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Table Of Contents

Session 1: Simple iPhone Application Creating an Xcode Project Using Interface Builder Model-View-Controller Declarations 1. Declaring instance variables. 2. Declaring methods. Making Connections. 1. Setting connections to UIViews 2. Setting targets and actions. Deploying an Application. Application lifecycle. Summary. Session 2: Objective-C Data Types Objects Instances 1. Creating an instance 2. Sending messages 3. Destroying an instance Collection 1. NSArray, NSMutableArray 2. NSDictionary, NSMutableDictionary Subclassing an Objective-C Class 1. Instance Variables 2. Accessors and properties 3. Instance methods 4. Initializers 5. self 6. super

7. Class methods Session 3:Memory Management Reference Counting 1. Object ownership 2. Autorelease pools 3. Retain count management. Session 4:Target & Action Design pattern. UIButton/UISegmentControl/UISwitch Setting targets and actions Implementing methods. Summary.

Session 5:Delegate Design pattern UITextFiled What are protocols Implementing delegate methods. Summary.

Session 6: Core Location Framework CLLocation & CLLocationManager Where am I application. Summary. Session 7: ViewControllers Model-View_Controller Design pattern Basics of ViewController LifeCycle of ViewControllers Types of ViewController

Creation of ViewController 1. Using Interface Builder 2. Programmatically Summary. Session 8: UINavigationController Basics of UINavigationController UINavigationbar/UINavigationItem. Creation of UINavigationController 1. Using Interface Builder 2. Programmatically Summary. Session 9: UITabbarController Basics of UITabbarController UITabar Creation of UITabbarController 1. Using Interface Builder 2. Programmatically Summary. Session 10: UITableView and UITableViewController Basics of UITableView Creation of Custom UITableView. UITableViewCell Creation of UITableViewController 1. Using Interface Builder 2. Programmatically Summary.

Session 11: Advanced UITableViewCell Programming Basics of UITableViewCell Custom UITableView. Summary. Session 12: Advanced UITableView Programming Editing a UITableView. Deleting/Moving/Inserting rows Summary. Session 13: Camera UIImageView Getting Image from 1. Camera 2. Phone Library. Summary. Session 14: Gesture Programming Basics of Touch Events Responding to Touch Events. Moving an Image View based on gestures. Summary.

Session 15: Animation Programming UIView Animation Basics of Layer. Layer Animation. Summary.

Session 16: Playing Audio and Video Playing Audio Files Playing Video files Audio/Video recording. Summary.

Session 17: Notification and Rotation NotificationCenter UIDevice Notifications. Custom Notifications Summary.

Session 18: DataStorage Different types of Storages NSUserDefaults Sqlite Files CoreData.

Session 19: NSUserDefaults Storing data in NSUserDefaults Access data from UserDefaults. Summary. Session 20: Files and App SandBox Basics of App SandBox Writing data to files Reading Data from files Summary.

Session 21: Sqlite Programming Basics of DML Integration of Sqlite into Apps Summary. Session 22: XML Programming Basics of XML Structure XML Parsing Summary. Session 23: Threading Basics of Thread Programming Create Custom thread to fetch data from url Summary. Session 24: Webservices Basics of Webservices Simple RSS Reader App. 1. Fetching data from URL 2. XML Parsing 3. Integrate with UI. Summary. Session 25: Core Data Basics of Core Data Store/Retrieve data using core data framework Build Sample app using core data. Summary.

Session 26: App Store Basics. Overview of Developer/Provisional certificates

Prepare App store build. Summary. Session 27: iPad Basics Overview of iPad Application UIPopover Controller UISplitView Controller. Summary.

Session 28: Memory Management tools Session 29: MapKit Framework Overview of map kit programming. Where am I App. Summary. Session 30: AddressBook Framework Overview of AddressBook API Summary.

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