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The project is titled as A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD. The main reason of this project is to learn how motivation helps the organization to achieve its objectives.

To achieve this defined objective structured questionnaire based on the preliminary study made is prepared. The prepared questionnaire is used to get the direct responses from the workers in HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD.

The major intent of doing this project is to understand how the organization provides motivation to the employees. This project helps to know the different motivation strategies that can help the management to improve the efficiency of the workers. The data collected from the workers are tabulated and analyzed using statistical tool like percentage analysis. The results are given as recommendations to the company based on the findings obtained from the interpretation of the data.

The study is mainly conducted to identify the factors which will motivate the employees the organizational functions in HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LIMITED. Motivation refers to a need or desire that causes a person to act, to have initiative, spirit or be enterprising. It is the set of forces that cause people to behave in a certain way. Motivation benefits the organization by way of Increased performance, Increased focus on organizational objectives, Increased job satisfaction, Reduced cost of industrial conflict and absenteeism. A simple definition of motivation is the ability to change behavior. It is a drive that compels one to act because human behavior is directed toward some goal. Motivation is intrinsic, it comes from within based on personal interests, desires, and need for fulfillment. However, extrinsic factors such as rewards, praise, and promotions also influence motivation. As defined by daft (1997), motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. A organization can gain highly motivated employees by providing good working condition, rewarding and recognizing the employees for their efforts, providing employees with financial and non-financial incentives. Effective performance appraisal enables an employee to know about ones strength and weakness. Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinates or to create the will to work among the subordinates. It should also be remembered that a worker may be immensely capable of doing some work; nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work. A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Hence this studies also focusing on the employee motivation among the employees of HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD.


Organization is run by people hence manager cannot afford to avoid a concern with human behavior at work. This is because the motivated employees are more productive and quality conscious than apathetic ones. Motivation as a pervasive concept affects and is also affected by a host of factors in the organizational milieu. Organizational effectiveness becomes to some extent the question of managements ability to motivate its employees. Machines become necessary in case of complex technology. With the realization that organizations will run in more complex milieu in future.


To study about the existing motivation system in HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD., To provide suggestion to improve existing motivation system.

To study the effect of monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by the organization on the employees performance. To identify the factors that influences motivation. To identify employees perception towards motivation.


To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention to the financial and psychological and even physiological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise. Basic financial rewards and conditions of service (e.g. working hours per week) are determined externally (by national bargaining or government minimum wage legislation) in many occupations but as much as 50 percent of the gross pay of manual workers is often the result of local negotiations and details (e.g. which particular hours shall be worked) of conditions of service are often more important than the basics. Hence there is scope for financial and other motivations to be used at local levels.


The study suffered objectivity due to the unwillingness of employers and employees to
share information in certain cases.

The project duration was limited to only one months. Opinion and perception of the employees changes over a period of time.


Motivation originally comes from the Latin root word Movere, which means to move. It derived from the word Motive. Motive may be defined as an inner state of our mind that activates and directs our behavior. It makes us move to act. It is always internal to us and is externalized via behavior. Motivation is ones willingness to efforts towards the accomplishment of his/her goal. VIEWS FROM EXPERTS: According to Fred Luthans, Motivation is a process that starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activates behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive. According to Stephen P. Robbins, Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort ability to satisfy some individual need. According to Gray and Strake defined Motivation as the result of processes, internal or external to the individual, that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. THE CONCEPT OF MOTIVATION: The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or emotion that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some stimulus behind it. Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive can be known by studying his needs and desires. There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control mans behavior at any particular point of time. In general, the different motives operate at different times among different people and influence their behaviors. The process of motivation studies the motives of individuals which cause different type of behavior.

VARIOUS APPROACEHES TO MOTIVATION: NEED BASED APPROACHES TO MOTIVATION: Need-based approaches to motivation focus on what motivates employees to choose certain behaviors as shown on the following diagram.

Need (Deprivation)

Drive (Tensions or drives to fullfil a need)

Actions (Goal-directed behavior)

(Reduction of the drive of the original need)

PROCESS BASED APPROACHES TO MOTIVATION: These approaches to motivation are concerned with how motivation takes place. They focus on why people choose certain behavioral options to fulfill their needs and how they evaluate their satisfaction after they have attained their goals. Two useful process-based approaches are expectancy theory and equity theory. EXPECTANCU THEORY: Expectancy theory suggests that motivation is based on how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it. The formal framework of expectancy theory was developed by Victor Vroom. This framework states basically that motivation plus effort leads to performance, which then leads to outcomes. According to this theory, three conditions must be met for individuals to exhibit motivated behavior:

Effort-to-performance expectancy must be greater than zero; Performance-to-outcome expectancy must also be greater than zero; The sum of the valances for all relevant outcomes must be greater than zero. Effort-to-performance expectancy is the individuals perception of the probability that effort will lead to high performance. This expectancy ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being a strong belief that effort will lead to high performance. Outcomes are consequences of behavior. An individual may experience a variety of

outcomes in an organizational setting. Each outcome has an associated valance, which is an index of how much an individual desires a particular outcome. An outcome that an individual wants has a positive valance. An outcome that the individual does not want has; a negative valance. When the individual is indifferent to the outcome, the valance is zero. Porter and Lawler extended the basic expectancy model by suggestion that high performance may cause high satisfaction. When performance results in various extrinsic and intrinsic

rewards, the individual evaluates the equity of these various rewards relative to the effort expended and the level of performance attained. This individual is satisfied if the rewards relative to the effort expended and the level of performance attained. The individual is satisfied if the rewards are felt to be fair. EQUITY THEORY: Equity theory, developed by J. Stacy Adams, suggests that once an individual has chosen an action that is expected to satisfy his or her needs, the individual assesses the equity or fairness of the outcome. Equity is an individuals beliefs that he or she is being treated fairly relative to the treatment of others. There attitude are possible: an individual may feel equitably rewarded, under rewarded, or over rewarded. When individuals feel under rewarded or over rewarded, they will do something to reduce the inequity. The single most important thing to remember about equity theory is that if rewards are to motivate employees, they must be perceived as being equitable and fair.

REINFORCEMENT BASED APPROACHES TO MOTIVATION: These approaches to motivation explain the role of rewards as they cause behavior to change or remain the same. Behavior that results in rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated. Expectancy theory and reinforcement theory are similar in that both consider the processes by which an individual chooses behaviors in a particular situation. However, expectancy theory focuses more on behavior choices, and reinforcement theory focuses more on the consequences of those choices. REINFORCEMENT CONTINGENCIES: Reinforcement contingencies are the possible outcomes that an individual may experience as a result of his or her choice of behavior. There are four of these: positive reinforcement, avoidance, punishment, and extinction. Positive reinforcement is a reward or positive outcome after a desired behavior is performed; it serves to strengthen behavior. Avoidance occurs when the individual chooses a behavior to avoid unpleasant consequences; it can strengthen desired behavior. Punishment is unpleasant consequences used to weaken undesired behavior. Extinction is ending undesired behavior by ignoring. PROVINDING REINFORCEMENT: There are four approaches to providing reinforcement. A fixed-interval schedule provides reinforcement at fixed intervals of time, regardless of behavior. A variable-interval schedule provides reinforcement at varying time intervals. A fixed-ration schedule gives reinforcement after a fixed number of behaviors, regardless of the time that has elapsed between behaviors. A variable-ration schedule varies the number of behaviors needed for each reinforcement and is the most powerful schedule for maintaining desired behaviors.



The Hatsun world, Indias largest private dairy from a modest ice-cream manufacturer to one of the leading names in indias dairy sector inn just a span of three decades, Hatsun now stands majestically as a hallmark of successful entrepreneurship. Be it in the dedication to quality, in employing the worlds latest technology, innovative marketing strategies, or bringing prosperity to hundreds o thousands of farmers in the south.

It started as a creamy dream in 1970 Arun ice-cream, the rich, delicious brand that has captured the hearts of millions of ice-cream lovers. With over 70 delightful varieties it is the No.1 selling ice-cream in south india. Arun ice-cream are manufactured at the most modern plant of its kind in Chennai. From the ingredients, to the packaging and distribution stringent quality control is maintained at every stage which has made Arun ice-cream the first ice-cream brand in india to win the 9001 certification for quality and world-class manufacturing facilities. Arun ice-cream reaches the consumers through the largest network of exclusive parlors in india. These and the many arun mini-parlors in the rural areas provide employment to thousands of people. When the vision is clear and the dedication total, growth follows, and Hatsun expanded. When the market was ruled by unhygienic milk, Hatsun came up with Arokya the standardized, homogenized and bacteria clarified milk. Arokya milk is still unsurpassed in purity, thickness and quality and has made it one of the most preferred milk brand consumed by several hundred thousand households every day. Hatsun handles a total 1.8 million liter a day. Hatsuns quest for quality starts at procurement, two times a day, 365 days of the year at over a thousand collection centers, from more than a hundred thousand 11

farmers. Hatsun sources its milk with an ever watchful eye, always keen on quality. It is an enthusiastic and bustling activity when milk takes its first step in its journey to the consumers homes.

MILK PROCUREMENT The company has an excellent milk collection system with chilling centers in more than 50 locations and a flect of more than 1348 vehicles on contract for procurement. Its milk shed area is spread over 10 districts in tamilnadu and 3 in Karnataka and covers ove 70,000 milk products and 2000 medium and bulk milk vendors. The company is also involved in dairy extension services to farmers for the development of livestock quality and yields. Besides this the company also has tie up with banks for arranging agricultural loans to milk producers. More than 110 veterinary doctors under direct employment rendering full-scale animal care to the milk producers.

Hatsuns state of the art processing and packaging plants are located in Salem, K anchipuram, Madurai, Palacodu in Tamilnadu and Honnali, Belgaum in Karnataka. After procurement, milk vans then take the produred milk to these plants where the milk has to undergo a quality test aongain to enter the plant. Then the weight is checked. After that, using superior technologies milk is subjected to pasteurization, homogenization, and bacteria clarification. Hatsun is a pioneer in india of the world-acclaimed homogenization processes where the fat globules are broken and evenly distributed in the milk making it rich and wholesome. An unyielding commitment to quality has formed the backbone of hatsuns business ethics right from its start. At every stage, intensive procedure to preserve quality are undertaken to ensure the purity of the milk. The entire hatsun staff work in harmony as one family in enforcing the tough standards that hatsun set for itself as basic guidelines. 12

Each milk packet packaged-using German technology-reaches the consumer with this assurance: The Hatsun Quality.


Hatsun operates state of the art processing plants at 6 locations. Rigorous milk testing is done at each of these locations. The raw milk when received is bacteria clarified by use of west Falia Bactofuge. The milk is then sent either for fresh product processing or for manufacturing of dairy ingredients. An unyielding commitment to quality has formed the backbone of Hatsun's business ethics right from its start. Intensive procedures to pressure the quality are undertaken to ensure the purity. Handling capacity of 1.7 million litre of milk per day, including Fresh milk and Dairy ingredients. ISO 22000:2005, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturing facilities that have been extensively upgraded in the last three years. DISTRIBUTION Every Hatsuns fleet of puff-insulated trucks travel 3.9 times the distance around the world, i.e: 182,730 km taking milk for consumption by homes across the states of Tamilnadu, Karanataka, Goa and Kerala. Hatsun takes pride in having its large cold-chain network in india ensuring that each and every one of its consumers gets fresh milk day after day.


LOGISTICS The company has a strong logistics and distribution network in ice-cream and milk. Around 1100 exclusive Arun ice-cream parlors spread over the entire Tamilnadu and parts of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

The company has six cold room distribution points, strategically located for quick and easy distribution of its products. In the milk segment, the companys distribution network comprises of 150 wholesale distributors and above 10,000 dealers for Arokya and around 850 direct selling agents for Hatsun Komatha milk.


Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. Is the business of manufacturing and sale of Milk, Milk Products and Ice creams. The companys brands Arun ice creams and Arokya milk are leading brands n South India and enjoy continued patronage from the customers for more than three decades. The promoter Mr.R.G. Chandramogan started the ice cream business in 1970 from a small rented place in Chennai. Now the company has grown into a leading private dairy in Tamil Nadu with a turnover of more than Rs.10 Billions. The company has set the goal of exceeding Rs.20 Billions during 2012-2013.
Name & Address : Hatsun Agro Products Ltd., No. 144, Timmasamudram village Chennai Bangalore High way, White Gate, Kancheepuram 631 502 Website E-mail Date of Incorporation Date of Starting AREA OF OPERATION Vellore District Thiruvannamalai District Kancheepuram District Chennai : : : : Walaja, Gudiyattam Polur, Vandavasi, Thiruvannamalai Koovathur & Kancheepuram Redhills : : : : 04th March 1986 11th December 2001



Since our establishment in 1970, Hatsun has been a pioneer in promoting dairy products. Our success story is a chronicle of quality products, innovative marketing, modern technologies, and expanding territories. 1970 : M/s. R.G. Chandramogan & Co. set up. Arun Icecreams Launch. 1978 : First Arun Icecreams Parlour. 1986 : March- M/s. Hatsun Foods Private Limited (HFPL) incorporated as a Private Limited Company. The same year HFPL was admitted as a partner in M/s. Chandramogan & Co. 1986 : April HFPL takes over M/s. Chandramogan & Co. HFPL was allowed to register the brand name 'Arun' in its own name subject to a royalty payment of 1% on the gross icecream sales. 1993 : Hatsun Dairy Private Limited (HDPL), promoted by M/s. Hatsun Foods Private Limited, established. Salem Dairy - Inauguration. 1998 : Changes name to M/s. Hatsun Agro Product Limited. Amalgamation of M/s. Hatsun Milk Products Limited with M/s. Hatsun Agro Product Limited. 2000 : Kanchipuram Dairy Acquisition. 2001 : Amalgamation of M/s. Ajith Dairy Industries Limited with M/s. Hatsun Agro Product Limited. 2003 : Amalgamation of M/s. Hatsun Foods Company Limited with M/s. Hatsun Agro Product Limited.


2004 : Dairy Ingredient Plant - Inauguration (Salem & Kanchipuram) 2007 : Dairy Ingredient Plant 2nd Drier in Kanchipuram 2009 : Dairy Ingredient Plant - Inauguration (Palacode) KANCHIPURAM DAIRY UNIT Hatsun Agro taken over Ajith Dairy Industries Ltd., Kancheepuram in the year Oct 2000. Originally Ajith Dairy Industries was started in the year 1996. Hatsun Agro at the time of taken over. Ajith Dairy Industries Ltd., having the capacity of 60,000 Liters per day after that Hatsun agro has taken Initiative action in enhancement of milk production now the dairy plant having the capacity of 4.5 Lakhs liter a day. They are also having their milk chilling center operation in Pollur, Vandavasi, Walaja and Thiruvannamalai. The are procuring milk in and average 3 Lakhs liters per day through the milk producers and milk agents in kancheepuram, vellore and Thiruvanamalai District. Kanchipuram Dairy has started a new power plant operation with the capacity of 10 Tones powder per day. International Standardization of ISO 9001 2000 certification for the quality. DAIRY ROUTINE Milk is being received two times in a day (i.e) morning and evening. Normally milk is received from organized various route in can of 40 liters capacity. Once the raw milk is received at the dock, the quality for goodness of milk is checked. If it is good quality of milk, recorded and sample is being drawn from the bowl. This Units has awarded


The sample is being tested for content of total solids such as fat and solid not fat. The fat content is arrived from testing of micro tester and solid not fat is calculated from the reading available from the lactometer. The Raw milk received is treated a process cell pasteurization, which is nothing but heating milk through steam up to 70 8- degree centigrade and immediately cool into (0) zero centigrade So that the content of milk bacterial is minimized. After the pasteurization another process called standardization is being carried our depends upon the various type of milk adjusting the standards of fat and solid not fat content of milk prescribed under the prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) by adding removing excess fat and solid not fact. Normally the standardization is over, the milk is ready for packing, and normally the milk is packed in 200ml, 500ml, and 1000ml, sachet. The packed milk is kept in cold room till dispatch depends upon the indent the milk dispatched and sold out in the retail market. Apart from the liquid milk such as Toned milk, skimmed milk, etc., they are producing butter milk, flavored milk, Ghee and retailing it under the brand name AROKYA, KOMATHA, SANTHOSA. COMPANY VISION Create global presence in milk prodution by innovating and developing various dairy prdoducts to enhance value and satisfy of the customers. To be a world-class enterprise in the production of milk aiming on zero defects and achieve a better quality. COMPANY MISSION Be present in all leading & emerging markets of the world by expanding, collaborating and associating with order partners and consolidating the presence in already penetrated markets. Follow environment friendly practice to protect environment and continuously review and improve products and processes throughout the supply chain. COMPANY QUALITY POLICY

Adopting quality management system and safe hygiene practices. Ensuring best quality products and value for customers money. Maintaining timely delivery. Developing good working atmosphere and culture.


Hatsuns dairies are IS0 9001:2000 HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Certified. The Kancheepuram plant has received ISO 9001:2000 and been certified eco-friendly. The quality assurance of Hatsun ensures that stringent quality standards and norms of American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI) are fully met.


Arokya Milk Arokya Milk is Full of the Natural Richness of Our Villages and Collected with Care from Healthy, Well Fed cows, following defined guidelines. Launched in 1995, this brand is the trusted choice of millions in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh, making it the Largest Milk Brand from the Indian Private sector today.
Benefits & Usage :
o o o o

Drinking milk for children & for adults Helps make tasty cups of hot & cold milk based beverages Helps make high quality curds Helps make delicious desserts & sweets

Availability :


Hatsun Santosa Full Cream Milk The uniqueness of Hatsun Santosa Full Cream Milk is that in a market where the milk prices are rising, it provides you with the opportunity to actually increase your profits. This is because of the 6% butter content which makes the milk thicker. Benefits & Usage :

Convenience in handling during transportation. Availability : 2000ml, 1000ml, 500ml & 150ml Hatsun Komatha Toned Milk Another fresh milk in the stable of Hatsun, Hatsun Komatha Milk was launched in the year 2000. A lighter milk than Arokya, Hatsun Komatha Toned Milk comes with all the good processing technologies deployed by Hatsun. i.e: Homogenization. Availability : 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 200ml & 100ml
Hatsun Cow Ghee Hatsun Cow Ghee is made from the purest of cow milk. It is consistent in texture, rich in aroma & has the traditional taste of homemade ghee. Benefits & Usage:

o Wholesome o The ideal choice for making mouth watering north & south Indian dishes, sweets and savories
Availability :


Hatsun Pasteurised Butter Hatsun Pasteurised Butter is made from the finest of cream churned from the purest of farm fresh cow's milk from high quality cows. It is rich in milk fat, real creamy and exquisitely tasty. Benefits & Usage: Rich, true taste of butter Just right to make delicious sandwiches, to use on parathas, for use in dishes with butter base or as garnishing for your favorite dish Availability :

Hatsun Cooking Butter Hatsun Cooking Butter is made from the finest of cream churned from the purest of farm fresh cow's milk from high quality cows. It is rich in milk fat, real creamy and adds a fine taste to the dishes being cooked. Benefits & Usage: Fine churned from cream Ideal for use as a cooking medium for all kinds of butter based Indian, Asian and Western dishes, desserts, sweets, savories.

Hatsun Curd
Hatsun Rich Curd is made from the purest of cow milk. It is real creamy and is packed in hygienic, excellent quality packaging which keeps the curd fresh.


Benefits & Usage:

o o Availability : Wholesomely healthy Helps make delicious curd rice, other curd based dishes

Hatsun Paneer

Hatsun Paneer is made from the purest of cow milk. It remains fresh for many days and is an ingredient in much mouth watering dishes in cuisines of various cultures.

Benefits & Usage: o Ideal for making paneer based dishes like matar paneer, paneer pakoras, palak paneer, kadai paneer, paneer fried rice


Arun Ice-Cream
The secret of Arun's success lies in its revolutionary concept of exclusive icecream parlours. Apart from launching new flavours, Arun has boldly treaded the path less travelled by opening parlours even in small towns, and in doing so has consistently retained the interest of its customers.

Parlour Standardisation Arun icecream parlours have been hugely successful. To give them uniform and brand-specific identities, we have now established some standards. These standards will lead to enhanced brand image and customer satisfaction. Some of the other reasons for the success of Arun Ice Creams are:
o o o o o

Ideal and convenient location Well-decorated parlours where cleanliness given top priority Regular maintenance of freezer to keep them functioning at optimum levels Knowledge of product/variety among the staff Ability to understand customers' needs so as to satisfactorily cater to their tastes



Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It may be

understood has a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the information needed. It is the overall operation pattern or framework of the project that stipulates what information is to be collected from which source by what procedure, it is also refers to the blue print of the research process. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Data collection method is an important task in every research process. There are two types of data is being used. PRIMARY DATA HR Managers of the select organizations of the hatsun in the whitegate were personally interviewed by administering the standard questionnaire as schedules, to collect data for the present study to have firsthand account of different dimensions of employee retention in this industry. SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by some other agency and which have already been processed. following services. In the present study secondary data was collected from the


o Companies internal records o Books and magazines o Websites RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Questionnaire is the tool used for collecting data. Multiple choice, rating scale, open and close end questions of pre-formulated questionnaire have been designed for the study. Questionnaire: Closed ended question: This question, is in which respondents is given a limited number of alternatives from which he/she can select the only one that most closely matches his opinion or attitude. Dichotomous question: A dichotomous question refers to one, which offers the respondents a choice between only two alternatives and reduces the issues to the simplest form. Multiple questions: A multiple-choice question refers to many, which provides several set of alternatives to answer. ANALYSIS OF DATA The data are collected through survey and books, newspapers and internet etc., the survey conducted among the employees of HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD. The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analyzed in such a way to make interpretations. Various steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose, i.e., editing, coding, and tabulating. Editing refers to separate, correct and modify the collected data. Coding refers to assigning number or other symbols to each answer for placing them in categories to prepare data for tabulation refers to bring together the similar data in rows and columns and totaling them in an accurate and meaningful manner.


The collected data are analyzed and interrupted using statistical tools and techniques. Statistical tools used 1. Percentage analysis Charts used 1. Graph chart 2. Pie chart

SIMPLE PERCENTAGE ANALYSIS: Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio. Percentage is used in making comparison about two or more series of data. Percentage as also used to describe relationship.


No of respondents ------------------------------------ * 100 Total No of Respondents



S.NO 1 2 GENDER Male Female TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 72 38 110 PERCENTAGE 65 35 100



35% 65% Male Female

INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is inferred that 65% of the respondents are male and 35% of the respondents are female, have been working in HATSUN AGRO PRODUCTS LTD. 26



S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree TOTAL

NO OF RESPONDENTS 30 22 28 12 18 110

PERCENTAGE 27 20 25 11 17 100


30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 27% 20% 25% 11% 17% AGE

INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is clear that 27% of the respondents have been strongly agreed that they are satisfied with the motivation given by the management, 20% of the respondents are agreed, 25% of the respondents are neutral, 17% of the respondents are disagreed and 11% of the respondents have been disagreed with the motivation given by the management. 27



S.NO 1 2

PARTICULARS Financial Incentives Non-Financial Incentives TOTAL


PERCENTAGE 56 44 100



60 50 40 30 20 10 0




Financial Incentives

Non-Financial Incentives

INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is clear that 56% of the respondents have been motivated with the financial incentives given by the management and 44% of the respondents have been motivated with the non-financial incentives given by the management.




S.NO 1 2 3

NON-FINANCIAL INCENTIVES Appreciation of the work done Competition Job Enrichment TOTAL

NO OF RESPONDENTS 44 30 36 110

PERCENTAGE 40 27 33 100


40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

40% 27%


INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 40% of the respondents felt that appreciation of their work was made, 33% of the respondents have been felt that in job enrichment and 27% of the respondents have been felt that the competition is acting as a sound non-financial incentive.




S.NO 1 2



PERCENTAGE 38 62 100



80 60 40 20 0 YES NO 38% 62% NO OF RESPONDENTS

INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is clear that 62% of the respondents doesnt influenced by their incentives and benefits & rest of them are influenced by it.





33% 67% YES NO

INTERPRETATION: It is clear from the above table that 67% of the respondents said that there is no involvement of employees in decision making process and 33% of the respondents said that employees are involved in decision making process.



S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 FACTORS Salary increase Job security relationship with co-workers Promotion safety measures NO OF RESPONDENTS 30 12 18 22 28 PERCENTAGE 27 11 17 20 25


6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 40 60 Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4

From the above table it is clear that 27% of the respondents have been mentioned Salary that they are satisfied with the motivation given by the management, 11% of the respondents said that Job security, 17% of the respondents said that Relationship with co-workers, 20% of the respondents said that Promotion and 25% of the respondents have been mentioned Safety measures with the motivation given by the management.



S.NO 1 2 3 PARTICULARS Training Transfer Job recognition TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 28 36 46 110 PERCENTAGE 25 33 42 100



25% 42% 33% Training Transfer Job Recognition

INTERPRETATION: It is clear from the above table that 42% of the respondents have been mentioned Job recognition, 33% of the respondents said that transfer and 25% of the respondents have been mentioned training.



S.NO 1 2 3 TECHNIQUES Salary Incentives Commission TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 50 38 22 110 PERCENTAGE 45 35 20 100


50 40 30 20 10 0 Salary Incentives Commission 45% 35% 20% FINANCIAL MOTIVATION

INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is clear that 45% of the respondents have been mentioned that salary as a best financial motivation technique, 35% of the respondents are incentives and 20% of them respondents are mentioned commission.



65% of the respondents are male. 27% of the respondents have been strongly agreed that they are satisfied with the motivation given by the management. 56% of the respondents are motivated with the financial incentives given by the management. 40% of the respondents are satisfied with the appreciation of the work. 62% of the respondents do not influenced by their performance. Majority of the respondents (67%) are involved in Decision making process. Most of the respondents 42% are mentioned job recognition and 25% of the respondents mentioned training. 45% of the resp. are mentioned salary and 20% of the resp. mentioned commission.


Non financial incentives plan should also be implemented, it can improve the productivity level of the employees. The incentives which is given by the organization should be improved to motivate the employees more. The facilities in the organization should be improved to satisfy the employees. Organization should give importance to communication between employees and gain coordination through it.


The study was about the motivational factors in HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD., in kanchipuram. Motivation is one of the important factors affecting the human behavior. The level of motivation not only affects perception and learning but also affects the total performance of the human being, the human behavior is not rigid; it can be change according to the situation. The human resource department mainly deals with human relationships. It is well co-

ordinated and controlled in all manners. The efficiency if the department can be directly scene and felt in the organization. The study has been conducted among the employees in order to find out their level of motivation. Most of respondents have acquired satisfaction with regards to their needs, this shows that the management has taken necessary actions to make the employees satisfied and or motivate them to achieve their goals. Also the management has given non-monetary benefits like reward and recognition to the team management for their performance. Its the duty and the responsibility of the employees to adopt and male use of all the motivational programs offered to them. As a whole the employees are motivated. It the management implements the suggested modifications, them the employees will be very much motivated and they will work hard towards the achievements of the organizational goals.


QUESTIONNAIRE A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AT HATSUN AGRO PRODUCT LTD IN KANCHIPURAM 1. Personal Details NAME (OPTIONAL) GENDER AGE : : MALE : 20 TO 30 : 31 TO 45 : 46 AND ABOVE DESIGNATION EXPERIENCE <1year INCOME <5000 5000-10000 10000-20000 >20000 1-5 years : : <5-10 years > 10years FEMALE

1. Management is really interested in motivating the employees? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 2. Which type of incentives motivates you more? Financial incentives Non-Financial incentives

3. Which type of Non-Financial incentive helps the manager to satisfy their Employees? Appreciation of work done Competition Job enrichment 4. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your performance? Yes No 5. Does the management involve the employees in the decision making process? Yes No 6. Please provide the following rates. Which factors will influence your performance? No 1 2 3 4 5 Factors Reasonable periodical increase in salary Job security exist in the company Good relationship with co-workers Effective promotional opportunities in the organization Good safety measures adopted in the organization

7. Which type of non-financial motivation suits you? Training Transfer Job recognition 8. Which type of financial motivation methods suits you? Salary Incentives Commission


Research Methodology (Methods & Techniques) Organizational Behavior - C.R.Kothari (Wishwa Prakashan Publication) - S.S. Khanka (S. Chand Publication)

WEBSITES: www.hatsunagro


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