Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin 78 Jul 13

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Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin for NHS Primary Care in North Staffordshire

Issue No: 78 July 2013

About this Bulletin: It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Where possible, links to the full text documents are included. If the article is in a journal, NHS and Public Health staff in Stoke and North Staffordshire can contact the Health Library for a copy. Link to request form: [Please note - a charge of 2 per request is payable for most copies] If you need further assistance, please contact the Health Library or the NHS Outreach Librarians, details below. The bulletin can be e-mailed to colleagues who may also find it useful. A list of websites checked in the production of this bulletin is on the first page. Please suggest further useful sites. Feedback is always welcomed to inform future issues of the bulletin.

Contact information

Bulletin produced by NHS Outreach Librarians Tel: 01782 679564 or 0300 123 1535 ext/FeatureNet 8429 E-mail:

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Sources for Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin Please suggest further sites that should be monitored in the production of this bulletin Websites Cochrane Library CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination - DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) - NHS Economic Evaluation Database Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database Daily Health Bulletin Department of Health Kings Fund NICE Medicines awareness service Social Care Institute for Excellence Inside Government local government alerts NICE SIGN

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Contents in this issue:
Alcohol ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Cancer ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Children and Young People ...................................................................................................... 4 Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 5 COPD ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Diabetes.................................................................................................................................... 7 End of Life Care ........................................................................................................................ 7 General Practice ....................................................................................................................... 8 Guidance .................................................................................................................................. 9 Health Reforms ....................................................................................................................... 10 Heart Disease ......................................................................................................................... 11 Infection Control ...................................................................................................................... 12 Integrated Care ....................................................................................................................... 12 Mental Health.......................................................................................................................... 12 Older People ........................................................................................................................... 13 Patient and Public Involvement ............................................................................................... 13 Patient Care and Safety .......................................................................................................... 13 Pharmacy and Prescribing ...................................................................................................... 14 Public Health ........................................................................................................................... 14 Service Management .............................................................................................................. 15 Social Care ............................................................................................................................. 16 Substance Misuse .................................................................................................................. 17 Vaccination and Immunisation ................................................................................................ 17 Workforce ............................................................................................................................... 19

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Alcohol

Alcohol-related mortality in young women Shipton, D, Whyte, B and Walsh, This research, focusing on young women in a number of deprived UK cities, has found 'worrying trends' in alcohol-related mortality in young women.

Age is just a number: the report of the parliamentary enquiry into older age and breast cancer All Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer This is a report of an inquiry which aimed to examine the variations and barriers preventing all patients diagnosed with breast cancer having access to the services, treatments and care that will benefit them most, regardless of their age. %20number%20%20APPG%20report%20on%20older%20people%20and%20breast%20cancer.pdf Be Clear on Cancer Kidney and Bladder Cancer Sympton Awareness Public Health England (PHE) PHE has announced details of the next Be Clear On Cancer, campaign, launching in October 2013. The Blood in Pee campaign will tell people to go and see their GP if they see blood in the urine, even if its just the once. Cured but at what cost? Long term consequences of cancer and its treatment Macmillan Cancer Support This report warns that the NHS is woefully unprepared to help the rapidly growing number of cancer survivors. It looks at the long-term consequences of cancer and its treatment and shows that cancer survivors have an increased risk of other serious conditions. une2013.pdf
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Children and Young People

Healthy young minds, healthy communities: conference report Royal Society for Public Health/Institute of Health This is a report of an event held jointly by RSPH and Institute of Heatlh which was designed to explore the extraordinarily close links between early experiences, both in the womb and as a young infant, and the health of the community and public. 4

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Infant feeding profile tool The Department of Health This infant feeding profile tool shows a correlation between higher rates of breastfeeding and lower rates of inpatient admissions for infants under 1 year. Statistics for 10 conditions and the figures are broken down for England, Strategic Health Authorities, Primary Care Trusts and Primary Care Trust clusters from 2002 to 2003 until 2010 to 2011. Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people aged 11 to 15 years in England 2012 Information Centre for Health and Social Care This report contains results from an annual survey of secondary school pupils in England and states that 52% of pupils between 11 and 15 said that they had tried smoking, drunk alcohol or taken drugs at least once in their lives.
Items in the General Practice, Guidance and Mental Health sections may be of interest [back to topics]

Clinical commissioning groups: supporting improvement in general practices? The King's Fund/Nuffield Trust Between 2012 and 2015, they are following the evolution of clinical commissioning in six case-study sites and will publish the findings annually. This first report is based on fieldwork conducted before CCGs had become fully authorised. It provides an overview of developments through to March 2013, plus an assessment of the opportunities and challenges ahead. Commissioning for carers: key principles for clinical commissioning groups Carers Trust This resource was developed to ensure that support for carers is prioritised by CCGs. It makes the case that supporting carers wellbeing can reduce overall spending in the NHS and will help commissioners to meet their required outcomes. Consultation on specialised service specifications and commissioning policies 2013/14: summary and response from NHS England NHS England This document summarises the responses to a consultation on the specialised service specifications and also outlines NHS England's response How are clinical commissioning groups evolving? Kings Fund/Nuffield Trust 5

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This report, the first work published from year one of a three year collaborative study, focuses on six CCGs and reveals that many GPs dont currently have a strong sense of ownership of their local CCGs. NHS clinical commissioning groups draft code of governance Icsa. Chartered Secretaries This draft guidance aims to support clinicians in developing good governance arrangements and to help build and maintain public trust in clinicians and the NHS. Online Tool for area teams, CCGs and practices published. NHS England This tool, the Primary Medical Assurance Framework:web interface, makes practice-level data available to commissioners and the practices they are responsible for managing. PCC is running half-day events in Birmingham on 10 September and London on 19 September where delegates will learn how to use the tool and its implications. Resources for commissioners of women's health services Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists A new new e-resource aims to support CCGs and NHS England in the commissioning of womens health services. It brings together standards for hospital -based obstetric and gynaecological care with community-based sexual and reproductive healthcare advice. Specialised Service Specifications and commissioning policies NHS England This paper is a response to a consultation on the service specifications and commissioning policies which support its specialised commissioning function. 'Ways of working' with CCGs launched NHS England NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHSCC), as the independent collective voice of CCGs and its representative body, and NHS England have been working together to co-produce ways of working that support CCGs and NHS England. The ways of working fit alongside NHS England's values and purpose, integral to the way NHS England works. An independent survey will be undertaken by NHSCC in October 2013 to understand how these are being received across the system Voluntary Care Services relationship with Health and wellbeing boards: survey launched Regional Voices Regional Voices has launched a survey which asks the voluntary sector about engagement with health and wellbeing boards- what is working well, what could work better and what 6

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support would help. Results will be used to influence policy makers, develop support mechanisms and share interesting practice.
Items in the COPD, Older People and Substance Misuse sections may be of interest. [back to topics]

Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England PHE These profiles have been designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They will inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities. The tool allows you to compare your local authority against other local authorities in the region and benchmark your local authority against the England average .

Community Nursing Insulin Chart East and South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services An insulin chart has been developed by experienced community health services pharmacists and includes a number of safety features within the chart design, for example it is pre-printed with the word units.

End of Life Care

A time and place: what people want at the end of life Sue Ryder This report investigates the elements of care that are important to individuals at the end of their life. It argues that for too long the focus has been where people want to die rather than how. It delves deeper into the components of care that people feel are important, and explores more fully what each of these means. Independent Report: Review of Liverpool Care Pathway for Dying Patients This report sets out the recommendations regarding the Liverpool care pathway (LCP) and end of life care following an independent review of the LCP chaired by Baroness Julia Neuberger. ol_Care_Pathway.pdf

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National Bereavement Survey (VOICES) Office for National Statistics The survey covers end of life care provided at home, out of hours, by district and community nurse providers, in a care home, in hospitals and in hospices.

General Practice
Does quality affect patients choice of doctor? Evidence from the UK Centre for Health Economics (CHE) University of York This study investigated the effect of practice quality on patients' choice amongst practices, allowing for other factors such as distance to the practice and gender and age of practice GPs. It found that patients are more likely to choose practices which earned more quality points under the quality and outcomes framework pay for performance scheme. e_GP.pdf GP Income Streams Primary Care Commissioning This briefing is for NHS England area teams, GPs and general practice staff interested in how practice income is calculated. Personal health budgets (PHBs) a revolution in personalisation 2020 Health This report responds to public and GP key fears about the government introduction of PHBs. It describes how patients make decisions normally made by a GP; what could happen to traditional services and asks whether NHS money should be spent on non-traditional equipment and activities. Report on out-of-hours GP Service in Cornwall House of Commons This report, based on evidence from Serco and the NHS, examines the provision of the outof-hours GP service in Cornwall. It investigates concerns which were raised by whistleblowers that the service was short-staffed and that the contractor, Serco, had lied about its performance by altering data. Revalidation resources for GPs RCGP These resources are designed to help make revalidation a positive and rewarding experience for GPs and complement the RCGP Guide to Revalidation and RCGP Revalidation ePortfolio. Working GPs with a special interest in revalidation have helped produce the resources, which include example portfolios, toolkits and an extensive Q&A document. 8

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Securing the future of general practice: new models of primary care Nuffield Trust/Kings Fund This report examines the new GP organisations forming to allow care provision at a greater scale and reviews UK and international models of primary care that could increase capacity and help primary care meet pressures it faces
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NICE Clinical guidelines Myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (CG167) NICE Clinical Guidelines The Assessment and Prevention of falls in older people (CG161) NICE Clinical Guidelines Varicose veins in the legs: The diagnosis and management of varicose veins (CG168) NICE Public Health Guidance BMI and waist circumference black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (PH46) NICE Quality Standards Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (QS39) NICE Quality Standards Postnatal care (QS37) QS37 NICE Quality Standards Urinary Tract Infections in infants, children and young people under 16 (QS36)
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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Health Reforms

Changing care, improving quality: reframing the debate on reconfiguration NHS Confederation This report identifies six principles to consider as a foundation for most reconfiguration plans, and aims to support those engaged locally in making a decision as to whether to reconfigure services and, if so, how to make change happen. Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England The Kings Fund This Commission will consider whether the post-war settlement, which established separate systems for health and social care, remains fit for purpose. Direct payments for healthcare: Consultation Outcome Department of Health The government consulted on proposed changes to the direct payments for healthcare regulations in order to extend personal health budgets, including direct payments for healthcare, beyond the pilot programme. This government response summarises the feedback that was received and explains the changes that are being made as a result of the consultation. Managing the transition to the reformed health system National Audit Office The report- 'Managing the transition to the reformed health system' examines how the transition was managed, whether the new system was ready to start operating on 1 April 2013, and the costs and benefits of the reforms. Mandate Consultation Department of Health The government is consulting on refreshing the Mandate to NHS England for 2014 to 2015. The Mandate sets the government's ambitions for the NHS as well as the funding available to achieve the kind of care people need and expect. Spending on health and social care to 2015-16 The Nuffield Trust This briefing examines the key issues underlying debates on health funding, the decisions taken on NHS spending over this Parliament and the 2015-16 Spending Round period, and the closely linked issue of spending on social care.


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Statutory guidance on joint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategies: Department of Health response to consultation Department of Health This document outlines the Department of Health's response to the consultation held on guidance for health and wellbeing boards to meet local health and social care needs. ry-Guidance-on-Joint-Strategic-Needs-Assessments-and-Joint-Health-and-WellbeingStrategies-March-2013.pdf Strengthening corporate accountability in health and social care Department of Health This consultation asks for views on proposals to hold providers of health and social care to account where there are serious failures in care. It proposes that all directors of providers registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) including NHS hospitals, private hospitals and care homes, must meet a new fit and proper person test. The CQC will be able to insist on the removal of directors that fail this test. Responses are welcomed until the 6th September 2013. ate_accountability.pdf The wisdom of the crowd: 65 views of the NHS at 65 Nuffield Trust As the NHS reaches 65, this collection of essays asks 65 health and political leaders what they believe the state of the NHS to be at this moment in time; what they think the NHS will look like in ten years' time; what health and political leaders need to do to ensure it remains viable and fit for purpose; and whether they think the NHS can remain largely free at the point of use. df
Items in the Public Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Heart Disease
Global association of air pollution and heart failure: a systematic review and metaanalysis Shah et al. This review found a strong and consistent association between heart failure hospitalisation or death and exposure to air pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide though it acknowledges further studies from developing nations are required. Management of Coronary Artery Disease in Primary and Community Care: Guidelines Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health This rapid response report identified three evidence-based guidelines regarding the management of coronary artery disease (CAD) in primary care or community-based settings. 11

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Infection Control
New Study to investigate Public Health risks of ESBL E.Coli PHE A new study by PHE and funded by the Department of Health will, for the first time, establish the most significant reservoirs of a strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria known as ESBLpositive E. coli that cause human illness in the UK.
Items in the Guidance section may be of interest [back to topics]

Integrated Care
Integrated care in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales: lessons for England The Kings Fund This paper explores how the health and social care system in England can learn from the approaches of other UK countries. It examines the context in which health and social care is provided; identifies policy initiatives that promote integrated care and the impact of these initiatives; and considers the barriers and challenges to achieving integrated care. Rewiring public services: adult social care and health Local Government Association This publication makes the argument that the next phase of development in social care and health services must be towards integration. It states that integrated services are much more likely to improve peoples health and wellbeing in ways which treat them with dignity and respect, and that it also makes financial sense to get rid of duplication and waste.

Mental Health
Mental health in the new NHS structure Centre for Mental Health The Centre for Mental Health has produced a simplified map of where mental health fits into the new NHS structure. Recommendations for a new approach to young people's mental health support Mindfull The report, Alone with my thoughts is based on a YouGov survey of over 2000 young people which found that over half of those who had shown signs of depression as children felt 12

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that they had been let down in their experience of mental health support. It calls for early intervention and prevention as well as increased professional support and advice.
Items in the Guidance section may be of interest. [back to topics]

Older People
Commissioning care and support for older people with high support needs Joseph Rowntree Foundation The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has published 'Commissioning care and support for older people with high suppport needs'. This Solutions provides practical guidance for commissioners of older people's services on the range of models and approaches available for supporting older people with high support needs. Understanding the oldest old Economic and Social Research Council This report uses new data from UKs largest ever social survey, Understanding Society, to uncover preliminary findings about the oldest old (aged over 85) and their levels of participation, wellbeing and health.
Items in the Guidance, Social Care and Vaccination and Immunisation sections may be of interest

Patient and Public Involvement

By us, for us, the power of co-design and co-delivery Nesta This report brings together practical learning and evidence on using co-design and co-delivery to create a health system driven by the people within it.

Patient Care and Safety

Nursing a safer future: how nurses are using proactive approaches to manage patient safety Nursing Times This supplement to the Nursing Times showcases nurse-led initiatives that demonstrate effective and proactive safety management.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Patient voice is still not heard says survey Primary Care Commissioning/People Matters Network A survey of 844 healthcare professionals representing commissioners, providers and the voluntary sector found that only three in ten believe their local healthcare economy is good at listening to the views of patients.
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Pharmacy and Prescribing

NICE Bites: social anxiety disorder North West Medicines Information Services This bulletin covers the assessment and management of social anxiety disorder in children and young people (from school age to 17 years) and adults. The aim of this publication is to provide healthcare professionals with a clear and succinct summary of key prescribing points taken from NICE guidance.
Items in the diabetes and Vaccination and Immunisation section may be of interest [back to topics]

Public Health
Free Market Solutions in Health: The case of nicotine. Institute of Economic Affairs This report argues that regulation of alternative nicotine products will actually do more harm than good as these products are not a gateway to smoking, but a gateway from smoking. Health report: review of the balance of competences The Department of Health This report covers the overall application of EU competence in health, and gives some idea of the views of stakeholders who responded to the call for evidence. 3_EU-Health_acc.pdf Heatwave plan: Easy Read version The Department of Health The Heatwave Plan for England aims to prepare for, alert people to, and prevent, the major avoidable effects on health during periods of severe heat in England. 'Helping people live better for longer; a guide to the Department of Health's role and purpose post-April 2013' Department of Health This guide provides an overview of the Department of Health's new role from April 2013. The guide includes information on its purpose, operation, beliefs, organisation and governance. It 14

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also looks at its relationships with partner organisations and their roles in the new health and care system. Hepatitis C in the UK: 2013 report Public Health England (PHE) This annual hepatitis C report has confirmed new diagnoses of hepatitis C infection (HCV) reported in England have risen by more than one-third to 10,873 cases in 2012. UK/1307HepatitisCintheUK2013report/ NHS Health Check implementation review and action plan PHE The review found that checking 40-74-year-olds' blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and lifestyle could identify problems earlier and prevent 650 deaths, 1,600 heart attacks and 4,000 cases of diabetes a year. The ten-point action plan aims to help councils roll out the Health Checks to 20 per cent of their eligible local population a year -15 million people by 2018/19. ealth_Check_implementation_review_and_action_plan.pdf Public Health Outcomes Framework data Department of Health/PHE The data is presented in an interactive data tool that allows users to view data in a userfriendly format. The data tool also provides links to further supporting and relevant information to aid understanding of public health in a local population.
Items in the Cancer and Guidance sections may be of interest [back to topics]

Service Management
Department of Health Corporate Plan Department of Health This plan contains information about: ministers, non-executive directors and leadership team; the department; themes; priorities; roadmap for the year ahead; total expenditure budget for 2013-14; resources; achievements in 2012-13; arm's length bodies; and departmental leaders talk about the role of their directorates. Explaining health managers' information seeking behaviour and use National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) This project aims to analyse the information behaviour of health service managers in decision-making, as well as to identify the facilitators and barriers to the use of information, and to develop guidelines for improving practice.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Financial Reporting Praised Audit Commission This report shares the findings of its appointed auditors' at NHS trusts (excluding foundation trusts), and both primary care trusts (PCTs) and strategic health authorities (SHAs) for their final year of existence. Seven Day service forum NHS England The goals and objectives of the Forum are to identify how there might be better access to routine services seven days a week. Full interviews with each of the leads about their work on the NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum will be posted on the NHS England website over the next few weeks.
Items in the Workforce sections may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Social Care
Adult social care efficiency programme: interim report 2013 Local Government Association The adult social care efficiency programme aims to achieve savings and improve productivity in adult social care budgets over a two-year period.
Independent Review into Healthcare Assistants and Support Workers Department of Health 'The Cavendish Review: An Independent Review into Healthcare Assistants and Support Workers in the NHS and social care settings' makes a number of recommendations on how the training and support of both healthcare assistants who work in hospitals, and social care support workers who are employed in care homes and people's own homes, can be improved to ensure they provide care to the highest standard. Cavendish_Review_ACCESSIBLE_-_FINAL_VERSION_16-7-13.pdf
Social care for older people - using data from the Value for Money profiles, July 2013 Audit Commission This briefing considers what influences the funding of this service and is aimed at the public and those interested in local government.
Items in the Workforce section may be of interest


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Substance Misuse

Drug misuse: findings from the 2012 to 2013 Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) Home Office
This report examines the extent and trends in illicit drug use in a sample of 16 to 59 year old residents in England and Wales. Overall, around 1 in 12 (8.2%) adults had taken an illicit drug (excluding mephedrone) in the last year, a fall compared to 2011/12 (8.9%). Misuse201213.pdf
Items in the Children and Young People section may be of interest [back to topics]

Vaccination and Immunisation

Extension of the annual routine influenza vaccination The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) This statement provides advice and recommendations about the extension of the annual routine influenza vaccination programme to include children aged 2 to 16 years.

Flu Plan 2013/14 PHE/Department of Health It provides the public and healthcare professionals with an overview of the coordination and the preparation for the flu season and signposting to further guidance and information.

JCVI Statement on the use of Bexsero Meningoccal B Vaccine in the UK JCVI This statement recommends that routine infant or toddler immunisation using Bexsero is highly unlikely to be cost effective at any vaccine price based on the accepted threshold for cost effectiveness used in the UK and could not be recommended nterim_statement_on_meningococcal_B_vaccination_for_web.pdft

Meningococcal C conjugate (MenC) vaccine PHE 'Changes to the Meningococcal C conjugate (MenC) vaccine schedule 2013 - Q&As for healthcare practitioners' summarises the changes to the MenC schedule, and

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addresses likely technical questions about making the changes work in practice.

Routine immunisation schedule for 2013/14 PHE This two-sided chart shows the complete routine immunisation schedule for 2013/14. It has been updated to include all the recent vaccine introductions and re-scheduling and now also features the immunisations for all those at risk.

Shingles Vaccine Introduced for people aged 70 to 79. PHE Guidance for healthcare professionals on the introduction of the shingles vaccine programme from 1st September 2013.

Summary on the number of doses of flu vaccine for children JCVI This summary provides advice on the number of doses of flu vaccine that children should be offered depending on: their age, whether they have received influenza vaccine before and the type of flu vaccine.

The Green Book: the complete current edition Department of Health The latest version of Immunisation against infectious disease (the Green Book), with all the updated chapters in one document.

The infant rotavirus vaccination programme Q&As for healthcare practitioners PHE In July 2013, the rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) was introduced into the UK Childhood immunisation schedule. This document contains information on the disease, the vaccine and the vaccination programme for healthcare professionals, in a question and answer format. us_Q_and_As_for_healthcare_practitioners.pdf
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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Workforce

How do they manage? A qualitative study of the realities of middle and front-line management work in health care National Institute for Health Research This project addressed three questions. How are middle management roles in acute care settings changing, and what are the implications of these developments? How are changes managed following serious incidents, when recommendations from investigations are not always acted on? How are clinical and organisational outcomes inuenced by management practice, and what properties should an enabling environment possess to support those contributions?

NHS and social care workforce The Kings Fund This paper considers the key challenges facing the future workforce, offering practical suggestions to address these issues.

NHS job evaluation handbook (fourth edition) NHS Staff Council This handbook has been updated to reflect the changes in the NHS and the end of central funding in England for Computer Aided Job Evaluation system. ook.pdf

Women continue to face barriers to taking senior leadership positions in the NHS, new research finds Health Service Journal/The Kings Fund The results of a new survey suggest women are still facing barriers to becoming senior leaders in the NHS.


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