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1 Peter Authorship: PeterJesus disciple, leader of the 12, promised the keys to the kingdom, denied Jesus thrice,

reinstated after miraculous fish catch, chief apostle and missionary for Jews -in antiquity, there is unity in Petrine authorshipIrenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen as quoted by Eusebius -in modernity, various views of authorship, mostly denying Peter as author vocabulary style too sophisticated persecution too intense too early Setting: Peter is probably writing from Rome; Babylon in 5:13 usually is code for Rome as Babylon did not exist anymore Date: Early to mid 60s Two main viewsif Peter is the author, it was written in the early to mid 60s during the time of Neros persecution; if the letter was pseudonymous, it was probably written during the time of Domitians persecution in the late 80s or early 90s Recipients: Primarily Gentile believers in modern day Turkeyfive Roman regions were connected by roads, which was probably how the letter was distributed Genre: 1 Peter is a letter written to followers of Jesus scattered reminding them that they belong to God. Their faith and their current circumstances are part of Gods purpose even though they are being greatly tested. God gives us peace in every circumstance, giving us strength to press forward toward continuing refinement and obedience to Jesus. 1 Peter 1:1-2 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who are elect exiles of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and for sprinkling with the blood of Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied to you. Verses 1 and 2 are the opening formula of the letter which Peter has written to be disseminated to churches in Asia Minor. Most letters in the 1st century Greco-Roman world followed a similar patternname of the writer, name of the recipient, greeting, prayer or thanksgiving, body, and final greeting or farewell. Peters opening formula is theologically loaded, however, and forms a basis for the recipients identity. Intentional vs. Incidental Teaching:

Electionthose who are chosen or elect, this term was used to denote Israel in the OT and was a familiar term in the Roman church. The term is used throughout the epistle and refers to believers who are now a part of Gods people. Strangers in the worldexiles of the dispersion, a person temporarily living in a foreign place. The term Diaspora that Peter here uses further characterizes the recipients of the letter. The dispersed in Israels day were those Jews living in a foreign place away from Jerusalem. Peter sees the recipients of this letter in relation to Gentiles, however. The phrase elect exileselect = identity; exiles = social expression. Gods election has estranged the recipients of this letter Salvation from a triune Godthis is the process by which the elect are made a part of the church foreknowledge of Fatherthe beginning of the salvation process sanctification of the Spiritdivine activity of Christian initiation obedience because of Jesushuman activity of willing acceptance of the gospel, which leads to becoming part of the community Sprinkling with blood?Exodus 24:1-8; sprinkling of the blood is symbolic language concerning covenant, of which the recipients of 1 Peter are now a part of through Jesus sacrifice As Peter holds out to them grace and peace, the issues to be addressed in his epistle have not even been raised, yet the resources for addressing those issuesthe redemptive work of God through Christ, and the resultant character of the community thus redeemedare already in place.

Personal application How are we like Peters audience today? How does the idea of being an exile (a citizen of a kingdom) make you feel? How should our identity shape the way we respond to our circumstances? Have you become to at home in this world? If so, in what ways? How do these things compete with the purpose of you being chosen? How does Gods choosing of us express his love and compassion? How do you normally respond when you are sinned against?

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