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DLA Checklist

Summer 2009

DLAs, below are some suggestions from other DLAs to make assisting students taking courses
via NCVPS easier:

Prior to June 15, 2009 (the first day of the Summer 2009 Session)

_____ Give your students their usernames and passwords upon registration. You have access to this
information in the registration system. Click on the View All Students, scroll to the bottom of the page,
and click on View Your Enrollments. This will export all of your enrollments into an Excel spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet will include the usernames and passwords for all of your students. NCVPS does NOT
send passwords to students.

Students enrolled in courses offered by External Providers will need to get their usernames and passwords
from the External Providers. These are sent to the students in a separate cover e-mail FROM the outside

Suggestion: Ask your students not to change their passwords. This has caused problems for DLAs when
they want to access students’ gradebooks only to discover the students’ passwords do not work because
the password has been changed.

______ Visit the DLA Spa for updates and various forms. Follow this URL (or click user logins on our

Use your original username and password for the REGISTRATION SYSTEM to log in to

If your password does not yet work, use the guest access to log in:

username: test-dla
password: pass4dla

Under "My Courses" on the right of your screen, click on DLA Spa.

______ Insure that students have their own email accounts. Please do not put the DLAs email account
into the registration system for students. It is imperative that teachers have an accurate email contact with

Suggestion: A student can use an email account provided by your county (LEA), or a student can set up
an email account through Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, or Gaggle

_____ Advise your students to go through the Student Support Services Orientation.
Suggestion: Students can access the orientation by going to the log-in link at the bottom of our home
page or at this URL: To access the orientation, do NOT log
in. Instead, click the Preview button on the left:
Students can then access the orientation along with several demo courses:

_____ Be sure that students understand the differences between a course offered in an online
environment versus a traditional, face-to-face environment.

Suggestion: Have your students go to the “Parent/Student Information” tab on NCVPS’s homepage or
follow this UR: Here the student will find pertinent information
discussing the nature of e-learning, the time commitment involved, and the typical processes of a given
day. The Student Support Services Orientation and the individual course orientation will provide details
as to what contributes to success in an online class.

_____ Print the NCVPS’s calendar for your students. This is critical that students are aware of start and
end dates and holidays.

Suggestion: Go to our homepage, click on “Courses” and then “Instructional Calendars” or follow this
URL: Print this calendar, make copies, and give one to each

_____ Order the necessary textbooks and materials for your students. Look for the “Textbooks and
Materials” button in the DLA Spa. Here you will find the necessary documents to lead you through this

Suggestion: Be sure to look for courses that may need a textbook and see if any of your students are
enrolled in those courses. LEAs are responsible for all textbooks and materials. You might call other
schools in your LEA who have enrolled students with NCVPS to see if they have any textbooks that they
will not be using. This could save your LEA dollars. Create an inventory to keep track of the books
previously ordered to reissue to current and future students. For science labs, you will need to solicit the
assistance of a science teacher who can inventory the lab materials and equipment needed and facilitate
students for designated labs.

_____ Create a group or individual email contact list for students. This will give you quick access to all
of your summer school students.

Suggestion: Test their email address before summer school starts. Be prepared to make contact once a
week to check on progress, concerns, or questions the students have.
_____ Give students the Student Checklist (similar to this one). Please add your own expectations to the

June 15, 2009 (First Day of Class)

_____ Create group emails for teachers and establish contact with them. Teacher contact information
can be acquired from the DLA Spa in Blackboard. Click on the Contact Info tab in the Spa.

Suggestion: You can also get teacher contact information from students. Ask students to acquire teacher
contact information from the Blackboard course under “Teacher Information” and give that information to
you during the first two days of school. Please make teachers aware of any IEP/504 modifications or of
any processes in your school or school system that could be a barrier for your online students.

_____ Ensure students can login and access course.

Suggestion: If students are having login difficulty, contact the 24 hour help desk at 1.866.223.1028 (toll
free). If there are issues with OSU or FLVS contact their respective personnel. Be sure to read the
documents OSU sends all DLAs pertaining to trouble shooting and getting started with the German

June 17, 2009, (the 3rd day of the Summer 09 Session)

_____ Look for the Day 1 Activity Report. This will list students who did not log in the first day of class.
This will be posted in the Dropbox file in the registration system.

Suggestion: Make contact with parents of the students who have not logged in. Determine the next steps
for them. If students indicate that they are not going to participate in the summer session, go ahead and
drop them in the registration system.

_____ Check the grade books of your online students to see which ones are working / not working.
Remember – only you as the DLA can drop a student without penalty within the first 10 days of a course.
This is important, particularly in courses with state-mandated EOCs/CTEs.

Suggestion: Have your online students print out their gradebooks and bring them to your office once per
week. This will save you time in that you will not have to access each student’s grade book.

June 19, 2009 (the 5th day of the Summer 09 Session)

_____ Last day to add students into courses. Please be aware that students who enroll late are expected
to make up all of the work that they missed. A summer-session day is equivalent to three days of a fall or
spring session. Late additions will typically need extra support from the LEA to catch up.

Suggestion: Check the NCVPS registration system to see if any spaces are still available.
June 22, 2009 (the 6th day of the Summer 09 Session)

_____ Look for Day 6 Activity Report today. Instructors will indicate which students have not logged in
or have logged in, but have not completed any work. This will be posted in the Dropbox file in the
registration system.

Suggestion: Make contact with parents of the students who have not logged in or who have produced no
work. Be prepared to drop these students from the registration system. Only the DLA can drop students.
At this point you still have time to contact the instructor and student to determine the best course of
action. The state does not want to pay for students who are not going to participate.

June 26, 2009 (the 10th day of the Summer 09 Session)

_____ The last day for a student to drop a course(s) without penalty. As the DLA, you are the only one
who can drop a student.

June 29, 2009

_____ Make contact with your testing coordinator to see when you need to order EOC/CTE tests for your
students enrolled in courses with state mandated EOC/CTEs.

Suggestion: If your school offers after school or weekend reviews for EOC/CTE tested subjects, invite
your online students to participate in these reviews.

August 15, 2009

_____ Last day of accelerated and credit recovery courses. Students will not have access to their
courses after this. The grade submitted to your for students in EOC and CTE courses will be 75% of the
student’s final grade. You will need to factor in the remaining 25% from the students EOC/CTE score.

If you have graduating seniors, you may request grades early from the instructor.

Throughout the Summer 09 Session.

_____ Check Dropbox files for marking period grades. NCVPS will provide a schedule for when
marking period grades are posted in the Dropbox file. Make contact with struggling students and develop
a plan to support these students: student mentors, teacher mentors/tutors, conferencing with students,
review IEP/504 Modifications, frequent communication with teachers, etc.

NCVPS provides Regional Virtual Learning Consultants to help answer your questions.

Suggestion: Please keep your consultant’s telephone number and email account handy. Your VLC is
here to serve you, our customer. Look for NCVPS E-lerts and Letters from the Director in the DLA Spa.

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