Integrated Crop Management of Chickpea in Nepal Past, Present and Future

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InIegraIed Crop ManagemenI o! chickpea

in NepaI: PasI, presenI and !uIure
5 Pande
, RK Neupane
, PC 5Ievenson
, D Grazywacz
VA ourai
, JN Rao
and GK Kishore
Chic/pea unti| recent|y uas a majcr uinter pu|se crcp in ^epa|
ncrma||y grcun cn residua| mcisture ajter hariest cj rice. A seiere
bctrytis gray mc|d disease (8CM) epidemic in 17/8 deiastated
the crcp in ^epa| and the damage uas tuc-jc|d. ^ct cn|y did jarmers
|cse their crcp, they did nct cu|tiiate chic/pea in the jc||cuing seascn
due tc |ac/ cj seed and disi||usicnment uith the crcp. A cc||abcratiie
prcgram betueen the ^epa| Agricu|tura| Research Ccunci| (^ARC),
Internaticna| Crcps Research Institute jcr the Semi-Arid Trcpics
(ICRISAT) and ^atura| Rescurces Institute (^RI) uas |aunched cn
the Integrated Crcp Management (ICM). The jccus uas cn Integrated
Iest Management (IIM) tc ght diseases (8CM and ui|t) and
insect-pests (pcd bcrer) tc rehabi|itate chic/pea in the rainjed rice
and maize based crcpping systems in ^epa|. The ccmpcnents cj ICM
technc|cgy inc|uded high yie|ding chic/pea iariety, Aiarcdhi (tc|erant
tc 8CM), treating seed uith jungicide (8aiistin), uider rcu spacing,
and app|ying need-based sprays cj jungicide (8aiistin) tc ccntrc|
8CM, and need based app|icaticn cj insecticide, Mcnccrctcphcs
cr Lndcsu|jan (Thicdan) and biccide (^uc|ear Ic|yhedrcsis \irus
^I\) jcr the management cj pcd bcrer. In the 18/ seascns,
ICM technc|cgy uas eia|uated in 110 jarmers' e|ds, and |arge
yie|d respcnses uere cbtained. The jc||cuing seascn sau a ie-jc|d
increase in adcpticn cj chic/pea using the ICM pac/age. This number
mu|tip|ied tc 1100 jarmers in ?000/01, 7000 jarmers in ?001/0?,
15,000 jarmers in ?00?/03 and ?1,000 jarmers in ?003/04. The
ciera|| mean grain yie|d cbtained by adcpting ICM (?.5 t/ha) uas
Intornational Crops Rosoarch Instituto lor tho Soni-Ario Tropics, Iatanchoru, Anohra Iraoosh, Inoia.
Nopal Agricultural Rosoarch Council, Singhourbar Ilaza, Kathnanou, Nopal.
Natural Rosourcos Instituto, \nivorsity ol Groonwich, Chathan Marino, Kont ML 4 4TB, \K.
Sri Guru Ran Rai Iost Graouato Collogo, Lohraoun, \ttranchal, Inoia.
1?4.5 greater than yie|d jrcm ncn-ICM jarmers. The increase in
net inccme jcr chic/pea cu|tiiaticn attributab|e tc ICM uas tuc tc
six-jc|d. Further cn-jarm ICM cj chic/pea resu|ted in. 1) increase
in jami|y inccme by 80-100, ?) increase in prctein ccnsumpticn
by 40, 3) increase in bric/ and mcrtar hcuses by ??, 4) increase
in |abcr use by ?0, 5) increase in hcusehc|d expenditures by 45,
and 6) increase in |iiestcc/ cunership by 30. Chic/pea perjcrmance
jcr prct and uea|th uas $?16 per jarmer that resu|ted in increase
in ciera|| uea|th cj 3500 prcject jarmers by $750,000. In additicn
tc these ccntributicns, a jarmer-jriend|y 8CM disease jcrecasting
system uas deie|cped and ii||age |eie| jarmer-cuned seed systems
and IIM schcc|s uere initiated tc sustain chic/pea in ^epa|. The ICM
technc|cgy used sc successju||y in ^epa| a|sc hc|ds great pctentia| jcr
chic/pea in 8CM-prcne areas in India and 8ang|adesh.
Chickpoa (Cicer arietinum L.) is tho nost inportant loguninous crop lor
vogotarian oiots in Nopal, as it is a rich sourco ol protoins ano ossontial anino-
acios. It is ronunorativo ano has high wator uso ollcioncy. It lxos atnosphoric
nitrogon, inprovos soil lortility ano naintains tho sustainability ol cropping
systons. Luring tho past throo oocaoos, avorago yiolos ol chickpoa havo ooclinoo
or ronainoo static (600-00 kg/ha), tho crop has boon virtually olininatoo
lron rico- ano naizo-basoo cropping systons in tho country. Biotic, abiotic ano
socioocononic constraints aro rosponsiblo lor low yiolos ol chickpoa (Ianooy
ot al. 2000). Tho najor biotic constraints aro sooo/soil-borno oisoasos |wilt
causoo by Fusarium cxyspcrum ano root rots causoo by Rhizcctcnia sc|ani ano
R. bataticc|a|, loliar oisoasos |botrytis gray nolo (BGM) causoo by 8ctrytis
cinerea| ano poo boror (He|iccierpa armigera). Lrought, poor soil lortility ano
ninoral oolcioncy aro anong tho location-spocilc abiotic constraints. Togothor
thoso biotic ano abiotic strossos causo lossos to tho chickpoa crop. Inaooquato
incontivos by tho govornnont along with tho poor nininun support prico (MSI)
syston aro tho nain socioocononic constraints to chickpoa proouction.
In this papor, wo oiscuss past initiativos on collaborativo rosoarch ano
oovolopnont on chickpoa in Nopal, procossos ano approachos in ostablishing
on-larn larnors` participatory rosoarch (IIR) on Intogratoo Crop Managonont
(ICM), quantilcation ano prioritization ol constraints lor ocononical chickpoa
proouction, tho prosont status ol ICM, ano luturo rosoarch nooos.
Tho spocilc objoctivos ol ICM ol chickpoa in Nopal woro to:
Ioontily constraints ano opportunitios lor chickpoa proouction by using
participatory rural appraisal (IRA).
Lovolop ano valioato ICM packagos incluoing IIM conpononts that aro
appropriato ano alloroablo to poor larnors.
Scalo-up ano rohabilitato chickpoa through ICM in rico- ano naizo-basoo
cropping systons ospocially in rainloo lallow lanos.
PasI iniIiaIives: Research and deveIopmenI on
chickpea, 1978-1997
Tochnical collaboration on chickpoa rosoarch ano oovolopnont (R&L)
botwoon ICRISAT ano NARC was startoo in lato 10 with tho oxchango ol
gornplasn ano trait spocilc trials/nursorios. Thoso incluooo gornplasn such
as intornational chickpoa scrooning nursory-oosi-ouration long (ICSN-LL),
intornational chickpoa scrooning nursory oosi-ouration nooiun (ICSN-LM),
intornational botrytis gray nolo nursory (IGMN) ano intornational wilt ano
root-rot scrooning nursorios (IWRRN) ano broooing linos soloctoo by NARC
sciontists ouring thoir visits ano participation in tho annual chickpoa sciontists
noot at ICRISAT. Iurthor, sono onphasis was laio on translor ol tochnology
in tho oarly 10s ano tho Asian Grain Logunos n-Iarn Rosoarch (AGLR)
was initiatoo in 11 with support lron tho \nitoo Nations Lovolopnont
Irogranno (\NLI/ICRISAT). Tochnical collaboration with ICRISAT
continuoo through tho Coroals ano Logunos Asia Notwork (CLAN). In aooition
to CLAN activitios lron 14 to 1, ICRISAT lurthor oxpanooo R&L
activitios on chickpoa through tho ALB projoct, Legumes-based technc|cgies
jcr enhanced prcductiiity cj rice-uheat system in the Indc-Cangetic I|ains. Tho
prosont LIIL-lunooo projoct on IIM cj chic/pea in ^epa| was linkoo with tho
ALB projoct in 1 ano this is prosontly ongoing.
In gonoral, in tho past throo oocaoos, attonpts to ovorcono biotic
constraints ol chickpoa proouction in Asia ano in Nopal nainly locusoo on
tho uso ol chonical posticioos ano/or host-plant rosistanco. Thoso singlo lactor
nanagonont stratogios to conbat biotic ano/or abiotic constraints woro stuoioo
in isolation to oach othor. As a rosult, tho yiolo lossos causoo by post/oisoaso
opioonics along with poor agronony, ronainoo alarning ano signilcant.
Thoro is a groator opportunity to conbino bost-bot tochnologios that
conbat insoct-posts ano oisoasos with inprovoo agrononical practicos ano
onorgo with an ICM packago. Tho ICM ol chickpoa provioos groator scopo ano
nooo lor its valioation, scalo-up ano scalo-out with tho involvonont ol larnors
lor larnors.
PresenI successes: Processes and approaches o!
FPR and ICM, 1998-2004
ParIicipaIory ruraI appraisaI (PRA)
Boloro on-larn IIR on ICM was ostablishoo, ano constraints lor ocononical
chickpoa proouction quantiloo ano prioritizoo, inlornal ano lornal survoys, ano
group nootings woro organizoo in 20 villagos across tho country to bo acquaintoo
with tho larnors` oxporioncos on chickpoa proouction ano narkoting.
Luring tho lornal survoy intonooo to oiagnoso proouction constraints ol
chickpoa, a nulti-stago stratiloo ranoon sanpling tochniquo was onployoo
to soloct chickpoa prooucors. At tho lrst stago, lvo oco-rogions ol tho Torai
- Lastorn, Contral, Wostorn, Mio-Wostorn ano Iar-Wostorn - woro stratiloo
basoo on aoninistrativo bounoarios. At tho socono stago, 16 oistricts woro
ranoonly soloctoo ooponoing upon tho oxtont ol chickpoa aroa across all lvo
rogions. In tho thiro stago, villagos woro soloctoo ranoonly lron tho soloctoo
oistricts. Iinally, chickpoa prooucors woro soloctoo ranoonly lron oach villago
anounting to 500 prooucors. Tho oistribution ol tho soloction was basoo on tho
probability proportionato critoria.
Tho targot villagos in tho oistricts ol Banko, Baroia, Ruponoohi, Nawalparasi,
Sarlahi, Mohottari, Bara, Iarsa, Sirha, Saptari, Sunsari Morang ano Jhapa woro
soloctoo by lornal ano inlornal visits, ano nootings with villago hoaos ano
larnors. In oach soloctoo villago, a nooting was holo with larnors ano IIM was
oxplainoo. Iarticipation was thon solicitoo on a voluntary basis. Aooitionally,
IIM oriontation canps ano schools woro holo thrico ouring tho crop soason
(Ianoo ot al. 2001).
Collection oI data: Lata was colloctoo in a quostionnairo that was
spocilcally structuroo in Nopali, through porsonal intorviows with prooucors.
Quostions woro raisoo on gonoral inlornation about prooucing chickpoa, lano
uso pattorns, ontorpriso choicos, ocononics ano bonolts ol chickpoa vis-a vis
othor conpotitivo crops, ano constraints ol chickpoa proouction. Inlornation
was also sought on narkoting ano consunption ol chickpoa. Lata was analyzoo
in oilloront nooulos: tho status ol chickpoa in sanplo larns, tho ocononics ol
its proouction, tho bonolts ol its proouction ano its constraints.
FormaIion o! InIegraIed Crop ManagemenI IriaIs
Intogratoo Crop Managonont is a holistic approach that cooroinatos availablo
crop ano post nanagonont tochnologios in an ocononically ano ocologically
souno nannor. no najor conponont ol ICM is a high yioloing, oisoaso-tolorant
(ospocially BGM/wilt) chickpoa cultivar. High lovols ol oisoaso rosistanco to
thoso oisoasos, howovor, aro yot to bo ioontiloo. thor najor conpononts
incluoo sooo troatnont with lungicioo (carbonoazin), inprovoo agrononical
practicos such as sooo troatnont with Rhizcbium, sooo prining (soaking tho
sooos lor S hours in wator boloro sowing), wioor row spacing, ano applying
nooo-basoo sprays ol carbonoazin/chlorthalonil lor BGM nanagonont ano
nooo-basoo insocticioos such as Monocrotophos


(Thiooan) ano
biocioo, Nucloar Iolyhoorosis Virus (NIV).
n-larn trials consistoo ol two troatnonts: ICM ano non-ICM. Tho non-
ICM packago consistoo ol a local cultivar with nono ol tho inputs givon to tho
ICM packago.
Ior post nanagonont, tho trial consistoo ol two troatnonts: IIM ano non-
IIM. Tho IIM packago incluooo inprovoo cultivar Avaroohi, sooo troatnont
(2 g/kg sooo) with a nixturo ol connorcial lungicioos, Thiarn + Bavistin
in 1:1 ratio, application ol Rhizobiun inoculun (210 g/ha), oi-annoniun
phosphato (100 kg/ha), boron (whonovor nooooo _ 500 g/ha) ano nooo- or
woathor-basoo loliar spray with chonical posticioos (lungicioo ano insocticioos)
to control BGM ano He|iccierpa poo boror. Tho non-IIM packago consistoo ol
a local cultivar with nono ol tho IIM inputs. Iungicioo, Bavistin (Carbonoazin)
1 g/litor ol wator ano 250 litor lungicioo solution/ha to control BGM ano
insocticioo, Thiooan (Lnoosullan) 3 nl/litor ol wator ano 250 litors insocticioo
solution/ha woro usoo to nanago poo boror.
Findings !rom parIicipaIory ruraI appraisaI (PRA)
Chickpoa yiolos aro vory low (<0.5 t/ha) in Nopal. Lisoasos ano posts aro tho
nain roasons lor poor yiolos. Tho lvo Bs, io, Boron oolcioncy, Bhilt (wilt),
Botrytis gray nolo (BGM), Boror ano Bruchios, aro tho najor constraints lor
its proouction. l thoso, BGM |8ctrytis cinerea (Iors. ox Ir.)|, Iusariun wilt
|Fusarium cxyspcrum l. sp. ciceri (Schlocht.)| anong oisoasos, ano poo boror
|He|iccierpa armigera (Hub.)| anong insocts aro ocononically signilcant.
Woathor conoitions usually lavor BGM oovolopnont ouring tho vogotativo ano
roproouctivo growth stagos ol tho crop ano this can causo sovoro oanago, ano
ovon rosult in total crop lailuro (Ianoo ot al. 1S).
Tho saliont lnoings lron IRA can bo sunnarizoo as lollows:
Chickpoa can bo grown noro ollciontly in Nopal bocauso ol tho availability
ol largo aroa ol rico lallow lanos (30,000 ha), oonano ano narkot.
IIM is a now concopt ano about 5' larnors havo no knowloogo ol
its conpononts, whilo 25' aro awaro ol post control by a thunb rulo
Chickpoa in Nopal is ooclining at a vory alarning rato bocauso ol tho sovoro
incioonco ol oisoasos ano insoct posts. thor contributing lactors aro:
Non-availability ol quality sooo
Non-availability ol suitablo post-rosistant variotios
Inaooquato inprovoo agrononical practicos
Aoultoratoo posticioos ano bio-posticioos
Ioor pronotion ol IIM packagos
Sooo loss in storago
Insullciont training ano incontivos
Findings !rom ICM IriaIs
Tho rosults ol on-larn ICM trials ovor sovoral yoars with onphasis on IIM
Tho incioonco ol wilt ano root rot was loss than 10' in ICM plots whilo it
was about 0' in non-ICM plots.
BGM was substantially controlloo in ICM plots whilo tho oisoaso abortoo
upto 100' lowors ano killoo upto S0' plants in non-ICM plots.
Ioo boror oanago was signilcantly loss (t 5' oanagoo poos) in ICM plots
than in non-ICM plots (30-50').
Two- to six-lolo incroaso in grain yiolo (upto 4 t/ha) was obtainoo in ICM
plots ovor tho non-ICM plots (Iig. 1).
Two- to lvo-lolo incroaso in not incono (Iig. 2).
|Ig. !. GruIn yIeld of chIc/peu In
|CM und non-|CM on-furm trIuls,
|Ig. 2. Net Income from |CM und
non-|CM on-furm trIuls, Nepul.
AdopIion and impacI o! ICM
In tho 1S/ soason, tho now chickpoa lino Avaroohi broo by ICAR was
sown in tho lolos ol 110 larnors. Tho lollowing soason saw a lvo-lolo incroaso
in chickpoa aooption. Tho gooo nows kopt sproaoing, ano by 2000/01, 1100
larnors woro sowing chickpoa. Tho bost nows was that IIM tochnology was
lrnly aooptoo by 21000 larnors ouring 2003/2004 soason (Iig. 3). Tho Nopali
larnors aro happy that thoir chickpoa lolos aro lourishing onco noro. Tho
aooption ol ICM has hao a noasurablo inpact on tho livolihooo ol rosourco-
poor larnors ano has rosultoo in incroaso in tho ovorall woalth ol 3500 projoct
larnors by $50,000. A sunnary:
Incroaso in lanily incono by S0-100'
Incroaso in protoin consunption by 40'
Incroaso in brick ano nortar housos by 22'
Incroaso in labor uso by 20'
Incroaso in housoholo oxponoituros by 45'
Incroaso in livostock ownorship by 30'
Chickpoa`s total contribution to prolt ano woalth was $216 por larnor
Fig. 3. Adoption and expansion of ICM of chickpea in Aepal, 1997/98 to 21/2.
FuIure needs
In spito ol tho rational conbination ol tho various nanagonont options availablo,
tho sovority ol oisoaso/post outbroaks ronains signilcantly high. Thoroloro,
olloctivo, ocononical ano oco-lrionoly conpononts ol IIM still nooo to bo
oovolopoo. Anong pronising approachos aro broao-spoctrun antagonistic
biocontrol agonts ano tho introouction ol antilungal or insocticioal gonos
into connonly cultivatoo chickpoa. Thoso aro boing vigorously invostigatoo
in national as woll as intornational rosoarch institutions. Trichcderma ano
Iseudcmcnas spp. provoo olloctivo in tho control ol BGM ano wilt. A
conbination ol lungicioo tolorant T. iiride ano rooucoo lungicioo was louno
olloctivo in tho nanagonont ol BGM.
Transgonic crops ollor hopo to conbat oisoasos whoroin gonotic rosistanco
ooos not occur. Tho introouction ol polygalacturonaso inhibiting protoins
(IGII) ano chitinaso into chickpoa can provioo rosistanco against BGM/AB,
this rosoarch is in progross at ICRISAT ano its collaborating Instituto, Scottish
Crops Rosoarch Instituto (SCRI), \K. Rosoarch ollorts to ioontily nolocular
narkors associatoo with rosistanco to BGM, AB ano poo boror aro in progross,
which rapioly onhanco rosistanco scrooning in broooing prograns. Aooitionally,
oisoaso/post rosistanco was ioontiloo in low wilo accossions ol C. bigujum, C.
judaicum ano C. reticu|atum. Sinco aooquato lovols ol rosistanco to AB, BGM
ano poo boror havo not boon ioontiloo in tho cultivatoo Cicer spp., attonpts
aro on to translor tho rosistanco lron wilo Cicer spp. into cultivatoo variotios
through wioo hybrioization ano onbryo roscuo tochniquos. Moanwhilo, ICM
tochnologios with availablo nanagonont options ronain tho bost altornativo
currontly availablo lor highor proouction ano ocononically sustainablo yiolos.
All participating larnors oxprossly prolorroo tho IIM packago. IIM tochnologios
incluooo sowing ol an inprovoo BGM tolorant varioty, troating sooo with
lungicioo, wioor row spacing ano nooo-basoo sprays ol lungicioo ano insocticioo.
Tho sooo yiolo incroaso attributablo to IIM was two- to six-lolo ano rosultoo in
highor not inconos. IIM tochnologios, usoo so succosslully in Nopal, also holo
groat potontial lor Inoia ano Banglaoosh, which laco sinilar problons.
This rosoarch was supportoo by Asian oovolopnont Bank (ALB), RLTA 511,
Lopartnont lor Intornational Lovolopnont (LIIL)/ Natural Rosourco Instituto
(NRI), R SS5, ano Asian Lovolopnont Bank/ Rico Whoat Consortiun (RWC),
RLTA 545.
Pandey SP, Yadav CR, Sah K, Pande S ano 1oshi PK. 2000. Logunos in Nopal. Iagos
1- in Logunos in tho rico-whoat cropping systons ol tho Inoo-Gangotic Ilain -
Constraints ano opportunitios (Johnson C, Luxbury, JM, Virnani SM, Gowoa CLL,
Ianoo S ano Joshi IK, oos.). Iatanchoru, 502 324, Anohra Iraoosh, Inoia: Intornational
Crops Rosoarch Instituto lor tho Soni-Ario Tropics, Ithaca, Now York, \SA, Cornoll
\nivorsity. 230 pp.
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ol chickpoa - Roviow. Iagos 23-40 in Rocont aovancos in rosoarch ano nanagonont
ol botrytis gray nolo ol chickpoa. Sunnary procoooings ol tho 4
Working Group
Mooting to oiscuss collaborativo rosoarch on Botrytis Gray Molo ol chickpoa, 23-26
Iobruary 1S, Joyoobpur, Gazipur, Banglaoosh (Ianoo S, Bakr MA ano Johanson
C, oos.). Iatanchoru, 502 324, Anohra Iraoosh, Inoia: Intornational Crops Rosoarch
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