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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What are your plans for the August long weekend?

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Da rock lays the smackdown

Mitchell all but insinuated. My grandfather, who I know will love being mentioned in this, is about as baymen (from around da bay) as one can get. His accent even leaves me confused at times, but through and through is one of the most knowledgeable people I know. He could and Im sure he will tell me after reading this detail the Bay of Pigs invasion for you if you had an afternoon to waste. You might not understand every word, but youd be surprised had you judged him on his accent. And as far as Newfoundlanders stealing jobs from Albertans, Im just not sure how that is the case, especially in an industry where there seems to be infinite jobs and money. But, like I said, my real problem is with the editor, Jose Rodriguez, who, for the record has already said he regrets publishing the letter. In fact, he went a step further telling The Telegram in St. Johns that Mitchell is an idiot, and that he couldnt believe in this day and age, people still think like this. His reasoning for running the letter, then, was to put (the letter) out there so people could knock him down, he told The Telegram. Mitchells comments are really nothing new and nothing that hasnt been heard by any Newfoundlander in Alberta, though usually in a joking manner. So by publishing the letter the Calgary Sun was showing no groundbreaking opinion; instead, they published what is otherwise best saved for a drunken rant at the pub. I feel the need to also mention in here Im not the most prideful Newfoundlander in Western Canada. I dont have a Newfoundland flag on my car (Yes, most of us are guilty of this), nor do I have a tattoo of da rock, but theres two things I dont take kindly to: Someone skipping a Great Big Sea song on my iPod, and people badmouthing my home province and the proud people that come from there. Mitchell and the Sun are just lucky they didnt use the N word Newfie.

This day in history:

1806 Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor, abdicates ending the Holy Roman Empire. 1845 The Russian Geographical Society is founded in Saint Petersburg, Russia. 1870 Franco-Prussian War: the Battle of Wrth results in a decisive Prussian victory. 1890 At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by electric chair. 1914 World War I: First Battle of the Atlantic two days after the United Kingdom had declared war on Germany over the German invasion of Belgium, ten German U-boats leave their base in Heligoland to attack Royal Navy warships in the North Sea. 1926 Gertrude Ederle becomes the first woman to swim across the English Channel. 1930 Judge Joseph Force Crater steps into a taxi in New York and disappears never to be seen again. 1945 World War II: Hiroshima, Japan is devastated when the atomic bomb Little Boy is dropped by the United States B-29 Enola Gay. Around 70,000 people are killed instantly, and some tens of thousands die in subsequent years from burns and radiation poisoning. 1960 Cuban Revolution: Cuba nationalizes American and foreignowned property in the nation. 1962 Jamaica becomes independent from the United Kingdom. 1964 Prometheus, a bristlecone pine and the worlds oldest tree, is cut down. 1996 NASA announces that the ALH 84001 meteorite, thought to originate from Mars, contains evidence of primitive life-forms.

Nothing, have to work online polls are not intended to be a scientific sample of local or national opinion. Instead, they are a way for readers to share their views on the news with fellow website users. Respondents are not randomly selected, but select themselves to vote on a specific question For these reasons, the polls are not presented as scientific surveys or as representative of the opinion of the general population of our readership areas, the region or the nation.

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Chris Roberts
On July 27, the Calgary Sun printed a letter to the editor that caught my interest. In it, Shawn Mitchell, an upset, hardworking, honest Albertan lambasted interprovincial migrants, particularly those from Newfoundland, who apparently lack class, drive and grammar skills and enjoy travelling province to province to steal jobs from locals. Clearly, hes not wrong. Case in point: myself, a 25-year-old Newfoundlander, who grew up with dreams of leaving my desolate, boring home province to do journalism in the city one often associates with great journalists Lloydminster. That was sarcasm. I was not so much taken back by Mitchells comments themselves as I can understand the source of his frustration; instead, I was more so upset they were even printed to begin with. Still, though I dont really have to respond to his ridiculous points, the proud Newfoundlander in me wont let them pass by. Spelling and grammar do not seem to be a common Newfoundlanders strong point, writes Mitchell, which is a common complaint. Though, I could call into question his ability to differentiate between words in the English language, because the last time I checked dialect isnt the same thing as grammar. Nor does it have any bearing on IQ, which


Saturday, July 27, 2013


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EXTRA: 3382191 Saturday, July 27, 2013

10 15 20 40 32


EXTRA: 3382191 Friday, July 26, 2013


18 24 35 42 17
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Friday, July 26, 2013


16 17 18 27 37
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

EXTRA: 1736760

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