Commission For Persons With Disabilities December 2012 Meeting Minutes

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Medford Human Rights/Disability Commission(s)

December 4, 2012

Present: Henry Milorin, Diane McLeod, Marie Cassidy, David Harris, and Steve Honeycutt Excused: Charlotte Swartz Public Participation None October Minutes Tabled New Business Update on Monthly Issues Diane has been researching and OCD purchased mats to make the beach and water accessible at Wrights Pond. There will also be a Mobi-chair that a person in a wheelchair can transfer into and go into the water. Diane noted that the regional LGBT forum with HUD and Mass Transgender Political Coalition is Thursday, December 13th from 10:00AM-1:00PM in the Council Chambers Diane mentioned that the AAB voted to continue the case while the city works with Nappis to design a workable plan by hopefully raising the sidewalk. There are renovations to the area in the Spring and this might be possible. Diane will meet with Neil Osborne of the NAACP tomorrow to plan the MLK event. Diane attended a conference on addressing crimes against persons with disabilities and the elderly. Here were 400 mostly law enforcement people there. Diane is on the committee that meets weekly on the MHS pool renovation Diane met with Chief Sacco and the DOJ reps on the planning of the Sikh and Muslim presentation. This will be offered statewide Old Business Variance Requests & Updates Tufts Carmichael Hall Tufts is doing outdoor maintenance including 100% repointing of the masonry, wood trim replacement, and new windows which is almost a 5 million dollar project. They are requesting a variance for vertical access, doors and doorways, and Group 2 bathrooms. There was discussion. It was decided that the Commissions would state their appreciation of Tufts efforts over the years, when it comes to access, but express their feeling that this is the one opportunity to get vertical access done. Diane will draft a letter. Guest: Chenine Peloquin - EMARC

Disability/HRC Minutes December 4, 2012 Page 2

EMARC Chenine Peloquin, Recreation Director Mission to support, serve, and advocate for people with developmental disabilities and their families to ensure they are valued, respected, and have the opportunity t fully participate in their communities. She noted they served 125 Medford families and approximately 900 people a year in the Metro North area. They receive Block Grants and offer assistance with independent living, shopping, and medical. They also have a sibling support program, a school to work program, and parenting support and training. They offer a family centered approach. They can help with assessing a persons disabilities to ensure proper accommodations. There was discussion about the programs and Chenine offered assistance to help us do a better job. Correspondence or Announcements David had a flyer for an Andrews Middle School mural project. Diane will post. Next Meeting Date January 27, 2013 Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM

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