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Section 3: Data Sheet

Total for criterion (iii) .. 50 *

(iv) Suitability of the transfer of knowledge (training) program:
Grand Total


NB : 40 % weighing of the staff points will be allocated to the

international Team Leader (TL and 60 % will be distributed evenly for
each member of the remaining key staff of the consultant.

Curriculum Vitae for key personnel assigned for the study to carry out
various tasks in each discipline should be included with the proposal to
arrive at the score (4) above. These personnel will be rated generally in
accordance with:
- their professional qualifications;
- their experience and adequacy for the assignment;
- their language and experience in the region.
The minimum technical score St required to pass is: 75 points out of 100.

The single currency for price conversions is: Yemeni Rials / Dirham (UAE)
The source of official selling rates is: Quoted by CBY / Coated by C.B (UAE)

The date of exchange rates is: Before 28 days of deadline submission


The formula for determining the financial scores is the following:

Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price
and F the price of the proposal under consideration.
The weights given to the Technical (T) and Financial (F) Proposals are:
T = 0.80, and
F = 0.20 respectively.
The minimum technical score St required to pass is: [_75_] Points


Expected date and address for contract negotiations:

(on __________ at ______ AM)
The Employers representative is: _______________________________
Address: . __________,
Telephone: ____________________



Expected date for commencement of consulting services


Section 4. Technical Proposal - Standard Forms

Section 4. Technical Proposal - Standard Forms


Section 4. Technical Proposal - Standard Forms

[Comments in brackets [ ] provide guidance to the shortlisted Consultants for the

preparation of their Technical Proposals; they should not appear on the Technical Proposals
to be submitted.]
Refer to Reference Paragraph 3.4 of the Data Sheet for format of Technical Proposal to be
submitted, and paragraph 3.4 of Section 2 of the RFP for Standard Forms required and
number of pages recommended.

Form TECH-1: Technical Proposal Submission Form ............................................................35

Form TECH-2: Consultants Organization and Experience ....................................................36
A - Consultants Organization ...........................................................................................36
B - Consultants Experience ..............................................................................................37
Form TECH-3: Comments and Suggestions on the Terms of Reference and
on Counterpart Staff and Facilities to be Provided by the Employer ................................38
A - On the Terms of Reference ..........................................................................................38
B - On Counterpart Staff and Facilities .............................................................................39
Form TECH-4
Description of Approach, Methodology and Work Plan
for Performing the Assignment ..........................................................................................40
Form TECH-5: Team Composition and Task Assignments ....................................................41
Form TECH-6: Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Professional Staff................................42
Form TECH-7: Staffing Schedule ...........................................................................................44
Form TECH-8 Work Schedule ..............................................................................................45


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