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Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2

Professor B Mahadevan
October 05, 2010
Relevance of Gita
Steady buddhi is very powerful !
What does - |F6 l- eventually leads us to?
Calming of the mind
Measured response to outside stimuli
Turning the attention inwards
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Turning the attention inwards
Becoming more and more thoughtful, silent,
composed etc.
Silence Thoughtful Solves many questions
Helps you explore deepest pockets of ones own self
Relevance of Gita
Develop a good sense of the senses !
A stable person, a person without conflicts in
life and a happy person invariably will
By running away from sense objects nobody
attains inner peace. It does not depend on the
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
attains inner peace. It does not depend on the
presence or absence of sense objects in the outer
Ensure that the senses are controlled by the
buddhi and not vice versa
Will not let thoughts and actions go astray
* + 4l H B4F4 TlPl4 B4 |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 B4 |94 4|6
|F6 9- - |F6 l-
Attributes of |F6 9- (54)
Casting away all desires of mind & turning
the attention inwards (55)
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
How to handle
experiences? (56)
How to react to real
time events? (57)
Using the freedom
of choice (59)
Precautions about
misapplication of the idea (58)
Understand the power of
senses (60 - 68)
|6l4l5\4l4- |6l4l5\4l4- |6l4l5\4l4- |6l4l5\4l4-
Bl=44l- Bl=44l- Bl=44l- Bl=44l-
Slokas 60 - 61
The senses are too powerful !
466l G|9 Tl-64 969F4 |49|6-
|-4l|T 9Pll|+ (|-6 9B P+-+2.60.
The turbulent senses violently snatch away the
mind of even a wise man
T4- + t4=|6 !
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
mind of even a wise man
6l|+ B4l|T B44 416 HlBl6 Pt9-
4H |( 4F4|-4l|T 6F4 9l 9|6|U6l+ 2.61.
A person in whose control are his/her senses can be
in a state of steady wisdom.
T4- + t4=|6 !
Slokas 62 63
Uncontrolled senses can ruin individuals
\4l46l |494l-9B- BqF699=l46
BqltB=l46 TlP- TlPlt4ll5|=l46+ 2.62.
4ll4|6 BPl(- BPl(ltFP|6|4HP-
FP|6HHl( 4|&+lH- 4|&+lHlt9T74|6+ 2.63.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
FP|6HHl( 4|&+lH- 4|&+lHlt9T74|6+ 2.63.
Senses can lead to ultimately destroying an
individual if left unchecked
Effect of claiming fruits of action
A logical set of events
Association with
sense objects
Development of
Creates strong
\4l46l |494l-9B- BqF699=l46
BqltB=l46 TlP-
4ll4|6 BPl(-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Potential to
Generate anger
Results in
Clouds memory,
Reason, intellect
Loss of
Leading to
Ultimate perishability
4ll4|6 BPl(-
FP|6HHl( 4|&+lH-
Every major blunder in decision making in personal & corporate life could be explained with this
framework; It often starts with deep desire for fruits of action
Slokas 64 - 65
l9|4416F6 |494l|+|-4+
HltP474|44ltPl 9Bl(P|7|6+2.64.
Using the sense apparatuses free from Raga and
Dvesha, be engrossed in inner self one attains
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Dvesha, be engrossed in inner self one attains
ultimate bliss & benefit of the efforts
9Bl( B4-Gl+l (l|+F4l9=l46
9B6Bl GlH 4|&- 944|6U6+ 2.65.
At this state of the mind, one is devoid of all
Slokas 66 - 67
+l|F6 4|&416F4 + l416F4 l4+l
+ ll446- Hl|-6- HHl-6F4 T6- BGP+2.66.
Where is peace of mind for the unseasoned person?
|-4lTl |( 6l 4-P+l5+|4l46
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|-4lTl |( 6l 4-P+l5+|4l46
6(F4 (|6 9l 4l4+l4|P4l|B+ 2.67.
Those under the control of the senses are distracted
in many ways like a wind navigating a boat (without
a boatman)
Why do we feel empty at times?
No knowledge
of the Quintessential
Cannot deeply
Meditate on the
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Wandering thoughts
Distracting ideas &
No Peace of
No guaranteed
I have worked for 30 years and yet I am feeling hollow
After my retirement I get a sense of being a defeated person
I feel something missing in me despite being wealthy
Sloka 68
6FPlHF4 P(l4l(l |+(l6l|+ B4H-
|-4lTl|-4l-4- 6F4 9l 9|6|U6l+ 2.68.
Therefore, one who has the control of the
senses all the time is indeed a |F6 9l |F6 9l |F6 9l |F6 9l
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
senses all the time is indeed a |F6 9l |F6 9l |F6 9l |F6 9l
Vivekachudamani on Senses
+TPl+ T6l- |96- B|-6 B6l(4-
4-Pl+ T6l 6 F4FPl(-4l + T++ (51)
Ones debt is paid back by off springs but liberation from
bondage requires ones own efforts
4F6 F49 F94l 9l F4+4 4H + 6 9'|76+
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
4F6 F49 F94l 9l F4+4 4H + 6 9'|76+
- F49 |+= 94 l6-4 H-4H446 |TP+(52)
Ones own discrimination is required to know about existing
things around us not by an experts knowledge; The beauty
of the moon can be appreciated only by ones own eyes, not
by some one elses
Vivekachudamani on Senses
H-(l|(|- 9-|4* 9- 9-t4Pl9- 4&l-
Tq-Pl6q-96q-Pl+-ql+- 9-||-6- |TP+(78)
Tq- Tq- Tq- Tq- (Deer) - Sound
Pl6q- Pl6q- Pl6q- Pl6q- (Elephant) Sparsha (Touch)
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Pl6q- Pl6q- Pl6q- Pl6q- (Elephant) Sparsha (Touch)
96q- 96q- 96q- 96q- (Moth) Light (Vision)
Pl+- Pl+- Pl+- Pl+- (Fish) - Taste
q- q- q- q- (Bee) Smell
+- +- +- +- (Human being) All the five senses
* H-( - F9H - 9 - B - -
Vivekachudamani on Senses
(l9T 6ll |494- T!TB9|49l(|9
|49 |+(|-6 ll 7l 9l5-44P+ (79)
Senses are more harmful than the poison of a black
cobra. Poison kills only those who consume, but
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
cobra. Poison kills only those who consume, but
senses kill the person who merely uses it (in an
uncontrolled fashion)

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