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By Manford Kwan, P.Eng. ASAT Solutions Inc. #8, 2121-29th Street, N.E., Calgary, AB, Canada T1Y 7H8

ABSTRACT North American electric power systems are in the early stages of transforming to the Smart Grid, a system that combines existing utility grids with new digital technology to improve overall system efficiency and supply reliability. From a substation automation perspective, one of the immediate trends is the increasing amount of data available from substation intelligent electronic devices (IED) and sensors. This paper describes the various considerations for developing a migration path strategy from existing substation automation systems to enable the Smart Grid of the future. I. INTRODUCTION As electric utilities plan their Smart Grid vision, the migration strategy for transforming existing substation automation systems to smart substations is a key component of grid modernization. In general, todays substation automation systems consist of a SCADA/EMS system polling data from remote terminal units (RTU) using outdated protocols and slow serial modem links (1,200 to 9,600 baud). Multi-functional intelligent electronic devices (IED) are gradually replacing aging electro-mechanical relays. Access to non-operational data, if available, is collected manually or from dial-up modem links using separate systems. The smart substation vision generally encompasses a substation information server that provides: 1. real-time operational data to modern SCADA/EMS/EMS systems based on IPbased communication networks; 2. secure remote access to non-operational data for electric utility enterprise level users; 3. the integration of substation IEDs; 4. state-of-the art visualization tools for substation dashboards; and 5. platforms for advance substation automation applications.

One of the benefits of smart substations is unlocking the value of existing and new substation data to improve operational efficiency. Smart substations can turn substation data into understandable and actionable information to support real-time decision making. The transformation of existing substation automation systems to smart substations is an evolutionary process. A well-defined strategy with flexibility is needed to evolve (migrate) existing substations to smart substations and to address unforeseen or unplanned requirements. This paper focuses on the five steps of the migration strategy.

II. EXISTING SUBSTATIONS Todays existing substation automation systems today are typically based on the RTU approach.

RTUs report real-time data for the operation of power systems back to the SCADA/EMS master station. Operational data attributes focus on what and when, and typically status and measurements are in real time. This data includes: circuit breaker open/close status, alarms, events with

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time tags, line currents and bus voltages. The corresponding action of operational data is protection, control and SCADA. The main users are power system operators. The limitations of the RTU-based approach are the lack of IEC 61850 support, networking capability, visualization tools, and remote access to non-operational data. III. STEP 1: SUBSTATION SERVER The first step in the migration path starts with the substation server.

Considerations: x Due to the mission critical nature of the server, the hardware must be a substation hardened platform with no fans, no moving parts, and redundancy as a must for critical substations. IV. STEP 2: IP-BASED NETWORKS The second step is to add in IP-based communication networks such as WANs for remote access and LANs for substation devices.

The substation server is inserted between the SCADA system and the RTU. It must appear to be an RTU to the SCADA system, and appear to be a SCADA system to the RTU by emulating the respective client or server components of the communication protocol. No changes to the SCADA system and RTU are necessary. Although the substation server acts in a transparent mode, this is a fundamental step in providing flexibility to the migration strategy. Benefits: By taking this simple first step, utilities now have the options and flexibilities to: x phase in a new master station with modern protocols such as DNP 3.0 and/or IEC 60870-5-101/104; x replace the existing RTUs with new RTUs using modern protocols; x integrate data from new substation IEDs and reduce dependency from the substation RTU I/O; and x increase visibility with the integrated HMI function providing substation dashboards.

With the emerging acceptance and support of IPbased network communications, this provides the backbone of the data exchange outside and inside the substation. The increased bandwidth capability allows a more efficient transfer of substation information to the enterprise level applications and users. Ethernet capability is now standard on the new generation of substation IEDs. Benefits: x the substation LAN allows for easy integration of Ethernet-enabled substation devices; x the increased bandwidth of the WAN allows for more efficient transfer of nonoperational data, such as setting files, fault and waveform captures, and substation dashboards; and x the IP-based system allows for easy integration of enterprise level applications and users in a secure manner. Considerations: x cyber security functions such as authentication, firewalls, routing and user access logs can be addressed with the combinations of rugged servers, routers, and switches; and

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substation hardened switches and routers provide the backbone of substation data traffic; the bandwidth should be a minimum of 10/100 Mbit/s and flexible redundant network configurations should be supported. The enhanced communication infrastructure should minimize firmware/database changes to the existing SCADA system and RTU to avoid unnecessary testing.

V. STEP 3: IED INTEGRATION The substation server acts as a data concentrator to integrate data from the existing and new IEDs. Substation IEDs can be sensors, protection relays, PLCs, and RTUs.

Existing SCADA/EMS

Remote Access

Serial Modem Link


IP based Network

Substation Server

Serial Link Existing Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

Station bus ( RS232, RS485, LAN)

Benefits: x unlocks the valuable substation information that is normally trapped inside the IED; x reduces the dependency on the RTU I/O by using real-time data such as analog and digital inputs from the substation IEDs; and x provides non-operational data for analytics. Considerations: x for real-time data, open protocols such as DNP 3.0, IEC 60870-5-101/103/104, and IEC 61850 should be used; for some older IEDs, industrial standard Modbus protocol or their native proprietary protocols can also be used; x communication to the IED can be serial based (RS 232 or RS 485) or IP based; x for non-operational data, files can be accessed using the IED vendor-specific software or by file transfer mechanisms such as FTP; and x open systems that supports multi-vendor IED and multi-vendor protocols. VI. STEP 4: SUBSTATION DASHBOARDS Once the substation data is integrated and available at the substation server, the next focus is how to present the data in an understandable and actionable format to the utilitys various departments.




The data concentration function of the substation server retrieves real-time data from the substation IEDs using standard or proprietary communication protocols. In addition to realtime data, valuable non-operational data is also available from the substation IEDs. Non-operational data is the historical data, files and records that focus on what and why, and typically include counts, accumulation and trends. This data includes fault and waveform records, circuit breaker operation counts and contact wear, as well as transformer dissolved gas, moisture and temperature. The primary objectives of non-operational data are equipment maintenance, system planning and asset management. The corresponding action of nonoperational data is analysis, prediction and planning. The main users are equipment maintenance, asset management, system planning and system operation.

Typical substation dashboards are: x x x x single line diagrams and annunciator panels; transformer monitoring: on-line dissolved gas analysis, moisture in oil, etc.; partial discharge monitoring; circuit breaker monitoring;

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information from protection relays: distance to fault, percentage wear of circuit breakers, etc.; and x information from RTUs: communication errors, health of the RTU modules. Benefits: x substation data presented in a graphical format turns data into easy to understand and actionable information; x higher bandwidth provides efficient transfer of substation dashboards and nonoperational data files from substation to enterprise level; x equipment monitoring provides flexibility to migrate from time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance; and x remote access reduces unnecessary trips to the substation. Consideration: x In addition to cyber security, the substation server must also provide the capability to define access levels for various departments. VII. STEP 5: ADVANCED APPLICATIONS This final step is to address specific advanced applications of the smart substation.
Modern SCADA/EMS Engineering Asset Mgmt Substation Maintenance

substation automation: Volt/VAR control, interlocks at the bay level and station level; and x distribution automation: integrating data from pole top switches provides fault detection, isolation and auto-restoration. VIII. SUMMARY The Smart Grid vision has the following characteristics: flexibility: allowance to meet unforeseen or unplanned requirements; x secure open access of substation information: integration of islands of automation; x integrity: a high level of reliability, usability, and quality; x ease of use: user friendly visualization tools; x openness: supports multiple vendor devices, from legacy to new devices; x cyber security: systems must be protected; and x scalable: from a single to multiple server units with incremental upgrade paths. The key benefit of smart substations is unlocking the value of existing and new substation data to improve operational efficiency. IX. SOURCES AND REFERENCES 1. McDonald, J.D., Substation Integration and Automation, Electric Power Substations Engineering, Second Edition 2. Wong, D. Unlocking the Benefits of Nonoperational Data for the Maintenance and Management of Critical Substation Assets 3. x

Real Time Data


IP based Network

Enterprise Applications

Substation Server

Substation HMI

Station bus ( RS232, RS485, LAN)





Advanced applications are: x x x phases in the next generation of the SCADA/EMS system; for critical substations, the substation server supports redundancy with seamless transfer; supports IEC 61850 migration: GOOSE messaging from substation server to the substation IED, MMS support to retrieve dataset from IED, and support of SCL;

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