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Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2

Professor B Mahadevan
September 28, 2010
Relevance of Gita
What is the meaning of work/outcome?
The Cardinal Principle is delinking work &
There is a larger principle of efficiency of work
We need to spend more time turning our
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
We need to spend more time turning our
attention inwards
Emotion controlled & directed to work builds a
strong character in an individual
Work your way to prosperity
(material & spiritual)
Work is your right;
not inaction
No energy dissipated
regarding fruits,
No room for idleness
Dont worry about fruits
No energy dissipated
regarding root cause of
Broaden the notion of
efficiency in work
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Conserve energy by not
dissipating on unnecessary
ideas & issues
Understand that
everything is for the long
Do not confuse between
now & for ever
Focus on the
changeless aspects
Do not let gross aspects
subdue subtle
Create efficient entities
that sustain for long
|6l4l5\4l4- |6l4l5\4l4- |6l4l5\4l4- |6l4l5\4l4-
Bl=44l- Bl=44l- Bl=44l- Bl=44l-
|F6 9- - |F6 l-
Attributes of |F6 9- (54)
Casting away all desires of mind & turning the
attention inwards (55)
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
How to handle
experiences? (56)
How to react to real
time events? (57)
Using the freedom
of choice (59)
Precautions about
misapplication of the idea (58)
Understand the power of
senses (60)
Slokas 54 55
Attributes of steady wisdom
H=+ 74l H=+ 74l H=+ 74l H=+ 74l
|F69F4 Tl l9l BPl|FF4 TH4
|F6l- |T 9l96 |TPlBl6 =6 |TP+ 2.54.
What is the description of a person with steady-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
What is the description of a person with steady-
wisdom and engrossed in Samadhi?
~l ~l ~l ~l 4l+4l 4l+4l 4l+4l 4l+4l
9=(l|6 4(l TlPl+ B4l-9l P+l6l+
HltP-44ltP+l 67- |F69F6(l46+ 2.55.
Turning attention inwards leads to steady wisdom
We need to do things for ones own self
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (2.4.5)
B (l4l
+ 4l H 9t4- TlPl4 9|6- |94l 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 9|6- |94l 4|6
+ 4l H =l4l4 TlPl4 =l4l |94l 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 =l4l |94l 4|6
+ 4l H 9lTl TlPl4 9l- |94l 4|-6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 9l- |94l 4|-6
+ 4l H |4t6F4 TlPl4 |4t6 |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 |4t6 |94 4|6
+ 4l H HOT- TlPl4 HO |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HO |94 4|6
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
+ 4l H |4t6F4 TlPl4 |4t6 |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 |4t6 |94 4|6
+ 4l H HOT- TlPl4 HO |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HO |94 4|6
+ 4l H F4 TlPl4 |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 |94 4|6
+ 4l H (4l+l TlPl4 (4l- |94l 4|-6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 (4l- |94l 4|-6
+ 4l H 6l+l TlPl4 6l|+ |94l|+ 4|-6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 6l|+ |94l|+ 4|-6
+ 4l H B4F4 TlPl4 B4 |94 4|6 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 HltP+F6 TlPl4 B4 |94 4|6
HltPl 4l H !-4- ~l6-4l P-6-4l |+|(\4l|B6-4l P|4
Hl6P+l 4l H (H++ ~4T+ Pt4l |4l++( B4 |4|(6P+
Inward attention brings different
perspectives & strengths
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (4.4.5) proclaims:
HlTlP4Pl+- 4l5TlPl |+!TlP Hl-6TlP
HltPTlPl + 6F4 9lTl 7t4lP|-6 HO4
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Vivekachudamani (544):
|++l5|9 B(l 6!l5-4B(l4l P(l4-
|+t46-6l5-4-=l+l5-4BP- BP(H+-+
Bhasas observation:
9l+F4 PGF4 Tl4 4l BPt4 H-4|6 6+- + 4|&-
Slokas 56 57
Muni transcends the world of dualities
-G!4+|PP+l- BG9 |46F9(-
4l6l44l- |F6lP|+646+ 2.56.
A muni is neither affected by sorrow nor happiness
and his buddhi is steadfast
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
and his buddhi is steadfast
4- B4l+|F+(- 6t9l-4 HlHP
+l|+-(|6 + |7 6F4 9l 9|6|U6l+ 2.57.
Everywhere unattached, not affected by good or
bad events the buddhi is steadfast
Slokas 58 59
Controlling the senses is the essence
4(l B(6 l4 TPl5ql+l4 B4H-
|-4lTl|-4l5-4- 6F4 9l 9|6|U6l+ 2.58.
Sthitha Prajna exhibits enormous caution on sense
related matters likes a tortoise
Freedom of Choice
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
related matters likes a tortoise
|494l |4|+46-6 |+l(lF4 (|(+-
B4= Bl5-4F4 9 !4l |+466+ 2.59.
Sense objects fall away leaving the longing behind
even that ceases on realization
Sloka 60
The senses are too powerful !
466l G|9 Tl-64 969F4 |49|6-
|-4l|T 9Pll|+ (|-6 9B P+-+2.60.
The turbulent senses violently snatch away the
mind of even a wise man
T4- + t4=|6 !
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
mind of even a wise man
44l|+|-4 lPl |4\4lBP|9 T9|6+
Kumara Sambhavam(1.58)
9t4 6 6l BPl(- H~BPl+l ||Hl H+P+
|4Tl(6l B|6 |4|44l-6 49l + 6l|FP 6 94 ll-+
T4- + t4=|6 !
Do not underestimate the power
of senses
Vivekachudamani (78)
H-(l|(|- 9-|4 9- 9-t4Pl9- 4&l-
Tq-Pl6q-96q-Pl+-ql+- 9-||-6- |TP+
Tq- (Deer) - Sound
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Tq- (Deer) - Sound
Pl6q- (Elephant) Sparsha (Touch)
96q- (Moth) Light (Vision)
Pl+- (Fish) - Taste
q- (Bee) Smell
+- (Human being) All the five senses
Relevance of Gita
Steady buddhi is very powerful !
What does - |F6 l- eventually leads us to?
Calming of the mind
Measured response to outside stimuli
Turning the attention inwards
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Turning the attention inwards
Becoming more and more thoughtful, silent,
composed etc.
Silence Thoughtful Solves many questions
Helps you explore deepest pockets of ones own self

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