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CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology and Design This chapter will cover the research methods of the proponents on how

they gather facts and relevant data. The proponents also added instruments used in study and procedure of gathering information. 3.1Research Design The proponents used Descriptive research (also known as statistical research) as the research design of the study; it describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. The description is used

for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation. 3.2Description of participants Every data to be gathered has a proof from the respondents. Proponents interact on different participants which works are related to the design proposal, to gather relevant data from them. The owner of the store is the overall head of the store and all the branches of it, she organizes the overall payroll of the company and also the payments of the employees on the main branch, On the other hand, there is one manager in every branch of the store, who serves as the facilitator of the branch, the manager of the branchs obligation is to present the payroll report of the respective branch on the owner. the employees participation on the system is to input their attendance (including time in and timeout) to compute the payroll of the company.

3.3Research Procedures

3.3.1Interview An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. The first procedure that the proponents used is the interview, Interview

was done thru the owner of the company, with this, the proponents was able to know the background of the company, the manual payment they have and other information that is necessary and needed in the study .this when the owner also signed the acceptance letter of the proponents that they are accepting and giving the proponents an access to conduct their research to the company. 3.3.2Observation Observation is either an activity of a living being, such as a human, consisting of receiving knowledge of the outside world through the senses, or the recording of data using scientific instruments. It is not enough to conduct only an interview in order to know what kind of system that the company has , so the proponents conducted an observation in order to see actually what kind of system they have,with this, the proponents where able to know the things that needed to be improved and automate specially in the payroll field.

3.4System Model 3.4.1Waterfall Model

Problem Definition Concept Exploration

Requirements Analysis Specification Designing Prototyping

Implementing &Unit testing

Integration &System Testing of Waterfall model 1. Problem Definition Concept Exploration-in this Phase, the proponents where able to know what kind of system they will do,the problem of the company,and set its purpose of doing the study and the system. 2. Requirements Analysis Specification-In this phase,the proponents where able to identify the materials and information needed in the study, from this, the proponents will be able to build its specification on how their system will work. 3. Designing Prototyping-In this phase, the proponents will design its specification. 4. Implementing &Unit testing-in this phase, the proponents program their deisgn in order to implement it. 5. Integration &System Testing- this phase is also known as Quality Assurance phase the proponents will be able to know on what the things that should be placed and not to be placed in the system. 3.4.2.SDLC SDLC(System Development Life Cycle) 1.System Planning-The purpose of this stage is to conduct preliminary investigation to identify the nature &scope of the business opportunity and problem, from this, the proponents build its Goal; To construct an online reservation /selling car website that will provide absolute convenience in finding their desire cars. 2.System Analysis-The purpose of this stage is to build a logical model of the system. With this, the proponents build the specification. 3. System Design-At this stage, the proponents design the interface. In this stage, the proponents design their specification. 4. System Implementation-this phase includes assessments called systems

evaluation, to determine whether the system operate properly and if costs and benefits

are within expectation. this stage also includes the implementation or programming of the design. 5.System Operation /Support and Security-In this phase the proponents maintains, enhances and protect the system. As well designed system must be secure ,reliable and maintainable, this stage includes the Quality Assurance of the system. 3.5Data Gathering Procedure DFD(Data Flow Diagram) A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system DFDs can also be used for

the visualization of data processing . the proponents used the Data Flow Diagram in order to evaluate the flow of the proposed system, with this,the proponents will be able to determine if there is a conflict in the flow of the system.

SYSTEM FLOW CHART A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-step solution to a given problem. Process operations are represented in these boxes, and arrows connecting them represent flow of control.

IPO (Input-Process-Output) The IPO diagram is a visual representation of a process or activity. It lists input variables and output characteristic.In this diagram ,the proponents where able to determine the functions of every button that is included in the system and also the processes and function of the buttons.

VTOC(Visual Table Of Contents)

A visual table of contents reperesents a graphical representation of the buttons in the this diagram, the proponents will be able to modify the buttons and the process of the system in every window.

NETWORK PLAN Network planning and design is an iterative process, encompassing topological design, network-synthesis, and network-realization, and is aimed at ensuring that a new network or service meets the needs of the subscriber and operator. The process can be tailored according to each new network or service.

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