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August 5-9, 2013

Spend time in Gods Word each day this week. Allow Him to guide your path and prepare you for the weekend Bible Study. MONDAY - Read James 2:14-19.
If someone told you that they loved you, yet they consistently and intentionally hurt you, what would that say about their love? Is their love based on their actions or are their actions a result of their love? In the same way, many claim to love God though they dont live it. Can you really love God and not try to follow his example? Why or why not? In prayer and meditation today, ask God to open your heart and life to this weeks lesson.

TUESDAY Read James 2:14-19.

Why is agreement with the truth not enough to save you? Are we saved by our deeds? If not, then how can you explain what James means in verse 14? What does James teach is the relationship between faith and deeds? Is your salvation from God based on your deeds or on your faith? How does that flesh act itself out in your life? In prayer and meditation, Thank God today for His salvation that is NOT dependent on our good deeds. (Read Ephesians 2:8-9)

WEDNESDAY Read James 2: 14-19.

In a trial, what does the evidence tell about the person on trial? Suppose you were put on trial and accused of being a Christian, what evidence from your life could they use to convict you? What does the example of the poor person have to do with faith without action? In prayer and meditation, does you walk match you talk? Spend time journaling ways where you can begin to align your walk with your talk.

THURSDAY Read James 2:14-19.

In verse 18 he says, I will show you my faith by what I do. What are some specific examples of how you can show someone your faith? Is it possible to have a true relationship with God without it showing? Why or Why not? Why cant we separate faith from deeds? How do people try to separate them today? In prayer and meditation, read Ephesians 2:10. Journal how you are fulfilling Gods good works that He has planned for you.

FRIDAY Read James 2:14-19.

What do the demons, in your opinion, believe about God? What is wrong with a demons faith? How is it like human faith, which produces no good deeds? In prayer and meditation today, look back over this weeks lesson and grade yourself in the area of your deeds matching your faith in God. Ask God today to show you how to share the love of Jesus to others by your actions.

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