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COURSE INSTRUCTOR: C. MANOHAR REDDY COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course aims to help the participants take a relook at themselves and the way their lives unfolded so far and reflect on how they would like to shape their lives. As part of this process the participants will be encouraged to reflect on their mission, vision, patterns in their thoughts, beliefs, feelings and interpersonal styles and identify areas where they need/wish to make changes. In addition, participants will be encouraged to experiment with and internalize more functional thoughts, beliefs and behaviour. TEACHING METHODOLOGY: The course emphasizes experiential methods and action learning. The focus is more on helping the participants apply the learning from this course in their own professional and personal life-contexts. The participants will be expected to reflect on the patterns in their own thoughts and beliefs as well as in their personal and interpersonal styles and identify areas in which they desire improvement. Classroom sessions will primarily focus on helping the participants achieve a better understanding of themselves and develop methods and actionplans for achieving greater effectiveness. Participants are expected to try out new behaviours in their real-life settings and internalize more effective behaviours. Western approaches like Transactional Analysis and NLP as well as Eastern approaches like Yoga and Meditation will be introduced as part of the course to enable the participants try and achieve desired changes in their thinking, feeling and behaviour. EVALUATION: Class participation: 30% Assignments : 70% ________ 100% ------------

ok POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME IN SOFTWARE ENTERPRISE MANGEMENT PERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHOP: EAST-WEST SYNTHESIS DETAILED COURSE SCHEDULE Session 1 Introduction to the Course; Looking back and looking forward- What do you want to do with your life? Read: 1. Knowing yourself (from On becoming a leader.) 2. What do you want to be remembered for? (by Peter Drucker) Self Development: An Introduction Read:1.Winners and Losers (from Born to Win) 2. Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker Mission, vision and life goals- I Read: 1. Discovering your Mission (from NLP: The New technology) 2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach Exercise: Life Goals Balancing Among Different Priorities in Life and Career Read: 1. Whole life Grid: How Whole is Your Life, Ch. 8 from Feel the Fear, P.135-149 2. Convocation Address by Bill Watson Enhancing Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness: The TA Framework- I Read: 1. Strokes and Life Positions (from TA Today) 2. Achieving your Goals (from NLP: The New technology) Enhancing Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness: The TA Framework-II Read: 1. Rackets and Stamps (from TA Today) 2. Life Scripts (from TA Today) Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness: Read: 1.Powerful Persuasion Strategies (from NLP: The New..) 2.Creating Rapport and Relationships (from NLP: The New..) Indian Approaches to Self Development: Cultivating Greater Awareness Read:1. Editors Introduction and What is Meditation (from Meditations from the Tantras)

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

2.Why Meditation 3. Just Say Om 4. General Instructions and Suggestions (from Meditations from the Tantras) Session 9 Self Development and Personal Growth: Reframing ones world-view and beliefs - Coping with Fear Read: Ch.1- 3 from Feel the fear and do it any way- P.3- 46 Indian Approaches to Self Development: Enhancing Personal Effectiveness at the level of the body and the vital energy- I Read: 1. Preparing body and breath and; Pranayama (from The Path of Fire and Light) 2. First steps toward Self-transformation (from The Path of Fire and Light) Self Development and Personal Growth: Reframing ones world-view - Taking Responsibility Read:1.Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl, P.74-100 2.Are you a victim? Ch.4 from Feel the Fear- P.49- 68 Indian Approaches to Self Development: Enhancing Personal Effectiveness at the level of the body and the vital energy- II Read: 1.Yoga and Science (By Sridhar Deshmukh) 2. Happiness Self Development and Personal Growth: Reframing ones world-view - Developing a more positive attitude Read: 1. Polly Anna Rides Again, Ch.5 from Feel the Fear- P.71- 86 2. Say Yes to the Universe, Ch.9 from Feel the Fear.- P.153-166 Indian Approaches to Self Development: Methods to accelerate the process of letting-go of ones conditioned patterns of thinking and feeling- I Read: 1. Yoga Nidra (from Meditations from the Tantras) Exercise: Yoga Nidra Enhancing Personal Effectiveness: The NLP way- I Read: 1.Changing your mind (from NLP: The New Technology) 2.Creating Self-Appreciation and Self Esteem (from NLP: The New Technology) Indian Approaches to Self Development: Methods to accelerate the process of letting go of ones conditioned patterns of thinking and feeling- II Read: 1. Inner Visualization (from Meditations from the Tantras) 2. Antar Mauna (from Meditations from the Tantras) Exercise: Soonya Meditation

Session 10

Session 11

Session 12

Session 13

Session 14

Session 15

Session 16

Session 17

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness: The NLP way- II Read: 1.When they dont want you to grow up, Ch.6 from Feel the Fear. P. 89-108 2.Building Self-confidence (from NLP: The New Technology) 3. The Sub-conscious mind Mission and Vision: The Quest Read: 1. Siddhartha by Herman Hess and/or 2.Alchemist by Paulo Coelho The Process of Personal Growth and Self-discovery: Some Important Issues Read: 1. hope for the flowers by Trina Paulus 2.Convocation Address by Steve Jobs at Stanford Concluding Session: Some Concluding Reflections regarding Personal Growth Read: 1.Choosing Love and Trust and; Filling the inner void and; There is plenty of time - Ch.10, Ch.11 & Ch 12 from Feel the Fear.- P.169-223

Session 18

Session 19

Session 20

References: 1. Herman Hess, Siddhartha 2. Ian Stewart & Vann Joines, TA Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis 3. Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward, Born To Win: Transactional Analysis With Gestalt Experiments 4. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream 5. Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull 6. Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner (ed.), NLP: The New Technology of Achievement 7. Susan Jeffer, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway 8. Swami Rama, The Path of Fire and Light , Volume-2 9. Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Meditations from the Tantras 10. Trina Paulus, hope for the flowers 11. Victor Frankl, Mans Search for Meaning 12. Warren Bennis, On Becoming a Leader: The Leadership Classic

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