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Lesson 4 (Reading) Identifying Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Through Structural Analysis Using Prefixes

I. Learning Objective II. Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words through structural analysis using prefixes. (un, im, dis, re)

Subject Matter A. Topic: B. References: C. Materials: Identifying Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Through Structural Analysis Using Prefixes BEC - PELC Skill Builders for Efficient Reading pp. 5660 Silver Secrets pp. 4748 Picture of an airplane, paragraph and exercises written on charts.

Value Focus: Bravery III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities Motivation 1. Guess the answer to this riddle: Im not a bird. Im not a kite. But I can fly. In the sky. What am I? (Airplane) 2. Brainstorm on the word Airplane. What comes to your mind when you read/ hear the word airplane?

Unlocking of Difficulties Give the meaning of the underlined words using the clue given. I was unable to sleep, because of my toothache. I got imperfect score in Math. I was wrong in number 2. My mother was unhappy because of my mistake. B. Developmental Activities Presentation Say: Listen as I read to you this paragraph. First Airplane The first plane was designed by Wilbur and Orville Wright. The day they flew it, it was unable to fly high. They knew that the design was imperfect. The brothers were unhappy but they also knew that flying was not impossible. They replaced their old design with a new one, and it proved to be a big success! Analysis and Discussion 1. Have the pupils answer the following: a. Who designed the first plane? b. Can you explain what happened on the first day when they flew the plane? c. If you were Wilbur and Orville would you do the same? Why? d. What is the importance of this first plane to our situation today? e. What good character traits were shown when they replaced their old design with a new one? (bravery) f. Why bravery? Values Integration Suppose you failed in all subjects this grading period, what will you do? Will you stop studying or continue going to school? Why?


Look at the underlined words in the paragraph. What is the root word of each word? unable able imperfect - perfect unhappy - happy impossible - possible What is the syllable added to the root word? (un / im) Where is this syllable placed, at the beginning of the root word or at the end? What do we call these syllables added at the beginning of the root word. (Syllables un and im are what we call prefix) Does the meaning of the word change when we add the syllable at the beginning? (yes) What is the meaning of prefixes un and im? (un and im means not) Prefixes dis,in,un,and im mean not (There are other prefixes which mean not, they are in il, ir) What is the meaning of the prefix re? (Re means again or back)

Generalization What is a prefix? A PREFIX is a word part or syllable that is added at the beginning or before the root word to form a new word. It changes the meaning Prefixes dis, in, un, and im mean not, Re means again or back.

C. Post Activities Application 1. Give the meaning of the following. unjust - (not just) unworthy improper ungrateful unfair dishonest impatient review disconnect replay

Identify the meaning of the given word with prefix. Copy your answer from the given (choices). a. unattractive (more attractive, not attractive, attractive before) b. immoral (not moral, moral again, moral before) c. dishonest (honest before, honest again, not honesy) d. review (view again, view before, not view) e. illegal (not legal, legal once more, legal again) 2. sentence. Give the meaning of the underlined words used in the

a. Drinking ____ clean water causes diarrhea. b. It is ____ proper to answer without being asked. c. A person who is loyal cannot be trusted. d. She could not ____ tie the knot because it was too tight. e. I rewrite the whole story. Enrichment a. Match the meaning of the words in Column B with the words in Column A. Write only the letter of your answer. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. disorganized retell unlike untie imperfect B A. not similar B. loosen C. not in order D. not perfect E. tell again


Bring Me Game Directions: 1. 2. 3. 3. Group yourselves into five. Read the words given to your group. Give the meaning of the words printed on your card. Bring in front the meaning of the word together with the word that has prefix. reconsider disagree consider again not agree



Evaluation Give the meaning of the underlined words used in the following sentences. 1. 2. The nimble black cat suddenly disappeared. The customer agreed to have her expired tin of milk be replaced at the counter. 3. We decided to leave the restaurant because we disliked the heat. 4. Mother was impractical in spending money. 5. It is unwise to spend too much for fiestas.


Assignment Identify the meaning of the following words with prefix then draw. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. disarrange books untidy T-shirt dishonest boy unequal numbers unhappy face

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