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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Instructor: Student: Student ID: Department: Class:

Ming Shaung Ju Nguyen Van Thanh P96007019 Inst. of Manufacturing & Information Systems 1001- N164400 - Adaptive Control

August 3, 2013

Problem 1 ......................................................................................................................... 2 Problem 2 ......................................................................................................................... 5 Problem 3 ....................................................................................................................... 10 Problem 4 ....................................................................................................................... 15

1 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Problem 1
Consider the system depicted in Figure 1.3 of the text book. If an input disturbance, d(t), is added at the input to the process. (a) Prove that high loop-gain can be utilized to reject step disturbance. (b) If a measurement noise, n(t), is added at the output of the process. Could the noise be rejected by using high loop-gain? Solution:

Figure 1.1. Block diagram of a robust high gain system [1] The system is given in figure 1.1 that is two degree of freedom system. A design procedure for 2 DOF is, Step 1: Design feedback controller, the feedback transfer function Gfb(s) is chosen for disturbance rejection, and insensitivity of closed loop transfer function to process variations. Step 2: Design feedforward controller, the feedforward transfer function Gff (s) is then chosen to give desired response to command signals that means y(t) becomes closely to uc(t) as t goes to infinite.

2 Adaptive Control Class HW1

(a) Prove that high loop-gain can be utilized to reject step disturbance. Now consider the system is given in figure 1.2 below,
D(s) uc ym


Gfb -

+ Gp

Figure 1.2. A system with disturbance + If d(t) = 0, the transfer function from ym to y is

( ) ( )
+ If ym = 0; the transfer function from d(t) to y is (1.1)

( ) ( )
Combine two equations (1.1) and (1.2) we get, (1.2)

( )

( )

( )


From equation (1.2), if we choose a high gain loop (for example Gfb = Kp (Kp >>1)), so


3 Adaptive Control Class HW1

If Gfb is large enough, disturbance D is rejected, and the most suitable for this case is d(t) is a step function. (b) If a measurement noise, n(t), is added at the output of the process. Could the noise be rejected by using high loop-gain? Consider a system with a noise is added at the output of the process (see figure 1.3).
uc ym


Gfb 1

Gp +

Figure 1.3. A system with noise The transfer function form n to y is given in equation below,

( ) ( )

By observing equation (1.5), if Gfb is chosen as a high gain loop, then the magnitude of the transfer function it doesnt change. So, the high gain loop cannot reject the noise.

4 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Problem 2
Consider systems with open-loop transfer functions

Where p = - a, 0 and a. (a) Let a = 0.01, k = 1. Show that the unit step responses of these systems are quite different but by introducing proportional feedback of u = uc k*y the unit-step responses of the closed-loop systems become quite similar. (b) Compare the Bode diagrams of the open-loop system and the closed-loop system and discuss the effect of high loop gain on closed-loop system dynamics (c) Try larger values of a such that the closed-loop response becomes different. What happen if k is increased? Solution: (a) Let a = 0.01, k = 1. Show that the unit step responses of these systems are quite different but by introducing proportional feedback of u = u c k*y the unit-step responses of the closed-loop systems become quite similar. Firstly, consider the transfer function of the open loop,

( )



Figure 2.1. A open loop system 5 Adaptive Control Class HW1

The step response of the open loop is shown in figure 2.2 below,

Figure 2.2. Step response of the open loop with varying parameter p From figure 2.1, we see that the responses are significantly different. The system with p = 0.01 is stable; the others are unstable. Now consider the closed loop systems are show as figure below,
uc u y

+ -

Go(s) k

Figure 2.3. A closed loop system

6 Adaptive Control Class HW1

The closed loop systems are obtained by introducing the proportional feedback with unit gain (k = 1), that is, u = uc y, give the step responses show in figure 2.4 below.

Figure 2.4. Closed loop step responses with varying parameter p, k = 1. We can see that, from figure 2.4, the responses of the closed loop systems are virtually identical. (b) Compare the Bode diagrams of the open-loop system and the closed-loop system and discuss the effect of high loop gain on closed-loop system dynamics Bode diagrams for the open and closed loops are shown in Fig.2.5. Notice that the Bode diagrams for the open-loop systems differ significantly at low frequencies but are virtually identical for high frequencies. Intuitively, it thus appears that there is no problem in designing a controller that will work well for all systems, provided that the closed-loop bandwidth is chosen to be sufficiently high. This is also verified by the Bode diagrams for the closed-loop systems shown in Fig.2.5 (b), which are practically identical. 7 Adaptive Control Class HW1



Figure 2.5. Bode diagrams, (a) Open loop systems and (b) closed loop systems

8 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Now consider the case that k becomes larger. We have the transfer function of the closed loop systems are,

( )


The damping coefficient of the systems are given by equation,

From this equation, if k becomes larger so becomes smaller, thus the system will increasingly oscillate at the transient state.


Figure 2.6. Step responses of the closed loop systems with k = 10 The larger k becomes the smaller steady state value will be.

9 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Problem 3
Consider systems with open-loop transfer functions

Where T = 0, 0.02 and 0.04. (a) Show that the unit-step responses of the open-loop systems are quite similar but the unit-step responses of the closed-loop systems (with a proportional feedback of u = uc-y) are quite different. (b) Use the Bode diagrams of the open-loop systems and the closed-loop systems to explain the origin of these different responses. (c) If T is slowly time-varying, what kind of controller can be used to solve this problem? Solution (a) Show that the unit-step responses of the open-loop systems are quite similar but the unit-step responses of the closed-loop systems (with a proportional feedback of u = uc - y) are quite different.
u y

Figure 3.1. A open loop system
uc u y

+ -

Go(s) k

Figure 3.2. A closed loop system 10 Adaptive Control Class HW1



Figure 3.3. Step responses: (a) Open loop and (b) Closed loop

11 Adaptive Control Class HW1

From figure 3.3, we can see that the unit-step responses of the open-loop systems are quite similar. The open loop systems are stable for all values of Ts. But the unit-step responses of the closed-loop systems are quite different, the systems are stable for T = 0, 0.02, but not stable for T = 0.04. (b) Use the Bode diagrams of the open-loop systems and the closed-loop systems to explain the origin of these different responses.

Figure 3.4. Bode diagrams for the open loop system

12 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Figure 3.5. Bode diagrams for the closed loop system The Bode diagrams for the open- and closed-loop systems are shown in Fig. 3.4. Notice that the frequency responses of the open-loop systems are very close for low frequencies but differ considerably in the phase at high frequencies (especially for T = 0.04). The Bode diagrams of the closed-loop systems in Fig. 3.5, we can see that for T = 0.04, the output signal leads the input signal (phase lead). (c) If T is slowly time-varying, what kind of controller can be used to solve this problem? For every T < 0, the open loop and closed loop systems are unstable. And clearly see that if Ts > 0.04, the closed loop systems are unstable. As we known, in the two 13 Adaptive Control Class HW1

previous sections, the open loop systems slowly change dynamic behavior if T slowly time varying , but the systems cannot reach to the commands and if T becomes large, there has critical phase lag in these systems. So, we need a controller can deal with this case (T slowly time - varying), and maybe everyone all knows that is an Adaptive Controller. We will mention it later.

14 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Problem 4
Find an example of application of adaptive system in your research area or engineering discipline. Use the definition of an adaptive system to examine the example. Identify the parameter adjustment loop and the feedback control loop. Is there any learning mechanism in the system? Solution Adaptive control is applied in many control system, for example, aircraft control system, automobile, ship steering control system, etc. Tell you the true, I dont have any knowledge of adaptive control, thats why Im taking the adaptive control class, but I will try hard to give an example about adaptive control in AC servo motor control system. I want to track the positions and speeds of the systems. Firstly, I design a feedback controller. The feedback controller basically combines a position loop with a velocity loop. More specifically, the result of the position error multiplied by Kp (proportional term) becomes a velocity correction command. The integral term Ki now operates directly on the velocity error instead of the position error as in the PID (proportional integral and derivative controller) case and finally, the Kd term in the PID position loop is replaced by a Kv term in the PIV (proportional integral and velocity (Kv)) velocity loop. Note, however, they have the same units, Nm/ (rad/sec). The controller schematic is shown in figure 4.1. In the figure 4.1, Kt - Torque constant, V/ (rad/s); J - Motor inertia, Kg-m2; B Damping coefficient, N.m/ (rad/s);

- Position of the shaft of motor, rad; - Speed of the shaft of the motor, rad/s.
15 Adaptive Control Class HW1

Figure 4.1. Block diagram of a Feedback controller The transfer function of the system is given in equation (4.1).

( )


The standard third-order form is given in equation (4.2).

( )



For equation (4.1) and equation (4.2), we roughly define three parameters: Kp, Ki, and Kv as given in equation (4.3).


After that, we need to refine the controllers parameters to get a better behavior response of the systems.

16 Adaptive Control Class HW1

For simulating, a motor is selected. The motor parameters used in the study are listed in table 4.1 below. Table 4.1. Servo motor specifications Specifications of servo motor (ECMA series, Model C206) Rated output power (kW) Rated torque (N-m) Maximum torque (N-m) Rated speed (r/min) Maximum speed (r/min) Rated current (A) Maximum current (A) Power rating (kW/s) (without brake) Rotor moment of inertia - J ( 10 kg.m ) (without brake) Mechanical time constant (ms) (without brake) Torque constant Kt (N-m/A) Voltage constant Ke (mV/(r/min)) Armature resistance - Ra (Ohm) Armature inductance - La (mH) Electrical time constant (ms) Viscous friction coefficient B (x 10-3 N.m.s)
-4 2

0.4 1.27 3.82 3000 5000 2.60 7.80 57.6 0.277 0.53 0.49 17.4 1.55 6.71 4.30 0.277

17 Adaptive Control Class HW1

The step response of the system with: n = 2*pi*fn = 2*pi*60 rad/s; = 1.0 is show in figure 4.2 below.

Figure 4.2. Step response of the system We can see that, the rough design is not satisfy. We need to refine the controllers parameters. But, for now we want to know the effective of an adaptive control. Assume the feedback controller is okay. Now, we consider a case, the motors parameters (plants parameters) is time varying. So, we need to use an adaptive controller (estimation of parameters loop). But, now it is difficult and takes a lot of time of us to do it. We can do it after we have some knowledge about this field.

18 Adaptive Control Class HW1

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