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East Jamaica Conference

Communication Department
74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I. Tel:(876) 924-1061-3, Fax (876) 924-0263. E-Mail: website:

August 1, 2013 To: All Pastors, Elders, Leaders and Church Members Dear Brethren: Sincere Christian greetings! Please see important dates and events of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists below.

Item #
Day of Prayer for The Nation


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(2)D IAD Health Ministries Dep. presents Breathe Free Training Session- August 1-3, 2013
Adventist in JCDC Gospel Song Finals - Requests Your Prayers and Support Zones 1, 2 & 3 (Kingston & St. Andrew) Family Fun Brunch August 11, 2013 Elders and Pastors Family Fun Day set for August 25, 2013 Notices from Youth Ministries Department Notices from the Sabbath School, Personal Ministries, Comm. Services Department Special Events happening in Some of our Churches Update From the Communication Department Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

(1) Day of Prayer for The Nation - August 3, 2013

The first Sabbath in August has always been designated as a day when the church prays for the nation. We invite the church to pray for our leaders, the family, the security force, and for a reduction in crime and violence in the country. It is also strongly recommended that distribution of the Great Controversy be incorporated in the day's activities. Pastor Dudley Hosin, JAMU Prayer Coordinator is suggesting that we invite political and community leaders to our church for special prayer under the theme :-

Transforming Lives through the Power of Prayer

He has made the following suggestion which could be used during the day. Focus 1: During Sabbath School Prayer for the Families in the Community Focus 2: During Divine Hour National and Civic Leaders Focus 3: During Bible Class and AY Time House to House Distribution of Great Controversy & Prayer for the Recipients -1-

(2) IAD Health Ministries Department presents Breathe Free Training Session- August 1-3, 2013

The Health Ministries Department of East Jamaica Conference will participate three (3) days of the upcoming Breathe Free (stop smoking) training Session, which will be held at Central Jamaica Conference Office from August 1 to 3, 2013. The session begins at 9:00 a.m sharp and will be conducted by the Inter-American Division and General Conference Health Ministries Department. For more information contact the Health Department of East Jamaica Conference at 924-1061-3.
(3) Adventist in JCDC Gospel Song Finals - Requests Your Prayers and Support

We have been advised that one of the finalists of this year's Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (J.C.D.C.) Gospel Song Competition is a member of the Woodford Seventh-day Adventist Church. She is Venicca Nicholson, one of the many singing talent from that church who this year requests our prayer and support as she seeks to lift up the name of Jesus in song. Venicca's entry song is entitled 'Victory' and she will be performing it on August 4, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the grand finals of the competition.

(4) Zones 1, 2 & 3 (Kingston & St. Andrew) Family Fun Brunch August 11, 2013

The East Jamaica Conference and Community Services Federation invite you to the annual Family Fun Brunch on August 11, 2013 right here on the East Jamaica Conference grounds. The Family Fun Brunch will begin at 10:00 am and end at 3:00pm. Tickets are available from your Community Services Leader. Please see attached poster below for further information.

(5) Elders and Pastors Family Fun Day Set For August 25, 2013

The East Jamaica Conference Elders' Association invites members of the church to bring their families and make it a big family fun day on August 25, 2013 when elders, pastors and their families will have a day of fun and relaxation with the family at the Mico University College Playground, 1a Marescaux Road Kingston 5. Come join us in a game of cricket, football, netball, table games and ring games as pastors, elders and church members interact in an atmosphere of love and fellowship. Make it a day for the family. Assorted food items and snacks will be available on sale. See poster below. -2-

(6) Notices from the Youth Ministries Department

(a) Summer Camp:- The annual summer camp will be held from August 13-20, 2013 at Robins Bay. Cost has been reduced to $6,000 (includes a T-Shirt). Groups of five will enjoy a further 5% discount. Each church is being asked to send a delegate. Last year was great but this year promises to be greater, more fun, fellowship and spiritual nurture. Summer Camp is for everyone not just members. Registration is now closed. ABSOLUTELY NO LATE FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!
(7) Notices from the Sabbath School / Personal Ministries / Community Services Department

Please be reminded/take note of the following: 1. East Jamaica Conference School of Evangelism:
A) Next General class meetings: August 18 & September 22, 2013 in the ECJ boardroom, 9 a.m 12 noon for all interests: Site coordinators, general facilitators, volunteer facilitators/ instructors & Personal Ministries leaders are especially invited. PLEASE TAKE YOUR

B) EJC SOE Fasting & Prayer Thursday, August 1, 2013, 7 a.m.-12 noon @ Nature Preservation Foundation (Hope Gardens), (meet at the top gate).


All community Services leaders & the Fun Day Steering Committee (Zones 1,2 & 3) meet @ 10 a.m in the EJC boardroom. Zone 4 (St. Thomas) Family Fun Day August 6, 2013 @ York Complex tickets are available from your Community Services Leader. Zones 1, 2 & 3 (Kingston & St. Andrew) Fun Brunch August 11, 2013 @ EJC Grounds - tickets are available from your Community Services Leader. Sabbath, August 24, 2013 Operation Reclamation & National Day of Prayer i. Prayer for the family (during Sabbath School) ii. Prayer for National, Cevic & Community Leaders (during divine service) iii. Great Controversy distribution (locally, during A.Y.). Examinations October 20, 2013. SOE & Lay Workers Institute 2013, November 13-15, 2013 @ Golden Acres students of the School of Evangelism (SOE) and delegates chosen for your churches should begin preparation now. Grand Festival of the Laity Hagley Park SDA Church, November 16 & 17, 2013 plan to be in attendance! Please contact the office at 924-1061-5 for further details.




6. 7.




Happy birthday to our July celebrants; wishing you good health and long life. EJC School of Evangelism (EJC SOE) 2013 Year III training sites are as follows:

Zone 1
Kings SDA Church North Street SDA Church Kencot SDA Church Stadium Community SDA Church Harbour View SDA Church

Zone 2
Hagley Park SDA Church Washington Gardens SDA Church Half Way Tree SDA Church Sandy Park SDA Church Andrews SDA Church Gordon Town SDA Church

Zone 3
New Haven SDA Church Constant Spring SDA Church Shortwood SDA Church Meadowvale SDA Church Woodford SDA Church

Zone 4
Seaforth SDA Church Morant Bay SDA Church Yallahs SDA Church Port Morant SDA Churches

The courses being offered are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Certificate in Adventist Community Services(ACS390) Certificate in Bible School Evangelism (BSE 240) Diploma in Personal Bible Ministry & Discipleship (PBMB480) Certificate in Lay Evangelistic Preaching (LEP401) Certificate in Sabbath School Leadership (SSL350) Certificate in Small Group Evangelism (SGE400)

Principle of Evangelism and Principle of Discipleship & Membership Retention are mandatory for students to be eligible for graduation. Registration fee is eight hundred dollars ($800.00). Registration form is available on line.

(8) Special Events Happening in some of our Churches Rollington Town SDA Church

The Rollington Town SDA Church will be having a special day to celebrate the end of Jamaicas 50th Anniversary on Sabbath, August 3, 2013 with the theme of Forward, Forever, United in Christ. The Divine Service Speaker will be Pastor Eric Nathan, Family life Director of Jamaica Union and former church Pastor and the Jamaica Constabulary Force band will perform between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. The day will end with a harvest celebration and sale after sunset. Please see attached flyer for other details.

Trupurpose Ministries to impact Whitehall SDA Church - Aug 3, 2013

TruPurpose Ministries is comprised of a group of dynamic young people, all passionate about helping others to discover their divine purpose in life. Their message of Purpose is inspired from Jeremiah 29:1113, Proverbs 19:21, & Jeremiah 1:5 and seeks to promote the importance of each of us seeking after God to find His specific plans and purposes for our lives. This programme encourages youth and mature members of our congregation to prayerfully ask God to show us His Gifts and Talents so that we may use them to be a blessing and inspiration to others. The programme format is musical in nature and usually features informative presentations. This week they will be journeying to the Whitehall Avenue SDA Church and they invite you to join them where they will help you to find your true purpose.
(9) Update From the Communication Department.

We invite you to take a look at the Latest News segment of our website and to view some of the sights and scenes that we have captured and posted on our photo gallery over the past few days. Help us to extend our reach by liking us on the EJCSDA Facebook Page Facebook Page Click here to view EJC's

(10) Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

Dates -2013
Aug 3 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 13 - 20 Aug 25 Aug 31 Sep 1 Sep 28 Sep 29 Oct 1 - Nov 9 Oct 1 - 31 Nov 13 - 15 Nov 24

National Day of Prayer Adventist Youth Day Family Fun Brunch Summer Camp Elders and Pastors Family Fun Day District Dialogue -Yallahs & Seaforth EJC Ambassadors' Sashing Vision One Million Baptism Day Senior Citizen's Banquet Forty Days of Prayer Begins For Success of Big City Campaign Ingathering Emphasis Month EJC School of Evangelism Institute 2013 Communication Workshop

All Churches All Churches EJC Robins Bay Mico University Playground


EJC Board Room

Phillip E. L. Castell Communication Director -5-

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