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Residential Seismic Warning Systems

QuakeGuard Earthquake Early Warning System

October 17, 1989: At 5:04PM, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake
impacted a home in Boulder Creek, CA. The house was jarred from its foundation, rolled down a steep hill, and split open like a rotten pumpkin. Luckily the owner, a single software engineer, was at the office when the quake occurred, and so escaped injury... The Shaking Never Stops...
The Next Big One Estimated at potentially $200 billion in damage Paso Robles 2 fatalities, 40 injuries, 40 buildings damaged ?

6.5 2000

Is there a way to be proactive when an earthquake strikes? You bet your life. ImagineA 6.5 quake is imminent. Automatically the lights
go on, an alarm sounds to wake your sleeping family, a voice says Duck and cover!...Is your residence Earthquake Intelligent?

7.0 Hector Mine Amtrak train derailed, oil main burst, gas lines ruptured Kobe, Japan 5,500 fatalities, 35,000 injuries, $100 billion damage 6.9 6.7 Northridge 72 fatalities, 1500 injuries, $40 billion damage Loma Prieta 67 fatalities, 3700 injuries, $7 billion damage 7.1 Mexico City 10,000 fatalities, 50,000 injuries, $5 billion damage 8.1 Morgan Hill 27 injuries, 500 homes 6.2 & 43 commercial buildings damaged 6.7 Coalinga 200 injuries, 59 commercial buildings heavily damaged, $30 million damage

Introducing QuakeGuard
QuakeGuard is an extraordinary technological developmenta system that detects and warns of an imminent earthquake. QuakeGuard initiates alarms and automatic response systems in the home: Triggers an audible and/or visual alarm to wake sleepers. Plays programmable audio reminders to duck and cover. Turns on house lights for safety. Shuts off gas valves, preventing fires. QuakeGuard is an important part of any SmartHome. It integrates smoothly with home automation technology such as: Security and video systems. Communications systems and telephony through VoIP, Broadband, 802.16, WIFI, cable, and microwave technologies.



How QuakeGuard Works

Every earthquake, or seismic event, produces a series of different types of shock waves, which travel at different speeds and carry different amounts of energy. The fastest shock waves, called Pwaves, are the first to arrive and rarely cause any damage. QuakeGuard works by detecting these P-waves and triggering alarms and other response systems before the damaging waves arrive. The warning time is about 1 second for every 5 miles of distance from the earthquakes hypocenter.
Rayleigh P S Love

What are People Saying?

I am a "hi tech" kind of guy and have experienced a few major earthquakes in the L.A. and Santa Cruz areas. Being caught in that unpredictable situation is the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. For the next quake that I experience, I want my home to be prepared before the destructive shaking starts, and knowing that my home will "adjust" to this situation will comfort me immensely. My QuakeGuard home will have complete backup power throughout, the gas will be automatically shut off to prevent a fire, and there will be emergency lights and an audible warning over the speaker system to remind me to "duck and cover" until the shaking stops. Of course, I'm not looking forward to the next Big One, but I will be less anxious as I await this inevitable occurrence and more prepared after it happens. Gary McLaughlin Chino Hills, CA

P waves precede powerful Rayleigh waves

Proven Performance
QuakeGuard is uniquely reliable, triggering only in the event of a damaging earthquake, typically 5.0 or greater. The system employs multiple sensors and patented DSP (digital signal processing) algorithms to accurately detect the vibrations associated with a seismic event. QuakeGuard is not triggered by smaller, nondamaging earthquakes or other sources of vibration such as machinery, vehicles, and construction equipment. QuakeGuard technology is real: it has proven reliable and accurate, detecting earthquakes in installations across the state of California. QuakeGuard correctly detected the 5.1 Anza quake in October 2001 and the 6.5 San Simeon quake in December 2003. In both instances, QuakeGuard responded by sounding an audible alarm and automatically controlling equipment. Moreover, QuakeGuard gave no false positive triggering from smaller quakes such as the 3.7 quake that struck near Temecula, CA on Sept 17, 2002.

Industry Leaders
"Every second of advance warning can, with adequate pre-earthquake preparedness training, translate directly into the reduction of lives lost, injuries, and property damage." Richard McCarthy Executive Director CA Seismic Safety Commission QuakeGuard is sensitive enough to detect small vertical ground motions, thereby providing a warning time before the arrival of more damaging horizontal motions produced by earthquakes. Warning time will allow users enough time to take precautionary action in the event of an upcoming seismic shaking. Dr. Carlos E. Ventura UBC Earthquake Research Labs

Protect your family, yourself, and your property with QuakeGuard!

Seismic Warning Systems, Inc. 5619 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 180, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Tel: 831 440 1122 Fax: 831 440 1131

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