Down On My Knees

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Author: Terri Email/Feedback: Its the only way to keep me going Disclaimer: Sorry don't own them. Blame Joss for it, he's the owner. Distribution: Ask first please. Pairings: B/A(us), W/Z, C/D, G/J, F/S Rating: hopefully NC-17 but you'll find out later for sure. Summary: In a world different from from any other, women are forced on their knees to serve their master (aka the men of the world). The closest these relationships get is lust but Buffy and Angelus meets and change that. Author's Notes: I have gotten this plot out of a couple of stories like "The Castle" chapter of the story, " The first series" by Lady Sirona. Author's Notes 2: I don't know if I need a beta or not but I would be really glad if one of you can volunteer to help. Email me as soon as possible *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* People can describe life as a war, a fairytale, or an adventure. You can battle to survive, cheat, or just follow the rules. There can be obstacles, rewards, moments, and consequences but who has the time to care. Buffy understood this. She understood the rules, but she didn't like them. Her world is filled with injustice. She can fight as much as she wanted to, but one day she will have no other choice..... *-*-*-*-*-* "Buffy." Camille whispered "Buffy!" A little more forcefully. "Your father wants you to come down, ready for the evening." When no answer reached the elderly woman's ears, she decided to enter the room and make herself known. "This dinner shapes your future, Buffy. You have a very clear idea of how important this is." The sight that the woman saw when she entered the beautiful room was unbelievable. Buffy was laid out on her purple silk bed covered with the imperceptible gold net connected to the top of her post. Camille almost shrieked when she finally noticed that Buffy was not in the least bit ready. "Camille", Buffy sighed when she noticed her friend's reaction. "As I have said before and do now I AM NOT going! I am not becoming a slave to a lust filled, arrogant man who can't control his prick. Especially one that I have never met and I am not becoming his pet"

"Buffy, haven't you gotten over this phase yet." Camille said while sadly shaking her head after her anger melted into almost pity. "We are women, men rule this world and we have no choice but to follow. Have you yet seen the results of those who protest?!?. I don't want you to end up like them." Camille proclaimed as she settled at the edge of the bed. "You are 20 yrs old and still aren't proclaimed as someone's mate." "Slave..., Mate.... same thing. I know you want what is best for me but I just...I just cant do this." Said Buffy as she laid her head down on Camille's lap. "Your mother died after your birth, she wanted me to show you the way through this life. But Buffy you have to pick your battles, don't start a battle that can end your life." Camille said with tears in her eyes. "After today, when your father picks the man chosen, I may never see you again.......but I have trained you to become one of the most beautiful, graceful women this world has seen. And so I expect you to act your age" Camille sadly said with as much dignity she could hold. "Ple..." Buffy started. But before Buffy could answer, Camille rose, and with one last look at Buffy, left through the doors. Leaving Buffy with silent tears in her eyes, the glistening sun sadly descending on her shadow, and the depressing sound as the doors silently closed behind the old woman as she disappeared through the darkened hallway.

Part Two

"Clunk, Clunk" Everyone quieted down as the beautiful woman descended on the stairways ready to face her future. The bodice of the dress was a tight crimson color that was held by thick straps that rested on the tips of her shoulders. Her high, thin-heeled shoes made everyone notice her legs as she reached the bottom step, while the rest of the dress floated down by her feet forming an elegant hoop effect as she sashayed throughout the room. "Buffy,...*sigh* at last ready hopefully." Came the neutral voice of Mr. Hank Summers who himself sat on a throne two times his size with a beautiful woman on both sides. Buffy forced herself to keep quite as her tears threatened to spill; she then took a clear look at the picture it made. 'My good for nothing father. He always loved those whores who became any ones slave for nothing. My mother's death was like a drink to him,...Once you finish drinking in its sweetness, its like it never existed.' Buffy thought.

"Yes father" Buffy proclaimed as she reached the steps that led up to her father's throne. Buffy then sadly thought about the words Camille had spoken. Buffy then silently responded, 'You were right about picking your battles....but my father only picks the male that bestows upon him the greatest amount of money not caring for their reputation at all' Hank then cleared his throat, snapping Buffy out of her thoughts. "Buffy,... Mr. Giles and his slave...." Hank smirked at how Buffy cringed at the sound of that word "....will accompany you to the dinner at which you will be shown to your owner and from then cater to his needs. Men these days have their wants." Buffy almost vomited at the sleaziness of her 'father's' light usage of this matter. 'Pick your battles Buffy' Buffy remembered Camille's words. Buffy then shot a glance at Mr. Giles and his....mate..., Buffy knew them and also knew that they didn't like this slave talk going about this world, but they keep their thought usually to themselves. They were one of the good people.

"Of course father..... farewell," Buffy concluded as she was shown from her home to the party where she will meet her conqueror.

Part Three

>>The journey to the castle or known as the PRA (Private Ranking Associates) was located in Denerks, which was approximately 7000 feet from the home of Master Hank Summers in the town of Foriiners in the northern area of Ancient Germany.<< *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The streets were outlined with a light tint of metallic gold lights that reflected off the dark raspberry shade of the sky as the sun finally concluded its journey downward and the moon greeted the firmament. Buffy sighed in despair as they entered the main gates of the PRA fortress alternately clenching and relaxing her hands. The fountain that greeted the travelers at the front of the stunning house sparkled with the amber light of the jeweled torches that lit the way to the front doors. The flashes of midnight cars could be seen as the masters from around the continent made their way to the entrance with their slaves trailing behind, mostly on a chain that connected their hands, since only the most trusted and gorgeous were given collars.

As soon as Mister Giles exited his seat, Jenny, who had on a black collar of her own, was led out, leaving Buffy to make her way out herself in a sparkling pair of chain cuffs that connected her tiny, delicate hands together. As the immense doors to the hall were opened with pride, Buffy was astonished and devastated to find what she saw.........

..... Everyone corner of this room stretched for miles. On her left Buffy saw people who varied from those on the streets to those who looked like they were fit to be the kings of the world. But of course with every male outfit, there was a matching female next to them. There were women who dressed in outfits that were akin to those from Arabian nights, those who had leather on every inch of their body, and those with gowns that left nothing to the imagination. Of course on the very end of the room was a great door that looked like a chamber. It held the traditional RP (Revealing Parlor) or as it might also be known, the room in which clothes was not an issue. Buffy prayed that her future mate/master had the decency to be away from that room especially on their first meeting. What surprised Buffy the most was the striking crowd in the center of the far-left side of the room. Many people were crowding around the area and most appeared to be women, who were secretly trying to take a peek while not aggravating their masters. Buffy, being the curious "pet" she was, fought her way through the crowd which parted for the beauty that had just strolled in, only to find the most breath-taking sight she could imagine. An absolutely gorgeous man sat on a throne made of pure gold, with two striking beauties on both sides but none were seated on the shimmering bullion velvet that was located right next to the throne. Buffy could not take her eyes away from the male even though it went against everything she had been taught. What really stunned Buffy was that the very same attractive male was now staring straight back, with lust-filled eyes, at Buffy herself........

Part Four

Buffy almost choked on her own breath as she stared into the penetrating chocolate eyes that were examining her so carefully from head to toe in one.............. gleeful... stare. < *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Angelus made his way from his chair to his future mate who was all but ready for the encounter. 'She is as beautiful as I expected, a lovely prize to show off, but of course showing off is what I intend to do. What else are slaves for?' Angelus thought voraciously. His

eyes darkened, full of passion, as his hunger for her grew. He was close enough now to smell her enticing scent. Buffy almost changed her mind and ran off into the night as she witnessed the greedy look on the face of the handsome man, who was all but charging toward her. Fortunately, Buffy managed to think rationally because if she were to flee she couldn't hope to get away and would have become one of the payable whores that were forced to the knees for the crudest beasts on earth. Buffy snapped out of her thoughts as the whole room silenced for the presentation that was to occur and the union of master and slave was complete as Buffy entered the main stage. Or so she thought... there were actually hundreds of slaves nervously awaiting their masters' presence not just Buffy herself. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* >>The Parchment of Masters concluded that males of high standards had hundreds of slaves within their existence, which left only the most trusted to keep a life partner. Angelus was well aware of what that parchment's conclusions, but he also wasn't the kind to follow rules...<< ^^>^^Master Angelus' life was laid out for him when he was born into the wealthy Donovan family. His gluttonous father, who needed whore after whore to slave for him in his bed, ruled his family since Angelus himself was too young to face the world. But later, Lord Erik Donovan died of a fatal bout with cancer at the age of 39. Meanwhile, Angelus' mother was on the brink of insanity. She never liked women's' slave acts to men but tolerated it as long as possible. She claimed that her husband had embedded his spirit in the walls when he died. When her insanity become obvious, she was executed at the age of 36. As the world continued and Angelus grew to adulthood, he also came to be known as the most valued master because of his affluence and extremely striking dark looks. ^^<^^ Angelus always wanted a mate, but why choose only one when there were so many fine ladies to satisfy him... or so he thought, until he chanced to meet Buffy Anne Summers. He always knew that Buffy would be different from other slaves, maybe even his favorite. Once he heard of her stubbornness and beauty from the elders of the PRA, he wanted her immediately. Her exquisite looks and obstinate personality led Angelus to believe that she was perfect, He had offered ten times the price to get her from her father, who was all too happy to agree to the transaction. Angelus thought that a mate was only a woman, "one" woman, he could show in public and never grow tired of, even until the end of forever. Angelus failed to consider what would happen if he ever fell in love with her and that later proved to be a problem.

Part Five >>It was thought to be a legend, but it was not. The Old journals of the ancients before us wrote that the power gathered when the union

between master and pet was complete, but Buffy didn't know it was this strong.<< Angelus approached his lovely prey like a lion to a deer. "Buffy I assume..." She felt a tremor go through her as Angelus slowly paced towards her, halting barely an inch before her. Buffy bit her lip to suppress a moan while Angelus spoke his first words to her and lifted a finger to her cheek. Buffy tried to prevent her reaction to his gentle task but it proved to be much harder then she thought. 'But why only to him' Buffy thought. 'She's so delicate and seems so responsive. Hopefully she is a virgin as promised or there will be hell to pay for the PRA and for her.' Angelus cupped Buffy's cheek in his hand and ran a hand through her hair. He grinned when he sensed Buffy's immediate arousal and her juices started to slide down her thigh. Angelus lowered his mouth to Buffy's and gently pried her lips open and tenderly stroked her tongue with his. Meanwhile Buffy's heart was fluttering with deep thuds while she tried to figure out why he wasn't trying to be harsh with her. As soon as Angelus' mouth left her own Buffy restrained a whimper that was about to escape her caressed tongue. Angelus smirked at the flushed face of his mate and Buffy instantly got her senses back and turned to him in rage. Though, as soon as Buffy opened her mouth to produce a smart-ass comeback, she quickly shut it at the look that appeared on Angelus' face, that of disappointment, anger, and..... sudden lust? Buffy trembled as she took in his deep, chocolate eyes, in which you could get lost, even though they looked like a maze of his true soul. 'Men don't have souls' Buffy angrily thought 'but Angelus might be different, right?' Buffy suddenly turned her angry stare to one of confusion, but she quickly masked it. Angelus could hardly control his own response to the innocent eyes in front of him. He wanted to rip her dress from her luscious body and thrust into her with his hard length, but Angelus was smarter than that. First of all he would NEVER show her body to anyone except himself, ('MINE!' Angelus almost roared inside his head at the thought). Secondly, if her body was as virginal as promised then she obviously wasn't ready yet. 'Well if I can't take her here the way I want, deep and hard...' Angelus hungrily thought ' ...then I'll send her to one of my more private rooms and test her out there'. "I guess its time to start some lessons," Angelus suddenly said.

Buffy snapped out of her thoughts and almost shivered in fear...'Or was it anticipation' Buffy thought '...because of the increased arousal on her master's face.... and body'. "Ill see you later, my sweet pet" Angelus replied with a "lover's kiss" to her hand. "Take good care of her" Angelus growled to what looked to be no one in particular, but suddenly, seemingly out of no where, two beautiful ladies, both wearing sheer plain black dresses, took Buffy away to what looked like to be the entrance to RP! Buffy quickly looked back at Angelus in alarm and terror. 'OMG! He's going to rape me into submission, he might make me a whore' Buffy panicky thought, but before she could turn her head to locate her owner, she noticed that he was already gone.

Part Six

Author's NOTES 2: In this chapter, my friend Hope did the NC-17, basically all of it. She's the best!! Thanx so much girl!!! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Buffy was led down the long staircase towards her meeting with Angelus, her new master. She had been taken to a large bathing room where she had been washed in a lavender-scented bath. Her hair had been swept up into a simple twist that brought attention to her long neck and high cheekbones. Her silver chains had been removed before her bath and hadn't been replaced. She saw another girl about her age with her hands bound together and then anchored to a chain around her waist. Buffy guessed this was for the more rebellious, less trustworthy slaves. She knew she would not like to have her movements restricted so completely. She tightened the satin rope around her waist that kept the silk robe closed as she continued to walk down the stairs. She hated everything about this so far. She didn't want to be a slave; she was her own person and didn't want to spend the rest of her life in submission to some egotistical tyranteven if he was drop dead gorgeous. After what felt like eternity, her escort stopped in front of a large oak door leading to the revealing parlor. She had heard stories of what went on in these parlors. Young virgins brutally raped by their new masters, forced into submission. Beatings and whippings were also common. And God protect any girl who was promised as virgin and then proved not to be so. The horror stories told of girls that had been thrown off cliffs by their masters or sold into service as whores for those men too poor to get their own slaves. The door swung open to reveal the parlor to Buffy's wide, innocent eyes. The room was not harsh as she expected. There were many candles throughout the space that gave it a soft glow. In the center of the room was a long narrow table that was fully covered

with a thick red velvet cushion. The table was about waist height and made of strong wood. It had several satin ropes that hung from it: two at the top and two on each side. Along one wall, Buffy saw various types of instruments but she wasn't sure what they could be used for the only one she could positively identify was a braided riding crop. The thought of being struck with such a thing made her shiver. On the opposite wall there were several sets of manacles bolted at various heights, which made Buffy's heart race more. The escort gave her a little nudge into the room and then turned and left her alone. She felt very small and scared, not knowing what to expect next. She didn't have to wait long, as a few minutes later Angelus came into the room. He wore only a pair of black crisp jean pants; both his chest and his feet were bare. Buffy's mouth went dry at the sight of him. A cold trickle of fear crept down her spine. She had never seen anyone as tall and intimidating and her petite build made him seem even more imposing; he had an air of power around him. He didn't say anything as he walked in and then bolted the door behind him. But he did smirk when he saw Buffy flinch at the sound of the lock. He inspected her closely, for the first time truly studying her delicate features, her compact body. Angelus had been awaiting her arrival for some time. Her father had told him she was stubborn and needed a firm master. Her father also swore to him that she was completely virgin and had had no male contact whatsoever. Angelus decided that he would determine that on his own. He had heard similar promises from other fathers eager to mate up their daughters and then discovered that the girl had subverted her caretakers and sought pleasure on her own. It was also common for girls that rebelled against the submissive customs of society to seek to change their virgin status before being sent to their masters. Once the master determined they were no longer virgin, the girls were not kept. Unfortunately, the majority of them thinking they would be set free instead often found themselves in a much worse fate. Angelus sat in an overstuffed leather chair and ran his eyes over Buffy's silk-clad form. She had not yet looked directly at him, save for their brief encounter upon her arrival. Her eyes were cast to the floor and she held her hands tightly clasped in front of her. The quiet of the room was broken when Angelus said, "Disrobe." Buffy's head snapped up and she looked at the sinfully beautiful man before her. She was shocked at his quiet commandthe first words he had spoken to her since his arrival. Obviously he was expecting some submissive little pet that would strip on command. Well, society might dictate that she was a slave but she wasn't going to submit without a protest! She leveled her gaze to his and replied, "No." Angelus cocked an eyebrow at her and his lips curled in amusement. She was a feisty little female wasn't she. He stood up from his chair and walked toward her. Stopping directly in front of her, he reached out and tucked a stray strand of golden hair behind

her ear. Looking down at her soft features and the burning anger in her eyes, he nearly laughed at her. 'The mouse facing off against the lion.' he thought. But her willfulness didn't anger himyet, only amused him. He did so love a challenge. "My sweet, your anger is misplaced. You are angry at the situation you find yourself in, and yet, I was not the one who sold you to a stranger. The customs of our society place us at different ends of power. And I will not apologize for using that power to my advantage." At the truth of his words, she lowered her eyes back to the floor. "I admire your spirit, and don't wish to make this an unpleasant experience for you however the fact remains that you belong to me and refusing a direct order is not an option for you. I would hate for such an exquisite girl as yourself to mirror the fate of the last girl who challenged me." Buffy brought her eyes up to his face. His dark orbs were not unkind, though she was sure they could be if he were provoked. She was curious as to what had happened to the girl he mentioned. "WWhat happened to her?" she asked in a soft voice. Angelus stepped away from her and began walking around her small form, his eyes tracing the curve of her body seen through the silk robe she held around herself like a shield. "Well, I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say that she was a lot less willful and not nearly as beautiful after we finished our session than she had been when we started. Pityshe was quite lovely, almost exotic in her features." He watched Buffy closely for her reaction and was not disappointed when she shivered in fear. Buffy summoned her courage and asked, "I-Is she still here?" She wanted to know exactly what was done to the girlwhat her fate might include should she anger him. Angelus just shrugged and stopped in front of her again. The amusement in his eyes had faded and Buffy sensed that he was no longer in the mood to indulge her willfulness. "Now, enough talk, I think. Disrobe," he said and watched her eyes carefully to see if she would try to run from him or if she would submit. Buffy took in a shuddering breath. She did not want to do this, but didn't see any way out of it. She untied the sash about her waist and slipped the robe off. It pooled around her ankles and she quickly crossed her arms across her breasts to hide herself from his gaze. Buffy closed her eyes in humiliationshe did not want to see the way he was looking at her. Angelus ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms and then grasped her wrists firmly. "I encourage such modesty when other males are present. However, when we are alone you will not hide what belongs to me. Understand?" At that, he pulled her arms away from her body and she dropped them to her sides, clenching her fists to calm her shaking. Angelus cast his gaze over her small body. She was incredibly beautiful and the

candlelight made her skin fairly glow. Her high breasts lead down to a firm waist, which flattered her round bottom. He felt his body respond to the sight of her. She would not look at him and her cheeks were flush with embarrassment. He smiled down at her, pleased with what he had seen so far. He hoped that what her father had said was true. He didn't accept non-virgins and even girls who had kept their maidenhead intact could have been corrupted in other ways. It was time to begin his inspection of his latest acquisition. He reached up and removed the pins that held her hair up. The golden mass tumbled to her shoulders and Angelus ran his fingers through the silken strands. He pushed them behind her shoulders and then brought his fingers up to her face. He tilted her chin up to look at him, but Buffy kept her eyes closed. She was trying desperately not to shake with the fear coursing through her. Would he rape her? Beat her? She had no idea what to expect from him. The only male she had ever known had been her father and he had been too busy with his whores to care whether she was alive or dead. Except when it had come time to get rid of her and collect his gold. Angelus traced the curve of her cheekbone with his finger. She opened her eyes slowly to look at him. He was fascinated by the color of her eyes. When she had been angry a few minutes before they had flashed like green emeralds, now they looked more like the color of rare jade. He gave her a small smile to try and reassure her as he traced the outline of her lips. "Open your mouth," he whispered and Buffy complied. Angelus looked at her straight, white teeth and was pleased that they weren't decayed as some before her had been. He slipped his index finger into her mouth, curious to see what her reaction would be. A true virgin would be confused as to what he wanted from her, but a girl who had used her mouth for pleasure would automatically comply in an effort to please him. Buffy held his finger in her mouth and her green eyes searched his face questioning what he wanted. He smiled at her and whispered, "Suck." She hesitantly suckled on the digit, her eyes never leaving his. Angelus let her continue for a few minutes and was pleased that after she understood what was expected, her suckling had gotten stronger and she was using her tongue, rubbing it against his skin. He pulled his finger from her mouth and said, "Good girl." His hands traveled the width of her shoulders and he ran his fingertips across the outside curve of her breasts. He heard her gasp as he palmed and kneaded her flesh, capturing the nipples between his fingers. Angelus tickled her nipples with his fingers, tweaking and tugging on them gently. Buffy skin flushed and she bit her lip in an effort to keep from crying out. He wasn't hurting her, but she had never been touched like this before and she was having a hard time processing the feelings he was building in her body. Angelus lowered his head and flicked her right nipple with his tongue while continuing his gentle assault on her left with his fingers. He sucked the tender peak into his mouth and nursed, softly at first then a bit rougher. He scraped his teeth across the little bud and smiled at Buffy's whimpers. He switched his mouth to her other breast and repeated his actions. Buffy's knees were starting to weaken and she was afraid she might fall to the floor if he didn't

stop soon. Sensing that it was time to move on, Angelus trailed his hands to her tiny waist and turned her around so that her back was against his chest. He moved her hair away from her neck and licked the skin at her nape, causing her to shiver. He chuckled softly as he put his hand between her shoulder blades and pushed slightly, bending her over the cushioned table. Angelus brought her hands up beside her and fastened the ropes that were hanging from the side around her wrists, binding her so that she couldn't move. Realizing that she was trapped, Buffy struggled in an attempt to free herself. "Pleaseplease don't do this," she cried. She had heard that it was common for slaves to be strapped down before they were whipped and she was trying to think of what she could have done to anger him enough to punish her. Angelus ran his hands across her flawless skin. She had never been beaten; she had no scars or bruises. He knew she was afraid he would whip herand he would, just not today. She had submitted to his inspection so far and he had no reason to punish heryet. Of course, she was his property and he did not need a reason, but he did not want to break her spirit. He enjoyed seeing the fire in her eyes. Angelus continued to caress her back, massaging the muscles of her shoulders and working his way down to her waist. Buffy, realizing that she was not going to free herself no matter how hard she struggled, calmed down under his firm touch. She tried to keep her thoughts from straying to that riding crop on the wall, and prayed with all her heart that he wouldn't use it. He ran his hands over her creamy flesh, across her smooth back and down to her buttocks. He caressed the soft globes, squeezing gently. Buffy relaxed in spite of her nervousness at his almost tender ministrations. Gauging that she had calmed enough for him to continue his inspection, Angelus lightly ran his finger down her spine and continued to the crevice of her rear. Buffy cried out in protest when she realized where his finger was heading. She squirmed and tried to pull away as Angelus ran his finger across the tight rosette of her back passage. He tightened his grip on her hip as he applied a little pressure to the sensitive area and Buffy whimpered and tried to squirm away. He had come across several girls over the years that would offer this alternative in order to keep their virginity intact. Though satisfied that she had obviously never been penetrated this way, he was displeased with her willfulness and attempts to deny him. Buffy cried out as his large hand connected with the soft flesh of her rear. The sound echoed in the small room. "Be still!" he said, his voice harsh. Buffy was stunned, not only from the smack to her bottom, but the tone of his voice. She ceased her squirming and bit down on her lip waiting to see what he would do next. Angelus took a deep breath before he continued. He did not want her to fear him, but he would not tolerate anything other than her full compliance. She needed to learn her place and if pain was her motivator he was not adverse to using it though he preferred to train his slaves with pleasure. Angelus looked at the beauty

sprawled before him. Her eyes were closed and she was taking quiet, shallow breaths being careful not to move a muscle. His gaze wandered over to her reddened bottom and he could see the imprint of his hand on her pale flesh. It wouldn't scar of course, but Angelus was not pleased that her perfect skin was marred even a little. He bent down and placed tender kisses to her discolored skin and Buffy shuddered as she let out a deep breath, relieved that he had decided not to beat her into submission. Angelus continued to kiss her sore flesh, using his tongue to lick inside the kisses. Buffy wriggled a little at the strange sensation he was creating, a tingling feeling in her abdomen that she had never felt before. Angelus reached up and untied the ropes that held her wrists. He tugged her gently into a standing position and turned her around to face him. Buffy kept her eyes on the floor, trying desperately to stop her body from trembling. Angelus watched her carefully for a moment to see if she would display any signs of temper or challenge his rights to her body. She did neither, just stood before him naked and quivering. Angelus touched her breasts lightly with his fingers, pleased to hear her breathing hitch as he stroked her sensitive nipples with the pads of his thumbs. He ran his hands down to her waist and lifted her, setting her on the cushioned table. They were nearly eye-to-eye and Buffy still would not raise her gaze to his. He tucked a finger under her chin and raised her face to look at him he wanted to see those beautiful green eyes shining in the candlelight. When she did not look up, he called to her softly. " look at me." Buffy complied and her green eyes searched his chocolate brown ones, trying to figure out this man that was now her master. She had been prepared to hate himto despise his ownership of her. She had heard he was ruthless and could be viciously cruel to his slaves. He was obviously no stranger to inflicting pain if the instruments on the wall were any indication, yet besides her humiliation she had only received a sharp smack to her bottom with the flat of his palm. And he had been indulgent with her when she had asked about the other girl he had mentioned. She decided that she was not prepared to pass judgment on him yet she would wait until she knew him better. Angelus smiled at her, seeing that she was studying him. She was so spirited for a slave and he found himself drawn to her. He was pleased with her so far, but there was only one more part to his inspection, and if she failed itwell, he would wait to make that determination. "Buffy," he said to her, "There is only one more part left to this session and if you continue to be a good girl, I will reward you with pleasure. Should you choose to deny me, however, I will be forced to introduce you to the lash. Are we clear?" Buffy swallowed hard and nodded her head. She was terrified of what he had planned, but was determined to bear it no matter what. Angelus cradled her head and upper body in his large hands as he lay her down on the table. He wrapped the ropes around her wrists, making sure the knots held her firmly and yet did not cut into her skin. His hands traveled the length of her form until he reached her ankles. He brought up first one foot and then the other, setting

them on the outer edge of the table and wrapping the ropes around her ankles, securing them in place. Buffy stared at the ceiling of the parlor, trying not to think about the vulnerable position she was in. She was at his mercy and had no idea what his plans were. She bit her lip so hard that she could taste the blood in her mouth. "Let your legs fall open, sweet," he whispered as he nudged her knees apart. Buffy relaxed her legs and closed her eyes against this embarrassment. Angelus tried to keep control of his desire, at the sight of her delectable body spread out before him like a banquet. He reminded himself that she was untried and untouched until this day well, he thought that was so. But there was only one way to find out for sure. Angelus softly touched his fingers to her sex and Buffy whimpered, biting her lip to keep from protesting against his touch. He knew she was frightened, he could tell by the fear in her eyes and her body's constant trembling. She was not giving out any moisture, her sex was soft and dry to his touch. He frowned a little at that, but it couldn't be helped at this point. He inserted his finger into her vaginal opening with a swift movement. Buffy cried out at his invasion, her body instinctively clenching in resistance. Angelus didn't have to feel her hymen to know this was virgin territory as well. Her channel was impossibly tight and he could feel her small body fighting against even the minor invasion of his finger. She sobbed openly as he continued to probe her unexplored depths. The pain burning through her intimate flesh at his invasion was equaled only by the humiliation of lying on a table submitting to such an act. Though he was being gentle, Angelus knew he was causing her pain. He withdrew his finger and offered her comfort. "Shhh love, it's alright now." He leaned over her body and looked into her eyes. Angelus brushed the tears from her cheeks and kissed her forehead tenderly. "You've been a very good girl Buffy, and I am extremely pleased with you. I promised you pleasure if you submitted, remember?" She sniffled and nodded in response. "I always keep my promises," he murmured as he brushed his lips against hers in a feather-soft kiss and then proceeded to place equally soft kisses along her throat and across her shoulders. Buffy sighed at the feeling of his soft lips on her skin. He didn't touch her with his hands, but continued to pamper her body with tender kisses and soft licks. He nuzzled her breasts and kissed the full curves of each in turn, tracing the edge of her nipples with his tongue before suckling them tenderly. She had never had a man at her breast before and Buffy could scarcely believe the feelings that his tongue against her nipple created in her. Warmth spread from her belly through her entire body, her skin tingling at his touch. Angelus' mouth traveled the hills and valleys of her body. He dipped his tongue in her belly button and nibbled the turn of her pelvic bone. He took mouthfuls of the flesh of her thighs, kissing patterns on her smooth skin. Angelus dropped to his knees before her open thighs and using his thumbs spread her sex apart. Her most intimate flesh was bright pink and glistened with the feminine juices that had leaked from her core. He touched his finger to her and she squirmed beneath his hand. "Easy baby" he said softly as he bent

his head and licked the length of her sex. Buffy gasped sharply at the new sensation and then whimpered loudly when Angelus traced both her opening and her quickly swelling clitoris with the tip of his tongue. He continued to lick her soft folds, relishing in the mewls and whimpers of the beautiful girl beneath him. Buffy could feel something shifting inside her body. It felt as though her temperature had spiked to unbearable heat and she could feel the sweat sliding down her spine. The pressure kept building inside her belly, churning and causing her vision to blur but she had no idea how to stop it. She tensed her muscles in an effort to hold back whatever was trying to take her over. Angelus felt her body tense under his attention and he realized that she didn't understand what was happening to her. "Don't fight it. Relax and let it wash over you" His voice was like velvet to her ears and she closed her eyes and let out a deep breath, relaxing all of her muscles. Angelus sipped her swollen bud into his mouth and began to flick it with his tongue, increasing the suction until he could feel the little bud stiffen against his tongue. Buffy screamed and arched her back as the orgasm slammed into her senses. Angelus gripped her hips firmly and continued to suck on her clit. Buffy convulsed in an endless wave hitting several peaks before she was swept under the wave and blacked out. Angelus lapped up her sweet juices. She smelled wonderful and tasted even betterhe had never been with a woman who filled his senses the way this untried girl had. Angelus loosened the bonds on her wrists and ankles, and he leaned over her body stroking lazy circles on her belly with his fingertips. Buffy's eyes fluttered open and the most intense, lustfilled brown eyes looked back at her. Angelus smiled at her and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her palm. He pulled her to a sitting position and finger-combed her hair around her shoulders. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Sleepy," she said, stifling a yawn. He chuckled at her and then stood up and walked to the cabinet in the far side of the room. Buffy watched him with curiosity, and her eyes widened when he returned with a sapphire and diamond studded collar in his hands. He tilted her chin up to him and leaned down to kiss her properly. Buffy was put off at first when she realized she was tasting her own essence on his lips, but Angelus was insistent as he licked the curve of her mouth encouraging her to open to him. She complied and he slipped his tongue into her mouth, smiling against her lips when she tensed at the gentle assault. He pulled away and looked into those green eyes that he knew would haunt him in his dreams. Angelus took the collar and fastened it around her slender neck, making sure that it didn't chafe against her skin. He tapped a small kiss to her neck when the buckle was complete. "Other masters choose to chain their slaves every day but I would prefer not to mar your beauty with harsh metal. I have only one rule as master and as long as you follow it, our days will always be filled with pleasure. Defy this rule and pain will be your companion. Do what I tell you, when I tell you and exactly how I tell you. If you can follow that, love, then we will get along fine."

Buffy looked into his deep chocolate eyes and at that moment couldn't imagine doing anything else. Chapter 7a The Lesson Angelus stepped into his bedroom. He was freshly shaven and had run a comb through his hair. Buffy would be arriving in a few minutes and he wanted to make sure things were ready. The bed had been turned down; the orders had been given to have his surprise ready in half houryes, now the only thing missing was Buffy. Angelus paced across his room, nervous about her arrival but unsure as to why. She wasn't the first virgin he had done this with, but she was the first who was his mate. He wanted, no needed, her to accept him. He nearly laughed at himself. He was master; she slave. He could force her, as he had all of the others it hadn't diminished his pleasure at all. However, the end result was that he always had to force them order them to submit, but they desired it anyway. He didn't want things to be that way between him and Buffy. He wanted her to want to be with him, to crave his touch and attention. That was why he wanted to take things slow and gentle with her. He wanted to make her love him; it would make her existence with him so much more entertaining. Angelus sat in the elaborate chair in the corner of the room. The chair was made from hand-carved mahogany and upholstered with dark red velvet cushions, which matched the burgundy satin pillows on his bed. The bed was also made from mahogany, four-post with a finely carved headboard. Black silk sheets covered the bed, a gray velvet comforter folded at the end and burgundy, black and gray pillows scattered against the headboard. Angelus picked up a large pillow from the bench next to him and dropped it between his feet. Buffy had spent the better part of an hour trying to decide what to wear. She kept telling herself that she being so picky because she wanted to look perfect for her master, but in reality she knew she was just stalling for time. She was finding her feelings conflicted when it came to Angelus. On the one hand, she thought him arrogant and selfish, the epitome of the spoiled master and she couldn't picture herself submitting to his every whim for the rest of her life. But on the other hand, she also thought he was incredibly handsome and the way he looked at her with those deep, dark eyesthe way he had touched her, and kissed her made her want to give him anything he desired. After going through the armoire several times, she finally settled on an exquisite cream silk gown. The gown had thin straps that led to a low-cut lace bodice and then flared slightly at her hips falling straight to her feet. There was no back to the gown; in fact it was cut so low in the back that the curve where her waist met her rear was clearly visible. Buffy clipped her hair up so that she had corkscrew curls falling down her back with a few tendrils framing her face. She sprayed herself lightly with jasmine oil and checked to make sure her collar was in place. She walked across the hall and stopped in front of his door, reminding herself that this man had

total rights to her body. If he wasn't pleased with her, he could decide to send her away to a horrible fate. Buffy took a deep calming breath as she knocked tentatively on her master's bedroom door. Buffy heard his velvety voice bid her to enter and she pushed open the heavy oak door to his chamber. She walked in, keeping her eyes cast to the floor and shut the door behind her; waiting for his next direction. "Buffy," he called to her. She raised her gaze from the floor to where he was seated in the corner of the room and promptly found that she had lost all ability to breathe. Angelus sat naked in a large ornate chair. Her eyes went wide and her mouth went dry as she took in the sight of him. She had never seen a man unclothed before, but surely the one before her was no ordinary mana God maybe. He had broad, strong shoulders that led to a well-defined muscular chest. His stomach was flat and the muscles stood out. His legs were long and lean with soft dark hair covering mid-thigh to ankle. His penis lay soft against his thigh. Buffy could hardly tear her eyes away from his body. She could feel heat stir in her belly just looking at him. His sex was large, even when not aroused, and a bolt of terror shot through her that when he did take her body he was going to rip her apart! Camille had told her stories of girls who had been severely damaged when forced to submit to their overly large masters. Their were even doctor who usually had to be called to repair the torn flesh and then the girls were sent away. They weren't wanted anymore if they were physically inadequate to meet their master's needs. Angelus studied her face and he could plainly see the fear in her eyes. He knew the reason for it. There had been several girls that had been unable to adjust to his size, though he hadn't exactly been concerned with helping them adjust. Buffy of course, was different. "Beautiful," he breathed while his nostrils flared slightly. Buffy blushed at the compliment. "Thank you,.......... master," she said softly. Angelus gave her a little smile. "I can see you took special care in dressing tonight and I don't want you to think I'm not pleasedI am, very much. But while we are alone in this room together, the only thing I want to see on your body is your collar. Remove everything else. slowly." Buffy closed her eyes and willed herself to do what he said. He had already seen her without clothing, so she shouldn't be embarrassed and yet she was. Buffy blushed thinking that he had seen parts of her body she herself had never seen. She opened her eyes and watched him watching her. Buffy wanted to run, but knew that she had to obey his command or there would be more than hell to pay. Letting out the breath she had been holding, she slid her gown off her right shoulder

and then her left, never breaking eye contact with her master. The look on his face was making her sweat a littleand she wasn't sure why. She let it slide slowly down her arms and puddle at her feet. She took a small step forward and slid the straps of her gown off both shoulders. The only thing that remained was her cream silk panty. Buffy had to fight the urge to cover herself with her arms. He had warned her against hiding her body from him, so she concentrated instead on the task she was assigned and tried not to think about how exposed she felt. She began to pull her panties down when she heard Angelus say, "Stop." Buffy froze and looked in askance to her master. Had she done something wrong? He had told her to remove everything and now "Leave them on for now Buffy and come here." Buffy swallowed her fear and forced herself to look at his face instead of his quickly hardening penis that had nearly doubled in size from what it had been before she stripped. Buffy walked toward him and stopped as her toes touched the velvet pillow between his feet. He eyed her nearly naked form hungrily. She was incomparably beautiful and he desperately wanted to lay her down right there on the floor and lose himself in her luscious little body. But it was too soonshe wasn't ready for that yet. That was the whole purpose of tonightto prepare her. He looked up into her eyes. "Tonight is an important night for us Buffy. You need to learn the jobs to serve me." Buffy bit her lip and focused on the lust-filled eyes that she could feel pulling her ever close to himlike a moth drawn to a flame. "Do you remember yesterday in the revealing parlor?" he asked. "Yes, master." Buffy didn't hesitate this time. "Did you feel pleasure in the way that I touched you?" "Yes," she replied even though for a brief second she remembered the pain of his finger probing her body. What he had done after that, however, had wiped all memory of pain from her mind. "Tonight you will pleasure me in a similar manner using your delicate hands" he picked up her right hand and kissed each fingertip and then her palm, his eyes never leaving hers. He dropped her hand and said, "and your soft body" He followed the curve of her hip up the planes of her belly and cupped her breasts in his large hands, kneading them gently and rolling the taut nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He ran his hands lightly across her chest and up the column of her throat, "and your sweet, sweet mouth." He traced the outline of her lips with gentle fingers. Buffy started to say something, but remembered her place. She did not want to get slapped for speaking without permission. But Angelus

had seen her start and then clamp her mouth shut. "Go ahead," he said encouragingly, "what did you want to say?" Buffy looked down at the floor in shame. "I-I'm sorry, Master. I, um, don't" Her eyes welled with tears. The way he was looking at hershe had never had a man look at her that way, like she meant something to him. She didn't want to anger or disappoint him, but he was clearly expecting things from her that she had no clue how to give him. "I-I don't know how," she whimpered. Her tears, and her obvious desire not to displease him moved Angelus. She was so innocent, and so afraid. He wanted to take away her feelings of failure and build her confidence a little. "Of course you do," he answered, giving her a sly smile. He wiped away the tears that had escaped down her cheeks. "You know more than you think, Buffyand what you don't, I'll show you." He rubbed his finger along her bottom lip and looked at her expectantly. She realized that he wanted her to repeat her actions of the night before. Buffy hesitantly brought her tongue out to touch the tip of his finger and Angelus. She sucked his finger into her mouth, trailing her tongue along the underside. He let this continue for a few seconds and then pulled his finger back. "See Baby, you do know," he said softly. Buffy wasn't quite sure what he meant, but she didn't have long to think about it as Angelus wrapped his fingers around her waist and leaned forward to capture her left nipple in his mouth. He traced the tender nub with his tongue and then began to nurse gently. Buffy gasped in surprise and then lost all coherent thought when she felt his fingers travel the length of her belly, slipping into her panties and between the folds of her sex. Angelus massaged little circles around her pleasure bud and Buffy had to hold on to his shoulder to steady herself. He continued to work her body for several minutes until she was quivering with a need she didn't understand. He pulled back from her breast and looked up into her face, still lightly massaging her sex with his fingers. He took his hand out of her panties and pulled them down her hips, sliding them down her slim legs until they fell to her ankles. He picked up first one foot an then the other, removing them completely. Angelus ran his fingers across the downy hair that covered her tender flesh, and then parted the folds gently. He pulled her close and brushed his tongue over her bundle of nerves and Buffy whimpered in response. Angelus sipped the little bud into his mouth and began to suck on it. Buffy moaned loudly; her whole body felt hot and jolts of pleasure made her buck involuntarily against his mouth. He continued to suck at her flesh, and his fingers itched to be buried in her tight core, but he didn't want to frighten her. It would happen soon enough. He bit down gently on her clit, throwing her into a fierce orgasm. Buffy screamed as her blood caught fire, streaking through her body and setting every nerve aflame. She nearly fainted from the onslaught. She was sure that the only thing holding her up was Angelus' strong hand on her bottom. He leisurely lapped up the creamy fluid that trickled down her thighs, and took his time in licking her sensitive flesh clean of

her essence. Buffy was panting; trying to get her bearings when she felt Angelus run his hands up her back, soothing her. She focused her vision on him as her world slowly righted itself. He chuckled at the sight of her flushed face and the little beads of sweat that had broken over her upper lip. "Feel good?" he asked. Buffy was unable to form words; all she could do was nod her head in response. "I like it too when my sex is sucked and licked," he said with a wolfish grin. His words filtered through her pleasure-clouded brain and she realized what he meant. He was expecting her to pleasure him like that?! She looked down at the hard, thick length of him with wide eyes. Could she do that? She'd never even thought about having to do something like that. She vowed that the next time she saw Camille she was going to yell at her. When Camille told her what her duties to Angelus would include, she had certainly left out something very important! Buffy couldn't imagine how she was going to fit him in her mouth, let alone bring him pleasure. If her legs had been working and not still numb from the sensations he built in her, she might have turned and run for the door. But it was pretty clear that she wasn't going anywhere. Angelus tugged on her fingers urging her to her knees in front of him. Buffy licked her lips nervously and tried to stall. Angelus studied her carefully, realizing that she was trying to escape the situation without making a scene. He tamped down on the anger that flared at her denial of him. He reminded himself that he did not want to force her into submission, but he had plans for her this evening and they started with her on her knees in front of him! "Buffy," he said quietly. She looked like she wanted to bolt and Angelus was at a loss he'd never had to persuade a girl to do this beforehe had always just made them do it. "Buffyit will be OK" He placed his hands on her shoulders and urged her to her knees. Buffy slowly sank onto the pillow between his feet and closed her eyes in an attempt to avoid the sight of his erection right in front of her. She was almost hyperventilating with panic. How could she get out of this? What if she couldn't pleasure him? Would he get rid of her? Send her to a whorehouse? Beat her within an inch of her life? Angelus wiped all thought out of her head when he captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. He coaxed her mouth open and teased her tongue with his own, drawing hers out to play. Buffy imitated his actions he had kissed her this way the day before but this was much more intense. She was surprised when Angelus sucked lightly on her tongue when she timidly pushed it into his mouth. He moaned softly and cupped the back of her head with his large hand, pressing her lips to his insistently. He fisted his hand in her hair and tugged her head back, breaking their kiss and exposing her throat to him. Buffy gasped as she felt his wet tongue trailing along her neck. He bit her neck and sucked hard, then licked his way up to the shell of her ear. She thought she heard him whisper "Mine" against her skin. What he was doing felt so goodshe was starting to forget why she had been so upset a moment before.

Angelus released his hold on her somewhat and then guided her mouth to his own neck, tilting his head back to give her better access. She was hesitant at first but as Angelus stroked her hair in silent encouragement she began to slide her lips against his neck, kissing and sucking the salty skin. Angelus nuzzled her ear and pushed her head down to his chest. She flicked his nipple lightly with her tongue, unsure if that was what he wanted her to do. He groaned in pleasure and held her head closer. Buffy sucked on his left nipple and Angelus brought her left hand up to his chest and ran her fingernails across the other nipple. Buffy caught on quickly and began to tease both nipples with either tongue or fingernail. She could feel the hard length of his sex pressing against her belly and Angelus rubbed up against her. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it then laid it against his sex, wrapping her fingers around the thick shaft that was throbbing for attention. Buffy froze, not sure what to do next, and looked up at him with curious eyes. "Touch me," he said huskily. He moved her hand along his length and Buffy was fascinated that something so hard could feel so velvety soft too. Angelus continued to guide her hand for a minute until she understood what he wanted. He closed his eyes and lay his head back letting her explore him on her own. Buffy caressed his manhood with strong even strokes as he had shown her. With her other hand, she fondled the sack below, massaging the little globes. She could feel his sex throb and swell in her hand and was surprised to see a drop of milky fluid gather at the tip. She looked up at Angelus for guidance and was stunned to see the look on his face. Bliss is the only way to describe it. It was obvious that he was enjoying the attention. It gave a big boost to her confidence that she could make him feel good. Angelus felt her watching him and he looked down at her. He ran his hand over her hair and then pushed away a few strands from her face. Cupping her head, he gently but firmly guided her mouth to his sex. He rubbed the head of his penis against her mouth, smearing the drop of precum against her bottom lip. Buffy flinched away, licking her lip and looking up at him. She wrinkled her nose at the salty-sweet taste of his fluid. It wasn't badjust new to her. He stroked her cheek gently and Buffy expected to see anger in his eyes at her defiance, but instead she saw lust and something elsecaring? He brought the tip of his penis to her lips again and stroked her cheek with gentle fingers, trying to coax her. Buffy saw how much he wanted this, and what the master wanted, he got. She opened her mouth and hesitantly flicked her tongue over the tip. Angelus groaned at the sight of her little pink tongue against his hard flesh. He stroked her hair and urged her head lower and Buffy obediently took him partly into her mouth. She sucked softly on the head, trying to get used to the feel of him against her tongue. "More," Angelus said and Buffy gradually tried to take more of him. Angelus was coming apart at the feeling of her warm, wet mouth enveloping him. Her soft sucking felt good, but he needed more. "Suck harder," he said and she did. He wanted to bury himself in her body, but he forced himself to calm and instead thrust

shallowly into her mouth. "When you feel like you're going to gag, swallow instead," he said. "Relax the muscles of your throat and work your tongue along the underside." She whispered, "Yes" as she took him into her mouth again. He stroked her hair, and gave her a little smile to let her know he wasn't upset with her. Buffy tried to relax and Angelus massaged her throat as he gradually coaxed her to take more of him. When she felt her gag reflex kick in she swallowed and Angelus pushed further into her mouth until he was engulfed completely. Buffy worked her tongue against his shaft and Angelus groaned loudly at the sensation of her throat muscles tightening around the head of his penis. He withdrew half way and Buffy focused her attention on sucking and licking him. She ran her fingernails across his tightening sac and Angelus thought he'd lose his mind. His beautiful mouth had a tantalizing little mouth. Angelus felt his orgasm coming on strong and he pushed his length further into her and groaned, "Swallow, Buffy." She felt his shaft pulse in her mouth and the thick, warm fluid surged over her tongue. She swallowed quickly to keep from choking as his seed flowed into her. When he stopped pulsing and his penis had started to soften, Buffy let him fall from her mouth. Coming back to earth, Angelus looked down to see his sweet mate watching him. He stroked her cheek tenderly and leaned down to kiss her whispering, "That's my good girl." *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Chapter 7, Part B The Bath Sequence Angelus drew Buffy into his lap. Buffy shifted nervously, but relaxed as Angelus planted little kisses along her shoulder. "I have a surprise for you, pet." "A surprise?" she asked timidly. She looked up at him nervously. "Yes, sweeta surprise." He lifted her off his lap and set her on her feet. Standing up, he took her hand and led her through his suite and into a large bathing room. Buffy was awed at the size of the room. It was almost as large as his bedroom. The counters were black marble and there were four sinks, each with gold fixtures. The floors were black and white ceramic tile and the same tile covered the deck of the biggest tub Buffy had ever seen. It was an octagon shaped pool that was easily big enough to hold 10 people. Stairs led down into it and Buffy could see the water churning from the jets that were positioned all the way around. A bench seat wrapped around the inside. Across from the pool there was a wall of nothing but mirrors. Angelus continued past the tub and Buffy began to wonder where they were going. Angelus turned down a little hallway and through a black door into a smaller room. Buffy's eyes went wide as she took in her surroundings. This room was wall-to-wall mirrors. Hundreds of candles were lit and sitting on every surface. The soft light flickering against the mirrors created a soothing, but surreal, atmosphere. Buffy felt like she had

walked into a dream. In the center of the room was a large bathtub; similar to one she had when she lived at home. This tub however was twice the size hers had been, black with elaborately carved claw feet. It must have been custom-made for Angelus as he could stretch out completely and still have room. Steam curled up from the water and Buffy could smell the herbal oils that had been added lavender and rosemary. Angelus stepped into the tub and settled into the water. He handed Buffy a large sponge and gave her a mischievous grin. Buffy's heart sank a littlehe wanted her to bathe him. Well, Camille did say she might be expected to do that. Spoiled men never did anything for themselves when they could have a slave do it for them. Buffy grimaced slightly at that. He had made it sound like this would be a pleasant experience for her..... a surprise. Well, she was surprised all right. Surprised that her master was an arrogant, spoiled brat. Buffy pushed away her rebellious feelings and disappointment and dipped the sponge into the hot water. She squeezed it over his shoulder, watching the water as it ran along the muscular curves of his chest. Angelus wasn't looking directly at her but watching her in the mirror. He could almost see the wheels turning in her mindshe was angry at having to serve him this way. He supposed that she thought him spoiled. And he waswhat he wanted he got, and right now he wanted his fiery little mate in the tub with him. Buffy was seated on the edge of the tub, sponging his chest absently. Her mind was elsewhere and Angelus took advantage of her distraction, grabbing her around the waist with one arm and hoisting her into the tub. Buffy squealed as she felt him grab her.. Angelus had a sly smile on his face. "Surprise," he said, his eyes sparkling in the candlelight. Buffy gave a light chuckle. He had never heard her laugh before and he found that the sound of it warmed his heart. Buffy was staring at him in shock. "Well," he said, "I thought it might be more fun if you were in the tub while you washed mebesides, it makes it easier to get those hard to reach areas." Buffy looked at him confused and then blushed when she realized which areas he was referring to. Angelus grinned wolfishly. Angelus reached over to the nearby table and then handed her a bottle of shampoo. "Try not to get it in my eyes." Buffy nodded and rose up on her knees so she could reach his head. She took a large pitcher from the table and opened the tap, filled it with water, slowly pouring it over his hair. She worked the shampoo into a thick lather and began to run her fingernails over his scalp. Angelus let out a little groan of pleasure at the feeling of her strong little fingers in his hair. He opened his eyes and watched her. She was focused on her task and not paying much attention to him. That wouldn't dohe wanted to be the center of her attention. His gaze traveled over her wet body and he smirked when he realized what was right in front of him. Buffy let out a gasp as Angelus latched onto her breast and began to suckle. She felt his hands creep down to her bottom and he gently kneaded the rounded globes with both hands. Buffy tried to concentrate as she rinsed his hair, running her fingers through his thick, dark locks making sure that she had gotten

all of the soap out. Angelus switched breasts and began to tease her abandoned nipple by rolling it between his fingers. Buffy instinctively arched into his touch and Angelus was pleased that she was responding to him. He curled his tongue around her hard little peak then sipped it into his mouth, pulling on it softly with his lips. Buffy fisted her hands in his hair and pulled his head closer to her breast. She knew it was bold and he might punish her for being so forward, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want him to stop, it felt too good. Angelus chuckled against her breast, he wasn't angry with her in fact, that was what he was hoping she would do: Seek out his touch. He pulled away from her breast and she let out a little moan at the loss. He pecked a quick kiss on the nipple he had been sucking and grinned at her. "Don't be disappointed, Baby. We're just getting started." Angelus turned her around and pulled her on top of his body so that he was spooned around her. She fit perfectly her head was pillowed on his chest, her bottom nestled into his groin and her legs lying on top of his. He brought his knees up to hold her a little tighter and Buffy shifted nervously. Angelus ran his hands along her sides and across her thighs in an effort to relax her. The herbal oil in the water was soothing and he hoped that it would help calm her for what was going to happen next. Angelus' hands traveled the outside of her thighs, down to her knees and back up. The skin of her legs was so smooth, he couldn't stop touching her. He held her thighs up a little as he spread his legs, keeping his knees bent. Buffy gasped in shock as he spread her thighs far apart and rested her ankles on either side of the tub. Buffy tried to bring her legs together, but Angelus' knees were on the inside of hers preventing it. Buffy was scared. She had been open and vulnerable like this in the revealing parlor the night before. Then she had been bound to a table, now she was being held tightly to his large body. Buffy could feel his warm breath on her neck, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, his erection pressed firmly against her bottom and his strong legs insistently keeping hers spread. She bit her lip anxiously and stammered, "Ange......M-master?" Buffy realized what she was about to say, but changed it so not to get Angelus upset, she wasn't ready to face the consequences. Angelus was trying to get his lust under control. He had to keep reminding himself that he had a plan for this evening. A plan to introduce his virginal mate to new experiences and he couldn't abandon it. This would prepare her for his claiming of her body and he knew that if he just plunged into her untried channel the way he so desperately wanted, he could do serious damage to her tender little body. He could hear her fear; she was afraid that he would hurt her again. "Shhh, love. Just trust me, and try to relax." Angelus stroked her body from her throat to her thighs in an effort to calm her. He wanted her to be willing and pliant for what he had planned. The scented oils in the water had a dual purpose. First, rosemary & lavender had been used for centuries to sooth frazzled

nerves and relax muscles; both things that would benefit his cause. Second, the oils made the water a natural lubricantwhich would be especially helpful considering the virginal status of his little mate. Angelus stroked lazy circles across the silken skin of her belly, dipped his finger in her navel and then rubbed softly just above her curls. He could feel that Buffy was slowly giving over to his caresses and he moved his hands lower, stroking the inside of her thighs. He traced patterns over the smooth skin, lulling Buffy into an almost hypnotic state. He trailed his hand up and slowly traced the outer lips of her radically exposed sex. Buffy wriggled a little at his touch and he chuckled when she gasped in surprise as she accidentally ground her rear into his erection. Angelus moved his finger a little deeper, trailing over the inner lips of her and then circling her swelling bud. Buffy started to breathe a little heavier, and she couldn't help but stare into the mirror across from them, mesmerized by what she saw there. She could see exactly what he was doing to her and it intensified the feelings, making her sweat. Buffy was lost in sensation. She wasn't sure if it was the atmosphere of the room, the heated water or Angelus' hands stroking her, but she could not remember ever being so warm and relaxed. Angelus was talking softly in her ear and the sound of his voice sent little jolts of lust down her spine. "Does it feel good, Baby? I can make it feel a lot betterdo you want me to make it better, Buffy?" he whispered to her, kissing the sensitive flesh behind her ear. Buffy moaned in response. It could get better than this? She wasn't sure how but at this point she wasn't going to argue. She watched as Angelus' hand moved over her sex and couldn't stop herself from arching into that hand when he started to massage her clit in firm strokes. Angelus was also watching them in the mirrorbut his focus was on the emotions playing across her face. Her eyes were filled with unspent passion and her cheeks were flushing with her arousal. He stroked his finger across her swollen flesh and around the tight little opening to her core. He could feel Buffy tense as he slowly eased his finger into her and he used his free hand to stroke her belly, trying to keep her calm. "Relaxit's OK," he breathed into her ear as he gently stroked her delicate channel. He pumped his finger into her in slow, gentle motions and Buffy whimpered at the invasion. She was aroused and her natural moisture along with the oil had lessened the pain that his same actions had caused the night before. Removing his finger almost completely, Angelus pushed two fingers back into her. Buffy cried out as he stretched her tight sheath more than he had before. Angelus worked the digits carefully in and out of her body, until she eased her muscles - getting somewhat used to the feeling of him filling her small core. Buffy squirmed under his hand, the pain

lessened as he continued to pump his fingers into her but it was still quite uncomfortable. Angelus really wanted to add another finger inside of her, but she was so tight he knew it would cause her unbearable pain. He didn't want that, he wanted tonight to be about pleasure. If all she felt were pain with him, she would put up even more of a resistance when he took her to bed. Angelus used his thumb to firmly rub her swollen bud as he continued to probe her depths. Buffy moaned and Angelus could feel her body quivering with need. He trailed his free hand up to her breast and teased her sensitive nipple with his fingers, plucking and rolling it heightening her pleasure. Angelus watched in the mirror as Buffy writhed in his arms, panting and whimpering. He sucked on her earlobe, keeping an eye on their reflections. Buffy let out a sharp cry and her body clamped down on his invading fingers as her climax stormed over her. Angelus could feel her inner walls fluttering and clenching on his fingers and he imagined how it would feel to have her warmth engulf and squeeze him this way. He had swore that he would take his time with Buffy, but the thought of losing himself in her virginal body was nearly driving him over the edge. Unable to hold back any longer, Angelus placed a hand on her rear and lifted her hips so that he could reposition himself under her. He applied pressure with his knees and kept her legs spread far apart, but moved so that his erection was standing up between her spread legs. Angelus tightened his grip on her hips as he began to stroke against her. The silky feeling of her wet sex caressing his shaft sent a jolt of pleasure through him. He slid down a little farther in the tub so that he could angle his thrusts to rub her sensitive flesh just right. Buffy's eyes were wide as she realized what he was doing. She could feel the full length of him as he rubbed his sex against hers. Glancing down, she saw the head of his penis rise up between her legs. She watched them move together in the mirror and wondered if it would feel this good when he took her for real. Angelus, still holding Buffy's hips inches above his own, began to thrust harder as he felt her moisture coat his shaft. He could feel the pleasure building as Buffy bucked against him, his thrusting length rubbing against her swollen bud. He licked and sucked on her neck as he listened to her whimpers and moans of pleasure. Angelus felt like he was ready to explode, but he wanted her to go over first. Since he didn't have a free hand to stimulate her further, he had to rely on the power of his voice. "Buffdoes it feel good?" She nodded her head and moaned loudly as he quickened the pace of his strokes against her over-sensitized nub. "You're so beautiful like this Buffyso sexyare you feeling hotdo you want release?" Again Buffy nodded and as she panted and bucked against him. "Come for me, lovelet it go." At his words, Buffy was lost. Every muscle in her body went taut as the pressure

from her orgasm crashed over her. She writhed and bucked in his arms, mindless to everything around her except his hard shaft rubbing against her swollen flesh. Angelus watched her as the pleasure stole over her and he couldn't hold back any longer. With a grunt, he pulled her body down to his and ground his erection into her soft folds. She squirmed against him and his eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he shot his seed onto her spread thighs. Angelus recovered first and he looked down at the gorgeous girl in his arms. Her eyes were closed and she was taking shallow panting breaths, trying to get her bearings. He slid his hands under her thighs and lifted them, lowering her body to settle on the bottom of the tub between his legs. He cuddled her to him as he took the sponge and bathed her lower body, wiping away the evidence of their passion. He pushed her forward and stood from the tub, toweling himself off. He looked down at Buffy and smiledshe was so tired she was starting to doze off. "Come onlet's get you to bed," he said as he scooped her out of the water and set her on her feet. Buffy ran her hands across the smooth muscles of her chest as Angelus wiped the beads of water off her body. He picked her up and carried her into his bedroom, settling her into his bed. He climbed in behind her and wrapped his big body around her small one and watched as she drifted off to sleep. As Angelus looked down at his sleeping mate, he knew that she wasn't like a slave to him, not even a total version of how a mate was supposed to be in this community, what did she really mean to him. Why was she different? Angelus knew he could have taken her whether she wanted to or not, but he hadn't. Angelus also knew that he hadn't beaten her yet, like he did with all his other slaves, he hadn't taught her to love pain. Angelus didn't know if he wanted Buffy to feel pain in front of his eyes. Angelus was a dominant bastard, or so people would say, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to be one before his mate. Buffy just then turned in her sleep and snuggled into Angelus's chest, leaving him with a million thoughts in his head. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Buffy awoke to a bed that was light as a feather. She sat up and remembered last night's encounter with her *lord* and noticed how she didn't cringe at the thought of her master. 'Maybe because you actually care for him like he does for you' Buffy didn't know what to believe but until she found out, she'll play according to the rules. The way his hands moved along her curves and caressed her while the bath water swished against them in the most tantalizing way.....made her wet for more. But now wasn't the time because suddenly a knock was heard and a lovely young woman appeared from between the closed doors. She was dressed in a brown cotton dress, which looked like a kimono. She also wore a pair of chain cuffs around her hand. 'She looks as if she's been here for a while, yet she has chain cuffs surrounding her small hands. I have a collar, but I'm so new.' Buffy wondered. "Excuse me miss, Master Angelus has summoned you to his room. He is giving you exactly 60 min to get ready. I advise you not

to upset him,..Get there on time." The young woman said in a stern manner. "Wait.." Buffy said but the woman was already gone. Buffy got out from under the covers and saw herself in a mirror for the first time since she arrived. Her face looked flushed even though she was introduced to the pleasure last night. Her body simply glowed and she looked quite lovely. 'If I do say so myself' Buffy thought. Buffy stepped around her room and found it absolutely lovely, from the old gothic style beautifications to the lovely red silk of her bed. She opened the beautiful historic wooden closet, which she thought would lead to a simple space for clothes, but she was truly surprised to see what it held. The antique opened wider and revealed a gigantic room with clothes shifting from one end to the other, ranging from casual to beautiful designed dresses. Buffy didn't know whether to be honored or devastated, but she surly was flabbergasted and wondering what her master had planned for her this evening. Buffy drifted toward her bathroom and was mesmerized by its exquisite surrounding. 'It is wonderful and I can tell Angelus wants only the best for himself...and his ...sla...mates.' Buffy concluded. The sparkling misty green marble glittered throughout the room and the sunshine reflected against the broad windowsill which was covered enough so not to expose any of the bath areas. Buffy then stepped into the wonderful marble stall. She applied the vanilla soap to her puff and started to rub in the sweet scent until she was holding a soft marshmallow in her hand, or so it looked like. She started massaging herself, starting from her toes and slowly drifting toward the apex of her thighs. Buffy let out a soft moan as she gently press down on her core, remembering Angelus pressing against it in the most enticing way. Buffy quickly rubbed herself from head to toe before she started to form an intense throbbing between her legs until it was too much to bear. Buffy gently kneaded the shampoo into her head before rinsing off and stepping out of the stall. She then wrapped a fluffy green towel around her slim form. Buffy still had about a half hour until Angelus was expecting her, so she had some time to finish getting ready. Buffy brushed her teeth and washed her face, applying some moisturizer to keep her skin soft. She reached over the counter and picked one of the many lotions up, sniffing it hesitantly. Vanilla-spice, not too strong of a scent, just enough to tickle a certain dark-haired man's nose. She smiled softly as she spread the lotion over her neck and the top of her breasts, remembering the way his soft lips had caressed her there. Buffy bent over to spread the lotion on her legs and thighs, blushing as she recalled the way his mouth had traveled this very place, leaving little kisses that set a fire to her insides. Lost in the warm thoughts and feelings, she didn't hear someone enter the room until it was too late to defend herself. Someone grabbed a handful of her hair and wrenched her head back, then slammed her face-first into the wall. Buffy struggled against her attacker and was able to connect her elbow to the person's ribs, loosening the grip on her hair. She spun around and was shocked to see a girl just a few inches taller than herself, also blond but with dark blue eyes

standing a few feet away. The girl, no woman, was dressed in a navy silk pantsuit and was looking Buffy over with open hostility. "So, you're the flavor of the week? Well, Angelus certainly has lowered his standards," the blond sneered. She was shocked at how beautiful this new girl was, but she wasn't about to say so. "W-who are you?" stammered Buffy, trying to recover from her shock at the rough treatment delivered by such a petite figure. "Oh, well, I thought that was pretty clear...I guess your IQ is about equal to your age, hmm? What are you, about 18?" The woman walked closer to Buffy until they were just several inches apart. "My name is Darla, and I am the senior slave in Angelus' stable. I set the rules for the lesser slaves when it comes to what they can and can't do with Angelus." Buffy swallowed nervously and shook her head. "I don't understand...I thought that Angelus, as master, made those rules." "Wrong dearie...I was Angelus' first slave..." she chuckled a little, "actually his first everything if you want to know the truth. I was trained by his father and presented as a gift on Angelus' 18th birthday. I taught that boy everything he knows." The look on Darla's face was a mixture of pride and possessiveness. Buffy nodded her head...careful not to further anger this woman who was obviously in a position of power. She reached down to the counter and picked up the exquisite collar Angelus had given her, fastening it around her neck. She heard the other woman hiss in anger and snapped her gaze up to see what had caused it. Darla's eyes were riveted on the collar the girl had placed about her neck. He had given her a collar?!?! A collar was only given to a who was exalted above all the master's other slaves. And not only a collar, but one with jewels embedded in it! Darla was filled with an uncontrollable rage and before Buffy knew what was happening, Darla had snatched the towel from her body and thrown it across the room leaving her naked and vulnerable in front of her new enemy. "You little bitch!" Darla snarled. "He gave you a collar? A fucking collar?!" she yelled, advancing on Buffy. Buffy tried to move out of the way, backpedaling to escape the wrath of the woman before her. "When did he give it to you? You haven't been here more than a day or two...was it before or after he fucked you?!" "W-what?" Buffy stammered..."He, uh, he gave it to me in the revealing parlor when I first arrived at the PRA. I'm not sure what you mean by him "fucking me", I mean..he, uh, pleasured me a-and then gave it to me after it was over."

The girl's words seared into Darla's brain. She looked over the girl again, and then realized what she had said. "The PRA...the revealing room? Pleasured you?! What the hell are you talking about? You mean to tell me that he gave you a collar...after HE pleasured YOU...He hasn't fucked you yet?! You're still a damn virgin?!" Buffy's affirmative nod only enraged the woman further. Darla continued advancing on Buffy, stopping only to pick up the straight-edged razor that was lying on the nearby vanity. Buffy swallowed hard at the sight of the long razor blade glinting in the light. She continued to walk backwards, trying to think of a way to get out of this room and away from this obviously insanely jealous woman. Darla was not about to let this Little Miss Know-Nothing step in front of her as Angelus' favorite. She had been with him for almost ten years and he had never given HER a collar. She had not only introduced him to sex but then been his willing plaything as he explored his sexuality and found his pleasures. Now, he decided to make some virginal little cunt his mate? Well, if that's what he wanted, she couldn't stop him but she would be damned if the little bitch got away with it unscathed. Darla backhanded Buffy across the face, knocking her to the floor. She pounced on the younger woman, bringing the razor blade down and slicing open a large cut across Buffy's right breast. Buffy screamed as the searing pain went through her and struggled to push the woman off, but Darla was strong and angry - she wasn't about to budge. Darla wrapped her fingers around Buffy's throat and repeatedly slammed her head into the marble floor of the bathroom. Buffy's vision started to blur and she felt like her brain was leaking out through her ears. She saw the razor blade again as Darla brought it down to slice her face and Buffy got her arm free and grabbed Darla's wrist, stopping the motion. She tried to pry the blade out of her hand and when Darla wouldn't release it, she sunk her teeth into the older woman's hand. Darla yelled in surprise at the bite and the blade fell to the floor. Buffy raked her nails across Darla's face and then pushed her off and rolled away, rising quickly to her feet. Both women faced off, breathing hard and glaring at one another. Buffy decided to get in a few shots of her own at this crazy bitch who thought SHE "owned" Angelus. "You know, you're pretty strong for an old woman," said Buffy conversationally. "I mean, I thought you were a few years older than Angelus, between us girls you ARE looking a little worn around the eyes. But wow, his father owned you first? Angelus made such a big deal about wanting only virgins, I'm surprised he was willing to take on his father's obviously well-used left overs. But maybe that's why he wants virgins now...he's not into sloppy seconds." Darla lunged at her again and punched Buffy hard in the mouth, splitting her lip open. Buffy could taste the blood filling her mouth and she spat it right back in Darla's face, then followed it up with a punch of her own. The older blonde staggered back and wiped the blood out of her eyes. She charged Buffy again, but this time

Buffy reached over and picked up a small statue from the shelf and clubbed Darla across the head with it. Darla crumpled to the floor unconscious. Buffy looked up at the clock and found that more than a half hour had passed - Angelus was expecting her and she was late. She picked up her robe and shrugged it on. Walking over, she glanced at herself in the mirror and saw the bruise forming around her mouth and the large split in her lip. Well, she wasn't going to be able to hide that. She wondered what Angelus would say to her...would he punish her for knocking Darla out? Or maybe he would whip her because she was the thought of his anger Buffy hurried from the bathroom and nearly ran down the corridor to Angelus' suite. She stopped outside the large double doors and took several deep breaths to calm herself. Opening the door carefully, she slipped into the room as quietly as she could. Angelus was pacing across the room, waiting her arrival. He couldn't 'believe she hadn't been there when he told her. Well, her father had said she had a stubborn streak - maybe it was time to introduce her to how he punished his slaves when they were defiant. Angelus spun around as he heard the door open and said in a harsh voice, "You're late." Buffy's eyes widened in shock at the scowl marring his features. He was her. She took a ragged breath and whispered, "I know...I'm so sorry." Angelus stormed up to her, ready to smack her for daring to keep him waiting. Buffy was frozen in fear as she saw him pull his hand back to strike her, she closed her eyes tightly and waited for the blow...that didn't happen. She kept her eyes closed, afraid to open them and see the rage in his dark eyes. She wasn't sure what to think when she felt his fingers trail across her split lip. She opened her eyes as he turned her head to face him. He ran his hand through the hair at the back of her head and stopped when she flinched. He turned her around slowly, not saying anything as he gently moved her hair aside to look at the large lump on the back of her head. Buffy sniffled and forced herself not to cry. She was relieved that his anger at her seemed to have dissolved. Angelus turned her around and opened her robe roughly, pushing it off her shoulders. Buffy nearly took a step back at the dark look on his face when he saw the bruises on her throat and the large cut to her breast. He ran his fingers gently over the cut, stopping quickly when Buffy involuntarily hissed in pain. His eyes followed the trail of blood that ran down her torso into her golden curls. "Who did this?" he asked, his voice a mixture of anger and something else Buffy couldn't identify. Angelus wasn't even trying to contain the murderous rage that consumed him at the sight of her beautiful face and perfect body marred with blood and bruises. Whoever had attacked her and caused these injuries was about to learn the definition of Hell! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

well, how was it...I was quite pleased. Hope did the catfight and I did the beginning shower part, etc. hope you liked this chapter. Darla bashing is up next. *****In chapter 7b, Angelus took Buffy with him in his own bed, but she was later put in her own room. Don't ask, .....I just wanted you to know why and how she got in her room. ***** The Chamber Angelus touched the bruise around her mouth with gentle fingers. Who did this to you?? Buffy looked away and shook her head. She was afraid to tell him. Darla had said that the two of them were very close and had been together a long time. He would probably be angry at her to find out that she had fought with Darla.

Buffy? he said softly, Tell me who is responsible for this? When she wouldn't answer him, Angelus got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. What if she had been raped? Had someone broken into his home and attacked her? He looked her body over carefully. Finger marks around her throat, blood on her torso and some blood on her thighs as well. The blood on her thighs could have originated from the deep cut to her breast, but it could also be from her ruptured hymen. Angelus's rage flared at the thought of some other man taking her body. He flipped through his mental rolodex of torture techniques that he wouldn't hesitate to use. He envisioned castrating her attacker in the exhibition hall of the PRA and then making him eat his own genitals while the crowd watched. Shaking himself out of his vision, and tamping down the sickening images of Buffy being brutalized, he focused on the small girl in front of him. He didn't want to ask, but he had to know. Tipping Buffy's face up to look at him he said, Baby, did someone violate you?

She looked at him, startled. "Oh, no nothing like that, I swear? she said nervously. Angelus sighed in relief. Buffy looked away from him, somewhat frightened by the intensity with which he studied her. She was scared of his reaction when he found out who had attacked her. It's nothing, really, just some cuts. I'll be fine. I just had a disagreement with someone?

"Disagreement? he said in disbelief. "With who?" ?

Buffy knew she had to tell him and face his wrath. She would accept whatever punishment was due her. "She, um, said her name was Darla."

Angelus sighed heavily. Darla. "Where is she now?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. I was in the bathing room getting ready when she grabbed me. We fought and I knocked her out with a statue. I didn't check, I'm sorry, I was just trying to...? Buffy babbled her explanation, hoping to defuse any anger coming her way.

"Shhh. It's OK. This isn't your fault," Angelus said, pulling her close and stroking her hair gently. "I want you to go into my bathroom and clean yourself up. Take a hot bath and relax. But, don't leave my quarters."

Buffy nodded and stepped back to pick up her robe that was on the floor. She started toward the bathroom but Angelus stopped her with a hand across her belly. "I'll be gone for a few hours." He kissed her temple lightly and his fingers stroked a little pattern across her navel. "Wait for me in my bed." he whispered then turned and walked out of the room. *~*~*~*~*~* Angelus paced along the corridor trying to get his thoughts together. He had been just a boy when he met her and she had made a man out of him. He had given Darla the most freedom of any slave he'd ever had. She wore no chains, and had no limits on where she could go within the estate. He had allowed only her to call him Angelus instead of Master. The only time she called him master? was when they were "in-scene" playing one of their dominance games. He didn't love Darla he was fond of her. She had been his favorite bed warmer for the past ten years. He was angry that she had assaulted Buffy and he would punish her severely for it. He just didn't know if he could stay angry with her.

*~*~*~*~*~* Darla's eyes blinked open and she winced against the harsh lights of the room and the skull splitting pain in her head. She tried to stand but her legs felt wobbly so she stayed on the floor. Once her eyes became accustomed to the light she looked around to see where she was. She was surprised to find herself in The Chamber. How did she end up here? The last thing she remembered was fighting with Angelus' latest piece of ass. Oh, no that's right...this one was his "mate" Darla chuckled to herself. That won't last long, he'll rip her apart with that beautiful, lethal weapon he carries around in his pants. Then it's bye-bye Bunny or whatever-the-hell her name is.

Darla looked around the chamber. She and Angelus hadn't been here in awhile but it hadn't changed much. It was set up similar to the revealing rooms in

the PRA, only since it was in Angelus' home it had a more masculine touch. The room was decorated in dark gothic colors. The walls were lead lined and covered with a thick gray carpet that made the room completely soundproof. There was a table on one side that had a black velvet cushion on it and instead of ropes there were manacles for restraints. The instruments on the walls were either stainless steel or black leather. She wondered how long she had been unconscious. Looking down she also wondered who had changed her clothes. The silk navy pantsuit she had worn earlier had been replaced with a gray cotton smock. Her stylish shoes had been removed; her feet were bare.

Darla's head snapped up as she heard the heavy lock on the metal door click. The door was pushed open and Angelus walked into the room. He shut the door behind him, never taking his eyes off the beautiful blond sitting on the floor.

"Hello Darla? he said. Darla looked up at him and the look in his eyes chilled and thrilled her at the same time. Darla took in the sight of him. He wore only black leather pants and boots. His chest was bare. She looked his body over hungrily. "I see you brought out the leather. Is it playtime then."

Angelus gave her a dark look. "No, it's not playtime." He walked over to the wall and looked over the implements hanging there. He reached up and pulled a small leather whip from the wall. It was about 2 ft. long with a smooth handle and a lash at the end that split into several smaller strips. He grabbed the end and flexed the whip in his hands as he turned to stare at Darla. There was no denying that she was a beautiful woman and they'd had quite the adventurous relationship before Buffy came into his life. The sight of her on the floor and the thoughts of what he planned to do to her fueled his arousal. He was angry with her, but he also lusted after her. She looked at Angelus with curiosity. They had played this particular master/slave game many times over the years, but she had never seen that look in his eyes. He was angry at her her. She tried to think what she had done that would make him angry. Oh he can't possibly be upset over the fight with his virgin bitch, she thought. Darla gave him her sexiest smile and stood up, walking over to him slowly. "So, lover what kind of games do you have planned for me today? A little whipping; a little fucking; but you'll make it up to me after right."

She put her hands on his chest and traced the smooth muscles. "That's right my boy always makes it up to me afterwards."

She kissed his neck and licked his earlobe to get a reaction. And she did, but not the one she was expecting. Angelus shoved her off and pushed her against the wall. "No games today, Darla. You know, it's been a while since I said this to anyone." He grabbed the neckline of her smock and ripped it away from her body leaving her clad only in a black demi-bra and lace panties, but you can scream all you want."

Darla was beyond caring if he hurt her or not. She loved it when Angelus got wild with her. "Oh. Oh Baby - I'm not gonna scream," she purred as she snuggled up to him and nibbled on his neck. Her hand wandered to his groin and she cupped his erection, squeezing firmly. "There's my bad boy." She grabbed the belt loop of his pants and pulled herself close, plunging her tongue into his mouth, kissing him with abandon.

Angelus kissed her back for a moment and then reminded himself that this session was about Darla's mistreatment of Buffy. He pushed her away. "That's enough."

Darla smirked at him. "I'm pretty familiar with the international sign for enough, and we've still got a ways to go." She stroked his chest lightly with her fingernails, trailed them up the strong column of his neck and grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulling his head down to kiss him again. Angelus pulled her wrist from his hair and twisted it behind her back, shoving her up against the wall and grinding his leather clad erection into her rear. "Angelus. You're hurting me. Mmmm, I like it." she giggled. He clamped the chains around her wrists only giving her enough slack to keep her face from touching the wall. Darla was startled by the tightness of the chains. When they had played this way before he always left the chains loose so that she could rub up against him and tease him a little. She asked in confusion, "Angelus?"

Angelus grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged her head back forcefully. "I have allowed you too much freedom, Darla. You've forgotten your place. You will call me Master, understand?"

"Y-yes, Ang...Master," she quickly corrected.

"Do you remember what I do to slaves that disrespect me?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"I didn't."

"You did. You attacked my mate and abused the freedom I gave you to walk around unbound by going into her personal suite."

Darla tried quickly to assuage his anger. "I'm sor..." Before she could finish the word, Angelus brought the whip down across her bare back. Darla flinched at the blow and let out a pained whimper.

"I'm not interested in your apologies," he said and brought the whip to her flesh again, leaving a stinging welt across the back of her thighs. He continued to pelt her body with lash marks across her back, rear and thighs until her skin split and started to bleed. The seat of her panties was frayed by the lash and quickly staining with drops of blood that seeped through and dribbled down her back. He reached up and loosened the chains enough to turn her around, then tightened the slack so that her shredded backside was pressed to the wall. Darla hissed in pain at the contact of the rough carpeted wall against her torn skin.

Angelus got into her face. "Does it hurt?" he asked. She nodded. "Good.. Are you frightened?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm not afraid. We've played games like this before. I have my safety word if I need a break," she said, but she glared at him angrily. They had played the submissive slave game before, but Angelus had never whipped her like this. And it was all Buffy's fault. Darla swore that she would exact revenge on the skinny blonde for this.

Angelus chuckled. "You should be frightened. This isn't a game and there is no safety word. This is discipline, my dear. And I'm not going to kiss your cuts and bruises when it's over."

"Angelus..." she began, but was stunned silent when his hand connected with her face.

Angelus glared at her. "What did you call me?" he said menacingly.

"M-Master," she stammered. Angelus walked to the cabinet and returned with a long razor in his hand. "I hear you've developed a thing for razors. I've seen your work. Trust me when I say that I'm not impressed." He ran the blade under her left bra strap and sliced it in half, then proceeded to cut across the right. Darla trembled as Angelus slid the razor blade between her breasts, sharp edge facing him, and cut through the fabric. The pieces of her bra dropped to the floor. He trailed the blunt edge of the razor down her torso and cut away her panties as well. Darla's legs trembled with a combination fear and lust. She couldn't help herself, she still wanted him badly. This wasn't the first time he'd cut her clothes from her body, but the leering playfulness he'd had in times before was now replaced by cold rage.

Angelus paced in front of her. "Her body was flawless, Darla. Not a bruise, not a blemish. I'd planned to keep it that way. But now, because of you she's scarred." He brought the blade down quickly and sliced a large cut over Darla's left breast. She cried out with the pain but before she knew what was happening his large fingers grabbed her by the throat and slammed her head into the wall. "Did Buffy scream when you cut her?" He growled. "She had blood on her body and thighs, Darla. I'm sure you can guess what I thought had happened. You should be thankful you're not male or this would be so much more painful." He took the whip and brought the lash across her bare breasts. Darla screamed in pain as the split lash cut across her nipples. Angelus didn't stop, but snapped the lash across her belly several times and then again across her sex. Darla shrieked when the lashes stung her swollen bud and sensitive flesh. She could feel the blood from her wounds running down her legs. What he was doing was excruciatingly painful and yet blood wasn't the only thing running down her thighs.

He unlocked the chains around her wrists and shoved her toward the table in the corner of the room. "Bend over," he ordered. Darla bent over the end of the table, and sobbed when her wounded body made contact with the velvet fabric. It felt like tiny needles against her over sensitized skin. Angelus brought up the restraints from either side, fastening her wrists tightly so that she couldn't squirm away. He slid up behind her and leaned over her back, deliberately putting pressure on her injuries. "What do you want now, Darla? he whispered seductively in her ear. Darla was a little confused at the sudden change of his mood. They had played rough before, though never like this, and then Angelus would suddenly switch to tenderness. If he was going to comfort her now she wouldn't question it. "I want you inside me," she answered huskily.

"How bad do you want it? Enough to beg me for it?"

"Oh, God! I want it so bad; please, master, please," she whimpered, her wetness dripping down her thighs. Angelus nudged her legs apart roughly so that she was spread wide, her toes just barely touching the floor. Without warning he pushed three fingers into her wet heat and Darla groaned in pain and pleasure. She had been aroused since he'd walked into the room and his rough treatment of her had only fueled her desire.

"Is this where you want me?" he said softly, pumping his fingers in and out of her body. As she started to respond, he pulled his fingers out and spread her rear cheeks apart and sank those same fingers into her back passage. "Or maybe here?" he snarled. Darla whimpered at the pressure in her rear and squirmed under his fingers.

"Answer me, bitch!" he yelled.

Startled by his harsh command, she said, "Yes! Master, please, there, there."

He twisted his fingers in her tight hole and she yelped a little from the sudden pain. "I think you want it too much. It's not punishment if you're enjoying yourself, is is?" She shook her head. "But, it is if you aren't allowed to enjoy yourself," he added and Darla realized immediately what he meant.

"No, no, , please not that," she whimpered.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna give you what you want, but you can't come unless I say so. And, I'm not feeling particularly generous toward you tonight." He put his hand on the back of her neck to hold her still and pulled his fingers from her body.

"Tell me when it hurts," he whispered and Darla let out a scream as she felt the hard, huge length stretch her tight, unlubricated back passage. Angelus

pushed the full length into her and began to work it slowly in and out of her body. After many agonizing minutes, Darla felt the burning pain in her backside start to fade and she began to push back on him, begging for more.

"Please master, may I come? Please," she whined.

"No," he said sharply. He kept it up for several minutes and Darla tried desperately to hold back her orgasm. Sex with Angelus was always mind-blowing but he hadn't ever done her like this before. She was fighting to hang on until he was ready to come also, sure that he would give her permission when it was time. But he didn't seem to be close at all; he made no sounds, which was unlike him. Then he stopped stroking into her and her eyes got wide when he walked up to the head of the table and leaned over the other end so that they were face to face.

Darla started panting, confused she turned to look behind her and couldn't see anything yet she could still feel the hard, solid mass deep in her anus. Angelus gave her a malicious grin. "Still want to come, Darla? Not quite the same when it's not the real thing, is it?"

"W-What?" she asked in confusion, the tingling in her womb distracting her.

"The whip handle makes quite the replacement, hmm? You didn't really think I was going to have sex with you after what you did to Buffy? Why would I want to show you pleasure for that?" He walked around to her backside again and shoved the handle further into her body, twisting it and pulling it out only to push it in again just as hard. Darla squirmed and screamed into the cushion of the table as he continued. "I know how much you love pain Darla, but if you disobey me and come from this I will cut a few more layers out of your hide." She bit deeply into the cushion to quell her screams and force down her orgasm. She did love it even though he was probably tearing her apart inside. She let out a sigh of relief when he suddenly stopped and removed the whip handle from her body. He tossed it to the floor and then unchained her from the table.

Darla's legs wouldn't hold her up and she crumpled to the floor. "But, cheer up, babe; there is something you get to do for me." He stood in front of her and opened the fly to his leather pants. She glared at him, seething with the betrayal but he was still master and if he wanted to he could hurt her far worse than he already had.

Darla obediently got to her knees and pulled the pants down past his hips. She took his hard length in her hand, stroking evenly. Angelus saw the anger in her eyes and posture. He ran his fingers through her hair and then tightened his fingers in the strands. "Use your teeth on me, and I will bust them out of your mouth," he warned.

She took him deeply in her mouth and began sucking steadily, careful to make sure she didn't let her teeth touch him. Angelus closed his eyes and remembered when Buffy had done this for him two nights previous. He groaned thinking of her soft, pink tongue flicking against the tip of his erection, the way she had been so hesitant, and yet once she had understood what he wanted had proved to be very talented. He thought back to the first night in the revealing parlor, she had tasted like warm honey as she climaxed for him. And it will only ever be for him. He started breathing heavily as he remembered their bath the night before, how Buffy had writhed in pleasure as he held her against him and explored her untried body. He started thrusting hard then and he could hear Darla struggling to breathe and keep pace with him, but he couldn't be bothered to care. All he could think about was Buffy lying naked in his bed, waiting for him. He pictured her hair fanned out on his black silk pillow, her beautiful body glowing in the candlelight. He couldn't wait to be cradled between her silky thighs. He imagined what she would feel like, warm and tight and pulsing around him. He couldn't hold back any more and he let his release wash over him. He opened his eyes and looked down at Darla who continued to swallow his emission and lick him clean. Why was he wasting his time here when he could be making love to Buffy? He shoved Darla's head away and stepped back to zip up his pants.

"I'm done with you," he said coldly. Darla glared at him. Master or not, she would not let him just dismiss her like she was nothing even if he killed her for it. She struggled to her feet and said, "That's it? You say we're done and what? You go back to your virgin whore? You're deluding yourself if you think she's going to make you as happy as I have."

Angelus gave her a harsh look. Obviously, she wasn't going to let him end this quietly, in true form she was going to go kicking and screaming. "Darla, you were my first lover. You took me places, showed me things, that I'd never known. But you never made me happy."

"We've been together 10 years! We shared everything. You're saying never?"

He sighed in disgust, "You couldn't understand."

"Oh, I understand alright. You get a taste of something fresh and you think you're touching God," she said bitterly.

Angelus raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. He really did not need to have this conversation with her. "It wasn't about...

"Oh, you bet your ass it was! There was a time, fairly recently in fact, when you would have said I was the definition of bliss! Buffy isn't happiness, Angelus! She's just new!"

Angelus chuckled, "You know - you are getting awfully bent over this, Darla. I've always been pretty straight with you on why I hadn't made you my mate. Yeah, we had fun in bed but other than that we really don't have much else between us."

"Oh, and what? You think you and that virgin do?" She gave a wry laugh, "Please, she's a child Angelus."

"You really seem hung up on the fact Buffy is a virgin, Darla. I wonder why. You weren't even one when my father took you the first time."

Darla glared at him. She tried another tactic. "Angelus, you know as well as I do that girl is too little to take you on. The first time you try to mount her she's going to tear badly. After that you'll be lucky if you don't have to strap her down to fuck her, she'll be so terrified of it. The only thing you are going to be able to do is send her to the house with the rest of the damaged, filthy whores." Angelus bit the inside of his cheek. He would not let that happen to Buffy, he wouldn't treat her like he had the others.

Angelus leaned against the wall and gave her a wry grin. "You better embrace that mediocrity, honey. You're talking about your own kind now."

"What?!" exclaimed Darla.

"I didn't want to do things this way, Darla. But I can't have you bullying Buffy whenever you think no one will find out. I've contacted my father and he doesn't want you back, so.."

"You can't be serious! You're sending me to a whorehouse? After everything we've done and been to each other? Angelus!" she cried.

"It's because of that. Look, we've shared a lot of pleasure you've taught me a lot over the last ten years...I enjoyed it, but that was it; it was a distraction Darla, nothing more. And I never cared before if you beat the other slaves when they got out of line. It saved me the trouble. But you went too far this time, Buffy is my chosen mate she comes before anyone else."

"I can't believe you're doing this, but it's your loss. You're gonna miss me, honey. No one else knows you like I do, knows what you like, knows what drives you crazy. You know nasty things, Angelus. Things that would horrify your Little Miss Innocent."

"Nice try. But I'm not changing my mind."

Darla searched his eyes and to her despair found that he was indeed serious about this. Closing her eyes and sighing in defeat she said, "When??

"The proprietor of Miss Edith's Place should be here soon. Your skills will be put to good use there." He looked down at his former lover, "It's not as comfortable as you've had it here, but there are worse places." He put the whip back up on the wall and walked to the door. He turned to look back at her again, "Goodbye, Darla."

"What? No kiss?" she muttered as Angelus opened the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. Darla looked around the chamber and then down at her bruised and bloody body. She fingered the welts on her belly and pondered her fate. After several minutes, the chamber door opened and Darla raised her eyes to see what awaited her.

Her new master was standing in the doorway staring at her with icy blue eyes. He was dressed in black from the T-shirt and leather duster he wore to the combat boots on his feet. He took a drag on his cigarette and studied his newest whore. She was beautiful, even with the cuts and bruises, and according to Angelus she was quite the pro at bondage fun. He couldn't wait to try her out for himself before she was offered to the masses. Blowing the lung full of smoke toward the ceiling he smiled at her and said, "Hello, cutie." PART 10 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Angelus walked toward his suite slowly, taking the time to let go of his anger toward Darla. He felt a little twinge of guilt about sending her to Miss Edith's. It was one of the higher class brothels in the city, but still far below the standard Darla had lived the last 15 years. Maybe this was the best thing for everyone: he and Buffy could would be able to be together without Darla's interference, Darla's favorite pastime had always been sex, something she was going to get plenty of now and the residents of the city got a very talented whore. He guessed it was what she deserved.....she should understand where she stands in the world, not as a queen. He opened the door to his room and stopped short at the sight that awaited him. His fantasy of her earlier didn't do justice to the reality. Buffy was lying naked in his bed and had apparently fallen asleep waiting for him. She lay on her stomach, her long golden hair and pale skin a striking contrast against the black silk sheets. The top sheet rode down just to her hips, showing the smooth expanse of her back and the luscious curve where her lower back met her rear. Angelus walked forward quietly to take a closer look at her. Her long lashes made crescent shadows on her cheeks and Angelus gently moved a strand of hair that covered her face. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss to her cheek then turned and headed for the shower. He stood under the dual shower heads and tried to clear his mind of everything save the innocent, gorgeous girl in his bed. It was time to move things along with her, but it had to be done right. He did not want her to fear him or be hesitant in any way. It was important to him that she trusted him not to hurt her. This would take some restraint on his part. He normally deflowered his slaves according to whatever mood he was in at the time. Their feelings or pain had meant very little to him. Even though they eventually learned to enjoy sex with him, there were a few who he had treated roughly their first time that practically begged him not to call on them. They were content to serve him in other ways: drawing his bath, cooking his meals or running his errands. But it didn't matter to him, he had never lacked for a warm body in his bed when he wanted one. Now it did matter - he wanted Buffy to crave being with him, to want him to touch her in any way he wished. The best way to ensure that was to take her gently, to coax her pleasure, and to be patient with her natural shyness by introducing her slowly to his carnal desires.

Angelus finished his shower and toweled off, forgoing the robe and walking back into his room. He stood at the foot of the bed and just watched her; her breathing was soft and even. Her lips were open slightly and Angelus nearly groaned when that pink little tongue that he had fantasized about came out to moisten her lips. She shifted a little then settled back into the sheets, the top sheet slipping down to reveal more of her creamy flesh. Angelus decided he couldn't wait any more. He desperately wanted to see all of her. Grabbing a handful of the sheet, he slowly tugged it down and away from her body, licking his lips in anticipation as her body was revealed inch by glorious inch. He dropped the sheet to the floor and knelt at the foot of the bed, his eyes never leaving her. She looked so tiny in his big bed, almost like a child. But she wasn't a child, she was a 20-year-old woman and she was his. He leaned over and nuzzled against the bottom of her foot stroking her calves with his large hands. He lifted one of her feet and kissed her instep lightly. Buffy made a little sigh and her toes wiggled. Amused by this, Angelus sipped her little toe into his mouth and sucked it gently. He stopped when Buffy made a little sound, but then continued when she didn't wake. He sucked the toes of both feet and loved the soft cooing sounds she was making as she slowly started to awaken. His hands stroked the back of her legs with a firm, but gentle touch. He applied a light pressure to the inside of her knees and parted her legs enough to lie in between. He moved up the bed to nuzzle the back of her knees and plant kisses to her pulse points there. Buffy squirmed under his touch as his hands crept from her thighs to rub the smooth flesh of her buttocks. He kneaded the soft globes and she gasped in surprise as she woke fully. Buffy started to move away but Angelus placed a hand on the small of her back. "No, just lie still," he said quietly stroking her flank soothingly "An-Angelus?" she questioned, afraid of what his plans might be. He'd been extremely gentle with her so far, but he was known for his unpredictable temperament. "Shhh," he said then he slipped his hand under her body, palming her lower belly. He raised her hips and placed a pillow under her. Angelus could feel the tension in her body. She was frightened. She didn't trust him yethopefully by the end of the night she would. Buffy wanted to question what he was doing but considered her vulnerable position: lying naked and prone on his bed with her bottom elevated and her legs spread wide. No, she was in no position to question him and maybe make him angry. He had swatted her rear when she had displeased him during their first encounter. It had stung and shocked her; she was pretty sure she did not want a repeat or worse. Buffy wriggled as Angelus placed wet, sucking kisses to her bottom. Chuckling softly he asked, "What's wrong, Buffy?"

"It tickles," she said stifling a giggle. "My sweet girl is ticklish?" "A little." "Hmmm," he replied, "I'll keep that in mind." Angelus slipped a finger into the crevice between her cheeks and she flinched as his finger came in contact with her back passage. He massaged the tiny hole with the pad of his finger and watched with amusement as Buffy tensed and squirmed under him. "Tickles?" he asked. "Umno," she answered, "just sensitive, I guess." "Mmm, yes," he said, "scared?" "Yes," she breathed. "You don't have to fear me, Buffy. Ever. I'm not going to hurt you." She didn't know what to say, so she remained quiet. When she felt something warm and wet against her sex, she let out a surprised gasp. She quickly realized what he had done. Angelus gave her another long, sensuous lick the tip of his tongue flicking against her tight vaginal opening. He dipped his head lower and captured her little nubbin between his lips, swirling his tongue around it. Buffy made a little mewling sound and he could feel her clitoris swelling against his tongue. He sucked on it lightly and was pleased when Buffy's hips arched up giving him further access. He held her closer and began to explore her, teasing her inner folds until he could taste her tangy sweet juices flowing freely. He pushed her legs farther apart, exposing more of her tender flesh and pushed his tongue into her tight heat. Buffy whimpered at the new sensation and her legs began to tremble when he thrust his tongue in and out of her body. Buffy clenched the pillow in her hands and buried her face to muffle her cries. Her hips rocked involuntarily and Angelus rubbed her clitoris in time with the movements she made. He continued to lick and swirl his tongue inside her tight channel as he massaged her little bud. Buffy's body went completely rigid beneath his hands and she screamed into her pillow as a powerful orgasm surged through her. When her body went limp, Angelus lifted her hips and removed the pillow then rolled her onto her back. He knelt between her spread legs and took a moment to admire the view. His young lover was spread out on his bed, gloriously naked; slightly moist with sweat her skin shimmered in the candlelight. She was panting, still trying to recover from her orgasm and he smiled when he saw that her little nipples were standing up begging for attention. Unable to resist, he leaned over her and kissed the smooth silky skin of her breasts then licked her nipples. Buffy's eyes blinked open and she looked down at his dark head. She felt awkward just lying there while he touched her so intimately. She longed to run her fingers through his thick hair, to feel the silky

strands in her hands, but was afraid to touch him without permission. Angelus laid his large frame over her small body, keeping his weight on his elbows and knees. He concentrated on her breasts, kneading them with gentle hands and teasing them with his lips and tongue. Buffy whimpered at his touch, the warmth that was pooling in her belly started to spread as he suckled her breasts and stroked her belly and thighs. "Bring your knees up, love," he said and Buffy moved her legs to cradle his big body. Her eyes roamed over his broad shoulders and she ached to touch him. She had to grip handfuls of the sheets to stop herself. Angelus placed small kisses along her chest and up to her neck. He traced his tongue along the shell of her ear and kissed the sensitive skin beneath it. Buffy couldn't restrain herself any longer; she had to touch him. "Angelus," she whispered, which came out in a breathy voice. He raised his head to look at her in concern. Had he hurt her somehow? He'd been as gentle as he knew how to be and she hadn't seemed to be in any pain. "What is it, baby?" "M-may I touch you?" Angelus gave her a sideways smile and looked into her eyes. He couldn't get over just how beautiful she was and the thought of her small, soft little hands on his body made him want her even more. He kissed her gently, and said, "Yes, sweetyou can touch me any way you want. When it's just us like this, you don't have to ask." He closed his eyes as he felt her little fingers in his hair, scraping her nails lightly over his scalp. Shifting his weight to one side, Angelus' fingers traced a heated path down her belly. He playfully wriggled a finger in her navel and smiled when he heard the sweet giggle she couldn't contain. He continued his exploration, stroking the soft hair on her mound before slipping lower and parting the folds of her sex. He was pleased to find that she was lushly wet and he spread her moisture over her clitoris, rubbing the swollen little bud with light circles. "Ohhh," she breathed as the tingling pleasure spread throughout her lower body. She widened her legs and arched her hips into his hand, seeking more of his touch. "Do you like that?" he whispered into her ear. "Mmmmm," she replied and he smiled down at her watching her face as her pleasure built. Angelus eased a finger into her virginal passage and stifled a groan when her inner muscles clenched around it. She was so tight, so tiny, it was going to be wonderful and,

unfortunately, very painful when he finally did breach her. He kissed her neck and the top of her breasts as he added a second finger into her, probing her gently. Buffy whimpered at the stretching pressure, then moaned out loud when his thumb began to rub her swollen bud again. Buffy arched into his hand as the climax hit her and cried out when Angelus pushed in a third finger. "Shhh, it's all right," he murmured in her ear. He continued to gently fill her with his fingers, while he kissed and nibbled on her neck and breasts. Pressing his fingers against the swollen bump inside her tight channel, he rubbed his thumb firmly across her clitoris. Buffy's hips bucked involuntarily as another orgasm crashed over her. Angelus removed his fingers and settled in between her legs. Buffy's breathing hitched when she felt the hard, velvety tip of his penis rubbing against her sex. She explored the soft skin of his back with her hands, stroking softly from his shoulders to his rear. She raised her head and kissed him tentatively. He smiled down at her and kissed her back, coaxing her lips apart and flicking his tongue against hers. Enraptured by his kiss, Buffy didn't notice at first that he had stopped rubbing against her. She gasped into his mouth when she felt the head of his sex entering her. Angelus continued to kiss her, hoping to distract her from the pain. He continued to gently push his way into her untried channel and felt his heart constrict when he looked down at her and saw the tears in her eyes. He knew he was hurting her, but there was no way to stop it. Buffy's grip on his back tightened as the searing pain went through her. It felt as though he was tearing her apart and she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She tried to move away, to get out from under him some how, but he was so much larger than her and she couldn't move. He had made her feel so wonderful before and now she was paying for that bliss with excruciating pain. A sob escaped her when he was fully seated in her body, the burning and stinging pain threatening to make her faint. Angelus didn't move once he was completely engulfed in her warm, wet body. He brushed the tears from her cheeks and kissed her gently. He could feel her little body trying desperately to accommodate his size. He didn't think he had torn her, he would check later to make sure. When she quieted under him after several long minutes, he began to rock inside her as slowly and gently as he could. Her grip on him loosened a little and she stopped crying. Buffy whimpered under him as he moved within her. The pain had lost it's sharpness and was now just a dull ache in her belly. She knew he had tried not to hurt her, and she knew also that he could have done things much differently if he had wanted to. He was trying to be gentle and she was grateful for it. She traced the smooth muscles of his shoulders and back with her hands, determined to focus on the softness of his lips kissing her throat, her breasts rather than the ache in her core.

Angelus slid a hand under her bottom and lifted her hips in rhythm to his strokes. "Move with me, love," he whispered to her and was pleased when she followed his lead. "That's my good girl, that's rightjust like that," Angelus groaned. Buffy brought her hips up to meet his and realized she had something else to focus on now. The new angle of his thrusts were brushing against her clitoris, causing little jolts of pleasure to mix in with the pain. The warmth she had felt in her belly earlier flared again and started to spread through her body. He was reveling in the liquid heaat that engulfed him. He'd been with scores of women but none before had been like this. She was perfect. Not only beautiful and intelligent, but sweet and passionate. Angelus lost himself in the warm stroking of her hands on his back, and her soft kisses on his shoulders. He looked down at her and saw, not the pain of earlier, but building passion in her eyes. Angelus reached down to fondle her swollen clitoris and he could feel her inner muscles clench around him. Unable to hold back any longer, he increased the force of his thrusts and was thankful that Buffy was in the moment enough with him to meet those thrusts. They moved together racing toward a blinding climax. "Angelus!" Buffy cried out as the pleasure overwhelmed her and Angelus lost his control when her sex contracted, squeezing him rhythmically. They held onto each other as the storm raged in their blood and when it ebbed they were lost in each other's eyes. Angelus pulled her body close to his and rolled over on his back, settling her on top of him. Buffy snuggled into the crook of his neck and wrapped her arms around him. He stroked her hair, thinking it reminded him of spun gold in the candlelight. He kissed her forehead and bent his head to look at her face. "Buffyare you alright?" "Mmmmtired," she said sleepily. He smiled and cuddled her closer. "Sleep, babywe'll talk more tomorrow." Angelus lay there contentedly as he heard Buffy fall fast asleep, snoring lightly as she drifted into the night. He stayed like that for a while reliving his moments with his pet, then slowly drifted to sleep as darkness swallowed him as well. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* "Master Angelus, I have been sent here by my lord Ciiterc to announce the royal ball on behalf of his name. My lord has asked you, Master Angelus, to attend this ball. Shall I send him back an agreement or denial." The young, brunette girl sat down back on her heels as she awaited the answer.

"Tell your master that I agree, but make sure this ball is thoroughly suitable unlike last time." Angelus proclaimed. The lady got up and walked to the doors and disappeared through the main doors. Angelus sighed, got up of his chair, and walked up the huge stairs that led to his master bedroom. 'Another ball.... I do not wish to go, but I have to keep up my status in the PRA or I will be pushed down. My plans for my beloved will just have to be delayed' He opened the door to his room and searched for her, his Buffy, but she was nowhere to be seen. He commanded for one of his slaves to locate Buffy at once and he was led toward the library. He entered through the beautiful handcrafted doors and saw Buffy sitting in one of his dark brown leather chairs reading one of his novels. He strolled toward her slyly without notice, picked her up, and set her on his own lap. Buffy was startled. "What are you doing, love?" Angelus asked with that certain look in his eyes. " I was reading the Situain Chronicles from your collection" Buffy said as she snapped out of her stare and carefully shut the book she was reading. She set the book carefully on the small table besides her with antiques sowings stitched into it. "Well, you can continue later, we have places to go, darling, and I'm sure your more than willing to go" Angelus proclaimed as he delivered a short sweet kiss to Buffy's long denied lips and pinched her nipples which poked out through the light cotton dress she was currently wearing. Buffy shivered and gave a short pant. At the sexy smirk Angelus gave her, she continued. "Yes, um, where are we going, exactly?" she asked. "Don't worry, pet, you'll find out." Angelus said, then suddenly turned his head in the direction of the doors and yelled, "MYA!!" A few moments later, a short red hair woman scurried into the room, and pantingly said, "Yes Master Angelus, what can I do for you?" "Mya, take Buffy and fit her into a correct dress for tonight," Angelus ordered. "Of course Master Angelus." The young lady than grabbed Buffy's hand while Angelus hoisted her up off his lap. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The dress sparkled as it slid down over Buffy in separate parts. The dress was a wonderful burgundy color and the top piece resided around two inches below her breasts, while the skirt rested low on her hips. Buffy slipped on her matching burgundy thin heels, as the others fixed her hair. Buffy's hair was left down and curled inward at the ends. Buffy applied a short amount make-up with a smooth black eyeliner and slight blush. She put on a light shade of lipstick and checked herself once more in the floor-length mirror. As Buffy ascended down the steps, she set her eyes upon Angelus. He

was wearing a red Italian silk shirt and a set of gorgeous black pants. He completed his ensemble with a black cashmere coat. Angelus offered his hand to Buffy and quickly settled his mouth firmly on hers. He gently opened her mouth and probed his tongue inside; his tongue mimicking what his fingers would be doing if it were the time to. Even though, he could still feel Buffy's juices starting to slide down her thigh. Angelus was about to take Buffy back to his bed when he came back to reality and was reminded again of where he was going to be that night. Mya then scrambled into the room and presented a beautiful back mink coat to Buffy. Buffy gasped, "Is that" Buffy gently touched the soft fur of the coat and let her hand drift along the arm of it. "Well, of course it is. A beauty such as yourself could only receive such a gift from those who care," Angelus said with a glint in his eyes. Buffy blushed and turned her head and she was helped into her coat. "Come on darling, we have a long ride in front of us." Angelus proclaimed as he took Buffy's hand and led her out of the gigantic mansion. The black limousine reflected the wonderful gold lights by the fountain as it pulled up in front of the doors and opened for its guests. Angelus led Buffy inside and seated them both before the doors closed. Inside, a small black marble table, which looked to be a mini bar was found and two flutes of wine were already, set awaiting them. The glass that separated the driver from Angelus and Buffy was such a dark shade that not even light could penetrate it. It seemed as if the only way communication was to be made to the front was by the little phone by the doorway. As the car turned and started to move, the flash of diamonds from Buffy's collar could be seen as it reflected against the glass. "Such a beautiful site, " Angelus said, suddenly. "Excuse me, " Buffy said, feeling a blush spread to her cheeks when she realized that he was not talking about the set of jewels on her throat. Angelus slowly set a finger and gently brought Buffy's face toward himself. "A gorgeous site indeed," Angelus proclaimed. Buffy stared into his eyes and was surprised to see such high level of lust that had settle there. Buffy shifted her legs because of the sudden heat that had reached there. The change in seating brought attention to her clit as she unknowingly put more pressure on her aching core. Angelus noticed her continuous shifting and immediately knew his pet's problem. Angelus brought down a single hand and slipped it in-between Buffy's trembling thighs under her skirt. He gently teased her engorged clit and her nub. Buffy started shaking uncontrollably and was in fear of completely losing it. She was still fairly new to sex and the wait was driving her crazy. Buffy expected to be fucked quickly and be brought the fullness she desperately needed, but to her surprise, Angelus took his hand out of her knees and brought them to his mouth. He gently sucked on each digit, but before he got to his last finger, Buffy took his hand and gave much attention to the one finger. Angelus groaned and suddenly slid down next to Buffy's thighs as

gracefully and pried her knees open. Buffy let out a short pant as she awaited her king's next move. Angelus brought his mouth to her juncture and gently took a lick over her clit. He then started sucking on her delicate morsel as he heard Buffy cries of pleasure. "Please.....Angelus...," Buffy panted as she was achingly close to climax. Angelus took the morsel and bit down gently with his teeth as his face was covered with her juices. He continued his assault on her until he heard her soft sigh and felt her go limp in his arms. Angelus slid up to Buffy's slightly parted lips and brought his own down to hers. He gently kissed her mouth and cleaned her up as he saw, from the corner of his eye, Ciiterc's mansion. "Come on darling, we're here," Angelus said. Buffy lifted her eyes open and dreamily stared at Angelus until the meaning of his words got to her. The doors opened revealing a beautiful crimson rug surrounded by gardens. 'Ciiterc was always known for his gardens, too bad I'm quite not interested in it as much as he and his slaves seem to be' Angelus thought as he saw, in the far left, the almost exact copy of the hanging gardens of Babylon themselves. 'Always set to impress' Angelus once again contempted. Angelus took Buffy's hands, and made his way up the stairs into the main room. Buffy expected a repeat of what she first saw when she met her master, Angelus, but was quite surprised to not find that, but something very different. Buffy had always knew that Angelus was one of the more highly praised leaders as she lived throughout his home, but she didn't know how big. 'Angelus seems to be more than one of the best' Buffy thought as she looked around the room. An enormous oak table filled the center of the room with high chairs that related to the gothic times and men ranging from young to desperately old. Beautiful tapestries surround the inside walls, and statues taller than Angelus himself. The colors gold and red were set for this evening blending in together so desperately well like an oilbased painting. Suddenly a man appeared for behind the head chair, looking to be about 50 years or so. "Gentlemen, please take your seats," He said. Angelus lead Buffy from the entrance inside to see more of the gigantic room. They sauntered over to one of the head chairs and sat down. Buffy stood behind Angelus quietly examining more of her surroundings. The man once again began to speak as soon as all of the men and their...slav....women were ready. " I am Lord Ciiterc, head of the remaining house of PRA practice 2. During this meeting many problems are too be faced and so we called upon all of you, some of the most respected men of this nation," Ciiterc stole Angelus a glance, "But before that....I am reading to show you our....beginning performances." Buffy had no idea what Lord Ciiterc meant by "beginning performances", worried that it was something that she couldn't or didn't want to be apart of, Buffy looked at Angelus with not fear but uncertainty in her eyes. Angelus spoke through his eyes, those hypnotic eyes that told her everything but nothing, he showed no sign

of worry or confusion himself. He looked bored and didn't seem to expect to know what was happening himself. Suddenly as fast as the eye can blink, a stage appeared on the left side of the table. Out came 5 gorgeous black heads performing a tradition African dance. Dance after dance beautiful women, those exotic and those gorgeous, came and went leaving a wonderful dance in their footsteps. The music exploded and the last sounds that were heard were the tapping of the retreating dancers. As the stage disappeared some whispered, clapped, and silence, but the antique wineglasses stayed occupied with the same amount of liquid that had been served. No one was foolish enough to trust anyone in the PRA; they were all lying bastards. Buffy stayed mesmerized at what she saw. 'Slaves, that's what everyone knows they are. what have I been doing?.... I have been abandoning my values surrendering to passion. I am not a slave; after all I have seen how can I admit I am. I am not a slave, but then what am I?' Buffy thought. Angelus picked up his wineglass and daringly took a sip with such confidence all eyes were on him. Everyone seemed to be waiting for his response. But before he could respond, the doors burst open and in came Ethan...Ethan Crane. "Ethan!" Lord Ciiterc bombarded. "What are you doing here?!" "Ciiterc," Ethan barked. " I am here to share my "problems" of course," He spit out. Buffy was beyond confusion. 'Who is this Ethan guy? Why does he and everyone else seem to be despised toward each other?' Buffy was curious and needed to find out. She took a glance toward Angelus and saw a hard facade set upon him. He seemed angry, but why? Buffy was tempted to whisper in Angelus's ear and demand to know an answer, but chose to be quiet. A man in his early 30's stood up from his occupied space on one of the high chairs and spoke, "Ethan Crane, not a lord yet. What "slaves" would join your so-called rebellion?!" Everyone laughed except Angelus and Buffy. 'Rebellion?' Buffy thought. " I have a right to speak! I may not be a PRA, but I have the right," Ethan shot back. Lord Ciiterc chose to speak again, " And why do you have the "right" to speak again, because you are a male, thought to be dominating but you should be cast out as a worthless slave lower than the want to be the leader to their freedom.....face it Ethan...they don't need it." Buffy needed answers now, so she asked Angelus, "Angelus what is all this." "Angelus not you too, what happened to the "master" bit, allowing your pet to be important than others. Is the mighty Angelus next to turn weak?" A fool spoke up, a fool who was about to die. "What did you say!,' Angelus roared. Buffy jumped back in surprise. "I am no weakling, fool, she is my pet, nothing more and if I wish for her to address me Angelus than I shall, she will do whatever I say!?!" Angelus yelled. Buffy turned angrier by the minute until she couldn't handle it anymore. "That's it, I have a right to say whatever I want,

Angelus, all of you, I am not a fucking dog meant to be behind anyone else," Buffy shouted. Everything in the room turned quiet, the only sounds that were heard was the panting of Angelus and Buffy, even Ciiterc and Ethan made no a sound. Ethan could only stare, stare at the beauty that had just expressed everything he stands for. He can make her wants, her dreams come true. 'She's perfect, the "woman" of Angelus wants to rebel, she wants better, and I will be there for her. She, all the others, and I will change everything. I am important, my ideas are important, I will make sure everyone knows that.' Ethan thought, transfixed by what he just witnessed. Never had anyone shouted to their master, never had they disobeyed that intentionally in front of others, especially the PRA and "lived" to tell. Angelus, shocked by his little spit fire, was ready to become the vicious, rapacious man he has always been known to be. He was ready to shout throughout the mansion and make it vibrate, instead his eyes turned ice cold and was directed to Buffy. He could not lose it, ' She just wants to test me' Angelus thought. "Buffy, I suggest you be quiet," He hissed through his clenched teeth. Buffy figured out that her outburst was a bad move, and so shut her mouth. She couldn't help, all the things that happened tonight about her forgetting her morals, everything caused her to burst, she was stubborn, that would never change. Lord Ciiterc spoke up, " I suggest I should meet with all the PRA members in the next room," Angelus, with one last look at Buffy walked toward the next room without a look back. He was not used to outbursts, all women loved him, dammit, what the hell? He wanted to pound something, fast. As Angelus disappeared through the doors with the other members on his heel, Buffy turned and found herself within a foot of Ethan himself. "Who are you," she said. "Hello My lady, my name is Ethan Crane." He started, " I see that you and your um master had some disagreements." He pointed out. "I'm sorry sir," Buffy said putting on her polite face, "but I don't believe it is any of your business." "Of course not." He casually replied " I am just stating the fact that he and not to mention everyone else were shocked that you spoke your mind, he seemed to believe you should and would follow by his rules always" Buffy stopped for a minute. "I'm not his slave." She replied. "I never said you were, " Ethan leaned back and knew he was getting somewhere here. " I am like you Buffy, I care for everyone. Women truly have no outstanding place in this world. Haven't you ever felt as if you were trapped into a shell, not allowed to show the world who you really are. Haven't you ever felt you stand on the world and everyone would apprise you. Tell me Buffy have you ever had dreams as a child, a vision perhaps." Ethan seductively shed his words upon the quiet

Buffy. He could see the worlds traveling through her ears down to her heart and back into her brain. "Yes, " she quietly spoke. "I've had dreams, but everyone had always said to distinguish those views because no one in the world would care." Buffy said as she realized what the man has been trying to tell her. "How...what can you do about such things!" Buffy lashed out at the man who spoke of such things that made Buffy yearn. " I guide all those women who are in need and want to rule. I was apart of the PRA long ago. I had a friend, ironically, Ciiterc actually. One day he had invited me into his home, back then I didn't think of slaves or even really cared about their roles. The abuse I witnessed once I entered his home, the things I saw, they shook me...I knew things had to be different. It is true, Buffy..." Ethan sighed. ".....The PRA hate me as does Angelus. I care...unlike everyone else in the world.....I care...and I've been trying to state my point, but no one else knows...they know nothing about everything in their petty world." Ethan stated. Buffy stood there dumbstruck. ' This man knows.....I can't believe I've forgotten everything I've held on to so dearly. I would have joined this man centuries ago if I had known. Key word being *would* ..every since I met Angelus I've taken up different views, but which ones should I stick to?' Ethan saw the confusing look on the beautiful woman's' face and took out a card from his breast pocket. "Here Buffy, this is my card........the scribbled markings on the back are where you can find me. When you change your mind, come....we will be waiting." Ethan said. He then took Buffy's hand and kissed it without care and turned, leaving through the main doors. Buffy looked back down at her card. 'What am I going to do?' Buffy waited in silence until she heard the doors that sealed Angelus inside open.

Chapter 12 NOTES: Chapter 12 deals with the following: S&M, voyerism, and oral sex. !~Be Warned~! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Buffy fidgeted in her seat as the limousine wound its way toward home. She glanced over and looked at Angelus again. He hadn't spoken since they left the hall, just continued to stare out the window. He was angry, it was obvious by the way his jaw muscles clenched and the icy look in his eyes. She was pretty confident that her outburst at dinner had been the cause. He'd been nothing but gentle with her since he became her master, but if the look on his face was any indication,something was about to change.

The limousine stopped in front of Angelus' estate and he quickly exited the vehicle, leaving Buffy to fend for herself. She got out of the car and followed him inside and up the staircase. She closed the door behind her as she watched him toss his jacket on the chair and pace around the room. She sat on the bed and started to remove her shoes. "No," he said quietly. "What?" she replied, confused. "I don't want you in here right now. In fact,..... I don't want to see you at all for at least a few days," he said, his voice sounding cold to her ears. Buffy looked at him in shock. Since her arrival, Angelus had insisted that she spend every night in his bed. Now, he was banishing her because she spoke her mind at dinner? "I don't understand. What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me?!" Angelus asked, incredulous that she had no idea what she had done. "Where would you like me to start, Buffy? You are supposed to be my mate and you embarrassed me in front of nearly everyone I knowmaking me a laughingstock because I can't "control" my pet?! And you want to know what's wrong with me?!" He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. 'God what is wrong with me' Part of him wanted to drag her down to the chamber and show her just exactly who was master and who was slave. "So, you don't like what I saidI'm sorry but it's how I feel. I didn't ask for thisit was a deal between you and my father, I had no choice." At the hurt look on his face, she added, "It's not that I'm unhappy exactly, but I don't want to be your "pet" foreverI'd rather be your ..equal." "That's not going to happen, Buffy. Society will not allow a woman to have equal sayit just isn't done. And it's especially not done by me. I am your masteryou need to understand your place. All you need to concern yourself with is doing what I tell you, when I tell you and how I tell you." Buffy stared at him remembering those words from their first encounter in the revealing parlor when he gave her the collar. She thought she would be able to follow them, but now she wasn't sure. "Whatever. Look, can we just go to sleep and talk about this tomorrow?" "No," Angelus said, "We're done talking. Go to your room, Buffy." "I want to stay here with you," she said softly. It hurt that he wanted to be rid of her. "No, you really don't. If you stay with me tonight, I can't guarantee that I won't give in to my anger and punish you. I promised myself I wouldn't hurt you like that Buffy, but if you stay

here tonight I'm pretty sure it's a promise I won't be able to keep. Get out and go to your own room. I'll call for you when I've dealt with some things about this." Buffy stood and walked to the door. "I can not be the sorry for the way I feel......but I am sorry that you're hurt." She closed the door swiftly behind her. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* It had been three days, and Angelus had not called for her. Buffy paced in her room debating with herself whether she should wait for him to call her or go to him and beg forgiveness. She should not have blurted her feelings out in front of the PRA, exposing Angelus to ridicule. She should have discussed it with him privately instead. But she couldn't help herself, the way they treated women was just so degrading! Regardless, Angelus was still her master and they had been growing so much closer, not only physically but emotionally, she needed to make things right with him. Buffy walked out of her room and stopped in front of Angelus' door. Taking a deep breath, she turned the handle. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Angelus lay his head back on the chair cushion and groaned with pleasure. He'd forgotten just how talented this girl was at fellatio. He stroked the dark curly hair and looked down at the young woman who was pleasuring him. She cast her dark brown eyes up at him as she swirled her tongue over the tip of his erection. He cupped the back of her head and pushed it back down, closing his eyes as the warmth of her mouth engulfed him. "Alltake it all," he said. He couldn't help but watch as the girl, Faith, deep-throated him and he could feel her throat muscles squeeze the head of his penis. Gods she was fantastic at this. If he hadn't deflowered her himself, he would have thought her a high-class whore. But Faith had been a virgin when he had acquired her, though not quite as innocent as Buffy. Faith had never been penetrated until her first night with Angelus, but she had been schooled quite well in oral pleasure long before that. Angelus insisted on virgin girls, but occasionally it didn't hurt to pick one with some experience. Buffy was still hesitant about pleasuring him this way, her inexperience though sweet, was sometimes a chore and he had to take the lead and give her instruction. She was a quick learner, but still very shy with him. Faith never knew the meaning of the word `shy' even when she was virginal, and Angelus really didn't want to think about anything this night except the warm mouth sucking him eagerly. He felt his orgasm building and tilted his head back as the heat spread through his body. He could hear Faith moan softly as she swallowed his seed. Then he heard a startled gasp and opened his eyes to see Buffy standing in the doorway, obviously stunned by what she had walked in on. Faith continued to attend to him, licking his softening member until she had cleaned him thoroughly and Angelus didn't stop her. When she had finished he tilted her face up and smiled at her. "That was wonderful, Faithas usual. You can go now."

"Yes, Master," Faith answered with a seductive smile and sauntered past Buffy and out of the room. Angelus leaned back in his chair and looked at his pet. He could see that her face was flushed, but he wasn't sure if it was caused by embarrassment or maybe something else. "Is there something you wanted, Buffy?" Buffy just stared at him, not sure what she was feeling at the moment. She was stunned speechless to walk in and find him with someone else. Her stomach lurched with the twin sensations of jealousy and nausea. But then she chided herselfof course there were other lovers. Darla had been his bed partner for almost 10 years. It was just that he hadn't been with any of the others since her arrivalor, maybe he had. Gods this whole situation was making her sick! "IumI thought we should talk." "Hmm. Well, I told you I would call for you when I was ready to talk. I don't remember calling for you, so why are you in here? The master summons the slave, not the other way around. Surely you know that much." Angelus knew he was being a bastard toward her, but he couldn't help himself. She needed to understand her place. She was his pet, which meant that she was his favorite slave. That hadn't changed, but she couldn't mouth off in front of everyone whenever she got into a snit about something. Whether she agreed with the rules and norms of society was insignificant. She would submit. Buffy looked away from his dark brown eyes. "Yes, I know" The look of satisfaction on Faith's face as she had walked by had not been lost on Buffy and it was eating away at her. He had said `wonderful as usual' which meant that this thing with Faith went on frequently. Buffy clenched her teeth and tried to remind herself that most masters had multiple lovers. It was the norm for the society they lived in. But it shouldn't be that way, she thought to herself. Angelus had given her a collar, a very expensive collar that proclaimed her as his mate. To her, it meant that they belonged to each other - with no others involved. But what did that mean to him? Deciding that he probably couldn't get any angrier with her, she decided to have it out once and for all. She looked up and locked eyes with the man that owned her body and soul. "So, I take it Faith comes here often?" Angelus smirked at the tiny blonde, watching the heat color her cheeks and the emerald flash of green in her angry gaze. "Yes, she's been here for several years." His answer was not what she wanted to hear. She reached up and touched the collar around her neck. "Angelus, what does this mean exactly?" His eyes narrowed and he studied her, trying to determine where she was going with the question. "It means you are my slave, my pet, my mate." "And how is that different than what Faith is?" she asked, leveling

her gaze with his. "Faith is a slave, that is all that she is and all she ever will be. You are my petbut that is not all you will ever be. Someday, you will also be the mother of my children. That is the difference. None of the others will ever bear my childonly you." Buffy was momentarily stunned speechless. Children? She hadn't even thought about having children with him, and it occurred to her that she was angry that he just assumed she would have them when he decided it was time. She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "And if I don't want children with you?" "Too bad. When you have fully matured in a few years, when you are more woman than girl, you will carry my baby. What did you think Buffy? I have done things much differently with you than with any of my other slaves. I have denied my own urges to make sure that you were treated with nothing but tendernessknown nothing from me but affection. I did this because you will be with me for the rest of your life, as my mate. Slaves come and go, they are either sold or bartered for other things but matespets are forever. You, Buffy, are worth your weight in goldliterally. I was willing to pay your father by the pound to have you and I am not giving you up, ever. You will never be sold Buffyyou will never have another man in your bed, or your body, except me." Buffy let out an angry sigh. "Just so I'm clearI can't be with anyone but you, yet you can have sex with any and everyone you choose." He quirked an eyebrow at her but nodded. She glared back at him. "This is my body, yet you decide when I'm to become pregnant and I have no recourse except to carry the child to term and raise it however you determine?" Again, he nodded. Buffy continued, "And, I'm not allowed to voice my objections to any of this?" "That's correct. What happened earlier tonight will not happen again. If you choose to embarrass me in public that way again, I will discipline you and it won't be pleasant. You'll be lucky if you'll be able to sit for at least a week afterward." Angelus smirked at the thought of Buffy lying bare-assed over his knee as he decorated her bottom with red streaks from his riding crop. The anger she felt was consuming her. He thought he was going to punish her? Not likely. She'd had enough of this master/slave game. She whirled around and stormed out of his room and down the hallway into her own. Throwing open her armoire doors she pulled out some light-weight casual clothing and quickly changed. She stopped in front of her vanity mirror and took a long look at herself. Her eyes fixated on the sapphire and diamond collar that she had worn continuously since her first encounter with Angelus. Fuming with unspent anger, she grabbed it and tore it from her neck, throwing it down on the floor. Buffy quietly crept down the hall and out the doors of the estate. *~*~*~*~*~*~* "Thank you, Mistress. May I have another?" Ethan Crane whimpered

into his carpeted floor. His hands were bound together and hooked to a chain that was threaded into a leather collar around his neck and attached to the floor. His knees were spread underneath him and his bare ass was raised. He readied himself for the blow that he knew was coming. His mistress didn't disappoint him, the wooden paddle slammed into his raw flesh, stinging against his tender scrotum. Ethan moaned in pain and pleasure. He desperately wanted to rub his hard penis against the carpet to find some relief, but knew his mistress would punish him severely if he spilt his seed before he was given permission to do so. Sensing that he was losing control, Ethan's mistress switched from the paddle to the riding crop. She straddled his back and proceeded to lash it across his buttocks while he writhed and whimpered underneath her. "Do you like that, Ethan?" "Gods, yes!" he cried as he felt her rub her naked, wet sex along his spine. She thwacked him across the buttocks again as she ground down on his body. "Do you want to come?" "Oh, please, mistressplease," he begged. His Mistress, Morgana, was a phenomenal Dominatrix who he had procured from Miss Edith's Place. He had paid a premium price for her but he was not disappointed. She kept him on the edge between pain and pleasure for hours at a time. Tonight, they had been at this game for 3 hours and she really hadn't even gotten started on him yet. "No, I don't think it's time yet. I think you need to be taught a few more lessons," she said, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. Ethan shivered in anticipation. Whenever she used that voice, he knew he was in for a mind-blowing evening. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Buffy was shocked beyond belief when the door opened to reveal a tall woman dressed in a black leather bodysuit that pushed her breasts up so high they might have fallen out if she bent over. Buffy wondered briefly if she could even bend over in that outfit. Skin-tight wasn't adequate to describe how this clothing looked on her. The woman, probably not too much older than Buffy herself, looked at the tiny blonde curiously. "Yes, can I help you?" "I-I'm here to see Ethan Crane," said Buffy, quite intimidated by the woman who towered over her. "Is he available?" "He's a little busy at the moment, but you are welcome to wait while I tell him you are here. You don't look like Ethan's typewhat's your name, and in whose house do you reside?" "My name, is Buffy and I'm from Master Angelus' house," she said quietly, looking around as if she expected Angelus himself to jump out at her. She had never left the estate unescorted before and was sure once it was found that she had there would be Hell to pay. The woman's eyebrows raised in surprise. She looked Buffy over carefully, noting that the petite blond was immaculate, no bruises and no apparent injuries. Master Angelus was known for his quick temper and sometimes brutal treatment of his slaves. It was rumored

that he was not always so rough with them, they all obviously adored him so there had to be some truth to the fact that he was an amazing lover. He certainly had the body for it. Bringing her attention back to Buffy she escorted her down the long hallway toward Ethan's suite. She walked in ahead of Buffy to announce her arrival. Buffy gasped in shock at what she saw when she entered the room. Ethan and the woman he was with took no notice of her entrance, they were too busy. Buffy gaped at the couple as she watched the woman pull Ethan to the floor on his back and straddle his head. "Lick me, now," the woman said and Buffy watched in amazement as Ethan eagerly lapped at the open flesh just an inch from his face. She felt her cheeks burning in embarrassment for walking into such an intimate scene, but at the same time a completely different type of burning was working it's way through her blood. She pictured Angelus lying on the floor under her, sliding his tongue along her wet sex, his hands bound the way Ethan's were now. Angelus had pleasured her a few times with his tongue, but she had always been on her back and he had always been in control. It was obvious that Ethan was not in control of this scenario. The woman ground her sex onto his face, and she moaned loudly apparently enjoying what he was doing. She bent over and grabbed his erection, fisting it tightly and Ethan cried out. "Suck my clitsuck it hard!" the woman commanded and then she rocked her lower body on his face as her orgasm washed over her. Buffy was rooted to the spot, lost in her fantasy of her and Angelus playing out the very scene she was witnessing. The thought of her beautiful, arrogant, dominant master being submissive to her commands made her heart race and her panties wet. Buffy was jolted back to the scene when she heard Ethan whimper, "Please mistress, may I? Oh please!" She watched as the woman jerked Ethan's penis roughly a few times and then said, "Now, you can come." Ethan yelled and spilled his seed over her hand, his body jerking out of control. Buffy's escort cleared her throat to get the attention of the room's occupants. "Buffy from the House of Angelus is here to see you, Master Crane." Ethan's mistress unchained him and handed him a silk robe. He put it on and removed the leather collar from his throat. He turned to his partner, "Thank you, Morgana. We'll pick this up again later this evening." Ethan kissed her lightly and she quickly left the room. He turned to look at Buffy. "I'm surprised to see you here, Buffy and looking so healthy. I was certain Angelus would add to his reputation by severely punishing you for your outburst at the PRA." Not sure how much she should tell him, she replied, "No, um, he did punish me just not physically." Taking a deep breath she continued, "Ethan, I have given a lot of thought to what you said and I've come to a decision." Ethan looked at her expectantly. It was obvious to him that this tiny girl was stronger than she looked and was not one to be pushed around for long. He waited patiently and then encouraged her to

continue. "And what would that decision be, my dear?" "I don't want to join your revolt, Ethan. I want to lead it." Chapter 13: The Roles of a Slave *-------------------------------------------* The roar was heard throughout the house. The threatening scream warned others away and none to come fourth. Angelus stormed throughout the mansion barking after everyone to find out where she went. She. She. He got mad just thinking about it. After the performance she displayed, she had the nerve to run away without permission! But buried right next to the anger was hurt, worry, and the hint of betrayel. Where the hell was she and ....and with whom?!? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* Buffy hurried back into the estate, careful to make sure she wasn't noticed by the groundskeepers. The main door then slammed open and Buffy was revelealed through the doors sauntering in but with a slight sense of nervousness. She felt amazing. Ethan and she had talked for the short three hours about as much information she could process without exploding. She wanted to know everything...but was she ready to take the everything and turn it into something in this world? As she walked down the hallways, she was surprised to find them completely empty. Usually there were some slaves either cleaning or bringing linens to the laundry, but tonight the halls were bare. It seemed strange and set Buffy's nerves on edge. Where was everyone? Ethan was left baffeled, "You want to...lead it? He questioned, truly impressed at the turn of events. "But of course," Buffy replied with as much confedience as she could register without running back to Angelus' and waiting out her unjust punishment. Ethan made sure his robe was placed on correctly as he went to Buffy and wrapped a light hand around her waist and lead her into the main room where the last trace of any female were clear. "Please make yourself comfortable, Buffy. Is it alright for me to call you Buffy?" Ethan questioned as he went to pour out some light red wine for the discussion that was to be followed Buffy was taken slightly by surprise, instead of dismissing her for her absurd thoughts, he was making sure she was comfortable?"Yes, of's fine" Buffy said now being a little concerned about what was to happen. She had just stormed out of Angelus' place in rage waiting to encounter Ethan and share..but now what? 'Lead it...lead this place.....oh my......what was I thinking' Buffy continually began agruing with her choices. "Buffy, here you go." Ethan arrived placing a delicate wine glass in her nimble hands. She then snapped out of her thoughts and started to tap on the diaphanous glass in a soft motion, now contemplating the

next move. "Now..Buffy, what do you want to know.....being the leader is extremly important and requires...exactly what you have." Ethan announced. Buffy was about to drop the glass. He was actually allowing her to be leader without any sort of explanation or ..anything? "Just like that? Wait...what do you know about what I have?" Buffy questioned. "You are strong Buffy, I can see it in your lovely eyes and you are spirited. You want what we want, you just have it" Buffy knew that was the best she was going to get and she decided what she was going to do. "Tell me....," a little unsurely.."tell me all I need to know." Buffy announced leaning closer over the couch she layed on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When she reached Angelus' door, she was tempted to go in and talk to him. But his dismissal of her earlier made it perfectly clear that he would only talk to her when he was ready. She went down the hall toward her own room, looking forward to a warm bath and a good night's sleep. Tomorrow would be a busy day as she prepared to put her and Ethan's plan into action. Buffy pushed open the large oak door to her suite and her breath caught in her throat at what awaited her there. Angelus lay sprawled on her bed, her jeweled collar being turned slowly in his hands. He watched her with a cold gaze that chilled her right to the bone. Buffy tentatively stepped into the room, never taking her eyes off of him. The anger coming from him was palpable. "Angelus," she whispered, "What are you doing here?" "Where were you?" he replied. "Um, you know, I just went for a walk around the grounds," she answered, willing herself to look directly at his face. "Really?" "Yeah, just to get some fresh air," she lied, biting the inside of her cheek to keep her lip from trembling. The coldness in his eyes was unnerving her. "You just took a walk? Not going anywhere in particular?" he asked, studying her intensely. He held the collar up a little, "I found this on the floor." Her last two sentences had been a lie, he knew. But he wanted to give her another chance to tell him the truth. If she lied again, she was going to regret it. "Oh, um, the clasp, it broke. It must have fallen from my dresser. I was going to tell you about it later. And, I just walked through the labrynth garden. Not a big deal, really."

He moved so quickly that Buffy barely had time to blink. Angelus grabbed her by the arms and slammed her against the wall. Deep brown eyes, blazing with fury stared right through her and the tendon in his jaw strained as he clenched his teeth. "Enough lies, Buffy. Where in the fuck were you? I know you weren't in the garden, one of the groundskeepers said he saw you leave the estate." Buffy panicked. "He must've been mistaken. I didn't leave!" She swallowed hard and bit down on her lip. Buffy cried out as his hand came up against her cheek. The stinging pain leaving her breathless. "I won't tolerate lying, and this collar wasn't broken when you were in my room earlier. You tore it off, didn't you? Didn't you?!" He slammed her again against the wall and her head rang with the vibration. "YES!" she screamed. "I don't want to belong to youor anyone! I'm not a possession, I'm a human being and I don't want to be treated like a slave!" Angelus stepped back, momentarily stunned by her outburst. Then, rage bubbled up in him. "Oh, I see," Angelus said calmly, coldly pinning her against the wall even more forcefully. "You don't want to be treated like a slave, of course. Tell me, Buffy, when have I treated you like a slave since you've been here? Was it when I pleasured you during our first encounter? Or maybe it was when I coaxed you gently teaching you what pleases me rather than ramming my penis down your throat instead? Or maybe it was when I spent hours making love to you, taking your virginity as gently as I could - wanting to make it as pleasurable for you as possible instead of strapping you down and taking you forcefully like I have done to other "slaves"?" Buffy gaped at him, not sure what to say. But he was far from finished with her. "Do you think that the other slaves have an unlimited wardrobe full of silk and satin? Do you think that the only thing they have to do is make love with me? Tell me, Buffyhave you scrubbed any toilets since you've been here? Fixed any meals? Done laundry? Cleaned the floors? NO? Yet you're treated like a slave, is that right?" "A-Angelus, I" "Well, maybe it's time you found out exactly what it's like to be a slave in the House of Angelus, hm??" He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out the door and down the hallway. Buffy struggled in his grip, fear flooding her senses. She had pushed him too far this time. Angelus continued to pull her down the stairs and into a part of the house that she hadn't seen before. He opened a heavy metal door and shoved her into a small room. Once he turned on the lights, Buffy's eyes widened at her surroundings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ethan began telling her of the tale............

"A hundred and fifty-years ago women were not seen at objects, oh no, they were actually seen as as much as an equal as everyone else. Now it's just absurd. Haven't you ever wondered why when the women were pregnant, they would wish for a boy so that they wouldn't have to let go of their daughter. Men do not pay attention to their mothers..ever. When women turn a certain old age...their masters just lt them go. They are released." Buffy's eyes then shone with hope, women were allowed with release...away from this dreadfull society? Ethan saw the look in her eyes and wanted nothing more than keep it there, but she needed to know the truth. "Buffy, released means more than freedom," Ethan started "It means death." "Death," Buffy breathed, her heart turning cold as stone. "Why," she asked. "They just weren't thought of as ....entertaining or needed," Ethan said with disgust. "Bastards," "This needs to change," Buffy insisted. "Thats why your here," Ethan said, knowing what she was talking about. His voice was full of promise which filled Buffy's heart with hope..hope for her...and hope for Angelus. "Women were always ordered by men and pushed around thought of as people but not as important as men. Women were still allowed to live their life and go places independently but were always brought down by men. Then one day women began bringing up such issues and sooner or later they got out of hand. Men got angry, the majority won and women were banished into a world far worse than another, this world" Buffy sat there listening. All men were like this? Deep inside her mind, Buffy knew that one day she would find out what men were truly capable of. Maybe sooner than expected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It looked like the revealing parlor in the PRA, but darker somehow more sinister. The table in the center of the room was covered in black with manacles hanging off the sides instead of satin ropes. The walls were carpeted and there were several whips hanging on the walls. Angelus slammed the door behind them and stepped up to Buffy's trembling form. "Stripand be quick about it," he ordered harshly. Buffy stood wide-eyed in the center of the room and looked up at him. She made no move to follow his order and was immediately sorry that she didn't. Angelus looked her body over coldly. He reached out and grabbed the neckline of her shirt and ripped it down the center. "When I tell you to strip, slave, you strip!" he snarled. Buffy shuddered and pulled the tattered shirt from her body, and quickly removed the rest of her clothing. She watched Angelus carefully as he paced around her like a big panther.

"I didn't want it to come to this BuffyI never planned to bring you here. But, I won't tolerate lying and I won't tolerate this defiance. You belong to meMY slave, MY pet, MY mate. I was hoping to win your love with tenderness, but I can beat it into you just as easily." "I-I'm sorry, Angelus," Buffy said meekly. She was terrified, and what if he tortured her until she revealed the plan to him? NO! That was not going to happen. She wouldn't buckle under, no matter what he did. She loved him, but she was not going to be his "pet" for the rest of her life. She was not going to be ordered around and treated like a second-class citizen. "It's too late for sorry, Buffy." He ran a hand down her back watching with amusement as she shivered. He circled around in front of her and palmed her breast, lightly tracing the scar that Darla had left during their fight several months ago. Without warning, Angelus tugged hard on the pink nipple and Buffy whimpered but didn't say anything. "Have I given you pleasure over the last few months, Buffy?" he whispered. "Yes," she said, biting her lip in anticipation of where he was going with this. "You've enjoyed being in my bed?" She nodded and looked up at him. "You do realize that very few of my slaves have ever been allowed to sleep in my bed. Actually, Darla was the only one. The others are there for my use and pleasure then sent away when I'm done with them. Have I ever used you like that Buffy?" "No, Angelus," she said. "I will tonight," he replied coldly. "Afterall, if you're going to see what it's like to be a slave, you might as well start with that." He pulled her naked body to him and kissed her hard, pushing his tongue into her mouth as she struggled to keep pace with him. He picked her up and sat her on the cushioned table. Wrenching her legs apart, he plunged three fingers into her tight core while he unbuttoned his jeans. He watched her face as she whimpered with the invasion. Her body not fully aroused, wasn't quite wet enough to ease the pain. When he freed his erection, he removed his fingers and pulled her to the edge of the table. "I fuck my slaves whenever and however I want, Buffy. I rarely take them to bed." Without another word, he entered her body and crushed his mouth over hers, swallowing her cries as he pounded into her. Angelus was angry and felt betrayed that all of his gentle coaxing, his careful attentions meant so little to her. He had wanted her to love him, to want to be with him, and yet she resisted. Now she was sneaking off the grounds and lying to him about her whereabouts. Angelus continued to piston in and out of her tight core until he couldn't stand anymore and released his seed into her body. He quickly withdrew leaving Buffy unfulfilled. She looked up at him in confusion and frustration. He had never done this to her before. He had always made sure that she was satisfied. Smirking at the confused look on her face he added, "What's the matter, lover? Oh, that's rightyou've never been

left unsatisfied. Well, I'm not in the habit of going out of my way to pleasure my slaves. If it doesn't happen for them before I'm done, too bad." Angelus pulled her from the table roughly, his fingers leaving imprints on her arm. Buffy stumbled after him as he crossed the room and sat on a wooden bench. He pulled her across his lap, her bottom bared before him. Buffy struggled against him, humiliated at the position she was in. She hadn't been across someone's knee since she was five years old. Angelus put a strong hand on the back of her neck, holding her in place as he smoothed his other hand across her soft behind. He never thought their relationship would come to this. He didn't want to hurt her, but she needed a lesson in respecting her master and understanding her place. "Where were you tonight, Buffy?" he asked softly. "I told you, already," she snapped, angry at being treated this way. He hadn't fastened his pants and she could feel his erection nudging against her stomach. It made her furious that he was turned on by dominating her. Without warning, his hand came down sharply on her skin and she cried out. "Where were you tonight, Buffy?" he asked again, softer this time. "Dammit Angelus, let me go!" she squirmed, trying to get away from him. Her breath caught in her throat as he smacked her bottom hard several more times. "Where were you tonight, Buffy?" he whispered. "I went for a walk, that's all!" she yelled, and then that turned to sobs as the sharp sting of a leather strap fell across her backside. Angelus continued to strap her, alternating between her rear and the back of her thighs, until Buffy's bottom was crisscrossed with red welts. Buffy sobbed uncontrollably in pain and humiliation as he continued to spank her. She silently vowed that when the tables turned, she would pay him back for this! "You will not lie to me, understand? I am your master, I own you body and soul and I want to know where you were! Tell me where you were, Buffy!" "NO, it's none of your fucking business!" she screamed at him. Thrashing in his grip, she finally freed herself, falling to the floor in a heap at his feet. She glared up at him defiantly and realized that it was probably a mistake. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her to her knees. "None of my fucking business? None of my fucking business??!! Everything you do is my fucking business Buffy! You embarrass me in front of everyone I know with your outbursts - that's my fucking business! You sneak out of the house in the middle of the night that's my fucking business too!" He shook her head, his fist tightening in her hair. Buffy winced with the pain, but continued to glare at him. "You want to know what else is my fucking business,

Buffy? If you left tonight to fuck someone else!" Buffy's eyes widened in horror. "No! No, I didn't, I swear! I just went out for awhile, that's all. I swear there's been no one else!" Oh god, if he really thought she had been with someone else, he was within every right to kill her. "What if I don't believe you? You're obviously lying to me about where you were, why wouldn't you lie to me about this?" he asked. "I swear, AngelusI wouldn't - not ever!" The tears spilled down her cheeks as she covered her face with her hands. The thought of being with another man made her ill. He was all she wanted, would ever want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I think it is time for you to leave, Buffy." Ethan said looking at the clock and the dangerous face it had. It was geting late and even Buffy couldn't imagine what would happen if this meeting was ever revealed; for him and for her it would be a nightmare. Buffy looked up at the clock herself and stared at the time. 'How long have I been here. It has been hours.' Buffy jolted up remembering Angelus and his punishment. She was brought out of her trance and into reality as Ethan hurriedly gave placed her coat into her arms. "Until we meet again," Ethan said while lifting up Buffy's small hand and laying a kiss upon it. It was not meant to be sexual, just a sign of luck as Buffy made her way home. Ethan then looked up and saw Buffy's coat swooshing behind her as she headed home and into her master's arms. 'Not for long' Ethan thought. Angelus swallowed his own emotions that were threatening to cut loose. What was it about this tiny woman that rattled him so much? The thought of another man between her beautiful legs made him insane. He looked down at his pet, crumpled at his feet sobbing. He released the hold on her hair and sat back against the wall just watching her. Angelus closed his eyes and tried to rein in his anger at her and himself. He had vowed to treat her differently than the other slaves, and he had until tonight. She didn't want to belong to him, she wanted to be free. But it just wasn't done! Men ruled and women obeyed, that was the way things were. A woman with freedom was unheard of in this society. He couldn't give her that, even if the alternative made her miserable for the rest of her life. Buffy looked up at Angelus and swallowed her tears. He had to know that she would never want to be with anyone else. She just wanted things to be equal between them, wanted to be his mate not his "pet". He had been nothing but gentle with her since she had been in his house. He lavished her with attention and gifts, constantly telling her and showing her how beautiful she was, how much he wanted her. He could have done things so differently, as she had heard from many of the others about their experiences with him. Until this night, she had never known him to be violent nor harsh. He had his eyes closed now, apparently not willing to look at her.

Buffy wanted to tell him that she loved only him, wanted only him, but the words wouldn't come out. Pulling herself to her knees, she moved forward and set herself between his spread legs. She watched him carefully as she nuzzled her face against his hip. Angelus opened his eyes and looked down at her curiously. Buffy tentatively licked his semi-erect penis, slowly engulfing him in her mouth. She sucked gently, never taking her eyes from his as she sought to pleasure him and let him know that he was everything to her. Angelus played with tendrils of her soft silky hair as she continued to attend him. Her submissiveness was a surprise after her vehement defiance earlier, and though she looked to be the model of docility he knew that this was temporary. She was headstrong by nature and would no doubt defy him again. But he would accept her submissive behavior at face value for now. He stroked the soft skin of her cheek wiping away a stray tear as she continued to suck him gently. Part of him wanted to apologize for his harshness, while the other part wanted to beat her until she understood that she was never to defy him again. Buffy fondling his testicles brought him out of his musings and he cupped the back of her head gently, encouraging her to increase her pace. She sucked him hard into the back of her throat and Angelus relaxed and let his release go. As she finished attending to him, and closed the fly of his pants, Angelus pulled her into his lap. Buffy flinched as his hand passed across her bruised bottom. Standing, he cradled her in his arms as he walked out of the chamber and back to his room with Buffy crying softly the entire time. *------------------------------------------------* Chapter 14: The Act's Preperation Angelus carried Buffy to his room and lay her on his bed, gently rolling her to her stomach. He cringed at the sight of the red welts crisscrossing her beautiful skin. He had wanted to teach her a lesson, make sure she knew her place and vent his anger at her willful behavior of the last few days. Now that his anger at her had receded, his own anger at himself had skyrocketed. Angelus had vowed never to hurt her this way, and yet at the first episode of defiance from her he had broken that vow. Buffy continued to sob softly into the pillow. The pain throbbing through her body was equaled by the humiliation she had suffered at his hand. He had turned her over his knee like some wayward child and paddled her bottom. She had pushed him too far, taking his affection and generosity towards her for granted, and not believing the stories she had heard about his discipline of the household slaves. The aggravated red marks on her rear made her a believer, all right. But they also made her angry. How dare he! She wanted to jump up and show him how it felt to have his ass whipped! When the tables turned Angelus was going to learn exactly that and then some! But for now, she didn't have the strength to fight him so she lay in the soft silk sheets and sobbed out her pain. Part of Angelus relished the soft sobbing of his pet. Hopefully this

little lesson in the chamber had gotten through to her. But the other part of him cursed his very existence. He had never felt guilty or upset when he had disciplined other girls in his stable. But he couldn't look at her without his stomach knotting up. He did thathe inflicted those bruises on her arms from slamming her into the wall. Those quickly purpling finger marks on her thighs were his doing. The red, raised welts on the satin-like skin of her rear were his fault. Angelus felt suddenly ill. He quickly walked into the bathroom and ran a basin of cool water. With the softest cloth he could find, he gently cleaned Buffy's backside, careful to not put too much pressure to her wounds. Buffy continued to cry quietly as Angelus attended to her abused skin. "Shhh, babyI know it hurtsshhh," he crooned as he ran his fingers lightly over the marks his leather strap had left on her. Listening to her cry, Angelus choked back his own emotions. He had never given the other slaves a second thought after similar punishments, and yet the sight of Buffy tugged at his heart. He was becoming desperate to stop her anguishhe wanted to make amends to her for what he had done. He may have been within his rights as her master, but not as her lover. Since she had arrived he only wanted to love her and have that love returned. The thought that he might have turned her against him by his actions chilled him to the bone. Angelus hovered over her small body and began to place feather-soft kisses to her back and shoulders. "I'm sorry, BabyI'm sorry I hurt you this way," he whispered. The cloth of his pants brushed against her bottom and Buffy cried out in pain. Realizing what had happened, he stood and quickly removed his clothes, returning to kissing each bruise and mark he had made on her body. "Is that better? I don't want to cause you pain again Buffy. I don't want this to be part of our life together." Buffy had stopped her sobbing, but she sniffled and whimpered when he touched a particularly deep wound. Angelus continued to kiss her, working his way down her back to her abused bottom. When he reached the first of the deep welts, he brushed his lips across it lightly - being extremely careful not to inflict any pain. He nudged Buffy's legs apart so that he could kneel between and proceeded to kiss away the pain. Angelus wanted to make up to her for his mistreatment. He watched her carefully and realized that she was starting to doze, evidently worn out from the scene earlier in the chamber. She continued to whimper and Angelus wanted her last memory of the evening to be one of pleasure, not pain. Careful not to aggravate her injuries, he rolled her to her side and cradled her hips in his hands. With the utmost tenderness, Angelus brought his tongue to her intimate flesh, flicking lightly. He sucked softly on her clitoris and he felt her relax into him. Spreading her sex, Angelus ran his tongue from her quickly swelling bud to her tight vaginal opening that was just beginning to give off moisture. Buffy moaned softly at the gentle treatment, and arched into his talented mouth. Angelus inserted a finger into her core and with the other hand slipped the hood back on her clitoris, exposing the tiny pink glans. With just the tip of his tongue, Angelus flicked across the sensitive nub. The climax hit Buffy so hard it was blinding. With a hoarse cry she exploded into ecstasy and Angelus lapped up the sweet juices that poured from her

body. He continued to hold her, pressing soft kisses to the swell of her belly until she drifted off to sleep. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Buffy slowly aroused, groggily she attempted to raise her hands to rub her drowsy eyelids. Attempted, Buffy found her hands trapped in between a body, Angelus' body. He cocooned her body with his leg around her waist and a hand on his side while the other was laid across her body. 'What happened last night?' Buffy thought as she tried to fight off the feeling of contentment, desire, and something else he had formed inside her. 'Last night, ...he...he abused me........and then pleasured me. Why?' ' Everytime I think I know him......he surprises me. It was suppose to be simple, He was the all evil master and I was the slave who was to "surprisingly" win in the end because I am woman.........hear me roar......or something.., anything?' Buffy carefully looked down at her body making sure not to awake Angelus, she almost shed the tears she had kept inside as she looked at the damage he inflicted on her. No, she can't cry, she will not cry, the time will come.' She thought as anger slowly made a place in her head, not her heart, never her heart for Angelus. As the day progressed, Angelus showered Buffy with attention, kisses her and there, and just sweet little nothings in her ear...........but it was all a facade, wasn't it? As night approached, Master Angelus was sent away to deal with PRA importance, more meetings, more talking, more everything dealing with all those other rulers. God how she hated that! Angelus was right, even I stereotype all the men out there as selfish, possessive, and abusive. But Angelus wasn't like that.........Buffy had to admit.....she was afraid she loved him? Love............ha!..............right? Buffy always thought that everything was based on rules, laws. You live, live for them....the men, associate and adapt, and then leave......die.......whatever you wish it to be called. There was suppose to be no emotion, no arguing......but Buffy wasn't like others. She rebelled and she had emotion.....strong emotions. Minutes turned into hours and Angelus still wasn't to be seen as Buffy paced in her chamber staring at all the riches of her room, these past days she had been in Angelus' room, not hers..and as she looked around her room......really looked....she noticed how perfect it was.......perfect in the way a million dollar room would look. How incredibly normal, as if this society was nothing, and Angelus was a normal man not a master, in care and need of his wife. Buffy didn't bother to stay in that mirage for long. This was NOT what she was to be thinking about. Angelus..her mind whispered and her heart and soul longed for him like a woman would do to basic needs of survival. But this wasn't about was about the system....the system she now leads......she needed to get going and push these memories and thoughts aside.......but for how long will she able to keep them out? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

A knock was heard and Faith groggily arose from her bed. She was allowed to rest for an approximate amount of time while Angelus wasn't her displeasure. How she longed for him........god he was magnificent..who wouldn't. Sure he was tempted to the rougher side of his carnal acts, but he was entitled to it and Faith could only agree. Jealously suddenly fled into her mind...........Buffy.......the new damn toy.........only this was more than a toy she was a mate? It's been going around the house in soft whispers so not to be discovered, but she still heard it. But so what...........Faith had been called to her master's room to pleasure him even though his mate had been present......Angelus needs me......I am suppose to be one of his favorite slaves.........the only one. Faith cleared the thoughts out of her head, she wasn't Darla, that psychotic chick who abused Buffy because of her jealousy and got sent away for it and she had been in the family for years! Faith pushed her covertness down, realizing that she was just the slave and that was feelings meant for it. Faith put her palm on the knob before she turned it and opened up to the outsider. Buffy stepped in, to Faith's utter disbelief. Princess was here?! Why. As Buffy entered, she realized how Faith's chamber was so unlike her own. Sure a bed was provided, but no bathroom. A wooden dresser was seen in the corner and a mirror. Make-up was there, little make-up actually, but no jewelry...except for the usual slave apparel. wow. That's it. Buffy wasn't trying to be vain of what she had, but she was starting to realize how differently she was treated that others. "Your majesty, what brings you here to the rightful slave chambers?" Faith saucily asked before sauntering toward the door and gently locking it. "Faith, I've got a proposal for you.........," Buffy started. Interestedly, Faith actually looked up for her place at the door. "Look ever since I was...I was young, I've known that this whole slave master thing was bullshit and when the opportunity comes, we capture it, rite? Well I did, Ethan has this organization and I decided." Buffy began her sentence. "ETHAN?!?!" Faith exclaimed before being silenced by Buffy's hand. "Ethan, the fucking lunatic, wait 'till Angelus hears about this......." Faith said "No!," Buffy none but yelled. " You can't, .......look Faith, I came here not so you can tell on me, but so that I can ask you if you want to join? Yes or no, then I'll leave. This is important, Faith. I want things to change for everyone who wants it to. Don't you understand? Women don't deserve the life that was given to them," Buffy asked. That silenced Faith, this girl was really fucking serious! Women may not like their life, but me?!? God, Why would someone leave Angelus, I've grown up in a fucking shithole, obviously not like princess over there,... my father was a lord I guess, but nothing fancy, he was ......a bastard....a fucking bastard.........., my life was nothing, Doesn't she understand? The only thing I prayed for when I was little was not god, 'cause he didn't do shit for me. It was for the type of master I would receive.' Before Fath could start giving Buffy the speech, about how she was wrong, how she would fail, etc. she stopped. Something stopped her,

all that could come out of her was the word, "No." It was now Buffy's turn to be silenced. Why? Didn't she want to be free? Didn't everyone want justice? But Buffy didn't ask. Instead, she turned and walked out of the door, keeping her promise and leaving a confused Faith inside the room she once occupied. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* It took an hour, but Buffy had managed to get to most of the slaves during their job and some, those that had been quite occupied at the moment, were left alone. If they wanted release, they would receive it soon. Buffy looked behind her as she saw around 10 slaves following her, they had all joined her revolt after hearing her out, but were still nerved as would any other of Angelus' slaves be, except for.....Buffy, of course, rite? A call was earlier received, informing the others that Angelus, their master, would be coming home late for some kind of reason....but that was nothing but an advantage to those who Buffy was with. Buffy lead all the slaves into a secret chamber that only a couple of slaves had found out except for Angelus of course. The secret chamber was hidden behind the statue of the gryphon to the left of the Revealing Parlor. Buffy would then begin telling the others of her plan. And then the night will come......the night where Angelus and all the others would be taught whose really in control. After gathering everyone into the tiny room, Buffy turned to the door and looked carefully outside it to see if anyone who wasn't suppose to, had followed. But in the corner, a dark shadow had formed, and there stood Faith who started coming closer to Buffy herself. "Faith," Buffy found herself questioning. "What are you doing here?" "Shut up B, look, you don't know shit about me........about anything, but I can't help but feel that I have to do this. I had a tough life, B and at first, I wasn't going to allow you to change the only actual good thing that had happened to me. But you're right, if the world had been fair for me, I would have done so much more in the world than become a fuckn' bitch, slave, whatever you wanna call it." Buffy just stood and listened with hope. "So here I am B, I'm here to help." Buffy just continued to stare at Faith, taking everything in one at a time. Faith was strong, she had a certain attitude about her that the revolt needed. A small smile crossed Buffy's lips and a copy of it formed on Faiths'. Buffy then stood aside, thus allowing Faith to come through the door. After making sure no more surprises were to be seen, Buffy turned the door and slowly closed it to the world outside. The time would come, oh yes. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Chapter 15 - Dont You Love It When A Plan Comes Together? *-------------------------------------------* Angelus opened Buffy's bedroom door after his meeting, only to be greeted with silence. ........Buffy was sleeping in her magnificent bed, barley making a bump in the soft silk sheets that outlined her. He felt as though he had made up for what had happened and it tugged his heart looking Buffy just sleeping quietly as the world continued to move around her. She had made a big difference in his life, but didn't quite understand how or why yet. .................... As Buffy walked through the halls of Angelus estate the next day, she tried not to notice the fear and anticipation in the eyes of the other slaves. They watched her carefully, waiting for any sign that the plan was going to be called off - some hoping it would and some fearing it wouldnt. Everyone was on edge and Buffy just hoped that they could hold it together for a few more hours. If they didnt relax and go about their tasks as normal, Angelus was sure to know something was up. She neared Angelus suite and stopped to check over her outfit. It was an emerald silk negligee with a slit up one side to the middle of her thigh. She had taken special care to make herself as enticing as possible. The more Angelus was distracted, the easier things would be. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and walked in. Angelus was seated in his chair, reading the latest bulletin from the PRA. He glanced up to see Buffy watching him and lowered the paper to get a better look at her. "Buffy," he said, "you look beautiful." Blushing slightly, she gave him a coy look and answered, "Thank you. Would you like me to order in your dinner? You said that you wanted me to stay tonight and I was thinking that a delicious dinner and maybe a hot oil massage would make for a nice evening." Angelus gave her a wolfish grin in return. Naked Buffy and a hot oil massage were two of his favorite things. "That soundsinteresting. Im going to shower, please let me know when the meal arrives." He stood up, kissed her gently and walked toward the bath looking forward the rest of the evening. As Buffy heard Angelus start the shower, she summoned Mya from the hallway. Mya lifted her hand and gave her the phone, which had been conveniently stolen for their purposes. Buffy dialed the short number, "Christine, ready yet?" she asked into the phone. "Hey Buffy, ya we're ready. It'll be delivered to the back kitchen area around seven, cya then...Good luck babe," Chrisitne reponded. "You too, let's go," Buffy proclaimed quietly so not to be overheard. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Cut to a car being pulled up to 1207 P.F Drive: "Load it up gals, I'm about to give Master Ciiterc quite a show. That pig," Rachel said to the others "You know it," one other replied. Around eighteen dosages of clear liquid were seperated and given to the the women who then slipped it between her breasts so not to be revealed. One by one, each discreetly stepped into the car and were driven

away. ................... In the House of Lord Ciiterc the slaves were every bit as nervous as those in Angelus estate. Rachel, Lord Ciitercs pet, gripped the silver serving tray as tight as she could trying to control the shaking of her hands. The utensils rattled on the tray and she said a silent prayer that he wouldnt notice. For such an important member of the PRA, Lord Ciiterc was blessedly ignorant when it came to details. Rachel set the food out on the table and waited obediently for her master to speak. Lord Ciiterc looked over his pet thoroughly. Rachel was exquisitely beautiful with her long red hair framing her face with corkscrew curls and the ivory silk negligee draping over her rounded figure. He looked over the meal laid out before him: Prime Rib with hollandaise sauce, red potatoes and asparagus with his favorite red wine. He motioned to Rachel to pour him a glass. "Youve done well this evening, Rachel. I am pleased." He sipped his wine and was so engrossed in his PRA newsletter, that he missed Rachel watching him drink with a satisfied smile. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Cut to Master Angelus's mansion: "Cooki, hey Cooki," Kelsey whispered into the kitchen. "Kelsey, I was so worried.......god, where is it?" Cooki urgently whispered as if the walls could speak and they were going to be caught any time now. "Here it is," she said, taking the small bottle out of her valley between her breasts. Cooki took the liquid and surveyed it for a minute. She then shot up and began pouring the delicate soup she had prepared into the twin china bowls. She took the bottle and poured it into one, while the other was left alone. She returned the bottle to Kelsey, and hissed, "Go Kelsey, I do not want you to be caught. You still have to get to a few others." As quickly as she arrived, Kelsey left leaving a worried cook with the identical bowls of soup on the counter. 'Was it ready?' *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The women at Miss Ediths Place were going about business as usual with the exception of Darla. Summoned to her masters room, she was looking forward to an interesting evening of her own. With a stomach full of food and wine, Master William was going to be putty in her hands tonight and if everything went well, she would have herself quite the pet tomorrow. She would always hate Buffy for being Angelus pet and getting her booted from the house, but Darla grudgingly had to admit that the girl knew how to put together a plan. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Angelus took the spoon and dipped it into the warm soup. He then lifted the spoon to Buffy's lips. Buffy panicked, he was going to feed her?! Buffy closed her lips and Angelus' eyes began to take a cold tint to it. He was feeding her and she was going to refuse!? Just then, Buffy took the spoon carefully, without spilling a drop, and lifted it to Angelus' a sign of perfect servantage. Angelus's eyes resumed his warm tint and he opened his mouth. Buffy continued to feed him until there was but a drop left. She put

the spoon down and kissed his lips lightly. After the meal was done, Buffy only hoped that her plan would work. Cooki had arrived with the twin bowls of soup near the end of the dinning, and Angelus had not even tasted the difference. Buffy did her best to confuse him,...... to try to fog his senses. It had began to work. Angelus had began to act a little woozy, as if in a dream, but never acted upon what he felt. It was probably just a..... pleasurable feeling. .................. Buffy slid the straps of her gown off her shoulders and let it pool at her feet, never once taking her eyes off the gorgeous, naked man watching her from the bed. She walked over toward him, picking up the warm almond oil from its basin on the table. Angelus rolled to his stomach and gave her a wicked grin as she knelt beside him. Buffy bit her lip and couldnt help the warmth that spread through her as she drizzled the oil down his spine and began to rub it into the solid muscles of his back. Angelus couldnt remember ever feeling this relaxed as Buffys small hands kneaded the muscles in his lower back. Hed let her play for a while and then he had every intention of flipping her over and having his wicked way with her. A devious smirk crept over his handsome face and he looked up at Buffy with hooded eyes. He was surprised to see a similar look on her face. "What are you thinking, love?" he asked warily. Buffy was jolted from her thoughts of what she planned to do to Angelus when this night was over. He wanted to know what she was thinking? Oh Gods, there was no way she could tell him that! "I, uh, was just wondering about the tattoo on your shoulder. Why dont you tell me about it?" As Angelus began the tale of the tattoos origins, Buffy let out a sigh of relief that he hadnt suspected anything. He was sighing in between of words and Buffy could tell his body responses were slowing down. Angelus had made it part way through his story when he started to drift off to sleep. Buffy continued to massage him, but watched him closely. When he had been quiet for awhile, she lifted his left arm carefully and then let it go. It dropped with a thud onto the mattresshe was unconscious. Buffy got off the bed and dressed quickly. She opened the door and motioned to the slave in the hall. "Get Faith and the othersit's time," Buffy said, her face confident, but her insides jerked with nervousness. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ethan Crane sat in a large leather chair with his favorite pet, Morgana, at his side. He looked up at the clock on the wallmidnight. All across the city, at that very moment, the balance of power was changing. With the coming dawn, a brave new world will be upon them. Ethan gave his companion a Cheshire-Cat smile. He hoped the men of the PRA liked the surprises that awaited them. Yes, payback was definitely a bitch. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The bright beam of sunlight through the small window flashed in his eyes, waking Angelus from his sleep. He didnt have to open his eyes to know that he wasnt in his bed or even in his own room. He was lying on a cold hard surface and as he opened his eyes he was surprised to find himself on the floor of the chamber. How did he get here? What was the last thing he remembered? Hed had dinner with Buffy and they had spent the evening together. Had someone kidnapped him from his room? If so, what had they done with Buffy? Suddenly alert, he went to stand and discovered two things: first, he was chained to the wall by his ankles and second, every bone in his body hurt. Buffy, Faith, Mya and the others watched Angelus on the monitor with various emotions. Though Faith had initially not wanted to participate, she had to admit that when they got him down to the chamber and the

girls took their revenge for every smack, whipping or beating they ever received from him it had felt wonderful. A few of the girls had gotten bold and wanted to really pay him back for the brutal sexual acts they had suffered at his hands, but Buffy had drawn the line at that. She told them that she would make Angelus understand the error of his waysbut they couldnt gang up on him. In truth, she was afraid they might take it too far and really hurt him. For a bunch of scared and timid slaves, they sure got brazen when they realized the plan was going to work. They had taken great pleasure in kicking, punching and scratching him as they dragged his unconscious body from his bedroom to the chamber. Buffy had been appalled when shed seen the damage to his beautiful body. But they had the right to do that, after all they had endured over the years, so she kept quiet. Her feelings couldn't change what he had done. They watched as Angelus struggled to stand, and smirked as they saw the fury in his beautiful brown eyes when he discovered that he couldnt move away from the wall. As a group, they cringed when they heard him begin to yell. "What is going on here?! Who in the Hell is responsible for this?!" Angelus bellowed. He knew the walls were soundproof, but he had noticed the camera was on which meant he was being watched. Buffy looked at the group. "Well, should I go break the news to him?" A few of them giggled at the anticipation of Angelus face when his beloved pet informed him that the tables had turned. Angelus was beyond furious. "What do you want with me? Where is Buffy? Who in the damn hell is responsible for this?" His head snapped up as he heard the bolt on the door click. The door swung open slowly and Angelus eyes widened at what he saw. Buffy walked in dressed in a black leather body suit. She stopped a few feet away and smiled at him. "Oh, thatd be me." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

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