Human Development Quiz

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Republic of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Campus

Long Quiz in General Psychology (PSYC 1013)

Name:________________________________ Year & Section: _________________________

Date:______________________________ Prof.:______________________________

IDENTIFICATION. Read the following statements carefully. Write the word/s on the space provided that will best answer the following. _______________1. It is the approved behavior in which men and women are expected to behave. _______________2. It is the stage wherein children begin to experience changes of puberty and are concerned about their appearance. _______________3. At this stage, children begin to perform logical thinking in relation to concrete object. _______________4. It is the stage of development wherein an adolescent is faced by various identification. _______________5. Family vs. Friends, body image, boredom and attitude are the developmental task of this stage. _______________6. It is marked by puberty in girls. _______________7. He sought to determine whether there are universal stages in moral development. _______________8. This stage is classified by infants from birth to two years old in cognitive development. ________________9. Children at this age are learning about their bodies. ________________10. It refers to the awareness of a child about objects which continue to exist even when it is no longer visible.

________________11. It describes the growth of humans throughout the lifespan, from conception to death. ________________12. According to this principle, individuals of the same family have similar genes and traits. ________________13. It is the environment which is consist of all the genetic materials held by the cell membrane. ________________14. It is the end or goal of development and growth. ________________15. These are microscopic particles which carries the hereditary units we receive form our parents and transmit to our offspring.

TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE on the space provided if the statement is true; FALSE, if it is false. _______________1.Piaget describes children as moral philosophers. _______________2. Rebellion, sexuality, parent conflict and morals are the developmental tasks of middle adulthood. _______________3.Generally, boys mature earlier by 2 years than the girls. _______________4. In concrete operational stage, children can think in abstract terms and can follow logical operations. _______________5. There are four stages in cognitive development.


Read each pair of words below carefully. Write your answer on the space

provided to complete the following pairs.

1. Infancy: Birth to two years 2. Female: Menopause 3. Female:___________

: : :

___________: seven to twelve years Male:_____________ Male: Sperm Fetal Stage: 2-9months XXY:___________

4. Embryonic Stage:__________: 5. XX: Female :

ENUMERATION 1-10. Sequential Stages of Human Development (in order) 1-5. Principles of Heredity

ESSAY Explain the saying The child is the father of the man. (5 points) Explain the sexual development of an individual (5 points)

1. 2.

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