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Estimate of Space and Facilities Requirement for:

I. General Police Administrative operations A. Executives Requiremnts (toom or space sizes in feet) 1. Chiefs office: 12 by 12 to 12 by 15 2. Private entrance: 3 by 6 3. Conference Room: 10 by 10 4. Chiefs office toilet: 6 by 8 5. Chiefs office clothes closet: 2 by 4 6. Assistant chiefs office: 9 by 10 7. Chiefs secretarys office: combined with main record room, 10 by 17 8. Other: waiting rooms or public lobby: 15 by 20 B. Records and Clerical 1. Central record maintenance: in main office, 12 by 18 2. Map room and Library (accidents and crime data): combines with officers briefing room, 9 by 15 3. Old record storage: 4 by 6 4. Men staff toilets and lockers: 8 by 10 5. Women staff toilet and lockers: 8 by 10 6. Motor repair room: 10 by 12 C. Communications: combined with general office D. Training 1. Classroom: combined with courtroom, 17 by 24 2. Library: optional, 10 by 12 3. Firearms range: 15 by 70 4. Supplies storage: 6 by 6 E. Identification 1. photographing and fingerprinting rooms: combined with record room, 9 by 12 2. Photographic darkroom: 6 by 8 3. Identification records: combined with main office 4. Storage: 6 by 6 or combined with hall lockers 5. lineup or show-up: combined with courtroom F.Office for Use of Other Enforcement Agencies Representatives (Military Police, Federal Agents, Parole Officers): 10 by 10, optional II. Prisoners and Jail Facilities A. Receiving, Processing and Confinement 1. Drive-in, escape proof garage: 15 by 25 2. Booking and searching room: 10 by 12

3. Physicians office and medical examination and treatment rooms: combined with interrogation room 4. Isolation cells: two, 7 by 8 each 5. Violent cells: one, 6 by 7 6. Group cells: two, 8 by 13 7. Cellblock: one 10 by 24; one 15 by 24 8. Tank: 12 by 17 9. Dayroom: two, 9 by 20 and 12 by 20 10. Toilet in cells and shower room: two, 4 by 6 11. Attorneys interrogation room: 9 by 10 12. Prisoners visiting room: 8 by 8 13. Delousing room: 6 by 6 14. Laundry: 8 by 8 15. Storage, cleaning tensils: 9 by 13, combined with storage 16. Storage, bedding: 6 by 8 17. Storage, prisoners property: 4 by 6, or lockers 18. Prisoners waiting space adjacent to courtroom: 7 by 8 19. Kitchen: 8 by 10 20. Food storage: 4 by 6 B. Separate rooms for Women Prisoners 1. One isolation cell: 8 by 12 2. One violent cell: 7 by 7, optional 3. One tank: 9 by 10 4. One shower in tank, one in cell, toilet in each cell 5. Matrons room: 10 by 14, plus 4 by 6 toilet optional C. Separate Rooms for Juvenile Offenders 1. Two cells: 7 by 8 2. One shower, one toilet in cell III. Receiving and Assisting the Public 1. Separate entrance 2. Public waiting room: 10 by 14 to 15 by 24 3. Public toilets mens and womens: 8 by 8 each 4. Public telephone: one pay phone, 3 by 3 5. Information center: desk sergeant 6. Complaint counter: combined with general office, 12 by 18 7. Traffic violations bureau: combined with complaint counter 8. Traffic accident reporting counter: one 3 by 5 desk IV. Police Personnel Requirements

1. Male employees lounge: 10 by 12, optional in basement 2. Locker rooms: 9 by 12 3. Shower and toilet rooms: two toilets, one shower combined with lounge 4. Gymnasium: 27 by 23, in basement 5. Lunchroom and coffe bar: 9 by 10, in squad room in basement V. Police Property Requirements 1. Storage of uniforms: lockers in basements 2. Storage of guns and ammunition: 5 by 6 3. Storage of police vehicles: two cars, 20 by 24 4. Storage of recovered stolen bicycles: 10 by 12 5. Storage of recovered stolen property: combined with storage 6. Storage of police department supplies: two cupboards in officers room VI. Police Building Maintenance Requirements 1. Janitors room and lockers: closets on each floor 2. Boiler and fans: 14 by 16 3. Heating and ventilating system 4. Electrical controls: emergency electric generator unit for radio and lights 5. Repair and construction: 12 by 15 VII. Courts 1. Police courtroom: 18 by 33, combined with courtroom 2. Judges chambers: 9 by 9 3. Court clerks office: combine with item 2 VIII. Police Divisional Operations A. Detective Division 1. Office of officer-in-charge: 8 by 10, combined with interrogation or assistant chief 2. Interrogation rooms: 8 by 8, combined with examining room B. Womens Bureau Office of officer-in-charge: 9 by 15, combined with interrogation room C. Juvenile Division Office of officer-in-charge: 8 by 10, combined with interrogation room D. Public Safety Education Bicycle licensing room: 8 by 10

In jail space, less population or more, needed a traffic reports and courtrooms, and it is most important to have one-story plan well arranged. Circulation, isolation, and public and private entrances are equally important. The prisoner booking room, jail, and general office should be arranged so that one officer can book and supervise the prisoners, handle communications, and serve the public without leaving the main office. The entrance to the jail and routing of prisoner traffic must be separated from the public are traffic. There must be an enclosed hallway for conducting prisoners from the jail to the courtroom. Offices for chief and assistant officers are accessible to the jail or to the public. The public area should be separated from the prisoner areas. The courtroom has the public entrance at one end, and another entrance for jail access.

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