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Parkland College Course Information Form

Course Prefix and Number CSC 177 Class Hours 2 Lab Hours 2 Title Active Server Pages (ASP) Clinic Hours Credit Hours 3

1. Catalog course description including prerequisites. (not more than 40 words). Client-server relationships; application, database, request, response, server and session objects, .NET framework, ad rotators, input validators, datagrids, SQL server connections, custom components, introduction to C# object oriented design, Dreamweaver. Prerequisite: CSC 123, CSC 175, or approval of department chair. 2.The attached course outline must contain the following: general course objectives, textbook(s), and other required materials approximate cost, required reading lists -- when appropriate, required writing assignments (including length & type) -- when appropriate, and laboratory information (e.g., topics covered) - when appropriate. 3. Method of evaluation [essay exams, objective exams, term papers, projects (give description), etc.]. Three objective exams and design/programming projects. 4. Will additional and/or special equipment, library materials, supplies, and/or facilities be needed or required? Please list and estimate cost. A windows 2000 server with student accounts, outside Parkland's fire wall, $3000, and appropriate software for the server ($3000). 5. What is your rationale of evidence of need for this course? ASP is one of the fastest growing technologies on the internet. ASP programmers are very employable in both C-U and other areas. 6. Are there any other Parkland courses that are similar in content? If yes, which ones? No 7.Does this course qualify as a general education course for any program? List the general education requirements this course meets. No, but this course covers the following Gen Ed Objectives: Demonstrate their ability to use technology, especially computer technology, to access, retrieve, process, and communicate information.

8. Effective Date: Summer 2013 David Bock Proposed By Maria Mobasseri Department Chair September 30, 2012 Date September 30, 2012 Date Carl Lorenz Curriculum Chair Kristine M. Young Vice President October 26, 2012 Date October 24, 2012 Date

Parkland College Course Information Form

General Objectives Introduction to ASP in an internet platform; Programming Structures; database interaction, E-commerce and ASP components. Textbook Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with Visual.NET 2003 by Ullmann, Kaufman, et al, ISBN 0-7645-5708-4. Major Course Segments Class Lab Clinic Learning Outcomes Student will be able to: Client-Server 2 2 - explain the concept of clients and servers with relation to current technology and recognize code and uses for ASP, Javascript, Vbscript, HTML, HTTP and TCP/IP. - recognize and cover between strings and numbers, use constants and literals, and include class and objects. 2 - program effectively using array and collections, and their respective properties and methods. - program effectively using the FileSystem Object and its respective properties and methods and interface with the HTML forms. - determine when to use specific controls structures such as IF THEN ELSE, FOR loops, DO WHILE loops. - connect to a SQL Server and print basic information stored in it on the web. 4 - program effectively using the Recordset and Field Objects and their respective properties and methods and interface them with HTML forms. - demonstrate the ability to set up a OLE DB Link. 4 - identify differences between browsers and using built in Browser Capabilities Object. - locate, store, and retrieve client side cookies and be able to use them as session holders. - implement the ad rotator object. - find documentation, examples and use a variety of current components. - create new components and use in the applications. 8 - create a full functional E-commerce website to include

Data Types

Arrays & Collections

File System Object

Control Structures


Active Data Objects ADO

ODBC Browser Capabilities

1 4


Ad Rotator Other Components

2 4

2 4

User-Defined Components E-commerce application

in their web portfolio. Totals 30 30

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