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May 22, 1945.



Filed June 21, 1943


4mm E. BRICK Z M4N, BY:


Patented May 22, 1945

2,375,754 '


Alan E. Brickman, New Haven, Conn., assignor
to The American Steel and Wire Company of New Jersey, a corporation of New Jersey

Application June 21, 1943, Serial, No. 491,711

4 Claims. (Cl. 2'73105.3) .

This invention relates to airplane tow targets

and'particularly to an improved removable insert
member for the leadcable ring thereof.'

In an airplane tow target, it is the usual prac tice to provide a length of wire tow cable having a relatively heavy tow target releasev member or

the ring of the lead cable of a tow target having a limited opening arranged therethrough through which the tow cable passes so as to guide the ring to position opposite the inner end of the release mechanism with the insert member adaptedto'be
forced from the positionin thering upon strik-

mechanism attached to itsfree end which is low

ered from the plane while in ?ight. The release
member consists generally of a longitudinally exf

ing the inner end of the body portion of the re

lease mechanism. . ' . '

It is another object of this invention to provide

tending body portion, which is usually cylindrical in shape with a cone-shaped portion arranged on the inner end thereof or that end. which is at

an insert member for the ring of the lead cable 01 a tow target which is simple and inexpensive

in its construction, and, at the same time, ef?cient

and effective in its use. ' '

tached to the wire tow cable. There is also pro

vided a relatively short lead cable having a sleeve

Various other objects and advantages of this invention will be more apparent in the course of 15 target attached to one end thereof which is

adapted to be towed by the plane, and a ring member pivotally attached to a connection or 'ter minal arranged on the opposite 'end "or the lead

the following speci?cation and will be particu

larly pointed out in the appended claims. '

In the accompanying drawing there is shown,

for the purpose of illustration, an embodiment cable. After the tow cable has been dropped from the plane with the release member ?oating freely '20 which my invention may assume in practice. ' ' In the drawing : . in the atmosphere, the short lead cable isthen Figure 1' is a side elevational View of the outer dropped from the plane together with the sleeve end of an airplane tow target cable showing'the target attached thereto with the ring member or improved insert member of my invention incor the lead cable passing along the tow cable. The porated with the ring'of the lead cable of the forward travel of the plane draws the tow cable tow target; ' through the lead cable ring at a terri?c rate of

speed and as the ring member approaches the body portion of the release member, the ring
passes thereover and catches on an outwardly

Figure 2 is a side elevationalview similar to Figure 1 showing more in detail the tow target release mechanism and the position the tow target
assumes thereon when inuse} ' ~ ' ' f

projecting ?nger-like releasemember carried by

the body portion 50 as to prevent the passing of the release mechanism all the way through the ring member. The target is then in position on the end of the tow cable and ready for gunnery
practice. _ '

' Figure 3 is a front elevational view of-one of

the halves of the improved insert member oflmy invention showing how it is assembled in position into ring of the lead cable of the tow target; and Figure 4 is a sectional view taken on line IVIV
of Figure 3. e . > -

Such an arrangement is unsatisfactory for the

reason that oftentimes, the ring member in pass ing along the tow cable shears the same at a point immediately next to the cone-shaped portion of the body portion of the release member due to the speed at which the tow cable passes through the ring member and the weight of the release mech

Referring more particularly to the drawing, there is shown in Figures 1 and 2 thereof, the lower end of a wire tow cable 2 having'a relatively heavy tow target release mechanism 3 arranged
on one end thereof. The release mechanism 3

anism. This condition results in the loss of the portion 4 arranged on the inner end thereof to release mechanism which is hazardous to persons on the ground and may result in terminating the 45 which one end of the tow cable 2 is attached.v _ Intermediate the length of the body portion of the ?ight thereby involving considerable expense and release mechanism, there is arranged in alongi loss of time. . v tudinally extending groove 5 therein, a release Accordingly, it is the general object of the pres member 6 which is pivotally attached to the body ent invention to insure that the ring of the lead member, as at T. On the outerend of the release cable of a tow target is properly guided to and member 6,_there is arranged a hook or ?nger passes over the inner end of the release mecha like member 8 which extends through the body nism without shearing the - tow cable so as to member and outwardly to one side thereof. At eliminate the foregoing disadvantages. the front end of the groove 5 in the body mem It is a more speci?c object of this invention to provide an improved removable insert member for 55 ber, there is arranged a trigger 9 which is pivot

consists generally of a longitudinally extending cylindrical body member having a. cone-shaped


ally attache'dto the body member, as at In, and cooperates with the release member 6 to move the
same about its pivotal connection 1 so as to move

are held in position therein primarily due to the

resiliency of the leg portions thereof. '

sleeve target, and the lead cable ring l1, together memberfor a purpose hereinafter to be described. , with the two complementary members l9 ar , There is adapted to be attached to the release ranged therein, is now ready for use and adapted mechanism 6, a relatively short target lead cable to be positioned on the release mechanism 3 for

the ?nger-like member or hook 8 intothe body

The target lead cable 12, together with the

l2 having. aiterminal c0nnecti0n'l3 arranged on

. one end thereof to which a suitable sleeve target

(not shown) is attached. On the other end of


gunnery practice. It will be understood that the hole arranged. through the insert members l9 formed by the cooperation of the semi-cylindri

the leadcable I 2, thereis arranged preferablyia. ; cal portions 22 carried thereby, is slightly larger terminal eye connection I4 having a slotted hole " ' than the diameter of the tow cable 2. The upper 15 disposed therein. There is arranged throughv -' end of; the towcable 2 is then threaded through

the slotted hole l5, preferably ,a swivelmernber,

l6 which is pivotally attached " to a targetlead .

cable or travelerring IT, as at, 18.. It will, be 7' understoodthat both the tow cable 2 and the
target" lead cable l2, as shown in the drawing, ' are disposed substantially in the positionv they, assume when-they are dropped from the airplane '

the hole; formed by the insert members and is dropped from the plane. As the plane moves along, itwill be seen that the lead cable ring l1,
together with the insert member assembly ar ranged therein; passes along the cable due to the 'speedof. the plane until the lead cable ring I!

approaches the'conical-shaped portion v4 of the andare towed through the air thereby. ~l body portion oftheirelease mechanism 3. It will According to the present invention; as shown be seen .thatthe insert-[members I9 will strike the inliigures Brand 4 of the drawing, there is'lpro conical-shaped:portion 4 of the release mechanism videdi a pair. of complementary substantially, U; with aterri?ic force thereby springing the leg I shaped'members IQ for insertion into the target 25 portions=20 of both of the insert members I9, so leadcable ring l1. Each of the members-l9 is as to force them from position in the lead ring preferably made from resilient sheetm'etal-and I1. 7, When the insert members l9 are forced from the _-leg portions 20 thereof are preferably ar positionrinthe lead ring 11, it will be seen that cuatediboth laterally and longitudinally~ thereof, the lead ring is centered over the upper end; of
and' there vis arranged in each of the legs centrally , thereof;v a groove 2|; The bottom side of each
the qconical-shaped portion - 4 of the release

of the insert members I9 is substantially ?at and there is arranged centrally of the ?at bottom sur
face, a semi-cylindrical groove 22 which extends

mechanism, and upon further movement of the lead cablering |'!, it will pass-over the conical portion 4' and back over the release mechanism
until it strikes the ?nger-like member or hook '

a centrally thereof preferably anoutwardly ex

substantially perpendicular to the legs 20 and the 35 8 extending- outwardly from the body . portion grooves 2|, therein; There is struck up from the of the release;.mechanism. This target lead cable, flat bottom surfaceof each of the members l9, withthe isleevetarget carried thereby, is then
gunnery-practice. . '

towed throughthe airpbythe plane and-is then tendin'g'lug portion 23 which is disposed to one > in position on theend of the tow cable ready for side of the semi-cylindrical portion 22 therein. 4,0 On the opposite side of the semi-cylindrical por After the desiredamount of gunnery practice v tion22 of each of the members 19, there is'ar hasbeen- had with this target, a new target. is ranged a hole 24. ' . . . ; dropped. from the plane and the lead cable ring The two complementary insert members H! are .I'lnthereof passes along the tow cable 2 in the positionedv in the target lead-cable ring IT in the same manner ashas been described. The insert
members 19- of the lead cable ring I] of this new ~

following manner. These members I!) are placed together so'that the flat bottom surfaces thereof are superimposed relative tov each other with the lug portion 23 of one of the members positioned
in the hole 24 of the other member So that the I "

target areforced from their position inthe lead

ring in thesame manner as the ?rsttarget ring upon-strikingthe upper end of the conical-shaped portions 4 of the release mechanism 3."Asl the

two-members are maintained in alignment wit:

each other. By arranging the two members l9 in

lead cable ring of-thisnew target passes overthe

such-a manner, it will be seen that there is pro vvided through the 'centerthereof," a cylindrical

conical-shaped portion 4 andg'back over the body portioniof the release mechanism, it willbe seen that it;_strikesthe trigger 9 which, in turn, moves hole/due to the cooperation of 'thetwo semi- ; ' the release member 6 about its pivotal connection
1. so as tomove ithe ?nger-like member- or hook
. 8:.into thebody of the releasemechanism. . Upon

cylindrical portions 22'dof these members. The

. two complementary members, as an assembly, are

now ready to be positioned within the lead cablev

ring I1.

movementof the ?nger-like member, or hook 8 They are held together and are forced . into the body member, it will be seen that the into- the leadcable ring, and itwill be seen thatv 60 lead cable of the ?rst targetpassesoven the outer '

the inner periphery of the ring will ride over the outer edge portion 25v of the, leg portions 2!! which edge portions are smaller in diameter than

end'of- therelease vmechanism andv falls'to the ground. Other new targets are positionedon the

loweren'drof the- tow-cable in a similar manner.

pressing'the outer. ends of the leg portions. " Af~ 65 members ; l9, when forced - from the lead ring I'I, fall to the ground andjare, used, unless recovered, ter the assembly has been moved into the lead for positioning only one target on the end of the ' c'ablelring so'that the groove 2| in each. ofthe members I 9V is positioned directly, opposite, the" As a result of my invention,'it will be seen that inner periphery of the ring, it will be seen that
tow cable, > . ' . ' ~ '

theinner diameter of the. ring, thereby com-4

It :will be, understood that both of? the insert

the legportions 20 are moved outwardly. due to 70 the tow cable 2 iscenteredwithin the lead cable ring I 1 whenthe- lead cable ring- reaches thelinner the resiliency thereof and that the inner periph end of the release mechanism v3'. By providing ery of the lead ring I] will then be disposed in

the grooves, 2| of each of the complementary

such an arrangement; itr'willbelsee'n that the

insert members l9, and that the. insert members

release-mechanism passes freely intoand through

75 the :lead- ring 4 thereby preventing. contact of : the

tow cable 2 with the lead ring I! at the inner,
end of the release mechanism 3, so as to eliminate

the danger of shearing the tow cable 2 at this

point. .

3. A lead cable ring for guiding an airplane target and the like along a tow cable and onto an elongated releasemember which comprises,. an annular member having an, inside diameter larger plementary substantially U-shapedhalves with 15 than the outside diameterof said release member, guide means in said annular member comprising the leg portions of each of said halves being re two members having spring biased arms resili ' silient and bent inwardly toward each other and ently engaging said annular member, said mem being arcuate-shaped, each of said leg portions bers being shaped to provide a central opening having a groove arranged therein centrally and longitudinally thereof, the bottom of each of said 20 slightly larger than said tow cable, said guide means being constructed and, arranged to guide halves being substantially ?at and superimposed said ring-along said cable and onto said release relative to each other and having a semi-cylin member and means whereby saidyguide means drical portion arranged centrally of the ?at bot may be removed from said annular member by tom surface thereof whereby a cylindrical hole is contact with said release member. arranged through the insert member axially 4. A leadcable ring for guiding an airplane thereof when the two halves are assembled to- target and the like along a tow cable and onto a gether with the diameter of said hole being slight cylindrical release member having a tapered por _ 1y larger than that of the tow cable with which tion at the entry end thereof which comprises, the insert member is adapted to be used, the outer diameter of the assembled halves being slightly 30 an annular member having an inside diameter slightly larger than the outside diameter of said larger than the inner diameter of the lead cable
claims. ,

nular member by contact with said release mem ous other forms may be devised within the scope of my invention, as de?ned in the_appended 10 ber.
I claim: 1. An insert for the lead cable ring of a tow target of the class described, comprising two com

While I have shown and described a speci?c embodiment of my invention, it will be under stood that'this embodiment is merely for the pur pose of illustration and description and that vari

slightly larger than the outside diameter of said release member, guide means resiliently held in said annular member and shaped to provide a ' central. opening slightly larger than said tow cable, said guide means being constructed and

arranged to guide said ring along said cable and

onto said. release member and means whereby said guide means may be removed from said an-_

ring, with the diameter of the insert member at the bottom of the grooves in said leg portions

release member, guide means in said annular

being substantially equal to the inner diameter of said lead cable ring, said insert member due : to the resiliency of the leg portions adapted to be forced into said lead cable ring and held yieldably
therein with the inner circumference of said lead cable ring disposed in the grooves of said leg por
tions. ' i

member comprising at least two members having spring biased arms resiliently engaging said an nular member, said members shaped to provide a central opening slightly larger than said tow cable, whereby said guide means is adapted to guide said ring along said cable and onto said release member and. means whereby said'guide
== means may be removed from said annular mem

2. A lead cable ring for guiding an airplane

ber by contact with the tapered end of said release

member. . g

target and the like along a tow cable and onto an elongated release member which comprises,


an annular member having an inside diameter

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