Statementofabfsufac Ondasskcase Eng Final

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Press Statement of the Foreign Affairs Committee
of All Burma Federation of Student Unions
on the new charges against Aung San Suu Kyi
The Solution for the Recent Political Situation
Is the Unconditional Release of Aung San Suu Kyi
(5/ 2009)
May 22nd, 2009

1.) The news of the new court case being brought against Aung San Suu Kyi; who was charged under
Article 22 on May 14, 2009, has shocked all the people of Burma. The military junta has accused
her of violating the terms of her house arrest by allowing a visitor to stay at her home without
official permission. This was the second time the American intruder, John W Yettaw, tried to enter
Aung San Suu Kyi's compound. The military junta has tight security around her house and it is
thought they allowed his entry, to create this new court case.

2.) May 27, 2009 is the legal date the military junta must release Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest.
The military generals are afraid that she will stand in the 2010 Election, to represent the people in
accordance with the Shwegondine Declaration, if they release her. They are trying to legitimise
prolonged military rule with this election.

3.) Arresting Aung San Suu Kyi and trying her with the American intruder Yettaw’s case, is the
SPDC’s latest shameful attempt to legitimise their rule.

4.) We, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the All Burma Federation of Student Unions, conclude the
following facts on the SPDC’s attempt of new court charges on Aung San Suu Kyi-

a. This case is not a judicial problem. It is a political problem.

b. It is the SPDC military junta’s absolute rejection to take a positive political route and
initiate national reconciliation, and to follow the “Shwegonedine Declaration” of the
National League for Democracy, which the international community and the people of
Burma are asking for, by making this current political obstacle.
c. Seeing the people protesting, both in Burma and around the world, it is obvious that
planning to put Aung San Su Kyi in jail is not only an internal issue but also regional
d. All Burma Federation of Student Unions ( Foreign Affairs Committee) declare that for
the genuine solution of the case of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, it is a secondary concern
whether the court is open or not. The primary and main point is that Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi and her two colleagues, Daw Khin Khin Win and Ma Win Ma Ma (Daw Khin
Khin Win’s daughter), should be released immediately without any condition.

Foreign Affairs' Committee

All Burma Federation of Student Unions
To Contact:
Min Naing (In charge) Phone: +66-81-680 2015
Zaw Tun (Deputy in charge-1) Phone: +66-89-952 7340
Zin Maung (Deputy in charge-2) Phone: +66-86-923 3547

P.O.Box 118, Mae Sot P.O, 63110, Tak Province,Thialand

Email:; Ph: 66 55 531 903,

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