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Preamble We, the legitimate members of the Collegiate Student Body Organization of Central Luzon State University, imploring the aid of Almighty God to form and establish a just and benevolent student organization that shall embody our ideas and genuine interest, promote general welfare and common good with utmost responsibility, integrity, truth, loyalty, justice, peace, and equality, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution. Article I NAME AND ADDRESS SECTION 1. This organization shall be known as the Central Luzon State University Collegiate Student Body Organization herein referred to as the CSBO. Section 2. The CLSU-CSBO shall have its office at Central Luzon State University, Muoz, Nueva Ecija. Article II MEMBERSHIP Section 1. All bona fide CLSU Collegiate Students including those who are taking up special courses of at least one year are ipso facto members of the CSBO of CLSU. Section 2. Membership to the organization shall cease upon the students completion of his collegiate studies, or upon failure to enroll in the university, or for any valid reasons to be determined by the University Supreme Student Council. Section 3. Every member shall individual and in cooperation with his fellow members discharge his duties and responsibilities in connection with the duly adopted decisions, projects and activities of the CSBO. Article III OBJECTIVES The following are the objectives of the CSBO. Section 1. To promote the rights, general welfare and interest of the CLSU studentry. Section 2. To develop social and moral awareness, responsibility, intellectual and political development of students, and undertake activities towards this cause. Section 3. To provide representation and participation in the policy-making bodies in the university which directly or indirectly affect the interests of the students. Section 4. To develop a closer relationship between the CLSU constituents and the University Supreme Student Council (USSC) officers. Article IV RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Section 1. Rights. Every member shall have the following rights: a. To vote and be voted upon, provided that the qualities stated on Article VII, Section 10, paragraphs a to e are complied with; b. To be informed of the activities of the USSC, its financial status, budgetary plans of each activity and detailed outcome of the same; c. To give his suggestion/comments/ideas/ opinions concerning the affairs of USSC and the organization; d. To seek assistance from the USSC and the CSBO; e. To call for or participate in any assembly called for a purpose; f. To defend himself from any accusations; and g. To initiate disciplinary measures against any USSC officer in accordance with the provisions of Article XII of this Constitution. Section 2. No member shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense (Art. III, Sec. 21, 1987 Constitution of the Philippines) Section 3. Every authorized member shall have the chance to represent the CLSU studentry in any occasion whenever representation is needed. Article V DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. Every member of the CSBO shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. To uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the CSBO; b. To be aware and responsible for the content of the CLSU Student Code of Discipline and CLSU-CSBO Constitution and By-Laws; c. To avoid and/or prevent any violations of the CLSU Student Code of Discipline; d. To participate in the USSC activities whenever participation is necessary; e. To send and support their respective delegate to the Congress of the Campus Leaders (CCL); and f. To pay the semestral CSBO fee. Article VI THE CONGRESS OF CAMPUS LEADERS Section 1. The Congress of Campus Leaders (CCL) shall be the highest policy-making body of the CSBO. Section 2. The CLSU-CCL shall be composed of all elected Class Presidents (All CFY and other year level sections), College Council Presidents, and all OSA recognized SOs. These Presidents shall enjoy the right to exercise the functions of every CCL member for the duration of their term. This position is transferably only in cases of disability (which will inhibit his or her from exercising his/her function), resignation, removal from office, dropping of course or failure to re-enroll. However, any replacement for the said position must be determined through ascendancy of official successors (e.g. Vice Presidents) or through an election called upon by the class or the Student Organization to fill the said position. Section 3. The CCL shall convene regularly at least twice a year. The first regular session shall be called by the USSC Chairperson within thirty (30) days after taking their oath of office. The second regular session will be called for thirty days before the final examination of the second semester. Special sessions may be called by the USSC Chairperson or by at least one-third of the recognized members of the CCL to decide upon matters, which are of immediate concern to the members. Section 4. The CCL shall be deemed in quorum once all members are in attendance are recognized by the presiding officer. A vote of 50% of all members in attendance plus one (1) shall constitute a majority decision. Section 5. The CCL shall elect a speaker by a majority vote of all its members in attendance who

shall preside over all proceedings and shall cease to the same following the end of that particular session of the congress. Section 6. The CCL shall determine its rule of proceedings punish its members for disorderly behavior and with the concurrence of all it s members in attendance, suspend, or expel a member. Section 7. The congress shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time, may publish the same. Section 8. The Congress, being the highest policy making body of the CSBO shall among others: a. Approve or amend the General Program of Action of the newly elected USSC including rules, regulations, budgetary appropriations, and guidelines formulated for the CSBO; b. Serve as the avenue for the exercising of the rights and privileges as well as duties and responsibilities of the CSBO members as embodied in this constitution; and c. As a body, propose and approve actions on any relevant matters that affect the rights and welfare of the CSBO members. Section 9. All decisions of the CCL shall be deemed final and binding to all members of the CSBO Constitution, vetoed by the Chairperson, or is overturned by another session of the CCL called for a purpose. Section 10. Special Working Committees may be formed by the CCL provided: a. That such shall have a specific function and time frame for its existence; b. That the said committee shall be composed of legitimate CCL members; and c. That said committee shall not serve parallel functions, nor shall duplicate any function that is being served by the USSC or any of its Constitutional Committees. Article VII THE UNIVERSITY SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL Section 1. The government of the CLSU-CSBO shall be vested to the University Supreme Student Council herein after referred to as the USSC. It shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Councilors (one from each college).

Section 2. The USSC shall be the highest executive body of the CLSU-CSBO. It shall conduct business during the regular or special session attended by a majority of the members. Towards this end, it shall: a. Formulate rules and regulations, guidelines c0oncerning the provisions in the conduct of affairs of the USSC consistent with this constitution and by-laws, university rules and regulations, including the University Code of Conduct and Discipline, DECS Orders, CHED rulings, Letters of Instructions, Presidential Decrees, Laws and other legal orders and decisions of the CCL; b. Make decisions, plans, programs, and projects including budgetary appropriation of the CSBO; c. Appoint any replacements to vacant position(s) in the USSC; d. Decide disciplinary measures against any erring officers of the USSC; e. Act on any relevant matter brought to its attention including resolutions from whatever source, office or institutions and recommendations from CCL; and f. Have transitory policy-making power in between sessions of the CCL. Section 3. The members of the USSC in exercising and discharging their collective responsibilities as the highest executive body of the CLSU-CSBO shall be jointly and severely liable for the consequences of their acts. Section 4. The USSC officers shall hold office for the period of one school year including the succeeding summer until their successors shall have been elected and induced into office. The University Supreme Student Council shall hold office only for the unserved. Section 5. Members appointed as replacements to any vacant position of the term and/or of his service is still necessary. Section 6. Duties of officers. 1. The Chairperson shall be a chief executive of the USSC and shall among others; a. Convene and preside over all meetings of the USSC. b. Convene the CCL; c. Sign all resolutions, communications and papers of the USSC and CCL, veto any decree, proposal, resolution, etc. by the CCL when necessary;

d. Represent the CLSU-CSBO on all occasions where the CSBO needs representation in general the university academic and administrative council and in the Board of Regents; e. Present a report of the status of the USSC to the CCL when necessary; f. Sign all requisitions and disbursement of the CSBO fund; g. Create and/or dissolve committees whenever necessary except the constitutional committees in consultation with the members of the council; h. Certify the correctness of the minutes of the meetings and other records in his custody; i. Do and perform any lawful act to promote/ uphold the best interest of the CSBO; and j. To appoint a property custodian among elected officers. 2. The Vice Chairpersons shall assume powers and functions of the President in the absence or incapacity of the latter and shall among others: a. Supervise and monitor directly the activities of the constitutional committees. b. Present the performance report of the USSC officers upon request; and c. Perform other duties/ functions as Chairperson may assign. 3. The Secretary shall keep all the records of the University Supreme Student Council. He/ She shall: a. Keep all the minutes of meetings and proceedings of the USSC. b. Receive and file all papers/ correspondence of the USSC; c. Prepare ad furnish the USSC officers with the agenda of the meetings at least one day prior to the schedule meetings. d. Make the performance report of the USSC officers; and e. Perform other duties/ functions as maybe assigned by the President. 4. The Treasurer shall be the chief finance and budget officer of the USSC. He/She shall:

a. Collect and disburse the funds of the USSC in accordance with the duty approved procedures; b. Keep all the financial records of the USSC; c. Prepare and present to the CCL the Budgetary Plan of the USSC thirty (30) days after its assumption to the office and its financial status 30 days before the final term exam on the second semester; and d. Issue receipts for the collections and sign all vouchers/checks for the disbursement of USSC funds. 5. The Auditor shall: a. Check and certify the correctness of all financial statements and assess the progress of the financial activities of each College Council and USSC; b. Certify the availability of funds; c. Recommend to the USSC the necessary measures that will ensure the sufficient allocation, procurement and utilization of funds/ resources including those for the prevention of irregular, unnecessary, excessive or extravagant uses of the CSBO funds and properties. 6. The Councilors shall: a. Assist in formulation and implementation of program, plans and activities of the USSC; b. Compose the constitutional ad hoc committees; and c. Perform other functions and duties that may be assigned by the Chairperson. Section 7. In case of disability (which will inhibit a person from performing his/her duties), resignation, removal of the office, of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the councilors shall elect a replacement among themselves shall then act as the Chairperson, until a new Chairperson/Vice Chairperson shall be elected. Section 8. In case of disability, resignation, removal of the Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor, the incumbent councilors shall elect among themselves the successors of the aforementioned officer/s.

Section 9. In case of vacancy among the councilors, the USSC shall require the concerned college council to fill the said positions. Section 10. Qualifications of the elective officers: The candidates for the CSBO Officers shall have the following qualifications: a. A bona fide college student of CLSU; b. Not in the warning list, and does not have a grade of 5.0 or more than one incomplete grade during the immediately preceding semester as certified by the University Registrar. Summer classes will be considered as the immediately preceding semester if the candidate was enrolled during the immediately preceding summer; c. Not enrolled and shall not enroll in practice of teaching or apprenticeship during the school year; d. Not holding any major position in the USSC, any organization (including college councils) or any editorial staff position in the CLSU Collegian; and e. Should present a certificate of good moral character signed by the Dean of Students, head of the Security Force, and respective College Dean. Section 11. Meetings. a. The USSC shall meet in regular session at least once a week. b. Special meetings shall be called by the USSC Chairperson if he deems necessary and two-thirds (2/3) of the officers may call for a meeting even if the USSC Chairperson opposes. c. A simple majority (50%+1) of the members of the USSC shall constitute a quorum. Article VIII CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEES Section 1. The Committee on Student Organization, Domiciliary and Education shall perform the following: a. Initiate and implement a university-wide program or activity in line with the general program of the USSC; b. Work under the SOU officer regarding SO matters; and c. Undertake the liaison task of the USSC Chairperson to the Office of the Student Affairs, of the Office f the Vice President for the Academic Affairs and related services.

Section 2. The Committee on Evaluation of Complaints and Grievances shall perform judicial function as: a. Have direct communications with the Vice President for Administration; b. Evaluate student problems, complaints, and grievances; have direct access to a legal counsel; and c. Recommend appropriate legal action in the solution of student problems to the USSC after due investigation and observance of due process. Section 3. The Committee in Education, Culture, and Sports. a. Education - shall promote the improvement of the system of education by lawful means; b. Culture - shall promote cultural awareness inside and outside the university; c. Sports - shall promote the physical awareness and develop sportsmanship. Article IX ADVISER Section 1. There shall be an adviser of the CLSU_CSBO who shall be elected by the USSC members among the qualifying full time faculty and staff members of CLSU. The name of the elected adviser shall be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs or related offices for reference purpose. Section 2. The Adviser shall: a. Represent the interest of the USC in any forum or body within and outside the University in accordance with the officers of the USSC. b. Countersign all disbursement, checks, and papers of the USSC.

Article X ELECTIONS Section 1. The annual election of the officers of the USSC should not be later than the last day of the fifth week after the opening of classes during the first semester of the school year. The campaign period should start one week before the scheduled election and shall cease at twelve midnight of the day immediately preceding the election. Section 2. All bona fide college students and those who are taking up special courses at least one year in CLSU shall constitute the electorate. Section 3. The election for the major positions (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor) shall be conducted on a University-wide basis. Section 4. The Councilor shall be elected by their respective colleges simultaneously with the election in the major position. Section 5. The vice President for Academic Affairs or related office shall create the University Electoral Board (UEB) which shall be composed of ten members- one faculty member who will be the chairman, eight non-partisan students representing each college with recommendation of the dean and one Collegian staffer without voting power in the decision making. Section 6. Functions of the UEB: A. The functions of the UEB are the following: A1. Receive and investigate the legality and approve the candidacy of each aspirant; A2. Enforce and administer all rules and guidelines concerning the conduct of the annual election of the USSC consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws and as mandated by the CCL; A3. The Board should set a limit on the amount to be used during the campaign, each party should submit a projected schedule of the expenses; A4. Supervise and monitor the election of the members of the USSC; A5. Canvass election returns from the Colleges; and A6. Announce the result of the election within three (3) days after the day of election unless there are some matters to be resolved in connection therewith. B. Specific duties.

Section 3. The tenure o f the Adviser of the USC is one school year (two semester) including until such time that the student government elect one from those recommended advisers. Section 4. In case of resignation, incapability, incompetence or leave of absence, the USSC shall appoint a new Adviser for the unserved period. Section 5. Outgoing USSC officers who are still members of the CLSU-CSBO are entitled to be the junior adviser for the first semester. They shall act as consultant and help the transition period.

B1. Chairman a. The chief executive of the board; and b. In case of a tie of votes in decisionmaking, he will be the tie breaker. B2. Eight (8) Student Representatives a. Responsible of the gathering of all facts related to the elections; and b. Decide among themselves any possible problems that will arise during the duration of the election and come up with precautionary measures. B3. Collegian Staffer a. Responsible for the information dissemination and press release. Section 7. A plurality of votes of the members of the CSBO shall elect officers. In case of tie, a special election for the position in question shall be called within three (3) days after the declaration of a tie. Section 8. All problems/ complaints that arise before the election should be resolved prior to the election. Election protests may be filed to the Chairman of the UEB within two (2) days immediately after the election with witnesses and supporting documents indicating the grounds for the protest. Section 9. The UEB shall decide whether the protest shall be given due course. Otherwise, the reason shall be furnished to the protester. Article XI FUNDS Section 1. The CSBO funds shall come from the student organizations fee paid by the members, fund raising campaigns and solicitations conducted by the USSC. Section 2. All funds collected within the consent and authority of the USSC shall be considered part of the general fund of the CSBO. Section 3. The student Organization fee shall be collected by the USSC Officers and shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the USSC (amount shall be checked from the official receipt and the total enrollees. Section 4. All money collected shall be deposited in the Land Bank of the Philippines at CLSU, In

circumstance of closure, the USSC can transfer its deposit to any bank as agreed upon by the body. Section 5. Funds can be withdrawn from the bank through resolution approved by the body. The signatories of which are the Chairperson, Treasurer, auditor and the USS C Adviser. Section 6. The CLSU-CSBO funds shall be audited by the Auditor of the University or any Certified Public Accountant at the end of the every semester. Section 7. All appropriations/ disbursement of the CSBO funds shall be approved by the USSC. Section 8. The financial statement, together with the necessary supporting documents shall be open to all of the students and the administration for inspection anytime during office hours. Article XII DISCIPLINARY MEASURES Section 1. Any USSC Officer may be removed from office based on grounds stated in this article, Section 3, paragraph a to e upon two-third votes through a secret balloting of the USSC officers present provided there is a quorum. Section 2. Any USSC officer may be suspended for any violation in the House Rules with the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) vote, through secret balloting of all officers present in the meeting called for a purpose, provided there is a quorum. However, the penalty of suspension when imposed will not exceed thirty (30) days. The Chairperson may be sanctioned under this same provision if he/ she fails to convene any regular session of the CCL without any valid reason. Section 3. Any USSC officer may be removed /impeached for any of the following grounds: a. Willful violation of the CSBO Constitution and By-Laws; b. Neglect of duty; c. Inefficiency and inconsistency in performance of his duties; d. Violation of existing Code of Conduct and Discipline; e. Juggling and malversation funds; Section 4. Any officer violating any provision of the preceding shall be subjected to investigation and observance of due process.

Section 5. The Chairperson o f the USSC with the approval of the body shall create a special committee that will investigate any violation of the Constitution and By-laws by the officer of the USSC. Section 6. The result of the investigation shall be presented to the body within the presence of the officer concerned to be heard and to defend himself if so decided. After he had been found guilty, the decision for removal from office will take effect immediately after promulgation thereof in a meeting called for a purpose. Section 7. The decision of the USSC shall be final and a copy of the decision will be furnished to the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs or related office and the unit concerned a week after the promulgation of the decision. Article XIII SEPARABILITY CLAUSE Section 1. Any part of the Constitution and ByLaws inconsistent with the provision of the Fundamental Law of the Land, Presidential Decrees, Executive Orders, Letters of Instruction, DECS Orders, CHED Memos, and other Laws of the Land, shall be inoperative, however, the remaining part which is not affected thereby shall be in full force and effect. Article XIV TRANSITORY PROVISION Section 1. All incumbent officer of the CLSU-CSBO shall continue in office until they finish the tem or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their offices or are removed for a cause. Section 2. All incumbent officers of the CSBO shall continue to perform their duties and responsibilities as provided for by the Article VII, Section 6, and paragraph 1 to 7. Section 3. All properties, records, supplies, facilities, equipment and other assets of the USSC under custody of the incumbent officers shall be transferred to the succeeding officers. Article XV BY-LAWS

Section 1. These By-laws shall be officially promulgated in English and shall be translated in Filipino. However, in case of misinterpretation and/ or misconception English translation shall prevail. Section 2. The members of the USSC shall support any massive action to the best of the students. Section 3. The CLSU-CSBO shall have its own seal and its official emblem. Section 4. The members of the USSC shall have direct participation in any decision-making or any policy making body of the University in matters affecting the studentry. Section 5. The members of the USSC shall have the right to call for dialogue with the: a. CLSU Administration and/ or related offices and constituents; b. Student Organization and College Councils; and c. CLSU College Students and other concerned parties. Article XVI AMENDMENTS Section 1. Any amendments to, or revision of this Constitution and BY Laws may be proposed by: a. CCL or USSC, Upon majority voters of all its members; or b. A constitutional convention. Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may likewise be directly proposed by the studentry through the initiative upon petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the total number of the CLSU-CSBO. Section 3. No amendments under this section shall be authorized within four years following its ratification of this Constitution nor earlier than four years thereafter. Section 4. The USSC may call by a vote of tw0thirds (2/3) of all of it s members, a constitutional c9onvention, or by majority of votes of all its member, submit to the electorate the question of calling such a convention. Section 5. Any amendment to, or revision to this Constitution and By-laws shall be valid upon its ratification by a majority of CSBO votes cast in plebiscite called for a purpose and shall take effect upon approval of such amendments.

Article XVII EFFECTIVITY Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for a purpose and shall supersede all previous constitutions.

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