The pressure in the x direction and the shear stress, t, in the y direction are
shown in Fig. 4-2. The stresses are subject to continuous variations. A relation
between the pressure and shear-stress gradients is derived from the balance of
forces on the fluid element. The forces are the product of stresses, or pressures,
and the corresponding areas. The fluid inertial force (ma) is very small and is
therefore neglected in the classical hydrodynamic theory (see assumptions listed
earlier), allowing the derivation of the following force equilibrium equation in a
similar way to a static problem:

ðt þ dtÞdx  1  t dx  1 ¼ ð p þ dpÞ  dy  1 ¼ p dy  1 ð4-2Þ

Equation (4-2) reduces to

dt dx ¼ dp dy ð4-3Þ

F IG. 4-2 Balance of forces on an infinitesimal fluid element.

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After substituting the full differential expression dt ¼ ð@t=@yÞdy in Eq. (4-3) and
substituting the equation t ¼ m ð@u=@yÞ for the shear stress, Eq. (4-3) takes the
form of the following differential equation:
dp @2 u
¼m 2 ð4-4Þ
dx @y
A partial derivative is used because the velocity, u, is a function of x and y.
Equation (4-4), is referred to as the equation of fluid motion, because it can be
solved for the velocity distribution, u, in a thin fluid film of a hydrodynamic
Comment. In fact, it is shown in Chapter 5 that the complete equation for
the shear stress is t ¼ mðdu=dy þ dv=dxÞ. However, according to our assump-
tions, the second term is very small and is neglected in this derivation.


The following simple solution is limited to a fluid film of steady geometry. It
means that the geometry of the fluid film does not vary with time relative to the
coordinate system, and it does not apply to time-dependent fluid film geometry
such as a bearing under dynamic load. A more universal approach is possible by
using the Reynolds equation (see Chapter 6). The Reynolds equation applies to
all fluid films, including time-dependent fluid film geometry.

Example Problems 4-1

Journal Bearing
In Fig. 4-1, a journal bearing is shown in which the bearing is stationary and the
journal turns around a stationary center. Derive the equations for the fluid velocity
and pressure gradient.
The variable film thickness is due to the journal eccentricity. In hydro-
dynamic bearings, h ¼ hðxÞ is the variable film thickness around the bearing. The
coordinate system is attached to the stationary bearing, and the journal surface
has a constant velocity, U ¼ oR, in the x direction.
The coordinate x is along the bearing surface curvature. According to the
assumptions, the curvature is disregarded and the flow is solved as if the
boundaries were a straight line.
Equation (4-4) can be solved for the velocity distribution, u ¼ uðx; yÞ.
Following the assumptions, variations of the pressure in the y direction are
negligible (Assumption 6), and the pressure is taken as a constant across the film

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thickness because the fluid film is thin. Therefore, in two-dimensional flow of a
long bearing, the pressure is a function of x only. In order to simplify the solution
for the velocity, u, the following substitution is made in Eq. (4-4):
1 dp
2mðxÞ ¼ ð4-5Þ
m dx
where mðxÞ is an unknown function of x that must be solved in order to find the
pressure distribution. Equation 4-4 becomes
¼ 2mðxÞ ð4-6Þ
Integrating Eq. (4-6) twice yields the following expression for the velocity
distribution, u, across the fluid film (n and k are integration constants):
u ¼ my2 þ ny þ k ð4-7Þ
Here, m, n, and k are three unknowns that are functions of x only. Three equations
are required to solve for these three unknowns. Two equations are obtained from
the two boundary conditions of the flow at the solid surfaces, and the third
equation is derived from the continuity condition, which is equivalent to the
conservation of mass of the fluid (or conservation of volume for incompressible
The fluid adheres to the solid wall (no slip condition), and the fluid velocity
at the boundaries is equal to that of the solid surface. In a journal bearing having a
stationary bearing and a rotating journal at surface speed U ¼ oR (see Fig. 4-1),
the boundary conditions are
at y ¼ 0: u¼0
at y ¼ hðxÞ: u ¼ U cos a  U
The slope between the tangential velocity U and the x direction is very small;
therefore, cos a  1, and we can assume that at y ¼ hðxÞ, u  U .
The third equation, which is required for the three unknowns, m; n, and k, is
obtained from considerations of conservation of mass. For an infinitely long
bearing, there is no flow in the axial direction, z; therefore, the amount of mass
flow through each cross section of the fluid film is constant (the cross-sectional
plane is normal to the x direction). Since the fluid is incompressible, the volume
flow rate is also constant at any cross section. The constant-volume flow rate, q,
per unit of bearing length is obtained by integration of the velocity component, u,
along the film thickness, as follows:
q¼ u dy ¼ constant ð4-9Þ

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Equation (4-9) is applicable only for a steady fluid film geometry that does not
vary with time.
The pressure wave around the journal bearing is shown in Fig. 1-3. At the
peak of the pressure wave, dp=dx ¼ 0, and the velocity distribution, u ¼ uð yÞ, at
that point is linear according to Eq. (4-4). The linear velocity distribution in a
simple shear flow (in the absence of pressure gradient) is shown in Fig. 4-3. If the
film thickness at the peak pressure point is h ¼ h0 , the flow rate, q, per unit length
is equal to the area of the velocity distribution triangle:

q¼ ð4-10Þ

The two boundary conditions of the velocity as well as the conservation of mass
condition form the following three equations, which can be solved for m, n and k:

0 ¼ m02 þ n0 þ k ) k ¼ 0
U ¼ mh2 þ nh
ðh ð4-11Þ
¼ ðmy2 þ nyÞ dy
2 0

After solving for m, n, and k and substituting these values into Eq. (4-7), the
following equation for the velocity distribution is obtained:
1 h0 2 3h0 2
u ¼ 3U 2  3 y þ U  y ð4-12Þ
h h h2 h

F IG. 4-3 Linear velocity distribution for a simple shear flow (no pressure gradient).

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From the value of m, the expression for the pressure gradient, dp=dx, is solved
[see Eq. (4-5)]:
dp h  h0
¼ 6U m ð4-13Þ
dx h3
Equation (4-13) still contains an unknown constant, h0 , which is the film
thickness at the peak pressure point. This will be solved from additional
information about the pressure wave. Equation (4-13) can be integrated for the
pressure wave.

Example Problem 4-2

Inclined Plane Slider
As discussed earlier, a steady-fluid-film geometry (relative to the coordinates)
must be selected for a simple derivation of the pressure gradient. The second
example is of an inclined plane-slider having a configuration as shown in Fig. 4-
4. This example is of a converging viscous wedge similar to that of a journal
bearing; however, the lower part is moving in the x direction and the upper plane
is stationary while the coordinates are stationary. This bearing configuration is
selected because the geometry of the clearance (and fluid film) does not vary with
time relative to the coordinate system.
Find the velocity distribution and the equation for the pressure gradient in
the inclined plane-slider shown in Fig 4-4.
In this case, the boundary conditions are:
at y ¼ 0: u¼U
at y ¼ hðxÞ: u¼0
In this example, the lower boundary is moving and the upper part is stationary.
The coordinates are stationary, and the geometry of the fluid film does not vary

F IG. 4-4 Inclined plane-slider (converging flow in the x direction).

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relative to the coordinates. In this case, the flow rate is constant, in a similar way
to that of a journal bearing. This flow rate is equal to the area of the velocity
distribution triangle at the point of peak pressure, where the clearance thickness is
h0 . The equation for the constant flow rate is
h0 U
q¼ u dy ¼
0 2

The two boundary conditions of the velocity and the constant flow-rate condition
form the three equations for solving for m, n, and k:

U ¼ m02 þ n0 þ k ) k¼U
0 ¼ mh þ nh þ U
¼ ðmy2 þ ny þ U Þdy
2 0

After solving for m, n, and k and substituting these values into Eq. (4-7), the
following equation for the velocity distribution is obtained:
1 h 3h0 4
u ¼ 3U 2  03 y2 þ U  yþU
h h h2 h

From the value of m, an identical expression to Eq. (4-13) for the pressure
gradient, dp=dx, is obtained for @h=@x < 0 (a converging slope in the x direction):

dp h  h0 @h
¼ 6U m for < 0 ðnegative slopeÞ
dx h3 @x
This equation applies to a converging wedge where the coordinate x is in the
direction of a converging clearance. It means that the clearance reduces along x as
shown in Fig. 4-4.
In a converging clearance near x ¼ 0, the clearance slope is negative,
@h=@x < 0. This means that the pressure increases near x ¼ 0. At that point,
h > h0 , resulting in dp=dx > 0.
If we reverse the direction of the coordinate x, the expression for the
pressure gradient would have an opposite sign:

dp h h @h
¼ 6U m 0 3 for > 0 ðpositive slopeÞ
dx h @x
This equation applies to a plane-slider, as shown in Fig 4-5, where the coordinate
x is in the direction of increasing clearance. The unknown constant, h0 , will be
determined from the boundary conditions of the pressure wave.

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F IG. 4-5 Inclined plane-slider (x coordinate in the direction of a diverging clearance).


4.6.1 Journal Bearing
The pressure wave along the x direction is solved by integration of Eq. (4-13).
The two unknowns, h0 , and the integration constant are solved from the two
boundary conditions of the pressure wave. In a plane-slider, the locations at the
start and end of the pressure wave are used as pressure boundary conditions.
These locations are not obvious when the clearance is converging and diverging,
such as in journal bearings, and other boundary conditions of the pressure wave
are used for solving h0 . Integrating the pressure gradient, Eq. (4-13), results in the
following equation for a journal bearing:
h  h0
p ¼ 6mU dx þ p0 ð4-14aÞ
0 h3

Here, the pressure p0 represents the pressure at x ¼ 0. In a journal bearing, the

lubricant is often fed into the clearance through a hole in the bearing at x ¼ 0. In
that case, p0 is the supply pressure.

4.6.2 Plane-Slider
In the case of an inclined slider, p0 is the atmospheric pressure. Pressure is
commonly measured with reference to atmospheric pressure (gauge pressure),
resulting in p0 ¼ 0 for an inclined slider.
The pressure wave, pðxÞ, can be solved for any bearing geometry, as long as
the film thickness, h ¼ hðxÞ, is known. The pressure wave can be solved by
analytical or numerical integration. The analytical integration of complex func-

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tions has been a challenge in the past. However, the use of computers makes
numerical integration a relatively easy task.
An inclined plane slider is shown in Fig. 4-5, where the inclination angle is
a. The fluid film is equivalent to that in Fig. 4-4, although the x is in the opposite
direction, @h=@x > 0, and the pressure wave is
h0  h
p ¼ 6mU dx ð4-14bÞ
x1 h3

In order to have concise equations, the slope of the plane-slider is

substituted by a ¼ tan a, and the variable film thickness is given by the function

hðxÞ ¼ ax ð4-15Þ

Here, x is measured from the point of intersection of the plane-slider and the
bearing surface. The minimum and maximum film thicknesses are h1 and h2,
respectively, as shown in Fig. 4-5.
In order to solve the pressure distribution in any converging fluid film, Eq.
(4-14) is integrated after substituting the value of h according to Eq. (4-15). After
integration, there are two unknowns: the constant h0 in Eq. (4-10) and the
constant of integration, po . The two unknown constants are solved for the two
boundary conditions of the pressure wave. At each end of the inclined plane, the
pressure is equal to the ambient (atmospheric) pressure, p ¼ 0. The boundary
conditions are:

at h ¼ h1 : p¼0
at h ¼ h2 : p¼0

The solution can be analytically performed in closed form or by numerical

integration (see Appendix B). The numerical integration involves iterations to
find h0 . Hydrodynamic lubrication equations require frequent use of computer
programming to perform the trial-and-error iterations. An example of a numerical
integration is shown in Example Problem 4-4.

Analytical Solution. For an infinitely long plane-slider, L  B, analytical

integration results in the following pressure wave along the x direction (between
x ¼ h1 =a and x ¼ h2 =a):

6mU ðh1  axÞðax  h2 Þ

p¼ ð4-17Þ
a3 ðh1 þ h2 Þx2

At the boundaries h ¼ h1 and h ¼ h2, the pressure is zero (atmospheric pressure).

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Once the pressure wave is solved, it is possible to integrate it again to solve for the
bearing load capacity, W . For a plane-slider, the integration for the load capacity
is according to the following equation:
ð x2
W ¼L p dx ð4-18Þ

The foregoing integration of the pressure wave can be derived analytically, in

closed form. However, in many cases, the derivation of an analytical solution is
too complex, and a computer program can perform a numerical integration. It is
beneficial for the reader to solve this problem numerically, and writing a small
computer program for this purpose is recommended.
An analytical solution for the load capacity is obtained by substituting the
pressure in Eq. (4-17) into Eq. (4-18) and integrating in the boundaries between
x1 ¼ h1 =a and x2 ¼ h2 =a. The final analytical expression for the load capacity in
a plane-slider is as follows:
6mULB2 1 2ðb  1Þ
W ¼ ln b  ð4-19Þ
h22 b1 bþ1

where b is the ratio of the maximum and minimum film thickness, h2 =h1 . A
similar derivation can be followed for nonflat sliders, such as in the case of a
slider having a parabolic surface in Problem 4-2, at the end of this chapter.


The friction force, Ff , is obtained by integrating the shear stress, t over any cross-
sectional area along the fluid film. For convenience, a cross section is selected
along the bearing stationary wall, y ¼ 0. The shear stress at the wall, tw , at y ¼ 0
can be obtained via the following equation:
tw ¼ m j ð4-20Þ
dy ðy¼0Þ

The velocity distribution can be substituted from Eq. (4-12), and after differ-
entiation of the velocity function according to Eq. (4-20), the shear stress at the
wall, y ¼ 0, is given by
3h0 2
tw ¼ mU  ð4-21Þ
h2 h

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The friction force, Ff , for a long plane-slider is obtained by integration of the
shear stress, as follows:
ð x2
Ff ¼ L t dx ð4-22Þ

4.8.1 Friction Coe⁄cient

The bearing friction coefficient, f , is defined as the ratio of the friction force to
the bearing load capacity:

f ¼ ð4-23Þ

An important objective of a bearing design is to minimize the friction coefficient.

The friction coefficient is usually lower with a thinner minimum film thickness,
hn (in a plane-slider, hn ¼ h1 ). However, if the minimum film thickness is too low,
it involves the risk of severe wear between the surfaces. Therefore, the design
involves a compromise between a low-friction requirement and a risk of severe
wear. Determination of the desired minimum film thickness, hn , requires careful
consideration. It depends on the surface finish of the sliding surfaces and the level
of vibrations and disturbances in the machine. This part of the design process is
discussed in the following chapters.


Example Problem 4-3
Derive the equation of the pressure gradient in a unidirectional flow inside a thin
clearance between two stationary parallel plates as shown in Fig. 4-6. The flow is
parallel, in the x direction only. The constant clearance between the plates is h0 ,
and the rate of flow is Q, and the x axis is along the center of the clearance.

F IG. 4-6 Flow between two parallel plates.

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In a similar way to the solution for hydrodynamic bearing, the parallel flow in the
x direction is derived from Eq. (4-4), repeated here as Eq. (4-24):

dp @2 u
¼m 2 ð4-24Þ
dx @y

This equation can be rewritten as

@u2 1 dp
¼ ð4-25Þ
@y2 m dx

The velocity profile is solved by a double integration. Integrating Eq. (4-25) twice
yields the expression for the velocity u:

1 dp 2
u¼ y þ ny þ k ð4-26Þ
2m dx

Here, n and k are integration constants obtained from the two boundary
conditions of the flow at the solid surfaces (no-slip condition).
The boundary conditions at the wall of the two plates are:

at y ¼  : u¼0 ð4-27Þ
The flow is symmetrical, and the solution for n and k is
n ¼ 0; k ¼ m 0 ð4-28Þ

The flow equation becomes

1 dp 2 h2
u¼ y  ð4-29Þ
2m dx 4

The parabolic velocity distribution is shown in Fig. 4-6. The pressure gradient is
obtained from the conservation of mass. For a parallel flow, there is no flow in the
z direction. For convenience, the y coordinate is measured from the center of the
clearance. The constant-volume flow rate, Q, is obtained by integrating the
velocity component, u, along the film thickness, as follows:
ð h=2
Q ¼ 2L u dy ð4-30Þ

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Here, L is the width of the parallel plates, in the direction normal to the flow (in
the z direction). Substituting the flow in Eq. (4-29) into Eq. (4-30) and integrating
yields the expression for the pressure gradient as a function of flow rate, Q:

dp 12m
¼ 3Q ð4-31Þ
dx bh0

This equation is useful for the hydrostatic bearing calculations in Chapter 10. The
negative sign means that a negative pressure slope in the x direction is required
for a flow in the same direction.


There are important applications of a full fluid film at the rolling contact of a
cylinder and a flat plate and at the contact of two parallel cylinders. Examples are
cylindrical rolling bearings, cams, and gears. A very thin fluid film that separates
the surfaces is shown in Fig. 4-7. In this example, the cylinder is stationary and
the flat plate has a velocity U in the x direction. In Chapter 6, this problem is
extended to include rolling motion of the cylinder over the plate.
The problem of a cylinder and a flat plate is a special case of the general
problem of contact between two parallel cylinders. By using the concept of
equivalent radius (see Chapter 12), the equations for a cylinder and a flat plate can
be extended to that for two parallel cylinders.
Fluid films at the contacts of rolling-element bearings and gear teeth are
referred to as elastohydrodynamic (EHD) films. The complete analysis of a fluid
film in actual rolling-element bearings and gear teeth is quite complex. Under
load, the high contact pressure results in a significant elastic deformation of the
contact surfaces as well as a rise of viscosity with pressure (see Chapter 12).

F IG. 4.7 Fluid film between a cylinder and a flat-plate.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

However, the following problem is for a light load where the solid surfaces are
assumed to be rigid and the viscosity is constant.
The following problem considers a plate and a cylinder with a minimum
clearance, hmin . In it we consider the case of a light load, where the elastic
deformation is very small and can be disregarded (cylinder and plate are assumed
to be rigid). In addition, the values of maximum and minimum pressures are
sufficiently low, and there is no fluid cavitation. The viscosity is assumed to be
constant. The cylinder is stationary, and the flat plate has a velocity U in the x
direction as shown in Fig. 4-7.
The cylinder is long in comparison to the film length, and the long-bearing
analysis can be applied.

4.10.1 Film Thickness

The film thickness in the clearance between a flat plate and a cylinder is given by

hðyÞ ¼ hmin þ Rð1  cos yÞ ð4-32Þ

where y is a cylinder angle measured from the minimum film thickness at x ¼ 0.

Since the minimum clearance, hmin , is very small (relative to the cylinder
radius), the pressure is generated only at a very small region close to the
minimum film thickness, where x  R, or x=R  1.
For a small ratio of x=R, the equation of the clearance, h, can be
approximated by a parabolic equation. The following expression is obtained by
expanding Eq. (4-32) for h into a Taylor series and truncating terms that include
powers higher than ðx=RÞ2 . In this way, the expression for the film thickness h can
be approximated by

hðxÞ ¼ hmin þ ð4-33aÞ

4.10.2 Pressure Wave

The pressure wave can be derived from the expression for the pressure gradient,
dp=dx, in Eq. (4-13). The equation is

dp h h
¼ 6mU 0 3
dx h

The unknown h0 can be replaced by the unknown x0 according to the equation

h0 ðxÞ ¼ hmin þ ð4-33bÞ

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After substituting the value of h according to Eqs. (4-33), the solution for the
pressure wave can be obtained by the following integration:
2 x20  x2
pðxÞ ¼ 24mUR dx ð4-34Þ
2 3
1 ð2Rhmin þ x Þ

The unknown x0 is solved by the following boundary conditions of the pressure


at x ¼ 1: p¼0
at x ¼ 1: p¼0

For numerical integration, the infinity can be replaced by a relatively large finite
value, where pressure is very small and can be disregarded.

Remark: The result is an antisymmetrical pressure wave (on the two sides
of the minimum film thickness), and there will be no resultant load capacity. In
actual cases, the pressures are high, and there is a cavitation at the diverging side.
A solution that considers the cavitation with realistic boundary conditions is
presented in Chapter 6.


If we perform a numerical integration of Eq. (4-34) for solving the pressure wave,
the solution would be limited to a specific bearing geometry of cylinder radius R
and minimum clearance hmin . The numerical integration must be repeated for a
different bearing geometry.
For a universal solution, there is obvious merit to performing a solution in
dimensionless terms. For conversion
ffi dimensionless terms, we normalize the x
coordinate by dividing it by 2Rhmin and define a dimensionless coordinate as
x ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4-36Þ

In addition, a dimensionless clearance ratio is defined:

h ¼ ð4-37Þ

The equation for the variable clearance ratio as a function of the dimensionless
coordinate becomes

h ¼ 1 þ x 2 ð4-38Þ

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Let us recall that the unknown h0 is the fluid film thickness at the point of peak
pressure. It is often convenient to substitute it by the location of the peak pressure,
x0 , and the dimensionless relation then is

h 0 ¼ 1 þ x 20 ð4-39Þ
In addition, if the dimensionless pressure is defined as
h2min 1
p ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi p ð4-40Þ
2Rhmin 6mU

then the following integration gives the dimensionless pressure wave:

ð ð x
x 2  x 20
p ¼ d p ¼ d x ð4-41Þ
1 ð1 þ x  2 Þ3
For a numerical integration of the pressure wave according to Eq. (4-41), the
boundary x ¼ 1 is replaced by a relatively large finite dimensionless value,
where pressure is small and can be disregarded, such as x ¼ 4. An example of
numerical integration is given in Example Problem 4.
In a similar way, for a numerical solution of the unknown x0 and the load
capacity, it is possible to replace infinity with a finite number, for example, the
following mathematical boundary conditions of the pressure wave of a full fluid
film between a cylinder and a plane:
at x ¼ 1: p ¼ 0
at x ¼ 1: p ¼ 0
These conditions are replaced by practical numerical boundary conditions:
at x ¼ 4: p ¼ 0
at x ¼ þ4: p ¼ 0
These practical numerical boundary conditions do not introduce a significant
error because a significant hydrodynamic pressure is developed only near the
minimum fluid film thickness, at x ¼ 0.

Example Problem 4-4

Ice Sled
An ice sled is shown in Fig. 4-8. On the left-hand side, there is a converging
clearance that is formed by the geometry of a quarter of a cylinder. A flat plate
continues the curved cylindrical shape. The flat part of the sled is parallel to the
flat ice. It is running parallel over the flat ice on a thin layer of water film of a
constant thickness h0 .

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FIG. 4-8 Ice sled.

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Derive and plot the pressure wave at the entrance region of the fluid film
and under the flat ice sled as it runs over the ice at velocity U. Derive the equation
of the sled load capacity.
The long-bearing approximation is assumed for the sled similar to the converging
slope in Fig. 4-4. The fluid film equation for an infinitely long bearing is
dp h  h0
¼ 6mU
dx h3
In the parallel region, h ¼ h0 , and it follows from the foregoing equation that
¼0 ðalong the parallel region of constant clearanceÞ
In this case, h0 ¼ hmin , and the equation for the variable clearance at the
converging region is
hðxÞ ¼ h0 þ
This means that for a wide sled, the pressure is constant within the parallel region.
This is correct only if L  B, where L is the bearing width (in the z direction) and
B is along the sled in the x direction.
Fluid flow in the converging region generates the pressure, which is
ultimately responsible for supporting the load of the sled. Through the adhesive
force of viscous shear, the fluid is dragged into the converging clearance, creating
the pressure in the parallel region.
Substituting hðxÞ into the pressure gradient equation yields
h0 þ  h0
dp 2R
¼ 6mU  3
dx x2
h0 þ
dp x2
¼ 24mUR2
dx ð2Rh0 þ x2 Þ3
Applying the limits of integration and the boundary condition, we get the
following for the pressure distribution:
pðxÞ ¼ 24mUR2 dx
2 3
1 ð2Rh0 þ x Þ

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This equation can be integrated analytically or numerically. For numerical
integration, since a significant pressure is generated only at a low x value, the
infinity boundary of integration is replaced by a finite magnitude.
Conversion to a Dimensionless Equation. As discussed earlier, there is an
advantage in solving the pressure distribution in dimensionless terms. A regular
pressure distribution curve is limited to the specific bearing data of given radius R
and clearance h0 . The advantage of a dimensionless curve is that it is universal
and applies to any bearing data. For conversion of the pressure gradient to
dimensionless terms, we normalize x by dividing by 2Rh0 and define dimen-
sionless terms as follows:
x h
x ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; h ¼ ; h ¼ 1 þ x 2
2Rh0 h0
Converting to dimensionless terms, the pressure gradient equation gets the form
dp 6mU h  1
¼ 2
dx h0 ð1 þ x 2 Þ3
Here, h0 ¼ hmin is the minimum film thickness at x ¼ 0. Substituting for the
dimensionless clearance and rearranging yields
h2 x 2
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi0 dp ¼ dx
2Rh0 6mU ð1 þ x 2 Þ3
The left-hand side of this equation is defined as the dimensionless pressure.
Dimensionless pressure is equal to the following integral:
ð ðx
h20 1 p x 2
p ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi dp ¼ d x
2Rh0 6mU 0 1 ð1 þ x  2 Þ3

Numerical Integration. The dimensionless pressure is solved by an

analytical or numerical integration of the preceding function within the specified
boundaries (see Appendix B). The pressure p0 under the flat plate is obtained by
integration to the limit x ¼ 0:
h20 1 Xx
p ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p0 ¼ 2 3
2Rh0 6mU 3 ð1 þ xi Þ

The pressure is significant only near x ¼ 0. Therefore, for the numerical

integration, a finite number replaces infinity. The resulting pressure distribution
is shown in Fig. 4-9.
Comparison with Analytical Integration. The maximum pressure at x ¼ 0
as well as along the constant clearance, x > 0, can also be solved by analytical

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F IG. 4-9 Dimensionless pressure wave.

integration of the following equation:

x 2
p 0 ¼ d x
1 ð1 þ x  2 Þ3
Using integration tables, the following integral solution is obtained:

x x arctanðxÞ0 p
p ¼  2
þ 2Þ
þ  ¼ ¼ 0:196
4ð1 þ x Þ 8ð1 þ x 8 1
2  8

This result is equal to that obtained by a numerical integration.

Load Capacity. The first step is to find the pressure p0 from the
dimensionless pressure wave, which is equal to 0.196. The converging entrance
area is small in comparison to the area under the flat plate. Neglecting the
pressure in the entrance region, the equation for the load capacity, W , becomes
W ¼ p0 BL
Here, B and L are the dimensions of the flat-plate area.
Calculation of Film Thickness. When the load capacity of the sled W is
known, it is possible to solve for the film thickness, h0 ¼ hmin . Substituting in the
equation, W ¼ p0 BL, the equation of the constant pressure p0 under the flat plate
as a function of the clearance h0 can allow us to solve for the constant film
thickness. The constant pressure p0 is derived from its dimensionless counterpart:
h20 1
p 0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p0 ¼ 0:196
2Rh0 6mU

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If the load, cylinder radius, water viscosity, and sled velocity are known, it is
possible to solve for the film thickness, h0 .
Example Problem 4-5
Derive the equation for the pressure gradient of a journal bearing if the journal
and bearing are both rotating around their stationary centers. The surface velocity
of the bearing bore is Uj ; ¼ oj R, and the surface velocity of the journal is
Ub ¼ ob R1 .
Starting from Eq. (4-4):
dp @2 u
¼m 2
dx @y
and integrating twice (in a similar way to a stationary bearing) yields
u ¼ my2 þ ny þ k
However, the boundary conditions and continuity conditions are as follows:
at y ¼ 0: u ¼ ob R1
at y ¼ hðxÞ: u ¼ oj R
In this case, the constant-volume flow rate, q, per unit of bearing length at
the point of peak pressure is
ðob R1 þ oj RÞh0
q ¼ u dy ¼
0 2
Solving for m, n and k and substituting in a similar way to the previous problem
while also assuming R1  R, the following equation for the pressure gradient is
dp h  h0
¼ 6Rðob þ oj Þm
dx h3


4-1 A long plane-slider, L ¼ 200 mm and B ¼ 100 mm, is sliding at

velocity of 0.3 m=s. The minimum film thickness is h1 ¼ 0:005 mm
and the maximum film thickness is h2 ¼ 0:010 mm. The fluid is SAE
30, and the operating temperature of the lubricant is assumed a
constant 30 C.
a. Assume the equation for an infinitely long bearing, and use
numerical integration to solve for the pressure wave (use

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

trial and error to solve for x0 ). Plot a curve of the pressure
distribution p ¼ pðxÞ.
b. Use numerical integration to find the load capacity.
Compare this to the load capacity obtained from Eq. (4-
c. Find the friction force and the friction coefficient.
4-2 A slider is machined to have a parabolic surface. The slider has a
horizontal velocity of 0.3 m=s. The minimum film hmin ¼ 0:020 mm,
and the clearance varies with x according to the following equation:
h ¼ 0:020 þ 0:01x2
The slider velocity is U ¼ 0:5 m=s. The length L ¼ 300 mm
and the width in the sliding direction B ¼ 100 mm. The lubricant is
SAE 40 and the temperature is assumed constant, T ¼ 40 C. Assume
the equation for an infinitely long bearing.
a. Use numerical integration and plot the dimensionless
pressure distribution, p ¼ pðxÞ.
b. Use numerical integration to find the load capacity.
c. Find the friction force and the friction coefficient.
4-3 A blade of a sled has the geometry shown in the Figure 4-8. The sled
is running over ice on a thin layer of water film. The total load (weight
of the sled and person) is 1500 N. The sled velocity is 20 km=h, the
radius of the inlet curvature is 30 cm, and the sled length B ¼ 30 cm,
and width is L ¼ 100 cm. The viscosity of water is m ¼ 1:792
103 N-s=m2 .
Find the film thickness ðh0 ¼ hmin Þ of the thin water layer shown in
Fig. 4-8.
Direction: The clearance between the plate and disk is
h ¼ hmin þ x2 =2R, and assume that p ¼ 0 at x ¼ R.

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