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Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4

Professor B Mahadevan
January 31, 2011
6l5\4l4- 6l5\4l4- 6l5\4l4- 6l5\4l4-
l+ l+ l+ l+-TP TP TP TP-B-4lB 4l- B-4lB 4l- B-4lB 4l- B-4lB 4l-
Chapter 4
Important transitions
Lord Krishna reveals himself as not the cousin
of Arjuna but as the Divine incarnation
Chapter 3 focused on the need to engage in
TP and 4
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
TP and 4
Chapter 4 focuses on reaching higher planes
of l+ through TP and 4
Attaining joy out of work
Transitioning from work to knowledge
Transition from one level of thought to another is a measure of evolution & progress.
It is also a natural process for all of us.
~lP( 4Jl6l Chapter 4
Main messages in the chapter
Relevance of H46l 969-
Practical Steps to enjoy work and attain
freedom from drudgery of work
Deeper ideas on the concept of 4
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Deeper ideas on the concept of 4
Knowledge Work: The connection, evolution
Some interesting concepts:
Raja Rishi, l+ 69B
Varna, Unity in Diversity
Various aspects of knowledge
~lP( 4Jl6l Chapter 4
In a nutshell
4.1 4.3 Krishna takes Arjuna back in time
4.4 Arjuna seeks clarification on this
4.4 4.8 Krishnas reply
4.9 4.13 Ways of reaching the Divine
4.10 The concept of l+ 69B
4.13 4.23 Ideas on work, freedom from work etc.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
4.13 4.23 Ideas on work, freedom from work etc.
4.13 Ideas on 4 varnas
4.14 4.18 Some deeper ideas about work
4.19 4.23 12 steps to discover joy of work
4.24 4.33 Concept of Yajna explained in detail
Conceptual ideas, different types of Yajna, subtler meaning etc.
4.34 4.42 The Path of Knowledge
How to seek knowledge
Slokas 1 2
Krishna takes us back in time
~l ~l ~l ~l 4l+4l 4l+4l 4l+4l 4l+4l
P |44F46 4l 9l164l+(P-44P
|44F4l-P+4 9l( P+|4lT454l6+ v+{+
I taught this Yoga to Vivaswan, who in turn taught
P+ T =l6l- Pl+4l-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|44F4l-P+4 9l( P+|4lT454l6+ v+{+
I taught this Yoga to Vivaswan, who in turn taught
to Manu and Manu to Ikshvaku
94 99l9l-6 P l=94l |4-
B Tl+( P(6l 4ll +7- 969+ v+-+
Thus handed down over generations by Raja Rishis,
over long time this has declined
(4l+ H|=6|-4l+ 9l-4 4ll
+7- - Adi Shankaracharya
Relevance of Gita
Power practical issues of handling it
Easy to hold power, difficult to handle it properly
A little power can create inebriation
Mahabharata on Power and inebriation
|4Hl P(l (l+ P(- 66l4l5|l+lP(l-
96 P( H4|-6l+l 96 94 B6l (Pl-+
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|4Hl P(l (l+ P(- 66l4l5|l+lP(l-
96 P( H4|-6l+l 96 94 B6l (Pl-+
Signs of bad handling of power
Very lowly behaviour towards other holding less or no
People who come into contact feel loss of dignity & self
Once stripped of power, everything goes out of purview
l=|9 concept
Key for management, Administration
l=l+ +94 |6 l=|9-
Issue is one of acquiring power (Raja) and
handling power (Rishi)
Raja without Rishi attitude has undigested power
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Raja without Rishi attitude has undigested power
Mahabharata on Raja Dharma:
|N4 H969l Pl B4lTl |96l-
|+4l- 9|69H-6 4(l |6 |P9l-+
l=6 |4l=6 |6 l=l
F4-9P-4F4 PF4 l46 P(6l 4l6+ 2.40.
Relevance of Gita
Cardinal ideas behind building inner strength
Dharma and Incarnation are very relevant
principles of long term sustainability &
This manifests in all walks of life
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
This manifests in all walks of life
Switching on the Psychological refinery helps
us building great character and inner strength
We have no business to compete with animals!
Unity in Diversity is a great enabler of
creativity and progress
Religious Angle or is it?
4(l 4(l |( PF4 l|+4|6 l6
H-4tl+PPF4 6(ltPl+ B=l4(P+ 4.7.
9|lTl4 Bl+l |4+lHl4 !T6lP
PBFl9+ll4 B4l|P 4 4+ 4.8.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
PBFl9+ll4 B4l|P 4 4+ 4.8.
When there is a deterioration of the Dharma and rise
of the evil forces, I incarnate and protect good
people, destroy evil forces and restore Dharma
Stability and long term sustainability of the system happens because there
are regenerative points in the system. When the system attains
disequilibrium and shows signs of being unstable and going out of control
corrective measures are taken to restore equilibrium in the system.
Governing principle Does not change with
time, place, person or context
Key pillar of sustainability
It supports or beholds everything (lTl6 P-)
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
It supports or beholds everything (lTl6 P-)
It ensures stability in the long run
A lens through which we plan & perform
interactions with the world (P-H-TlP-Pll-)
The overall impact is great amount of
H46l 969-
The Concept
A strong purpose/cause
Dharma needs to be restored
Some great good has to be done to humanity
How does it manifest?
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
How does it manifest?
Enormous energy (world transforming energy) flows
World moving force they can touch 1000s of living beings
directly & indirectly
Buddha spoke to 5 disciples in the 6
Century BC
Christ spoke to his set of disciples 2000 years ago
Krishna spoke to Arjuna on the battlefield
They defeat the logic of time As time passes by they become known more
Unless we have spiritual development we cant understand the greatness of incarnation
It is not a zero one concept
Slokas 9 10
Ways of reaching God
=-P TP P |(-4 94 4l 4| 6x46-
t41t4l (( 9+=-P +|6 PlP|6 Bl5=++ 4.9.
One who knows about my divine birth and action
gets liberated for ever and attains me.
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
gets liberated for ever and attains me.
4l6l44ll- P-P4l PlP9l|~6l-
4(4l l+69Bl 96l Pl4Pl6l-+ 4.10.
Freed from attachment, fear, anger and absorbed in
me, taking refuge in me, purified by the fire of
knowledge, many have attained me.
This is not an utopian idea. Many have done it before!
Relevance of Gita
How is the inner-self & character weakened?
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
l 4 4ll- contain enormous energy. How do we
channelize it properly? That is where l+ 69B comes in
What is Tapas?
A psychological refinery for the body mind complex
Enables us to transcend sensory level Animal body is
meant for physical comfort & pleasures we cant
compete with them on this
Concentration of the mind & sense organs
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Concentration of the mind & sense organs
Experience is the ultimate a mechanism to
transcend beyond knowledge
Internal focus rather than the external focus (refine
your thoughts & emotions)
Ones own activity No outsourcing possible
Slokas 11 12
Universal Path & Options for us
4 4l Pl 99H-6 6lF64 =l4(P
PP 4tPl+46-6 P+!4l- 9l B4H-+ 4.11.
I manifest myself to people in whatever way they
approach me; People tread my path only always
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
approach me; People tread my path only always
Tl=-6- TPTl |B|& 4=-6 ( (46l-
|9 |( Pl+9 lT |B|&4|6 TP=l+4.12.
Longing for success in action in this world, people
worship Gods since results of action are quickly
attained in the human world
Variety is the essence of life. Vedanta acknowledges this
Rig Veda proclaims: 9T 9T 9T 9T B6 B6 B6 B6 |49l |49l |49l |49l - - - - 4(l 4(l 4(l 4(l 4(|-6 4(|-6 4(|-6 4(|-6
Electric plug cook,
cool, radio, TV
Shanti Mantra
All roads lead to the same God
4 4|(Tl P-(H- 9lTl- - 4P Pl6|74l+Pl(-
4(l|-6+l5|+4+l4PT 4 OH-(+ |4|+|(H|-6+
H4l 4PlH |H4 t44l+ 4 4!T4l |4!T||6 F64-6l
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
H4l 4PlH |H4 t44l+ 4 4!T4l |4!T||6 F64-6l
4&6l(||6 4l& =+l- B7l HTl|6 |BGB-6-
HlF6|6 T|6 T|6|6 TPl- F4lPl|6 Pl6|6 |96|6 1t4l
4 9l4-6 =(l|H6l B 9T 94 9|6l4-+
Hl Hl|-6- Hl|-6- Hl|-6-
Sloka 13
Varna Concept
l64'4 P4l B7 TTP|4lH-
6F4 T6lP|9 Pl |4&T6lP-44P+ 4.13.
The four fold varna system was devised by me on
the basis of Guna and Karma. Know me to be non-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
the basis of Guna and Karma. Know me to be non-
doer and changless
Varna System
Time to clear misconceptions
Based on Guna & Karma No reference to heredity!
Acknowledging the principle of diversity (Father &
Son need not have same composition of Guna)
A mechanism to enable freedom of choice
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
A mechanism to enable freedom of choice
Important principle in Management First known
piece of work in Orgn. Structure Design/Orgn. Theory
It is all but natural
It is dynamic (can evolve over time!)
Do you know the caste of 63 Nayanmars and 12 Alwars?
Do you know that they are worshipped as Gods?
Have you read their divine compositions?
Sloka 18
The paradox of Karma
TP'4TP 4- 9746 HTP|T TP 4-
B 4|&Pl-P+!49 B 416- TtF+TPT6+ 4.18.
One who sees action in inaction and inaction in
action is intelligent, composed, doer of all action
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
action is intelligent, composed, doer of all action
You see several examples in real life
Work done with a deep sense of devotion
Work done with selfless love (Mother attending to a child)
Work done with enormous passion (Dr. V of Aravind Eye Hospital)
In a nutshell, all greatest achievers in this world will be part of this list!
Relevance of Gita
Freedom from work: Practical guidelines
Twelve Principles to be diligently practiced
and followed
Enable us to have holiday while engaging in heavy
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Lead us to get liberated from all effects of doing
Karma dissolves and it does not taint us in anyway
Discovering Joy of Work
Checklist & Practical Guidelines
l+l|P (- l+l|P (- l+l|P (- l+l|P (-- Burnt by the fire of knowledge
TlP BT-9 4|=6-- Devoid of sensual desire & desire for results
TP T HlB t4--Forsaking the clinging to fruits of action
|+t4 6-6--Ever satisfied
|+l~4-- Depending on nothing
46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|+l~4-- Depending on nothing
46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl 46 |t6ltPl- Controlled mind/body
|+lHl-- Without any ambition
t4 B4 9|(-- Relinquishing personal possessiveness
4((l l B-6!-- Content with what comes without effort
|4PtB-- Free from envoy
- H6l6-- Transcending the world of dualities
|B& H|B&l BP-- Even minded in success & Failure
Is this an Utopian idea?
TlP BT-9 4|=6-- Devoid of sensual desire & desire for results
Service to someone who was responsible for what you are today Bhakti &
TP T HlB t4--Forsaking the clinging to fruits of action
Mother attending to a child with pure love
|+t4 6-6--Ever satisfied
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|+t4 6-6--Ever satisfied
A person attending to any work with a feeling of fullness of life
|+l~4-- Depending on nothing
One who believes that his/her work is Gods Work Those who work with a
great social cause and divine perspective
t4 B4 9|(-- Relinquishing personal possessiveness
People who feel that they have no premium for life Poor people in any
society have great propensity to take risk and participate in common good
4((l l B-6!-- Content with what comes without effort
The pleasure of a 2 year old child can never be matched by anyone else
Is this an Utopian idea or a
gateway to evolution of the self?
We do have examples in real life but in varying
degrees we practice it
Post-man delivers news without emotions
A mother attending to her infant
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
A dedicated social worker
A devotee at the pinnacle of bhakti
Thomas Alva Edison with 100s of failed inventions
Great leaders who made an impact on the society
Deep sleep do we not practice this daily?
Avatara Purshas: Rama, Krishna, Jesus
Relevance of Gita
Subtler concepts pertaining to Yajna
Practising Yajna is well beyond the normal
ritualistic part that we are used to.
Observing the ritualistic aspects in some detail
gives us broader ideas about Yajna
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
gives us broader ideas about Yajna
There are multiple ways we need to practice
Yajna in our life
It is a way of life that prepares an individual to
higher planes of existence
Slokas 24 - 25
Deeper concepts of Yajna
Ol9T O (|4- OlPl OTl 6P
O4 6+ -6-4 O TP BPl|+l+ 4.24.
Process is Brahman, offered is Brahman, offered by
Brahman, fire is Brahman, destination is Brahman,
H'7 |9'7
9T l4-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Brahman, fire is Brahman, destination is Brahman,
to be reached in the Samadhi of Brahman
(4P4l9 4 4l|+- 949lB6
OlPl49 4 4+4l9=|6+ 4.25.
Some yogis perform yajna to devas, while others
offer Brahman (the self) as sacrifice in the fire of
External Orientation
Internal Orientation
Sacrifice as a ritual
Medium (H|P H|P H|P H|P) Doer (T6l T6l T6l T6l)
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Offering (4F6 4F6 4F6 4F6) Receiver ((46l (46l (46l (46l)
FP- (total annihilation), melting away
Giving away, parting off (+ PP )
Developing a sense of detachment over time
5 types of Yajna
An evolutionary path to self-development
9 4l-
44 4- - Wealth as offering
69l 4- - Austerity as offering
4l 4- - Self-restraint as offering
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
69l 4-
4l 4- - Self-restraint as offering
F4l\4l4 4- - Deeper study as offering
l+ 4- - Knowledge as offering
At each stage we transcend it and see existence (& the meaning) beyond that
5 types of Yajna
From a perspective of our duties
9 4l-
HO 4- - Study of Vedas (F4l\4l4)
(4 4- - Worship of God, making offerings
|96 4- - Offerings to parents and ancestors
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
|96 4- - Offerings to parents and ancestors
P+!4 4- - Offering to fellow human beings
6 4- - Offering to other living creatures
There is a larger principle of thanks giving, showing gratefulness
to the larger system of beings in existence
Taittriya Upanishad:
F4l\4l4l-Pl 9P(- Bt4l-+ 9P|(6-4P Pl-+ 9P|(6-4P THl-+ 9P|(6-4P
t4 + 9P|(6-4P F4l\4l494+l-4l + 9P|(6-4P (4|96Tl4l-4l + 9P|(6-4P+
Relevance of Gita
Action leads to Knowledge
Performing everything with 4 l4-
completely liberates us from (absolves us of)
all sins
Everything in the world of action eventually
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Everything in the world of action eventually
leads to knowledge
Making special efforts to acquire knowledge is
a worthwhile exercise
Slokas 29 - 30
Different types of Yajna
H9l+ =|6 9lT 9lT59l+ 6l59
9lTl9l+6l 6&4l 9lTl4lP9l4Tl-+4.29.
Some offer outgoing breath as sacrifice to incoming
breath and vice versa; Stopping the breath in
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
breath and vice versa; Stopping the breath in
between they practice pranayama
H9 |+46l(ll- 9lTl-9lT9 =|6
B45-46 4|4(- 4|96T-P9l-+ 4.30.
With proper food habits sacrifice pranas into
pranas. By knowledge of Yajna they obliterate their
sins through Yajna
H O|6 -4=l+l6
Hl&4 G|-4Pl|+ 6l|+
=l4-6 H+ =l6l|+
Why does it happen?
Everything is Brahman, including offering, process
etc. (4.24)
Senses, sense organs, sense objects are all offered in
Yajna (4.26)
Actions of sense organs, pranas offered in the Yajna
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Actions of sense organs, pranas offered in the Yajna
kindled by spiritual knowledge (4.27)
Five different types of Yajnas are offered with self-
restraint (4.28)
Breath control, Food habits are all done in the spirit
of Yajna (4.29 4.30)
Spirit of Yajna is to give Not mine, Not mine, Detachment
From a mere act of pouring ghee, how far we have gone in understanding Yajna concept!
Relevance of Gita
Knowledge Vs Doubting mind
Knowledge obliterates every aspect pertaining to
Pre-conditions for acquiring knowledge
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Shradda (Faith or Devotion)
A doubting mind is the villain for acquiring
Knowledge & Yoga will eliminate doubts, enable us
achieve freedom from work
Relevance of Gita
Developing character thro spirituality
What does it mean to develop character?
Strength & Gentleness must coexist
Great Broadmindedness develops along with
intensity of faith and conviction
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
intensity of faith and conviction
Intense fearlessness and intense compassion
H4 4 9l-6l|B =+T- (Brihadaranya Upanishad)
4FPl6 + 7|=6 lTl- lTl6 + 7|=6 4-
(Gita chapter 12)
Chapter 4 on Knowledge
Reach ultimate (l+ 69Bl P(l4Pl6l- - 4.10)
Sages call him wise (l+l|+ (- - 6Pl(- 9|'76 4l- - 4.19)
Fire of Self-control is kindled by knowledge (HltPB4P4llPl =|6
l+(l|96 4.27)
All actions lead to knowledge (B4 TPl|G l+ 9|BPl-46 4.33)
Humility (B44l 4,34), Attitude (9|T9l6T - 4,34), Inquisitiveness
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
B4 TPl|G l+ 9|BPl-46
Humility (B44l 4,34), Attitude (9|T9l6T - 4,34), Inquisitiveness
(9|97++ 4.34)
Understand oneness - 4+ 6l+ HH9T 4F4 4.35
Burn all action to ashes (B4TPl|T FPBltT6 - 4.37)
Ultimate purifier (BH 9|4|P( + |4H6 4.38)
Devotion or faith (~&l 4,39)
Means to cross (ocean of) sins (l+-4+4 4|=+ B6|!4|B 4.36)
How to seek?
Devotion or Faith
Why do we need?
All actions lead to
knowledge only
Only means to cross
the ocean of sins
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
What it does ?
Understand oneness
Burn action to ashes
Ultimate Purifier
Help reach ultimate
Fire of self-control is kindled
Sages call Jnani as wise
V 6tB|(|6 ~lP( V 6tB|(|6 ~lP( V 6tB|(|6 ~lP( V 6tB|(|6 ~lP( 4Jl6lB 4Jl6lB 4Jl6lB 4Jl6lB
79|+9tB 79|+9tB 79|+9tB 79|+9tB O|4Hl4l 4lHlN O|4Hl4l 4lHlN O|4Hl4l 4lHlN O|4Hl4l 4lHlN
~lT!Tl=+B4l( ~lT!Tl=+B4l( ~lT!Tl=+B4l( ~lT!Tl=+B4l(
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
79|+9tB 79|+9tB 79|+9tB 79|+9tB O|4Hl4l 4lHlN O|4Hl4l 4lHlN O|4Hl4l 4lHlN O|4Hl4l 4lHlN
~lT!Tl=+B4l( ~lT!Tl=+B4l( ~lT!Tl=+B4l( ~lT!Tl=+B4l(
l+ l+ l+ l+-TP TP TP TP-B-4lB B-4lB B-4lB B-4lB-4ll 4ll 4ll 4ll +lP +lP +lP +lP
6l5\4l4-+ 6l5\4l4-+ 6l5\4l4-+ 6l5\4l4-+

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