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M.D., Loma Lhda Uhversly 8choo o Medche, CA
Amercah Board o Obslelrcs ahd Cyhecoogy
Accredlaloh Couhc or Cyhecoogc Ehdoscopy
Amercah Academy o Cosmelc 8urgery
Feow, Amercah Coege o Obslelrcs ahd Cyhecoogy
Feow, Amercah Coege o 8urgeohs
Dpomale, Amercah Board o Obslelrcs & Cyhecoogy
Dpomale, Accredlaloh Couhc or Cyhecoogc Ehdoscopy
Feow, Amercah 8ocely or Laser Medche ahd 8urgery
Amercah Urogyhecoogc 8ocely
lhlerhaloha Urogyhecoogca Assocaloh
lhlerhaloha Cohlhehce 8ocely
Amercah Assocaloh o Cyhecoogc Laparoscopsls
8ocely o Laparoehdoscopc 8urgeohs
Norlh Amercah Mehopause 8ocely
Resdehcy Trahhg
OB/CYN Loma Lhda Uhversly Medca Cehler, CA
8oulh Coasl Urogyhecoogy
31852 Coasl Hghway, 8ule 203
Laguha Beach, CA 92651
(949) 4995311
(877) 4UROCYN
Vagha Re|uvehaloh/Vaghopasly
Laba Mhora Fasly
Laba Ma|ora Fasly
Cyslocee Repar
Reclocee Repar
Ehlerocee Repar
Vagha Vaul 8uspehsoh
lhcohlhehce 8hg
Laser Resurachg
Advahced Laparoscopy & Hysleroscopy
We are surgical sub-specialists lor women`s health issues such
as urinary leakage, lallen blaooerrectumvaginauterus, ab-
normal vaginal bleeoing, pelvic pain, laileo prior surgeries, ano
unappealing vaginal appearance or lunction. We specialize in
gynecology, urogynecology, pelvic surgery, ano aesthetic vaginal
surgery or vaginal rejuvenation. We perlorm complete workups
lor relerring ooctors ano private patients. Most ol our surger-
ies are outpatient, or overnight stays. We are a unique practice
that enables one physician to integrate the skills ol a gynecolo-
gist, urologist, ano aesthetic surgeon. Our practice is one ol the
lew Internet-baseo practices that oller secure communications.
We use the iphone oevice to provioe instantaneous, secure ano
timely responses.
Dr. Alinsoo completeo training at Loma Linoa University in
1990 where he locuseo on vaginal surgery. He was the Rutleoge
Iellow at M.D. Anoerson Cancer ano Tumor Institute ano was
also selecteo as a Galloway Iellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Meoical Center.
Dr. Alinsoo was accepteo to Yale`s Gynecologic Oncology
Iellowship but coulo not atteno because ol his call to outy
ouring the nrst Gull War. He heaoeo the Gynecologic Services
at George Air Iorce Base, CA, ano Nellis Air Iorce Base, NV.
Dr. Alinsoo lelt the military with the rank ol Major in 199!. He
spent ten years in Los Angeles as a vaginal ano pelvic surgeon
prior to his move to Laguna Beach to start up South Coast
Urogynecology ano The Alinsoo Institute lor Aesthetic Vaginal
Dr. Alinsoo enjoys teaching surgeons nationally ano internation-
ally ano has patents ano oevices useo worlowioe. He is a com-
passionate ano empathetic master surgeon.
Reo M. Alinsoo, M.D.
My ocus oh vagha surgery lo mprove palehl ves has ed lo hhovalohs
ahd hvehlohs lhal cah have a ma|or mpacl oh how vagha surgery s
perormed wordwde. ll s my desre lo provde lhe hghesl qualy o care lo
my palehls h a compassohale ahd lruslworlhy mahher.

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