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Below are the assessment criteria for LANGblog and Skype speaking activities. Please note that in addition to the items below related to intelligibility and language, your mark will be lowered if you do not sufficiently address the topic of the task or if it sounds as though you are reading from a prepared script. INTELLIGIBILITY: Fluency and pronunciation LANGUAGE: Range and accuracy of grammar and vocabulary

8.6-10 A

Your speech is easy to understand and it sounds very You use a wide range of grammatical structures and vocabulary. spontaneous and natural. You have been able to finish your task fully and There may be a few inaccuracies, but generally the efficiently. individual sounds are pronounced accurately. You are able to use stress and intonation correctly to There are occasional slips and minor errors in the structure of some sentences. emphasise the meaning of your message as well as your attitude towards it.

7.1-8.5 B

Your speech is generally easy to understand and in general you sound natural. You produce long stretches of language. Sounds, stress and intonation are clearly influenced by your first language, but do not impede comprehension.

You produce a good range of grammatical structures and vocabulary to complete the task (e.g. give clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments using some complex sentence forms to do so). You also use different types of structures to avoid repetition. There are still some vocabulary gaps which make your speech slower.

5.5-7.0 C+

You are generally comprehensible, but at times it is difficult to follow your speech. Your pronunciation is clearly influenced by your first language. Your intonation is generally acceptable, although at times not very natural (e.g., as if you were reading parts from a prepared text). You produce long stretches of speech but there are frequent long pauses.

You have enough elementary vocabulary and grammatical structures to complete the task. Your language is quite accurate but errors are also present.

4.0-5.4 C-

Your speech is extremely difficult to understand. The sentences you use are very short. Your pronunciation is strongly influenced by your first language. Your intonation is unnatural (e.g., it sounds as if you were reading from a prepared text).

Your speech is full of major errors which impede communication. Your vocabulary and grammatical structures are insufficient to complete the task.

0-3.9 D

Most of your speech is impossible to understand Your pronunciation is limited to learnt words or expressions.

Your speech displays a limited range of grammatical structures which may have been read or learnt. Some words and structures are not related to the task.

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