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In Detail Drawings R.J.


Richard J. Caruana's drawings

These fantastic drawings were first published in Scale Aviation Modeller International - Dec 2002. They are shown here with the permission of Richard J. Caruana. Thanks Richard!

Source: Drawings by Richard J. Caruana 2002. Drawings published in Scale Aviation Modeller International - Dec 2002 This page was last updated February 26 2003

In Detail Drawings A.L. Bentley

A. L. Bentley's drawings
Arthur Bentley's drawings are known to be among the best in the world. His Tempest drawings are outstanding! Arthur has given me the permission to use some of his drawings on this website. Please visit his own website, where it's possible to order the drawings in A0 to A3 sizes.


Drawings by A. L. Bentley This page was last updated 23 September 2004.

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