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I. Profile of the Respondents Age: Gender: Civil Status: () female () single () married () male () separated

Highest Educational Attainment: () BSN Graduate () BSN with Units in Masters () BSN with Masters Degree () BSN with Doctoral Units () BSN with Doctoral Degree

Monthly Income: Number of Years in Service:

Direction: Please put a check (/) mark on the appropriate box that corresponds to your best answer. A. Level of Motivation (To be filled up by the Hospital Nurses) INDICATORS 1. I can sum up the core values of my company. 2. I know what is expected to my team. 3. I know how my success is measured. 4. I am proud to work to my company. 5. I see a future for myself in this company. 6. There is a clear and effective system of appraisal and career development. 7. I feel valued by my company. 8. The companys internal image is consistent with the external one. 9. I know that this company unique selling point is. 10. I feel my job is understood by those in my company. TEAM WORK 1. I enjoy to work partly because of the people. 2. I get support and encouragement from my team mates. 3. I do not have to compete unfairly with the rest of the team. 4. Information is shared freely within the team. 5. I do not feel any secret in our team 6. I am proud to be part of this department. 7. I respect my boss. 8. I am not threatened by my team mates. I want them to be the best they can be. 9. I have the opportunity to develop new skills. 10. Poor performance is not tolerated. No one gets away with under-performing. TIME MANAGEMENT 1. The majority of my team (80% plus) is spent doing valuable work. 2. I do not attend unnecessary meetings. 3. Those meetings I attend are well run and achieve agreed outcomes. 4. I usually finish at a reasonable time. 5.Our computer system works well. We are rarely prevented from working by technological breakdowns. 6. We have a clear system of referring up. I can safetly ask someone above me if I am not sure of what to do myself. 7. Noise and the other distraction are minimal. 4 (SA) 3 (A) 2 (D) 1 (SD)

8. I can turn off my phone or divert to voice mail in order to complete urgent or important task. 9. I do not feel constrained by too many unnecessary rules. 10. My work environment is suited at the work I have to do. I have the facilities to do my job. COMPANY POLITICS 1. I leave the office when my work is complete. 2. I feel we are all treated fairly. 3. I feel acknowledged publicly for my success. 4. Any constructive criticism is given in private. 5. There are no fractions in the company. 6. I always feel I can express my opinions without fear of losing a favor. 7. I feel I can talk openly about my future and ambitions. 8. My feelings and opinions are often for and ambitions. 9. I have been given extra benefits. 10. I am not afraid to make mistakes.

B. Level of Clinical Performance (To be evaluated by the Department Head/Supervisor and Hospital Nurses) Check 4- if it is ALWAYS 3- if it is SOMETIMES 2- if it is OFTEN 1- if it is NEVER

A. ASSESSMENT 1. Establishes rapport with the patient/family. 2. Utilizes various assessment techniques to determine patients condition, problems needs. Assesses client and familys capability to participate in patient care. 3. Validates and organizes collected data, focusing functions needing assistance support with the patient. 4. Formulates nursing diagnoses with the patient. B. Planning for Patient Care 1. Establishes priorities of nursing diagnosis with the patients. 2. Mutually formulates goals and expected outcomes with the patient, family, significant others. 3. Collaborates/coordinates with the patients in planning patient care. 4. Correlates nursing care plan with the patients. 5. Selects appropriate nursing interventions/strategies/actions with the patients. 6. Develop alternatives in plan of care. C. Implementation of Nursing Care Plan 1. Performs nursing procedures accurately, completely and safely. 2. Assists patient in meeting emotional and spiritual needs. 3. Provides and maintains therapeutic environment. a. Motivates patient to adhere to treatment regimen. b. Adjust care in accordance with the patients need. c. Orients patient/family/significant others to hospital. 3. Reassesses patient to determine whether a modification of care plan is necessary. 4. Provides health teachings to patient/family/or significant others. 5. Conducts discharge planning with the patient/family/or significant others. 6. Acts as patients advocate whenever needed.

D. Evaluation of Nursing Intervention 1. Monitors patients clinical status throughout duty. 2. Resets priority of care according to patients condition and needs. 3. Evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of nursing interventions rendered. 4. Adjust plan of care according to changing health needs of patient.

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