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Date 6 June. 7 June. 8 June. 9 June. 10 June. 11 June. 12 June. 13 June. 14 June. 15 June. 16 June. 17 June. 18 June. 19 June. 20 June. 21 June. 22 June. 23 June. 24 June. 25 June. 26 June. 27 June. 28 June. 29 June. 29 June. 30 June. 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July Day Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Units Orientation 1 Orientation 2 Answer Writing Skills Fundamentals of Geog. + Mapping 1 Fundamentals of Geog. + Mapping 2 Fundamentals of Geog. + Mapping 3 Fundamentals of Geog. + Mapping 4 Fundamentals of Envir. & Ecology - 1 Fundamentals of Envir. & Ecology - 2 Oceanography 1 + (Basic Geog.) Oceanography 2 Oceanography 3 Oceanography 4 Oceanography 5 Oceanography 6 Oceanography 7 10 Years Questions Discussion Oceanography 8 Test - I Geomorphology-1 Geomorphology -2 Geomorphology -3 Geomorphology -4 Geomorphology -5 Geomorphology -6 Geomorphology -7 Holiday Geomorphology -8 Geomorphology -9 Geomorphology -10 Geomorphology -11 Geomorphology -12 Geomorphology -13 Test - II Geomorphology -14 10 Years Questions Discussion Geomorphology -15 Climatology 1 Climatology 2 Climatology 3 Climatology 4 Reserve Day Climatology 5 Climatology 6 Climatology 7 Climatology 8 Climatology 9 Climatology 10 Test - III Climatology 11 Climatology - 12 Climatology - 13 Climatology 14 10 Years Questions Discussion Bio-Geography - 1 Bio-Geography 2 Bio-Geography 3 Env. Geog. + Contemporary Issues 1 Env. Geog. + Contemporary Issues 2 Env. Geog. + Contemporary Issues 3 Env. Geog. + Contemporary Issues 4 + India (Physical) + Mapping - 1 India (Physical) + Mapping - 2 Topics and Sub Topics Reference Books Old NCERT VI-VII&VIII Old + New XI&XII

Certificate in Physical Geography G.C. Leong

Geological Time scale, Ocean dynamics, Ocean zoning, Bottom Topography of the Atlantic, Indian and pacific Oceans. Temperature and salinity of the Oceans, Heat and Salt Budgets. Ocean Currents. Oceanic Waves and Tides Coral Reefs and coral Bleaching Ocean Deposits, Sea level change. Marine Resources; Biotic, Mineral and Energy Resources, marine pollution. Origins and Evolution of the earths crust. Physical conditions of the Earths interior. Earths Magnetism Seismic waves and Earths Interior. Factors controlling land form development., Endogenetic and exogenetic Forces. Continental Drift Theory Polar Wandering, Geomagnetism, Paleo magnetism, Geo-magnetic Reversal, Sea floor spreading Reserve Day Plate Tectonic & Mountain Building, ISO-Seismic studies Plate Tectonics & Earthquake, Plate Tectonics & volcanism Isostacy: Def, Theories, Modern views, PT & Isostacy Geosynclines : Concept, Classification, Theories, PT & Geosynclines Landscape development: Cyclic & Cyclics views. Geomorphic cycle: Davis & Penck Slope development (L.C. King, Strahler & J.T. Hack.) Denudational Chronology: (Hutton, lyoll, J. T. Hack, Strahler), Erosional Surface Channel Morphology Economic geology, Geo-hydrology. Applied geomorphology & Environment. Origin of Atmosphere, Composition of the Atmosphere, Temp. belts, insolation & heat Budget, Physics & mechanism Atmospheric pressure, Pressure belts, Atmospheric circulation, Tricellular Meridional circulation Jet Stream, Planetary & Local winds Cloud, Humidity, Precipitation: Types & Distribution, Theories Atmospheric stability & instability, Weather & climate Airmass: Classification, Origin, Character, related weather., Fronts & related Weather Cyclones: Temperate & Tropical, Origin, Charact, Movement & related weather I Cyclones: Temperate & Tropical, Origin, Charact, Movement & related weather - II Climatic classification: Genetic vs Empirical vs Mathematical. Koppens Classification: Critical appraisal Thornthwaite Classification Trewartha classification, critical appraisal, Comparison: Koppen & Trewartha, Urban Climate Global Climatic Change, Global Warming; its impact, Role of man in climate change Applied climatology - I Applied climatology - II Soil: Def, Charact, Soil Profile, Soil genesis, Soil Distribution Soil Erosion and Conservation. Factor controlling the distribution of plants and animals Problems of deforestation and conservation, Social forestry, a group forestry, wild life, major gene pool centres. Principle ecology; Human ecological adaptations; Influence of man on ecology and environment. Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances; Ecosystem their management and conservation Environmental degradation, management and conservation; Biodiversity and sustainable development, Environmental policy Environment hazards and remedial measures; Environmental education and legislation. Geological History, Str vs. Relief. Triple tectonic. Div. Str. and Relief of Himalayas and Indo-Gang. Plains. Physiogeograpic region of Extra- Peninsular India.

Oceanography for Geography RC Sharma & M. Vatal

A Textbook of Geomorphology P. Dayal

Geography Made Simple - 1

Climatology D.S. Lal

Geography Made Simple - I

Geography Made Simple - I

30 July 31 July 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug.

The Wed Thu Fri Sat

Environmental Geography Savindra Singh

4 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 1 Sep. 2 Sep. 3 Sep. 4 Sep. 5 Sep. 6 Sep. 7 Sep. 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. 12 Sep. 13 Sep. 14 Sep. 15 Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Sep. 22 Sep. 23 Sep.

Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon The Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon

Test - IV India (Physical) + Mapping - 3 India (Physical) + Mapping - 4 India (Physical) + Mapping - 5 India (Physical) + Mapping - 6 India (Physical) - 7 + CI India (Physical) - 8 + CI Holiday India (Physical) - 9 + CI India (Physical) 10 + CI Economic Geog. -1 Independence day Holiday Economic Geog.- 2 + (Resource) Economic Geog. -3 + (Industry Test - V Economic Geog. - 4 + (Industry) Economic Geog. - 5 + (India Resource) Economic Geog. - 6 + (India Resource) Industry 1 10 Years Questions Discussion Industry 2 Industry - 3 Test - VI Trade & Transport 1 Trade & Transport - 2 Trade & Transport - 3 Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) - 1 Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) 2 Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) 3 Reserve Day Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) 4 Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) 5 Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) 6 Agri. Geog. (Paper-II) 7 Settlement (I + II) 1 Settlement (I + II) 2 Test - VII Settlement (I + II) 3 Settlement (I + II) 4 Settlement (I + II) 5 10 Years Questions Discussion Settlement (I + II) 6 Settlement (I + II) 7 + Models in settlements RDP + Models - 1 Test - VIII RDP + Models 2 RDP + Models 3 RDP + Models 4 RDP + Models 5 Political Geog. 1 Political Geog. 2 Political Geog. 3 Perspective in Human Geog. (Long day class) Population 1 + 2

Str. and Relief of Peninsular India, Denudational Chronology of Peninsular, India, Island Region Monsoon as a World Phenomenon, sub continental Phenomenon Elnino, Lanino, Enso, S-0 and walker cell, relation with Indian monsoon, R-F distribution, Tropical cyclone disturbance & westerlies Drainage pattern Soil of India, Regional distribution, Char. and linkage with climate and vegetation Vegetation and Forest resources of India Climatic Region of India, Landslide, Earthquake zone Flood and drought: as manifestation of errant Monsoon and Contemporary Issues World economic development; measurement and problems, the limits to growth World resources and their distribution, Energy crisis, World agriculture: agricultural problems. World industries: locational pattern and problems; patterns of world trade. Weber industrial location theory. Energy, biotic and marine resources, forest and wild life resources and their conservation. Land, surface and ground water, Energy crisis. Development of industries, cotton, Jute, Textile, Iron-steel, Aluminum, Fertilizer Chemical, and Pharmaceutical, Automobile, Industrial Regions of India, MNCs, New Industrial Policy, Multinationals and liberalization. Tourism including eco-tourism, Developments in communication and information technology and their impacts on economy and society. Trade balance; Trade Policy; Export processing zones + Special Economic Zones. Road, Railway, Waterway, Airway Pipeline network and their complementary roles in regional development. Cropping pattern of India, Crop combination . Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency, Crop Intensity Green revolution, Social and Ecological impacts, White revolution and live stock resources Dry land farming, Aqua culture and Blue revolution. Agricultural Regionalization, Agro climatic zone. Agro-Ecological Regions, Seri culture, Irrigation. Land Capability, Role of institutional factor in agriculture Meaning of Rural Vs Urban Settlement Types and Pattern of Rural Settlement. Env. Issue in rural Settlement. Functional Classification of Towns: India and World, Meaning of Urban Hierarchy , Concept of Primate City. Rank size rule , (compare and contrast.) Sphere of urban influence, Satellite town. Rural urban Hierarchy, Urban sprawl. Urban Morphology and cross cultural comparison, conurbation and metropolitan. Town planning, Slum and associated problems, problems of urbanization and sustainable growth of cities Systems analysis in Human geography; Central Place theories of Christaller and Losch; Perroux and Boudeville. Von Thunens model of agricultural location; Rostovs model of stages of growth. Heartland and Rimland theories; Laws of international boundaries and frontiers. Concept of Region and type, quantification and quantitative method of Regionalization Growth Centre and growth pole: Perroux and Boudville (Model and theory) Regional imbalances, Strategies for regional development., Planning for sustainable development. Experiences of planning and 5 yrs. Plan. Panchayati Raj. Decentralized planning IRDP, Planning for backward Region: Desert. Hill. Tribal. Multilevel planning, CAD vs. Watershed. Geographical basis of Indian federalism; State reorganisation Emergence of new states; Regional consciousness and inter state issues. Indias role in world affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean realm. Areal differentiation; regional synthesis; dichotomy and dualism; Environmentalism; Quantitative revolution and locational analysis, radical, bevavioural, human and welfare approaches. Population theories, Economic vs Biological Malthus, Marx, Spencer, Saddler etc, Demographic transition theory. Comparison Marx vs Malthus. Growth and Distribution of pop. World and India. Migration: causes, consequences, theories current trends: int. and national. Pop. Explosion and policies, Race, language, ethnicity, Tribes, Religion and Secularization. Concept of over, under and optimum pop. Demographic Attributes: Sex Ratio, Literacy rate, age str. Etc. Comprehensive

India : A Comprehensive Geography D.R. Khullar

Geography of India R.C. Riwari

Geography Made Simple II

Economic Geography By Hartshone

Geography of India R.C.Tiwari

India Year Book

Urbanisation & Urban System in India R.Ramachandra B.N.Mande

Geography of India R.C.Tiwari

Political Geography R.D.Dikshit Geographical thought Sudipta Adhikari, R.D. Dikshit

24 Sep.


25 Sep.


Population 3 + 4 (Celebration Day)

Geography of Population R.C. Chandra

29 Sep.

Test- IX&X

Note World Mapping Classes every day 1 hr. Every Topic begins with the fundamental Concepts & basics. Ten years Question Paper discussion after Completion of the sections. Eight comprehensive Tests & assessment. Printed material & Class room notes . Personal guidance after the Class. Telephonic conversation & discussion with the teacher.

Digmani Educations
Mukherjee Nagar A-18 Top Floor, Young Chamber, Behind Batra Cinema, Delhi-9, Ph : - 27658009, 9311958008, 9311958009 Karol Bagh - 17- A/20, 3rd floor, Near Metro Station (Near Titan Showroom), Ajmal Khan Road, Delhi-60, Ph : - 28756008, 9311958007, 9311958008, 9311958009


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