13-07-07 in Re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in The Haifa Magistrate Court - Decision of Judge Esperanza Alon - Postponing Hearing To Sept 17, 2013

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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD 3144PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313

" 91313 ,31440 "


13-07-07 In re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Decision of Judge Esperanza Alon postponing hearing to Sept 17, 2013
# 1. Caption and No 13-07-07 In re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court - Decision of Judge Esperanza Alon postponing hearing to Sept 17, 2013 [English translation] 13-07-07 In re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court - Decision of Judge Esperanza Alon postponing hearing to Sept 17, 2013 [Hebrew original] Page 2


LINKS: [1] 13-05-22 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Declaration of Joseph Zernik: Judge Esperanza Alon - master of the "mystical secrets of court procedure", or "obstructionist with impunity"? http://www.scribd.com/doc/147192877/


The decision is of the post-it type, which appears as a framed digital image, superimposed on the July 5, 2013 Notice by the counsel for State Attorney of unavailability of social worker report. The decision record says: Decision Request No 6 in File No 25607-03-13 Judge Esperanza Alon Current review and the presence of the social worker is material for review of the Request. In view of Request by the social worker to postpone the date for filing the review to September 1, 2013 there is no alternative but to postpone the hearing. Therefore, the hearing date is extended to September 17, 2013, at 10:30am. The office of the Clerk of the Court shall urgently serve the parties, the social worker, and inform by phone the unrepresented party. July 2, 2013


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