A Gentleman of Aurora

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A Gentleman of Aurora Written By Marshall Layne Dungan For Write Off, Write Now -- 8/1/2013

2013 Marshall Layne Dungan

@doctahmushi on twitter

EXT. NYC ROOFTOP - NIGHT SHARP NOISES of the city waft up to the rooftop. Its still, lifeless, until the access door OPENS slowly. Out steps YUN TOKIDO, (18, skinny asian) who checks the surroundings nervously. He sports a fresh BLACK EYE. His clothes are tattered, his shoes almost disintegrated. He looks over at the GAZEBO perched near the edge of the roof. He steps up it, and looks out at Brooklyn beyond him. Then he puts his hand through the latticework, and feels for SOMETHING. He pulls it out. It is a GUN. He checks it, its loaded. He exhales deeply, and turns the barrel toward himself. Shutting his eyes, he places the gun in his mouth. ABOVE HIM, IN THE SKY are twinkling LIGHTS. NIGHT SKY - NIGHT Yes, they speak "Its a Wonderful Life" style, but with far more grave voices. JONAS Do you see? Not again, dear brothers. Clarence, do you see? CLARENCE I do indeed, this sorrowful boy. HENRY More and more each day they join us before their time. CLARENCE It is a heavy heart that seeks the end before it comes. JONAS Shall I be charged this duty? HENRY Alack, if you fail to speak to him. CLARENCE Godspeed, dear Jonas.


EXT. NYC ROOFTOP - NIGHT Yun shuts his eyes tight, and bites down hard on the pistol. He SQUEEZES THE TRIGGER. Nothing happens. He tries again. Still nothing. JONAS (O.S.) I wish not to impugn you in such a delicate time, but I believe you have still engaged the "safety", though I say you are all the better for it. Yun turns and shrieks, dropping the gun to the ground. JONAS sits in the gazebo, dressed like a gentleman of Verona. YUN Where the fuck did you come from? JONAS Calm, dear boy. I do not-BLAM! Yun fires on Jonas repeatedly. Nothing happens. JONAS Aha sir, I see accuracy is not your gift, save for the distance from your jaw to your brain. YUN What do you want? JONAS To listen. Warble, child; make passionate my...gazebo of hearing. Jonas pulls a chair for him. Yun nervously sits. None of this makes any sense. YUN You like an actor? JONAS More an exhibitor. Dear boy, watch close as I make light for thee, days and years no longer wished to see. Jonas reveals a candle, and strikes a match to light it. He pulls the light close to his own eyes, and Yun leans in closer as well, until the amber light OVERTAKES the scene.

3. INT. HAMPTONS HOME - DAY Yun (35) lays sprawled on a clean white linen bed, in a tastefully appointed bedroom, flush with oak and fine art adorning the walls. Sunlight breaks through the sliding glass door, which reveals a beautiful lawn. The sound of approaching glee wakes him, as his four year old son DANNY runs in. DANNY The delivery man is heeeere! Hes here hes here hes heeeeere! Danny jumps on the bed and jostles Yun, who playfully wrestles his boy into a tickle fight. YUN Alright, come on. Yun and Danny make their way downstairs, but Yun (18) and Jonas remain, having been watching the whole time. JONAS Be not coy. Seek what you will. YUN Stop it. Just talk normal, alright? Yun and Jonas PHASE through the door, and follow. EXT. HAMPTONS HOME - DAY Yuns utterly beautiful young wife, CHRISTINA (30s) stands in summer dress, talking to the DRIVER. CHRISTINA We dont have a clue how to put this damn thing together. Yun and Jonas watch. Yuns jaw is agape. YUN (18) THATS my wife? Yun and Danny join the woman. DRIVER Maam, I just deliver the shit. I dont put it together, I dont play on it once it built. I get it off the truck, then I gotsta go. Yun pulls his wallet out of his shorts, and grabs at 20s. (CONTINUED)



YUN Listen sir, my boy has been talking about this jungle gym since he saw it online. I sure as hell cant put it together fast enough for him. If you could do us this favor and build it, Id more than compensate you. Ill even call your supervisor and tell him how pleased we are. The driver relents and takes the cash. DRIVER Call him NOW, I aint gettin in trouble for bein late. YUN Sure thing. Yun and Jonas watch Christina kiss Yun on the cheek sweetly as he puts the phone up to his ear. Danny runs around them, happy as a clam. Yun begins to cry at the sight. YUN (18) What...what is all this? JONAS A glimpse. The SUN begins to shine even brighter. So bright, the amber light is awash over everything, and when it recedes... EXT. NYC ROOFTOP - NIGHT ...Yun and Jonas are returned to the gazebo on the roof. Yun searches himself for some kind of answer. YUN I dont have a penny to my name. Hhhhow... Jonas puts a hand on his shoulder. JONAS It happens, dear boy. Isnt that enough? Yun walks away slowly, still confused, as he picks up the gun again. He nods, and arches back to THROW it.




JONAS And let someone else find it? Dear boy, just sell it. Jonas grins. JONAS Dont be dramatic. In an instant, Jonas TWINKLES out of existence. Yun looks up at the night sky. The stars have never been BRIGHTER.

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