Diploma in Computer (A Excellent Beginners Guide)

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A Excellent Beginners Guide (Diploma in Computers)

Introduction Computer & IT MS-Windows XP / 7 MS-Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) Internet & E-mail

By : Sri. Lingaraj Sahoo

IT Consultant For Netknowledge Computers 109, Samantarapur, BBSR-2 Ph: 9937339014 Email : lingaraj_it@rediffmail.com

9937339014, 2340718 (R) e-mail : lingaraj_it@rediffmail.com

About IT From My Pen. In the present day the management scenario is computer based. Whether in a Developed Country or Developing Countries, the Computers have changed the lifestyle significantly even of a common man. Surprisingly our way of living, way of learning and also way of working are changing overnight. Now the people prefer to spend their valuable time in browsing Internet rather than reading magazines, discussing with friends, attending the seminars, watching TV programs and so on. Existing traditional business procedures changed into Paperless Electronic media. In industry line the display of products move from market place to cyber Space. Like wise all over the world the people already realized the need of Information Technology in their day-to day life.

Here are Some people for whom Computer is Working..

Publishers lay newspapers, books & magazines on It. Teachers plan Timetable on it. Architects Draw building plans. Trainers develop training material on them. Authors write book on them. Editors edit Videos on it. Salesman keeps customers records. Accountants do book keeping with it. Musician Compose Music on it. Script Writer write Script on them. We can play game on it.

Information Technology
Computer Technology :A computer is a programmable, multi user machine that accepts data, raw facts and figures and processed or manipulates it into information that we can use. Its purpose is to speed up problem solving and increase productivity.

Communication Technology :Communication or telecommunications technology consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for communicating long distances. Before 1950s computer technology and communication technology developed independently since then, however they have gradually fused together, producing a new information environment. Components of Information Technology :1.People ( Computer Professional, End-user) 2.Procedures (Guidelines or rules, Documentations ) 3.Data/Information ( Datas are the raw material, which further processed or manipulated by Computer to get Information ) 4.Hardware ( All the Physical parts of a Computer) 5.Software ( All the logical part of a Computer ) 6.Communications ( It refers to the electronic transfer of data from one place to another )

The Summery
Computers and Communications combine to give IT, by which the use of information becomes far more efficient. It is a term which Describes anything you can do with the use of Computer Applications. The use of Computer Application with the Communication Technology gives more meaning to Information Technology. Information Technology means the Whole World is with you. The use of paper Currency is Replaced with Electronic Currency and Paper full office replaced with a paperless office are the best examples of IT. Defining a Computer A Computer is a Device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions at speeds millions, and even billions, of times faster than human being. It is an electronic Device which works according to the instruction given by the user.

It is an electronic Device which takes input from the user, processed it and give the output to the user. It is a Device which consists group of integrated parts having one common Objective. That is why it is known as a System. Branches of Computer Science 1. Hardware: All the physical part of a Computer which you can touch and feel. 2. Software: All the logical part of a Computer which we cannot touch or feel but when it run we can see the output and work on it. Advantages of Computer :1.Speed More than human beings. 2.Accuracy Does not make Mistake. 3.Storage Capacity High storage capacity. 4.Diligence It can perform repetitive tasks without being bored. The efficiency doesn't decrease after year used. Disadvantage of Computer :1. It cannot take alternative decision. 2. It cannot function with their own Hardware parts of a Computer Monitor ( VDU- Visual Display Unit) Mouse Keyboard CPU ( Central Processing Unit) Printer Floppy Disk Compact Disk ( CD ) Pen Drive Speaker Microphone CD Writer Pen Drive

Modem LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Scanner Plotter Light Pen Touch Screen UPS Visual Display Unit (VDU): Is an output device It is the Monitor These are of 2 types CRT & TFT. The TFT monitor is gaining the market now. Is used to : Communicate processed results Display messages to the user Is similar to a TV screen Can display: Text images Graphic images The Display can be in Black & White or in Color, These are available in 15,17 & LCD Monitor. Mouse An input device used to point and select objects on the screen Moving it causes a corresponding movement of the Pointer on the screen. These are of Mechanical & Optical. Keyboard : It is an input Device. Through which user can give input to the Computer. A Blinking Cursor indicate the Starting point from where actually you can start Typing from the Keyboard. They are different in no. of keys. It is equivalent to the Type writer Key Structure. Printer: Is an Output Device Is capable of printing at very high speeds

Produces output on paper (Hard copy) for later reference Can be: Dot matrix Ex : Epson LX-1000 Ink-jet Ex : HP Deskjet 5700 Series Laser Ex : HP Laserjet 1010, 1020 Dot Matrix Printer : These are inexpensive but noisy. They can print text and graphics. It can also made to print in color by changing the ribbons. Ink jet Printer : These are economical printers. It doesn't make any noise. It can give both color and Black printouts. Laser Printer : These printers are produce a high quality output both text and graphics. Laser printers are used a light beam to form images on the paper using a Toner ink as the medium. The speed of the printer is measured in terms of CPS( Characters per Second), LPS ( Lines per second ), PPM( Pages per Minute). Compact Disk ( CD ): It is also a reliable storage media used for storing the Data. These are of 2 types Write Once Read many times & Write many times. A normal CD can store 650 or 700 MB of data. To read the CD we only need a CD-ROM Device but to Read & Write we need a CD Writer. Speaker : It is an output device used to produce sounds. These are of 2 types Internal & External. A internal speaker is available inside the CPU, it produce a beep sound if you will commit any wrong Software operation. Also used for producing sounds for some Computer Game Programs. A external speaker is used to produce the real sound from multimedia programs, Audio CD, Video CDs. Microphone : A microphone is used to record the voice or any sound in Computer memory. It just like the normal Microphone. It can treated as a Input device. CD-Writer : It is a Device used to read & write to the to the CD-ROMS. If you have a CD-Writer in your system then you don't need a CD-ROM Drive. Scanner : It is an input device. There are a number of situations when some information ( Picture & Text ) is available on paper and is needed on

the Computer for further manipulation. This can be done using a Scanner. It scans the image and store it in the Computer Memory so that we can further edit it.

Inside CPU:1. SMPS: ( Switched Mode Power Supply) It converts the AC input of 230 V to DC of 5 & 10 Volts. 2. Exhaust Fan : The SMPS has a small fan to cool the SMPS unit. 3. Speaker : It is a sound producing system, If you will do any wrong operation then it will create a beep sound. 4. Motherboard : It has following components : Microprocessor, Clock, Memory ( RAM, ROM), Bus, Ports. Microprocessor : This is the important chip on the Motherboard. The entire design of the PC is based on this chip. It can take in data, perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, etc and send out the result. Company : Intel Pentium Cyrix Celeron AMD
Available in 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 2 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 2.66 GHz

Clock : It is used to measure the speed of the Computer. The unit of

measurement is MHz. Memory :- Memory is the media where Computer stores and execute the data & instructions. The Unit of Measurement is Bit and Byte. The Computer can work with 2 states ON & OFF. Hence, it uses just 2 digits, 0 & 1, to perform its operation and store data. This 0 & 1 is known as bit( Binary Digit). The collection of 8 Bits = 1 Byte. 1 Byte can store 1 character. Other measuring Units are : Kilobyte (KB): equal to 1024 bytes Megabyte (MB): equal to 1048576 bytes Gigabyte (GB): equal to 1073741824 bytes Memory are of 2 type Internal & External.

Internal Memory 1. RAM : This memory used by the Computer to manage itself. This is the area computer uses for holding the Programs and their data while it is working on them. It stands for Random Access Memory. It is volatile. The contains of RAM losses when you switch off the Computer. We can installed 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB of RAM in our PC. 2.ROM : Stands for Read Only Memory. It contain permanently recorded instructions that are vital for starting up the Computer. One set of instructions found in ROM called the ROM-BIOS which stands for Read-Only Memory Basic Input Output Services. External Memory Is also referred to as secondary storage Enables data and instructions to be stored permanently Capacities are large Is available in the following forms: Floppy disks Hard disks Pen Drives Cartridge tapes CD-ROMS DVD Floppy Disk: It is a Storage Device, If you want to store some Data then you can use this device. It is of 2 types according to the size 3.5 inch & 5.12 inch. The 1st one used widely. It can store 1.44 MB of Data. Now a days it is not a reliable device for storing data. Hard Disk: It is the most reliable media for storing anything. Software's are stored here only. It is available inside the CPU. Now a days hard Disks are available in 80 GB, 160 GB & 250 GB shapes. We can go for Samsung or Seagate Hard disk drives.

1 byte=8 bits 1 kilobyte(kb)=1024 bytes

1 megabyte(mb)=1024 kilobytes or ~1,000,000 bytes 1 gigabyte(gb)=1024 megabytes or~1,000,000,000 bytes 1 TERABYTE (TB)= 1024 gigabutes or ~1,000,000,000,000 bytes 1 petabyte (pb)=1024 terabytes or~1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes

Pen Drives :It is a very small storage device used for storing data through USB ports. A Pen drive can store up to 16 GB of Data. For Window XP/7 it can be directly used but for Windows 98 systems a Software required to install to read write data to the Pen drive. Cartridge Tape Is made up of plastic films, coated with magnetic material Stores data sequentially Offers high storage capacities at relatively low costs Is ideal as a backup medium Is not recommended in cases where data is required at random and at high speeds Requires a cartridge tape drive to read and write on the tape BUS :- Communications between the microprocessor and the memory chips as well as other chips found on the Motherboard is accomplished through a set of wires running between them called BUS. PORTS : the I/O devices are connected to the System Unit through ports. These may be Serial or Parallel. Expansion Slots : Your PC comes with a limited number of Serial & Parallel ports for connecting I/O device. The Motherboard has a set of large sockets called expansion slots which help you to attach extra I/O devices. Example if you want to add a TV Tuner card for watching Cable TV Programs. Classification of Computer Micro Computer Mini Computer Mainframes Computer

Supper Computer Microcomputers : These are used for word processing, database management and spreadsheet calculation Minicomputers : These are used for data processing in small organization and as LAN( Local area Network) servers. Mainframes : These are used for data processing in large organizations and as a node in WAN( Wide area Network). Supercomputers : These are used for Weather forecasting, weapons designing etc. The other PC range includes Desktops, Laptops, Notebooks and Palmtops. Laptop These are just like a Diary or Small & thin box. Required every thing in as a built in features. No need of UPS. Can run without power for a few hours. Now a days HP & Compaq are the company who are producing Laptops in Desktop prices starting from Rs.30000/*. Software Hardware without Software is just like Music System without a CD or Cassette. So to work with the Hardware we need some Software. Software is nothing but a group of Programs stored in a program file. A Program is nothing but a set of commands or set of instructions stored in a file. When these Program files are executed we will able to see something on the Computer Screen. Types of Software Operating System Software Application Software Compiler Software Operating System Software

Is a interface between H/W & User It acts as a command interpreter. A PC without OS cannot function. All the peripherals are controlled by the OS Examples Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows 2003 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows 7 Linux Application Software These S/W are designed for specific purposes and for specific tasks like Billing application, Accounting Applications, Payroll Application, Desktop Publishing, etc. Apart from this we have some special application Software's that are available in the Market like MS-OFFICE ,Oracle, Tally, Lotus Smart Suite, FoxPro, Adobe Page Maker, Corel Draw, Leap Office, Adobe Photoshop, Auto CAD, Macromedia Flash, We can purchase them and work with that S/W to fulfill our requirements. With the help of Compiler Software we can Develop Application Software for full filling our requirements. Examples DATABASE SOFTWARE 1. MS-ACCESS 2. FOXPRO 3. ORACLE 4. MS-SQL SERVER 5. DBASE(Old) DTP Softwares:

1. Adobe Mage Maker, 2. Corel Draw, 3. Leap Office 4. Instant Artist 5. MS-Publisher Animation Software's : 1. 3D Studio Max 2. Macromedia Flash 3. Jasc Software 4. Tick-Toc Toe, 5. Illusion 6. Maya Accounting Software:1. MS MONEY 2. TALLY.ERP 9 3. FOCUS 4. EX- NEXT GENERATION 5. WINCA Web Designing Software's : 1. MS-FrontPage 2. Macromedia Dream Weaver Photo Editing Softwares 1. MS-Photo Editor 2. Adobe Photoshop 3. Adobe Photo Deluxe 4. Macromedia Director Computer Viruses Are software programs that copy themselves onto application programs Ill-effects of viruses are: Corruption of files and increase in file sizes Interference with the display on the VDU Formatting of the hard disk, resulting in data destruction

Marking of good sectors as bad or destruction of contents of some sectors Slowing down of the system Changing the names of all files to a single name Anti Virus Softwares Are programs that detect/remove a virus in a computer System? Examples 1. Norton Anti Virus 2. Kaspersky Anti Virus 3. MCAFee Anti Virus 4. PC CILLIN Anti Virus 5. Quick Heal Compiler Software Compiler Software is otherwise known as Computer Language. If you want to develop some Application Software then you have to take the help of Compiler Software's. Examples: C, C++, JAVA, Visual Basic, C#

Different Branded Computer Company

1. Compaq 2. IBM PC 3. LG 4. Samsung 5. iNTEX 6. HP 7. Zenith PC 8. HCL 9. ACER 10. SIMENS (Old) Assembled Computers(Prices of Different Parts) 1. Processor Intel 2.66 Ghz 2. Mother Board (Intel) 3. RAM 256 DDR : Rs. 4650/: Rs. 3600/: Rs. 1100/-

4. Combo Drive 5. FDD( Samsung) 6. HDD 80 GB 7. Cabinet 8. SMPS 9. Mouse 10.Keyboard 11. Speaker 12. UPS 1.5 KVA 13. Printer HP Laser Jet 1050 14. 15 Color Monitor

: : : : : : : : : : :

Rs. 1900/Rs. 300/Rs. 2600/Rs. 1000/Rs. 500/Rs. 500/Rs. 400/Rs. 300/Rs. 2000/Rs. 11000/Rs. 4000/-

Prices can be vary from situation to situations. The Sample Configuration for a Assemble PC 1. Processor Intel Pentium 2.26 Ghz 2. 17 Color Flat Monitor 3. Mother Board 4. RAM 256 DDR 5. CD-Writer 52x 6. Floppy Disk Drive 7. Hard Disk Drive 80 GB 8. Cabinet (Black) 9. SMPS 10. Mouse ( Scroll 5 Buttons ) 11. Keyboard 12. Speaker 13. UPS 0.5 KVA What are the Different IT Carrier Courses :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DCA ( Diploma in Computer Application ) PGDCA ( Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application ) DIT ( Diploma in Information Technology ) PGDIT ( Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology ) BCA ( Bachelors Degree in Computer Application ) MCA (Master Degree in Computer Application)

7. GNIIT from NIIT 8. B. Sc.( IT) Bachelors of Science in Information Technology 9. M.Sc.( IT) Master of Science in Information Technology 10. BE( Comp. Sc ) : Bachelor in Engineering( Computer Science ) 11. B. Tech ( Comp. Sc.) : Batchelor of Technology (Computer Science) 12. O Level, A Label, B Label, C Label from DOCCAE Society Govt. of India.

Popular IT Institutions: 1. NIIT 2. APTEC 3. SSI 4. NICE 5. CRAC 6. CMC 7. SQL 8. LCC 9. Zed Academy ( Zee Network ) for Animation IT/Computers Jobs :1. Computer Programmer(Jr., Sr.) 2. System Administrator 3. Network Administrator 4. Database Administrator 5. System Manager 6. Web Designer 7. Computer Operator 8. MIS Executive 9. DTP Operator 10. Data Entry Operator 11. H/W Engineer 12. Customer Support Executive Factors affecting a Good Operating Environment:1. Uninterrupted Power Supply 2. Ear thing 3. Dust Free Environment


By Sri Lingaraj Sahoo, B.Com(H), GNIIT, M.Sc(IT), Ph: 9937339014

Windows are nothing but the Operating Systems. A user can use Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows 2000 & Windows XP as Operating System for his PC. Without suitable OS the Computer is useless. Now we will discuss how to work with Windows 98/XP OS. After switch on the computer the OS screen you will get is known as Desktop. On the Desktop you will able to see some graphical picture known as ICONS like My Computer, My Documents, Re-Cycle Bin and Internet Explorer. Another thing you will see is the Task Bar on the button of the screen. From there you can start any program by clicking on the Start button on the Task bar. Before going to do anything just discussed about the Function of a Mouse Functions of Mouse : Click ( Left) : Press & release left button on the mouse. Double Click : Click the mouse left button twice in rapid on any ICON to open anything. Click ( Right) : Click on the right mouse button to bring the Drop Down Menu any where. Drag & Drop : Move to an Item, Click the item then press the left button and Drag it and release it in the desired position. Let us discusses how to work with some ready-made packages on Windows 98/XP. These are: 1. Notepad 2. Ms Paint

3. 4. 5. 6.

Calculator Address Book Command Prompt Accessibility Magnifier On Screen Keyboard

To start Notepad go to : Start ProgramsAccessoriesNotepad (Click) Now you can type anything here. After typing To save the files go to: File MenuSave as Give a name of file Save (Click) To close the files go to: File Menu Choose Exit (Click) To open the file again, go to: Start programsAccessoriesNotepad (Click) File menuOpenChoose your file (Select), Give a click on that click on open. After opening if you are writing something else the to save it go to : File Menu Click on Save.

This is application where you can draw some pictures and put some text also. To open MS PAINT go to: Start Programs Accessories MS PAINT (Click) Now you will able to see a pen and some color in below, so choose a color and draw some picture on the white working area. To Draw: 1st click and the drag the mouse. If you want to use other things then see in the left side some buttons are available take the pointer on each button then you will able to see its function. If you want to use them then 1st click on that button you can save, close and open the file as in case of NOTEPAD.

This is program just like your pocket or office Calculator. To open it go to : Start Programs Accessories Calculator (Click). Now you can work with the Calculator with your own. In physical Calculator. You can use the fingertips but here you will use the mouse pointer for every thing. To get the Scientific Calculator go to : View Menu Choose Scientific (Click). To close the Calculator. Go to : Right Upper corner of Calculator . Window and click on Button. Command Prompt This application is used for MS-DOS operating system. In XP MS-DOS is available as a application. To open Command prompt go to Start ProgramAccessoriesCommand prompt. To exit Give the command as Exit and press the enter key. Address Book The Address Book provides a convenient place to store contact information for easy retrieval. To open the Address Book, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Address Book. For information about using the Address Book, click the Help menu in Address Book. Accessibility 1. Magnifier- Just work as a Magnifier glass for your PC 2. On Screen Keyboard : Using this we can type through the mouse WordPad This application is used for formatting a page. To open this application goes to Start Programs Accessories WordPad (Click). Now type something. Now you can use B-Bold, I- (Italic), U- (Underline) Buttons on the Formatting Toolbar to format the Text you have written. Before applying any function first select the Text.

Selecting Text Take your Mouse pointer to the beginning of text then click and Drag to the desired Position up to which you want selection. Alternatively you can use Shift + key to select any text. In the Windows OS every application you will open is a Window. And every window has a title bar and just below to that Menu bar like File, Edit, View etc. In the left upper corner of each window you will able to see three buttons. 1. Maximize(A double square symbol) To Maximize the Window. 2. Minimize( A _ Symbol) To Minimize the Window. 3. Close ( Button) To Close the Window. In Windows to select anything give a click on that. After the change of color press the enter key to open that item. Let us know about each part of a Window in Details: Title bar : It is the top most bar on the Application Window. It displays the Name of the application with currently opened file. It also contained the 3 buttons Minimize, Maximize & Restore. The Menu bar : Menus are the key facilitators in Graphics User Interface. In windows environment, menus play important role. Menus are the list of Commands or Options. Drop Down Menu : When you will right click on the Desktop you will able to see a Menu known as Drop Down menu. Pop-Up Menu : These are also known as Sub-menus, When you will click on any Menu Options, and you will able to see some other menus known as PopUp Menu Dialog box : Dialog Boxes are the most used menu option in Windows environment. When you will click on any of the Menu options you will able to see the Dialog Boxes for further Entries. Scroll bar : In some application Windows you will able to see these bars. Example in Word pad application if you will type more than on page then to scroll through the page you need this. These are 2 types Horizontal and vertical.

The Mouse : The mouse is one of the key actors in handling Windows. With the help of mouse, you can move in your Document, Select & Open programs, manages all the tasks of Windows environment. Resizing the Window into different Shapes :Windows is a Multitasking OS, So you can open more than one Application Window at a time on the Desktop. Steps : 1st open any Applications like Notepad or WordPad. Then Click on the Restore Button to restore the Window. Now take your pointer to the Border of the Window, you will able to see a both sided arrow. Now click and Drag to resize the Window. You can apply this technique to all sides of the Window to Resize. Open other applications and apply the same method to resize Them also. Creation of Folder Desktop Folder is a area in the Computer memory headed by a name. Inside folder we can create sub-folder & store files. To create a folder : 1. Right Click on the Desktop and go to New 2. Then Choose folder. 3. Then give a name from the keyboard & press the Enter key. 4. To open it double clicks on it. 5. In the same manner you can create sub-folders inside the folder also. To Rename a Folder 1. Right click on the Folder you have created and choose Rename option. 2. Now a give a name from the Keyboard to that Folder and press the Enter key. To Delete a Folder 1. Just right click on that Folder and choose delete option from the Drop Down Menu. 2. Or just click on the Folder and press the Delete key to delete that Folder. Creation of Text file on the Desktop 1. Right click on the Desktop and go to new option.

2. Now Click on New Text Document. 3. Now Give a Name to the File that has created and press the Enter key. 4. Now Double click on that file to open it. 5. Now write something inside that file and go to File Menu and click on save option. Now you can close that file. You can apply the same process for rename and delete of file as you are doing in case of a Folder. Now lets discussed the Different ICONS that are available on your Desktop. On your Desktop you will able to see many ICONS. What are they ? An ICON may represent an application program, a document, a disk drive or several programs group together. To Open a ICON : Double Click on It. Right Click on It and Choose Open From the Drop Down Menu. Click on It & Press the Enter Key. Name of These ICONS are : 1. My Computer 2. My Documents 3. Re-Cycle bin 4. Internet Explorer 5. Network Neighborhood/My Network Place My Computer Just Double Click on it To Open it, Using this ICON you can access to the Disk Drives( Open Different Storage Devices like (A:)3.5 Floppy Disk, C: ( Hard Disk), D: ( Hard Disk), E: ( Compact Disk) and Change the H/W Settings using Control panel. Using Hard Disk : 1. Hard Disk is one of the reliable storage Media where Operating System Software, Data and Application Software's resides. 2. It is generally mark as the Drive letter C: or D: or More, if your hard Disk is divided into more than one partition.

3. To open the Data from the Hard Disk, Double click on the My Computer ICON then Double Click on the C: or D: to see the contents of Hard Disk. 4. You can create Folders to store your files there also. How to Create a Folder Inside the Hard Disk (C:) 1. Double Click on the My Computer ICON. 2. Then Double click on C: to open the Hard Disk 3. Then Go to File Menu Click on New Folder(Click) 4. Then Give a File name from the Keyboard & press the Enter Key. 5. Now you can double click on the Folder you have created to open. How to Create a File inside a Folder : 1. Just double Click on the Folder you have Created. 2. Then Go to File Menu New New Text Document 3. Then Give a Name from the Keyboard & Press the Enter Key. 4. Now Double Click on the File you have created to Open it. 5. Now you can type anything from your keyboard in that file. 6. To Save the contents Go to File Menu Save(Click) How to use a Floppy Disk( A: ) : 1.1st Insert the Floppy Disk in to the Drive. 2.Double click on the My Computer ICON. 3. Double Click on the 3 Floppy (A:) 4.Now you will able to see the Contents( Files & Folders) of the Floppy Disk. 5.Double click on the Files or Folder to Open it. To Send a file to Floppy Disk : 1.Click on the file to select it. 2.Right click on it & choose Send to 3.Click on 3 Floppy Disk (A:) To Send a File from Floppy Disk to Desktop : 1. 1st insert the floppy disk into the drive and double click on the My Computer ICON. 2. Now double click on the 3 ( Floppy Disk ) and you will able to see the Contents of the Floppy Disk.

3. Right click on any Folder or File then choose copy. Now close the Floppy Window and come to Desktop area. Now right click on the Desktop and click on paste. Using a CD ( Compact Disk) : 1. Insert the CD into CD Drive. 2. Then Double Click on the My Computer ICON 3. Then Double Click on the E: or CD ICON to open the Contents of the CD. You can follow the Same process of copying the contents of a CD to Desktop as you are doing in case of a Floppy Disk. My Documents ICON 1. Just Double Click to open it. 2. It is a System Folder. You can store your files, folders in this Folder. 3. When you will save a file using any application the file will automatically saved on My Document Folder. 4. You cannot delete this Folder also as other folders. Re-Cycle Bin ICON It is otherwise known as Windows dustbin. If you will delete any file, folder, ect. then it will not deleted from the Computer. It will stored in Re-Cycle Bin. If you want it again then you can restore it from Recycle bin Window. To restore the file you have deleted, open the Re-Cycle Bin ICON then click on that file then go to file Menu and Click on Restore option. Internet Explore ICON It is a Browser Software through which you can Access Internet if your PC has a Internet connection ready. To Open it Double Click on it. Network Neighborhood/My Network Place ICON If there is a Computer Network then we can use this ICON to connect to other computer in the Network. Apart from this we can see some other ICONE as Folder, File, Application Program, Group of application.

Desktop Settings :To arrange the ICONS automatically on the Desktop 1. Right click on the Desktop Arrange ICONS Auto arrange. Or you can choose By Type, Name ect. To make auto hide the Taskbar 1. Right click on the Taskbar then Properties then click on the Auto Hide Check Box. To arrange the ICONS inside the My Computer Window 1. Open the My Computer ICONE then go to View Arrange ICONS Auto arrange. 2. You can click on the List option to see the Details about any file or folder. While working with Widows 98 Desktop you can change the following things: 1. Desktop Background 2. Screen Saver 3. Appearance Desktop Background Setting :To Change the Desktop Background : 1. Right click on the Desktop => Properties. 2. From the Dialog Box appear Click on the Background Button and Choose the Wallpaper then Click on OK. 3. To make it more attractive you can Choose Center, Tile, Stretch from the Display Box. Screensaver :-Screen Saver is a Graphics that will active automatically if you will not touch the Computer for a particular time period. To Set the Screensaver : 1. Right Click on the Desktop then Click on the Properties. 2. Click on the Screensaver button the upper part of the Dialog Box. 3. Now choose the Screensaver from list of Screensavers given in the Box

To change the Windows appearance :Windows appearance is nothing but the Appearance, Size, Color of the Windows. 1. To set the Windows appearance right Click on the Desktop then Click on the Appearance button. 2. Now Choose the Scheme, Item, Font from the respective Boxes. 3. Now click on apply to see the Effect. Lets discussed some of the advanced options of the Start Menu:1. Documents 2. Find/Search 3. Run 4. Shut Down/Turn Off 5. Help & Support About Documents Option :This option will show you the previous files you have open or work on it. You can click on any file to open it. If you want to clear the contents of the Document option then follow the following steps :1. Write click on the Taskbar and choose Properties. 2. Now click on the Start menu Programs. 3. Now from the Document Menu Box click on the Clear Button. About the Find/Search Menu Option :1. Using this option you can find any Folder or File you have created any where on the Hard Disk. 2. To do this click on the Find then Files and Folder option. 3. Now on the Name box write the File or Folder name and click on find now. After a few time you will able to see your file or Folder and its path also. You can double click on the file or folder to open it directly. Properties setting of File & Folder 1. Just right click on the file or folder then click on the properties option. 2. Here you will able to see the file or folder size. 3. From the attribute part you can click on 1. Read only

Windows Media Player( Win XP ) Using Windows Media Player you can Play a movie file. To play a CD what you have to do is : Go to Start Program Accessories Entertainment Windows Media Player ( Click ) Now Go to File menu Open Browse From Look in Box Choose the D:(Volume Label) Mpegv From Files type Choose All files. Now whatever you will see Double click on that and you will able to see some video on the Windows Media Player. CD Writing :1st insert the CD-R or CD-RW into the drive. Copy the file you want to write Open My Computer Open CD-RW Drive Paste the files you have copied Now from the CD Writing task Pan Select Write these files to CD Next Finish. Another Operating System which is gaining the popularity now a days is LINUX which is more like MS-WINDOWS OS. In Branded Computer the licensed version of the OS comes free. But in case of a assembled computer we have to purchase the licensed version of the OS. Those who are using MS-Windows XP the working environment little different, but if we will change the option then we can work like windows 98. To change like Windows 98 interface Right click on the Desktop => Properties => Appearance => From Windows & Button Combo Box choose Windows classic style=>Apply. Introduction to MS-OFFICE MS-OFFICE is a application Package; the best one for office work is a product of MICROSOFT CORPORATION USA. The Family Members of MS-Office are : o MS WORD (For Creating a Text file) o MS EXCEL (for Creating a Data File) o MS POWERPOINT(For creating a Graphics File) o MS ACCESS ( For Database Management ) There are different versions like :

Office 95, Office 97, Office 2000, 2003, Office XP, Office 2007 & Office 2010 available in the market. These are different in their features. But the environments and the Working is totally same. MICROSOFT WORD 2003 MS-WORD is basically a Word Processing Package. If you want to write a letter and make that letter some what attractive by inserting a picture and WordArt then you can choose this application. You can also use this application for Desktop Publishing. To open MS-WORD Go to : Start Programs MICROSOFT WORD(Click). Now write some text on the workspace. If you want to format the text then 1st select the text by taking the pointer to the beginning of text then click and drag. Otherwise you can use the Shift + key to select any text. Now you can go to : Format menu Choose Font Option Now you can choose Font, Font Style, Font Size, Font color, Underline Style, Effect Then OK (Click). To Save the written things Go to File Menu Save As Give a file name Click on Save Butt ton. 1. To open the File again Go to File menu Select Open Then Click on your File name Then Click on Open. 2. To move the Text from one Place to another : Select the Text Edit Copy Put the cursor where you want to paste the text Edit Paste. 3. To set the borders & Shadings : Select the Text Format Borders & Shadings Select the type of Border Select the Style Select the Color Select the width Select on Shadings tab Select the Color Select the Style Select the Color OK. 4. To Set the Bullets :

Select the Text Format Bullets & Numbering Select the Type of Bullet OK. 5. To insert a picture : Go to Insert Menu Picture Clip Art Click On a Category Then right click on the picture Then click on Insert. 5. To Insert a Table : Go to Table Menu Insert Table Then provide the No of Rows & Columns Click on OK. 6. To Insert New Rows/ Column: Select the Rows/Column before which you want to Insert Table Insert Rows/columns. 7. To Delete the Rows/Column : Select the Row/Column which you want to Delete Table Delete Table or Rows or Columns. 8. To Correct the Spellings : Go to Tools Spelling & Grammar Select the Text from Suggestion Box if you think that the word is spelt wrong Change If according to you the spelling is not wrong then click on Ignore After Checking of the entire document is over the Spelling & Grammar box will be closed automatically. 9. To Set the Page Margins : Go to File Menu Page Setup Enter the values in the Top , Bottom, left & Right boxes Click on the Page Size Tab select A4 size in paper Size box. 10. To Print the Document : File Print Select the Option from Page Range box Enter the No. of Copies in the Number of Copies Box OK. MICROSOFT EXCEL 2003 Ms Excel is a Spreadsheet package which helps to handle table, charts, graphs, statistical analysis, what if analysis and also to provide with linkage with other MS OFFICE product. Using Ms-Excel you can create a Data file & analysis data. What is Spreadsheets? Row and column arrangements of data and formula

Used to perform complex data analysis Used to generate graphs Also known as worksheets Can be used for a variety of applications like: Business forecasts Inventory control Accounting Complex scientific applications Have automatic recalculation features Introduction to Excel Excel is: A Windows-based spreadsheet package Used for all standard spreadsheet applications Features of Excel are: Auditing Data entry forms Large data management capacity Powerful data analysis features Before using Ms-Excel we have to familiar with certain technical terms which will be used later on. Those are given below. Work Sheet Work Book Cell Work Sheet : Work Sheet is nothing but grid of rows and columns. It looks like a table. A work sheet can contain 256 column and 65536 rows. We can enter data and formula into work sheet . All sort of calculation can be done on this work Sheet. Work Book : Work Book is nothing but a collection of work sheet. A workbook can have 255 work Sheet. Cell : Cell is the intersection of a row and a column. We will discussed following Topics in MS-Excel Opening MS EXCEL Opening a Work Book Entering Data, Opening and Saving files.

Working with formulas Formatting data Preparing Graphs and Chart Printing Work Sheet, charts, graphs Using functions Linking Data.

Shut Cut Ways for MS-EXCEL 1. To start MS-EXCEL : StartProgramsMicrosoft Excel 2. To Enter the Data : Select cell Start Typing 3. To Prepare the Salary Table : Enter the Details Write the formulas in the Respective Cells THIS WILL EXPLAINED BY ME BY TAKING A PROBLEM INTO CONSIDEARATION. 4. To Prepare the Chart for the Salary Table : Prepare the Table Select the Table Insert Chart Select the Chart Type Select the Chart Subtype Next Select either Rows or ColumnsNext Enter the Chart Title Enter the name of X axis in Category(X) axis box Enter the name of Y axis in Category(Y) box Finish. 5. To Change the Text Settings: Select the text Format Cells Click on the Font tab Select the Font Style Select the font Size Select the Type of Underline Select the color OK. 6. To Set the Border and Shadings : Select the text Go to Format Menu Cells Click on the Border Tab Select the Style Select the Color Select the Pattern OK. 7. To find the Subtotals and Grand Totals of the Data : Prepare the Details Select the Data Go to Data Menu Sort Select the category based on which you want to sort in sort by

Box OK Data Subtotals YES Select the Category based on which you want to Calculate in the At Each Change in box Select the sum in used function box Select the Category which you want to add subtotal to box OK. 8. To Create a Form : Type the headings of the form in each of the column cell Select those cells Data Form OK Enter the data Click on New button if you want to add more details After completing all the data, click on OK. 9. To print the Sheet : Select the data area then go to File Print From Print What box click on the Selection radio buttons OK. To Give Security to the Excel File 10. Giving Security means nobody can open your file. To do that Go to Tools Option menu choose Security tab On password to open box give a password Then again re-enter the password to conform OK. Now Go to File Save. Now if will open the file again it will ask for the password. Give the password and enter into your file, if it is yours. MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2003 Is a component of Microsoft Office Is used to create professional-quality presentations on: Transparencies Paper 35mm slides Photo print Has the following improvements: Powerful new wizards that simplify and speed up complex and timeconsuming processes Increased multimedia support, including a new Animation Toolbar Starting PowerPoint The steps to activate PowerPoint are:

Click on the Start button in the taskbar Select the Programs option from the Start menu Click on the Microsoft PowerPoint option This invokes MS PowerPoint Creating a Blank Presentation The steps to create a blank presentation are: Select the New option from the File menu The New Presentation dialog box is displayed Select the General tab and double-click on the Blank Presentation icon The New Slide dialog box is displayed Select a suitable layout and click on the OK button Opening an Existing Presentation The steps to open an existing presentation are: Select the Open option from the File menu The Open dialog box will displayed Select the appropriate drive and folder Type the name of the file to be opened in the File name text box or select the file from the list Click on the Open button Saving a Presentation The steps to save a presentation are: Select Save option from the File menu The Save dialog box will display Enter the file name As you enter the file name, the Save button gets activated Click on the Save button To close a presentation, select the Close option from the File menu Exiting PowerPoint The steps to exit from PowerPoint are: Select Exit option from the File menu Shut cut to Power Point

1.To Start MS-PowerPoint : Start Programs Click on Microsoft PowerPoint. 2. To Create a Presentation : After Starting MS-PowerPoint, Click on Blank Presentation OK Choose a slide from auto layout OK. 3. To Insert another Slide : Go to Insert Menu New SlideSelect the Slide from the Auto Layout OK 4. To Change the Text Setting : Select the Text Format Font Select the Font Name Select the font Style Select the Font Size Select the Color OK. 5. To select the Design in the Background : Format Apply design Temples Select the design Apply. 6. To change the Background Color : Format Background Click on Color Fill Effects Texture Choose One Style Ok. 7.To set the Animation for the Text : Go to Slide Show Menu Custom Animation Click on No Effect Box Choose the effect OK. 8. To set the Slide Animation & Timings : Slide Show Slide transaction Select the Effect from No Transaction Box Click on either Slow, Medium or Fast Click on Mouse click Box or Automatically After Enter the Seconds in Second Box Select sound from the Sound box Apply. 9.To view the Show, Two Methods : Go to View Menu Slide Show Go to Slide Show menu View Show. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Database Management Using MS-ACCESS 2003 Introduction to DBMS


Is a computer term for a collection of information concerning a: Topic Business application Helps you to organize related information in a logical manner for easy access and retrieval Can store information as: Lines of text Picture Sound Data management involves: Creating Data files Adding Data Modifying Data Deleting Data Software that allows you to perform these functions is known as Database Management System (DBMS) DBMS: Is the collection of data and the programs that: Helps you to retrieve the data Perform operations on the data Database: Is the container for the data and associated objects Includes: Tables Queries Forms Reports A Table: Stores data in a row-and-column format Every table focuses on one subject Fields in a table are the columns of information A record is a single row of information about a particular entity, like a book or a customer

A value is a specific piece of information in a table Creating of a Database :Creation of Database is very simple 1st Open the MS-ACCESS application & click on the Blanks Database radio button from the Window Display & OK. Now Give a name of the Database and click on Create button. Now the Database Window will Display with all the Database Objects as Table, Queries, Forms, Report. Now you can close the Database. Opening the Database : To open the Database 1st open the MS-ACCESS application then from the window Display click on the Existing File choose your database name and OK. Now your Database window will open. Other wise you can cancel this window and Click on File Menu and choose Open. Now a Dialog Box will Display. From the Dialog box choose your Database file and Click on Open. Creating a Table Using Design View :On the Database Window you will able to see the Table Option Below the Object Button. You will also able to see Open, Design, New Buttons on the Upper line. Now to Create a Table by Double Click on the Create Table on Design View Option on the Right Side. Now you will able to see 2 Columns Field Name & Data Type. Enter the Field name as Sl. No, Name, EMPID, DOB( Date of Birth), Address, Salary, TYS( Total Year of Service) at the Same time choose the Data Type for the Respective Fields as Auto Number, Text, Date/Time, Text, Currency. Now Go to File Menu and Click on Save option. Now he will ask for giving a Table Name. Give the table name as EMPLOYEE and Click on OK then from the Next Box Displayed NO. Now You will able to See the Table on your Database Window.

Opening The Table for Data Entry :To Enter data on the Table Click on the Table you have Created then Click on the Open Button. Now you can Enter Data Directly by using the Tab key for Going from one field to another. After entering data click on the save Button. Alternatively you can Double click on the table on the Database window to Open it Directly. You can Create any number of Tables on your Database. Creating a Form for Entering Data into the Table :From is nothing but a user friendly screen through which you can enter data to the table you have already create. To create a Form Double Click on the Create Form by using Wizard. Now from the wizard display choose your table name if you have multiple table on your database. Now Click on >> Button to add all the Fields now click on Next. Now Choose the layouts as Tabular or Columnar and Style also as anything. Now Choose the Style as you like after that give a Name For your form and click on Finish button to finish the Process. Now a Form will created and you can enter data to the Table using that Form. You can also navigate through the Data using the navigate Buttons Below. Creating Query For asking any Questions to the Tables :A Query is nothing but through which you can ask a Question to the Data you have stored on the Table. Otherwise it is defined as the Conditional Selection of Data. On the Database Window you will able to see the Query option. Click on that. Now double click on the Create Query on Design View option. Now Click on the table on which you want to create a Query if you have multiple Tables. Then click on the add then Close. Now Click on 1st cell on the the Field row and choose the Field from the table you want to Display just take the field as name and from the the 2nd cell choose the Salary field. Now in the Criteria cell of

Salary Field give the condition as > 10000, this will only display only those employees who are getting More than 10000 salary. Now click on the Save option & give a name for your Query. Now a Query Object you will able to see on the Database Window. You can Double click on the Query to Open it. Creating a Report using Report Wizard :A Report is nothing to present the Data From the table or a Queries I a meaningful and organized manner. 1st Click on the Report option on the object menu. Now To create a Report Double Click on the Create Report by using Wizard option Now from the wizard display choose your table name if you have multiple table on your database. Now Click on >> Button to add all the Fields now click on Next. Now Choose the layouts as Tabular or Columnar and Style also as anything. Now Choose the Style as you like after that give a Name For your form and click on Finish button to finish the Process. Now a Report will created and you will able to see the Report name on your Database Window. Internet & E-Mails INTRODUCTION The Internet is the network of thousands of computer networks. The networks making up the Internet consist of million of computer systems. These computers and networks communicate by exchanging data according to the same rule (protocol) even though the networks and computer systems individually use different technologies. The Internet has a vast collection of information that can be searched, retrieved & downloaded electronically. This collection includes, data, text, govt. information, company profiles, images, art, medical information, sports, newspapers, journals, study materials, software, advice on all sorts of topics etc.

HOW THE INTERNET WORKS The Internet is a network connecting thousands of other computer networks. Each network on the Internet has a unique address called IP address. The IP addresses are unique; a sequence of four numbers each between 0 to 255 separated by periods. E.g. The Internet is designed so that the computer systems within one network can exchange information with computers on other networks. The sets of rules that govern this form of communication are called protocols. Using the same protocol, different types of networks & computer systems communicate with each other. Each computer network & the computer system need to have the necessary H/W and S/W to deal with the information in the form specified by the protocol. Two protocols used for working with the Internet are Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The Internet is a packet-switched network. The data/information is transmitted from one computer system to another as packets. Packet of characters (bytes) carries information on the Internet. Each packet has the address of the sender and the address of the destination. These addresses are called IP addresses. Using the TCP protocol, a single large message is divided into a sequence of packets and each is put into an IP packet. The packets are passed from one network to another until they reach their destination. At the destination, the TCP software reassembles the packets into a complete message. If packets are lost or damaged, a request is sent to resend them. Many of the Internet services operate according to a scheme called client/server. A user on one computer system starts a program that contacts another remote computer system. The client is the program the user is running & the server is running on the remote system. The user gives commands to the client, which passes the information to the server. The server interprets those commands and returns information to the client as requested.

The networks on the Internet use H/W or a device called router to communicate with other networks. The router accepts packets addressed to it and passes on packets addressed to other networks.


Networks and computer systems on the Internet exchange data and communicate with each other. An address is assigned to each network and each computer system within a network gets an address based on the networks address. These addresses are made up of a sequence of four numbers separated by periods. E.g. Each number is in the range of 0 to 255. Starting from the left, the numbers in the address identify a network and the numbers in the right identify a specific host/computer system. E.g. The network portion of the address is 164.100.140 and the host computer is 2. In this case the network can have 256 computer systems (0-255) connected. This type of address is called IP address. This numeric scheme of IP addresses works well for computer systems, but it is difficult for people to remember and type correctly for every Internet site they need to contact. Therefore, Internet sites also have names associated with them. E.g. ori.nic.in. The name is called a domain name. Like the IP addresses, domain names are a sequence of words separated by periods. There are at least two words and can have three or four or more. The name of the computer system is on the left and the network on the right. This is just opposite of the numeric address system. The collection of networks making up the Internet is divided into groups called domains. The domains represent either a type of organization or a geographical location. E.g. a site in the domain edu would be an educational institution and a site in the domain tx.us would be in Texas in US. Each IP address (numeric address) is associated with one or more domain names. An address specified as a domain name is automatically converted to the IP address. e.g. ori.nic.in IPaddress

Computer Name Short cut to Internet

Network Name

Is a Network. Is a network of networks. Is a source of information. Is an information super high way that compressed the world in to one cyber colony. Is a global collection of computer networks that people used to exchange and locate information? NETWORK Is a nothing but communication between sender and receiver. A computer network can be established by connecting some computers through cables. Examples of some network are : 1. Telephone network. 2. Cable TV network. TYPES OF NETWORK 1. LAN (Local Area Network) It can be established within a office or a building. It used cables for connectivity. 2. MAN ( Metro Politan Network) It can be established within a city. Best example is local Cable TV . 3. WAN( Wide Area Network) It is available throughout the world. It uses satellite for the communication. Internet is a best example for this. ISD also. ADVANTAGES OF NETWORK Sharing of resources like software and hardware Communication

Security. So Internet is a Network of computers throughout the world. Informations are stored in different Servers available in different part of world. SERVER is nothing but a Computer in which data and informations are stored that can be access by any person has a Internet connection with him or a connection to the Computer. REQUEREMENTS FOR INTERNET A PC WITH MULTIMEDIA READY A NO PROBLEM TELEPHONE LINE A MODEM A ISP CONNECTION ISP : Internet Service provider. Is a company that provides access to the Internet. Examples : AIRTEL, TATA DOCOMO BSNL ( Bharrat Sanchar Nigam LTD.) ORTEL (SKYVIEW) AIRCEL, VODAFONE MODEM If you are browsing the Internet then you have to use telephone line as communication media. But in telephone line only ANALOG signal can transferred. But computer sends DIGITAL signals. So a contradiction is coming. To avoid this we have to use MODEM. MODEM will convert your data into ANALOG form that can be transmit through Telephone line. MODEM is a device, which will convert the digital signal to analog and reverse. MODE OF EXPENCESS IF ( DIAL UP SYSTEM ) Here the speed is up to 156 KBPS. If you are browsing Internet then in 2 mode you have to pay. Ist if you are accessing Net for 5 hours then these 5 hrs will cut from your account which you had taken from any ISP by Paying some amount for 100,200,500 hours like this.

2nd one you are using the Telephone line for browsing the Internet. So for any nos of hours you are browsing the local telephone charges will come in your telephone bill for the respective hours.. SOFTWARE REQUREMENT Windows XP/7 as OS S/W Browsing S/W through which you can Access Internet. Internet Explorer(IE) Netscape Communicator Google Chrome Opera STEPS TO BROWSE INTERNET If you have an Internet connection in your PC then a double computer picture will be blinking on your right button corner of your Task bar you will able to see. In Cyber Caf you will not able to see this symbols. It will only available on the server. Then you can double click or open any one of the browsing s/w available on your desktop to Browse Internet. Then on the address bar write any one address of a web site( A collection of Web-Pages) like 1. www.odishagov.nic.in ( A Govt. of Orissa web-site) 2. www.rediff.com ( A commercial web-site) 3. www.zeenews.com ( A News giving web site ) 4. www.manipalit.com ( A University on the Web) 5. www.deathclock.com ( It will tell your personal day of Death) 6. www.orissakhabar.com ( A web-site on Orissa ) 7. www.shekhargurera.com ( Go for comedy ) Some Job Portals 1. www.naukri.com 2. www.timesjob.com 3. www.clickjobs.com 4. www.hotjobs.com

Some News Giving Web-Sites 1. www.ddinews.com (Live Video) 2. www.allindiaradio.com 3. www.zeenews.com 4. www.cnn.com 5. www.ndtv.com 6. www.ajjtak.com 7. www.foxnews.com 8. www.bbcworld.org Do you want to know any results :1. http://orissaresults.nic.in 2. http://chseorissa.nic.in Want to know about water in INDIA www.everythingaboutwater.com Dr. H2O will give Answer to your Question Then press the enter key. Now you will able to see some test, pictures, animations. This is known as a web page. And this web page is developed by HTML language. HTML : Hypertext Mark-up language, A language Used for developing the Web page that u r able to see When u r browsing the Internet. Another Important thing if you will take your mouse pointer to a particular test and you will able to see a hand symbol instead of the pointer, that is known as hyperlink . if you will click here then you will get more information on that topic, like this you can go to deep and deep and get more information that you like. And That text on which you will click for getting more information is known as Hypertext. In the IE screen u will able to see Back and Forward Toolbar through which u can back to the previous pages u have already visited and in the same manner also the forwarding. You can also Print, Save the pages u r visited by going to the File Menu of IE.

You can click on the Stop button for stopping visit of the current page. Then on the address bar write another address then press enter key for going to another site. You can ask one query what are www, .com and .org and .net OK here is the answer for you. www : World Wide Web ( Is a world wide servers interconnected through out the world) .com : Site of a commercial Organization. .org : A non-profit Govt. organization. .net : A network. .edu : Educational Institutions .co.in : For registered commercial organizations .gov.in : For govt. organization. .net.in : For network service provider. These are known as domain names. Are you a Horticulturist ? Go for the following Portals www.gardenguides.com www.thegardenhelper.com www.plantcare.com www.bgh.com www.hort.net www.garden.org www.gargenweb.com Broad band Internet Connection In these type of Internet connection the same telephone line can be used for telephone as well as net browsing. There will be no telephone bill for Internet browsing and no need to pay to the Internet Service provider. Only you have to pay a certain amount for certain amount of data. In Bhubaneswar BSNL and Ortel is giving Broad Band Services. For Ortel no Telephone line required. E-MAIL DETAILS E-mail stands for Electronic mails. Through Internet you can send messages to a distance place within a minute, For that you have to

create an e-mail account in any one of the site that provide the email services. Open www.rediff.com and click on Sign-up for creating a new account. Then fill up a form supplied by the site then click on submit button.

If your details is accepted then you will get a congratulation msg. with your account details.

e-mail addresses
An e-mail address on the Internet usually has the form Local_address@domain _name The local address is the users log-in name. That is followed by the character @ and to its right is the domain name of the computer system of the user. e.g. image@rediff.com


domain name

The e-mail has three main parts. Now you are the existing user.

Just go to the rediffmal.com and supplied the username and password and click on GO or sign in.

Then you will able to go your INBOX where you will able to see the incoming MSGs and you will able to send a MSG to others. If you want to send a new msg. then click on Compose then you will get the To, CC, BCC and area Box to write the msg. . After writing click on the Send Button. On To Box write the address of the person you want to send the msg. CC a copy to another address and BCC a copy in self-address. Then you will get the confirmation msg. whether your msg. has gone or failure. If 2nd one then send again and check the address. For coming out or closing the secession click on the LOGOUT Button. Some of the sites where you can open your e-mail ID. 1. www.sify.com 2. www.yahoo.com 3. www.zeenext.com 4. www.indiatimes.com 5. www.hotmail.com 6. www.usa.net 7. www.37.com Search Engines Search engines are the programs through which you can search information on a particular word throughout the world. in many of the commercial websites you will get a search engine.

Apart from this we will also get some separate website through which we can search the world exclusively. Some popular search engines 1.www.goto.com 2.www.khoj.com 3.www.google.com


Web Designing using HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A Platform independence Text formatting language used for designing the Web-Page. The World Wide Web uses HTML documents for communication. A Web-Page is nothing but a page that will come when you will visit any website. That Website contain some Web-pages. These WebPages are designed using the HTML language. When you are designing a web page you have to see the Font size, color, style, Body Background, Hyperlinks, Moving Objects & Texts. Lets discussed the procedure for writing and interpreting a page containing the HTML code. This is very simple. At first create a Folder under C: ( Hard Disk) by giving any name like webdesign. Now open Notepad application and write the HTML code there. Then save this file under your Folder that you have created by giving a name like xx.htm or xx.html. Now Open the Internet Explorer and on the address bar write the path of your HTML file. Like C:\webdesign\xx.htm and press the Enter key. Now you will able to see the page you have designed using html codes. Lets discussed what a html code or Tag a HTML file contain :-

<html> <title>This is a Sample Web page</title> <body> <h1> Welcome to My Web page</h1> </body> </html>

Remember this code will only written in a Notepad file. A html file will start with a html tag and end with a html tag also. Title tag means in the Internet Explore title bar this is a Sample Web page will display. Then start the body tag. Inside the body you can write any tag like h1 this is nothing but one size of Font Size. The output of the above code file given below.

Lets discussed some other HTML tags and its effect. One thing I want to clear that for writing the HTML tag you can use uppercase letters or lowercase letters.
1. To give the Body background color the Syntax is :

<body bgcolor=green>
2. To give the body Text color

<body text=red>
3. To bring a picture in the Body

<body background=C:\webdesign\aa.gif
4. To giving the Font color

<font color=blue>Your Text Here</font>

5. To specify the font size

<font size=10>Your Text Here</font>

6. To give the font face

<font face=Arial Black>Your Text Here</font>

7. To give a line break

8. To make the text Bold, Italic, Underline

<b>Your Text here</b> <I>Your Text Here</I>

<u>Your text Here</u>

9. To place the Text in the Middle of the page

<center>Your text here</center>

10. If you want to write some thing in the html file but that will not display on the web-page then

<comment>Your Text Here</comment>

11. If you want to scroll the Text through the document then

<marquee>Your Text Here</marquee>

12. If you want to put a horizontal line in the page then

<hr size=5 width=200 align=left>

You can give align right, center also. 13. Heading tags, HTML support six levels of Headings.

<h1>Your Text here</h1> <h2>Your Text here</h2> <h3>Your Text here</h3> <h4>Your Text here</h4> <h5>Your Text here</h5> <h6>Your Text here</h6>
14. To make a Hyperlink means if you will click on any word or sentence on the page then another page will open. To do that : <a href=C:\webdesign\bb.htm>Another Page</a> Here bb.htm is another page that will open if you will click on the words

Another Page
15. To Give the Body margin

<body leftmargine=60> <body topmargin=60>

16. Setting the BGPROPERTIES When the bgproperties element is set to fixed, it allows the fixing of the background image so that it doesnt scroll as a normal background image. The syntax is :

16. Graphics in the HTML Documents: The image element is used to incorporate in-line graphics into an HTML Document. The Syntax is :

<img src=C:\webdesign\bb.gif>
17. To write a Sub Script element Example Log10100 Here the base 10 is the Sub script.

<sub>This part</sub>
18. To write the Supper Script element like 53 here 3 is the super script.

<sup>this part</sup>
MS-FRONTPAGE 2000 MS FrontPage is basically a Web Designing Package. It is some what similar to MS Word application with additional designing techniques as compatible to Web. Here we dont have to write the HTML tags for designing. We will just design the page as we are normally working in the MS WORD application. The FrontPage will automatically generate the code. If you want then can view the HTML codes that FrontPage generate internally. To Start with FrontPage Just go to Start menu in the Taskbar & from there Open the Microsoft FrontPage as you are opening the other MS Office applications.

You will able to see the above screen when you will open the MS FrontPage 2000 Software. Here you will able to see three views Normal, HTML, Preview. You can use the Normal view to designed the page. You can

see how the page will looks in the Browser( Internet Explorer).You can use the HTML view to see what code Front Page is Generating. Now start typing in Normal view. You can type or design anything you like to make your page attractive. For that you can use the Formatting toolbar as well as the Standard toolbar for putting a Table and Picture on your Web Page. I will not discuss how to format the page because that is you know very well in MS Word application. For that you can refer to MS-Word material in MS-OFFICE kits. Just type anything then select the Text using mouse then click on Bold, Italic, etc. Buttons to apply the functions. After designing the page save the page under one Folder under C: Now you can close the FrontPage application and directly go to your Folder and open your file. That will open in Internet Explorer Window. Paragraph Setting : In FrontPage software the paragraph setting is somewhat important because you can not type Normally as you are doing in the MS-WORD application. You can see the difference while working. To set the Paragraph : Go to Format => Paragraph => From here you can specify the alignment, indentation, Spacing (After, Before, Word), Line Spacing. While choosing you can see the Preview also how it will looks. Table : Table play a important role in a Web Page. You can put a verity of information in form of tables. To do this : Go to Table Menu => Insert => Then Specify the No of Rows, Columns, Alignment, Border Size, Cell padding, Cell Spacing then OK. Now you can write any Information in these cells in the table and Format it also. Hyperlink : Hyperlink is nothing but when you will take your pointer to a particular word or sentence in the Web Page, It will converted into a hand symbol this is known as Hyperlink. If you will click there you will get further information about that topic. Lets discussed how to do this.

Just think that you are designing a Web Site for representing Agriculture. You design your 1st page by giving the heading as Exploring Agriculture. This will your Home Page ( 1st page that will display when any body will visit your web Site.) From that page you can give link to different page like Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, Sericulture. So by giving bullets write these terms. Then design the separate Web pages for different branches and save them under the same Folder. Now Select the 1st one go to Insert menu choose Hyperlink now you will able to see you Web Pages that you have designed for different branches. Click on one then OK. Now you will able to see the color of that word has been changed. That means that word has been linked to on page. Similarly you can link the other words to there related pages. Marquee: This is a Technique if you will apply to any Sentence then that will scroll through the page. To do this selects the Sentence of Text on which you want to apply marquee. Goto Insert => Component => Marquee => Now select the appropriate option like Direction, Speed, Behavior ,Align with Text, Size, back ground color. Then OK. To see the effect click on the Preview. Background: You can give a suitable Background color to your page. To do this Goto => Format => Background => Choose a Color from Background option. Then OK. Page Transaction: This is a Technique using which you can get a attractive opening Transaction in your page like Box in, Box out, Circle in, Circle out ect. To do this : Goto Format => Page Transaction => Now from Even Combo Box Choose Page Enter => Now select suitable Transaction then OK. Inserting a Picture : You can insert a picture to your web page and you can move it appropriate place.

To do this Go to Insert Menu => Picture => Clipart = Click on any Category => A Group of picture will Display => Now Click on one then right click and choose insert. Now you will able to see the picture in your page. But if you want to move this picture click on the Position absolutely Toolbar below in the Picture Toolbar. Now click on the picture and drag it to any position. Dynamic HTML effect : Now we will discuss how to give Dynamic effect to the Web page like animation to the Text. You will able to see the Dynamic effect Toolbar on your FrontPage Screen. If not then go to View => Toolbar => Click on Dynamic HTML toolbar. To do this Select your Word or Sentence from the page. Now from the On Box on the Dynamic HTML toolbar choose Page load. Then from the Apply Box choose the appropriate effect like Hop, Spiral, Wipe, Wave, etc. Then to see the actual effect click on the Preview. Frames : Frames allows you to divide the Page into different regions. Each regions can be locate to different pages. Lets see how it looks.

As you are watching the main area is divided into 3 sub regions. You can design different pages and give link to different frames.

To do this designed 3 pages give name as Frame1, frame2, Frame3 and save them under the same Folder in which you are doing everything. Now click on the Set initial page and from the displayed dialog box select the page to which you want to link. Then Ok. You can repeat the same process for all three frames. Now click on the Preview to see how it will looks. You can try more options with your own.

Hardware Settings
Troubleshooting System Unit (CPU) Problem The Computer doesnt get powered Non-System Disk or disk error Keyboard Keyboard doesnt respond at all or prints wrong character Keyboard allows you to enter either uppercase or lowercase character only. Mouse Moving the Mouse doesnt produce corresponding movement in the onscreen cursor The movement of the onscreen cursor

Possible Causes Bad power supply Non-bootable floppy in the Drive 1. Bad or loose cable 2. Bad circuitry The shift or caps lock key may be stuck

Remedies Use another point and check if it works Remove the Floppy and boot again 1. Re-Connect the cable 2. Call engineer Loosen Key

Ball is coated with dirt

Extract the ball by the cover underneath the mouse and wash in warm water with soap; dry and replace Straighten the cable

The mouse cable is knotted/twisted

is erratic The mouse is not responding at all to any movement Printer Printer neither dies nor power on.

The mouse cable may be broken

Replace the cable

Power supply not connected or switched on Bad cable or loose connection

Connect or switch on supply Check connection or change cable and test Change power point and get supply checked

Monitor(Visual Display Unit) First line of the Alignment problems display not on the top line of the screen Display not covering Alignment problem the whole screen but is compressed in the center of the screen Display not stable Power supply fluctuation Interference from other devices, such as an electric heater, vacuum cleaner, etc. Loose contact in VDU socket

Use the V-shirt to adjust the display

Use H-shirt control to adjust the display

Change power supply point Shut off these devices or shirt the computer location

Display suddenly vanishes and reappears

Check and replace if necessary

No display

Bad connection within the system Bad cable Brightness maladjustment Bad monitor or system problem Monitor maladjustment Color signals are not proper

Call engineer Change cable Adjust brightness to maximum Call engineer Adjust monitor controls Call engineer

Bad or no color

IT in small Business:Common Business Applications:Financial Accounting Inventory System Payroll System Production Planning & Control Sales and Marketing Financial Accounting :Every Business needs to systematically maintain records of all business transactions that take place. The management needs reports to apprise them the financial performance of the company. Financial accounting is the process of recording, classifying and reporting of the financial data of a business and preparation of financial reports. For Maintaining & Preparing these repots IT applications can play a major role, resulting a bookless or paperless accounting system in the office with speed, accuracy, less manpower utilization.

Large Companies have their own accounting packages, but many packages are available for the PC. Which you can purchase and install in your PC. They are often modular, so that you can computerize those parts of your accounts where time can be saved. An accounts Package could do any or all of these things. 1. Payroll 2. Tax Returns Some Popular Accounting 3.Check Production Packages are :4. General ledger 1. Tally 2. MS MONEY 5. Accounts Payable 3. WINCA 6.Account receivable 4. Ex-Next Generation 7. Profit & Loss Account 5. FOCUS 8. Balance Sheet

Inventory System :Inventory refers to all materials within an organization that don't constitute a part of the capital goods, equipment or buildings. An Inventory Control system is crucial for any organization. It is required to maintain the Optimum level of Inventory. Maintaining Inventory System properly is important because excess or under inventory causes losses to the organization. Inventory Control means controlling the amount of Inventory we store so as to minimize the cost. A Simple Computerized Inventory Control System should do the following Tasks : Prepare Purchase Order for Items. Generate Inventory Status Report You can use:MS-EXCEL Overdue Delivery Report MS-ACCESS Goods Received Note Lotus 1-2-3 Material Requisition Slip Lotus Approach Maintained Inventory Master File Or Generate Specific Supplier Item file. pkgs for those Purpose.

Item Transaction File Payroll System :Pay is key to work. It is very important from the Organizations as well as employees point of view. This important calculation cannot be error-prone or mis-timed. So, speeder and accurate maintenance of the payroll becomes a mater of importance. Payroll may be calculated on weekly, bimonthly or monthly basis. The System should be able to handle permanent and non-permanent employees. Payroll data file should contain information on : 1. Each employee's pay history 2. Loan Details 3. Deductions 4. Total Earning 5. Net Earning A Payroll System Computerized Application can be Generated by using any Computer language like C, C++, Visual C++. Otherwise MS-EXCEL, MS-ACCESS, DBASE, FOXPRO, FOXBASE are the best Packages for this purpose. Among them MS-EXCEL is very popular one. Sales & Marketing :As you know sales and marketing is the vital part of the business, it is agreed that planning is good to begin. But if it is not coupled with frequent evaluation of progress, it may not yield the desired results. Reporting is the method of evaluation of the progress against the plans. There are three basic component of Business function. These are material, Money and manpower. All the three have to managed effectively to maximize profit. Daily Sales Report, Monthly Sales( Product-Wise) Report, monthly Sales(Salesperson-Wise) Report, Target variance Report, Outstanding Payments Report. The basic data required which is required by almost all sales reports is about products, salespersons, departments, customers and

transactions that take place between Selling Organization and the Customer. It is therefore ideal to maintain information on all of them in different Computer files like Item file, Customer file, Salesperson file, Sales file. For maintaining all these details you can choose MS-Excel, MSAccess, FoxPro, FoxBASE, Dbase, Lotus Approach Production Planning & Control :Production Planning & Control applications utilize Computers for processing, storage and reporting of information associated with various operations. Data regarding products, Production schedules and production expenses can be maintained in the Computer. DBMS( Database Management File maintained under PPC System & RDBMS ( Relational Database Management System) Item master file Master Production Schedule file can be used for this purpose. MS-ACCESS & MS-SQL Bill of material file SERVER are the DBMS & RDBMS Packages. Raw material Requirement File Finished Good File Production Expenses File Other areas where IT applications are used in small Organizations:On Documentation On Advertising On Communication On Making Business Presentations On Data Keeping & Analyzing Documentation:Every Organization that may be small or big, Documentation work is must. Taking from normal letter writing to Preparing Report you can take help of Word Processing pkgs for effective Documentation. Some popular Word processing packages are : WORD STAR(OLD) WORD PERFECT(OLD) MS-Write(OLD) MS-WORD

LOTUS WODPRO In these pkgs you will able to see many built in techniques like Spell, Grammar Check, Cut, Copy, Paste, ect using which you can make effective Documentation Work. Advertising :Advertising is the most essential part of the business without which Business will Shut Down now a days. But for effective advertising you need attractive Leaflets, Banners, Visiting Card ect. These requirements you can full fill if you have a PC with your office. All these you can designed yourself using Some DTP( Desktop Publishing Packages) according to your requirement. Some Popular DTP Packages are : 1. Adobe Page Maker 2. Corel Draw 3. Adobe PhotoShop 4. MS-Word Now a days advertising is also coming in Local Cable TV and other private TV Channels. In which they are showing some attractive Text Plus Still Graphics and Animated Clippings also. All those you can create yourself in your Personal Computer with the use of some Graphics & Animation Pkgs. These pkgs are all Graphical and not hard to learn. Some Animation Packages are : 1. Macromedia Flash 2. Dream weaver 3. Illusion 4. Paint Shop In that way you can save your money because advertising is a continues process every time it has to be changed and more features oriented as there is a competition in the market. Apart from this you can choose INTERNET as the latest platform for advertising. Now a days every organization has a Website of his Own. In which he is advertising his Product details to attract his customer. It is also a cheapest platform for advertising.

Web-Designing Pkgs : 1. HTML, DHTML 2. MS-FRONTPAGE Communication:As you know Communication is a vital part of a business in this regard Postal Mail, Speed Post, Currier, Telephone, FAX all may time consuming & costly for your small business on the changing Business Scenario. E-Mail may be the most cheapest and reliable media for effective Communication Now a Days. You can send Text(100 Pages or more),Voice, Graphics, to a distance place, which is interactive one and that can be edited at the other end, which is not possible in other Traditional communication system. Now without a e-mail address your address is not a complete one for your Organization.
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