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Hadron and NuclearPhysicswithElectromagneticProbes K. Maruyamaand H. Okuno(Editors) e 2000 Elsevier ScienceB.V. All rightsreserved.


Summary of the symposium

H. Okuno a aKEK-Tanashi, Tanashi-shi, Tokyo 188, Japan First of all, on behalf of the organizing committee of the symposium, I would like to express our sincere thanks to all the speakers and participants for their stimulating talks and lively discussions, which made this meeting so fruitful. 1. A I M O F T H E S Y M P O S I U M The aim of this symposium, which we have intended to achieve, is to discuss recent experimental and theoretical developments of hadron and nuclear physics and future directions of these fields. Especially, emphases are placed on the hadron and nucleus studies with electron and photon beams. The reason why we have chosen these topics is closely related to the history of our 1.3GeV electron synchrotron at Tanashi. The operation of the synchrotron was terminated in June this year after 37-years service for particle and nuclear physics. The main research areas in recent days at the electron synchrotron were studies of photonuclear reactions by using a high-duty tagged-photon beam and a large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer TAGX. Physics topics were the study of meson and baryon properties in nuclear medium and nucleon-nucleon correlations in nucleus. In this symposium, we intended to summarize these experimental results from our electron synchrotron together with recent experimental and theoretical developments of hadron and nuclear physics. Also we wanted to look forward the future of these fields which will be opened by new electron accelerator facilities around the world. 2. H I S T O R Y OF T H E K E K - T A N A S H I ELECTRON SYNCHROTRON

First, I want to introduce our electron synchrotron briefly. Figure 1 shows a picture of our electron synchrotron at early 60's. The diameter of the ring is about 10 m and the ring is composed of eight magnets. This synchrotron is a combined-function-type strong-focussing machine, which is very compact and easy to operate. The Tanashi electron synchrotron was constructed in 1961 as a first high- energy accelerator in our country. The experiment started in 1966 at the maximum energy of 1.3 GeV. In those days, a quark model was proposed by Gell-Mann and Zweig in order to explain the mass spectra of baryon and meson resonances. Therefore, the main experimental topics were the study of electromagnetic structure of nucleon resonances through meson photoproductions. Especially, in 1970's and 1980's, the polarization measurements such as the polarized-beam asymmetry, the polarized target asymmetry and the recoil-proton


Figure 1. KEK-Tanashi 1.3-GeV electron synchrotron.

polarization were extensively measured for each single-pion production process. Through the partial wave analysis, photo-coupling parameters of nucleon resonances were analyzed, which contributed to establish the quark structure of nucleon resonances. In addition, it should be mentioned that this electron synchrotron played a critically important role in the pioneering work of synchrotron radiation physics in our country in 1960-1970. Studies of elementary processes of meson photoproduction on nucleon ended after the main stream of Japanese high-energy community moved to the experiments at the KEK 12-GeV proton synchrotron at Tsukuba. Since then physics interests were shifted to the study of nucleus. The experiments of inelastic scattering of electrons, pion production on nucleus and photodisintegration of nucleus were made sporadically in 1970's and 1980's. Some interesting results were obtained as for the shell structure of nuclei, nucleon-nucleon correlation inside nucleus, the meson exchange current, etc.. However, accuracies of the experimental results were limited due to the small duty factor of the accelerator. Also experiments on these processes were limited to the inclusive measurements, where only a single particle in the final state was detected. 3. H I G H - D U T Y TER TAGGED PHOTON BEAM AND TAGX SPECTROME-

In order to overcome these difficulties, we have developed a high-duty tagged-photon beam and a large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer called TAGX. These fascilities were intended to be used primarily for the detailed study of photonuclear reactions in the


Figure 2. Layout of the accelerator and experimental apparatus.

1-GeV region. The floor plan of the synchrotron 1990's is shown in Fig.2. Since the main magnets of our electron synchrotron was excited with a sinusoidal wave form at a repetition rate of 21 Hz, the beam spill was limited to be about 1 msec which corresponded to the duty factor of 2%. This was a standard for this type of the synchrotron. So, at various laboratories, experimentalists wished to improve the duty factor by introducing a beam stretcher ring, a microtron and a superconducting linear accelerator. In our case, we applied a very simple method to excite the all beam transport magnets to follow the wave form of the synchrotron magnet. As a results, we could obtain the duty factor of 20%. This is quite optimum from the viewpoint of the data aquisition rate when we use a large-acceptance spectrometer like TAGX, where a large number of detector components are used. I do not go into details of TAGX because speakers on the

288 TAGX experiments already presented the detailed description of the TAGX spectrometer. The TAGX experiments concentrated on the study of light nuclei starting from deuterium, aHe and 4He, to 12C. The physics topics are categolized as 1. Photodisintegration of light nuclei, 2. Pion production from nuclei, 3. K + photoproduction, 4. p0 mass modification in nuclear medium, where the results of these experiments were presented at this symposium. These experiments were the first pioneering work which used a large-acceptance spectrometer for the photon beam.

4. T O P I C S AT T H E S Y M P O S I U M These TAGX experiments in mind, we organized the symposium topics as follows; 1. Mesons in Nuclear Medium, 2. Nucleon Resonances in Nuclei, 3. Strangeness Physics, 4. NN Correlations and Few-body Physics, 5. Nucleon Structure Studied by High-energy Electrons, 6. New Facilities. As for the topics 1-4, the TAGX collaboration presented their results. We wanted to discuss these results together with recent experimental and theoretical developments. The topics 5 is a study of nucleon structure studied by high-energy electrons, in which our KEK-Tanashi group led by S. Yamada is working at HERA. A deep understanding of the proton structure including a spin structure is a key issue in QCD. Therefore it was very interesting to hear a beautiful review talk by A. Levy on the recent understanding of proton structure learned from high-energy collider experiments. Since the energy range covered by this symposium is very wide, from MeV to 100 GeV, it is beyond my ability to summarize all these physics topics. So I just want to say a few words on the limited items, Mesons in Nuclear Medium. At the opening session of this symposium, T. Hatsuda made a nice introductory talk on hadron and nuclear physics from a QCD point of view. In his summary, he claimed that QCD is a theory of everything in strong interactions, from soft, no-perturbative QCD to hard, perterbative QCD. He pointed out that three physics issues which should be investigated are; 1. QCD at extreme conditions (high temperature and high density), 2. Interplay between hard and soft QCD, 3. In-medium hadrons. In order to study hadrons in nuclear matter, the spectral function is a direct link between the theory and experiments. The particles to be looked at are vector mesons p, w and r and a scaler meson or. After Hatsuda's talk, R. Rapp described vector mesons in medium and dileptons in heavy-ion collisions from the theorist point. One example of calculation shows the expected spectral function for p, w and r Then the question is how to measure these


spectral functions in real experimental conditions. At this symposium, the status of three experiments are presented; I. KEK-Tanashi ES: 7A--,p~176
2. KEK-PS: pA~bA*, 3. GSI-HADES: e+e - pair spectroscopy, w in nuclei. These experiments are still in a preliminary stage or in progress. Although there are some hints on mass modification, more detailed experimental study is necessary for detailed comparison with QCD theories. 5. N E W F A C I L I T I E S A N D F U T U R E DIRECTIONS

Although our electron synchrotron has left from the hadron and nuclear physics arena, various new electron facilities came in with a unique beam characteristics. Today, W. Hersman told us the recent activities at Jefferson Lab. Yesterday, Mainz activities and Bonn ELSA activities were introduced by P. Grabmyer and E. Paul. These facilities are characterized by the continuous electron beam of 100% duty factor. The physics objectives which our electron synchrotron has pursued will be investigated more deeply and more extensively at these facilities. In our country, also two new electron accelerator facilities came into operation this year as learned from this afternoon talk by J. Kasagi and T. Hotta. These are the 1.2-GeV stretcher/booster ring at Tohoku and Laser-backscattered photon beam facility at Spring8. We are very glad to hear that the experiments started just at the time of our electron synchrotron's retirement. In addition to these, the symposium attendee heard with a great interest from T. Katayama (M.Wakasugi) about the RIKEN project of the unstable nuclear beam facility. This may open new frontiers on the study of unstable nuclei with electromagnetic probes. At KEK-Tsukuba, the hadron and nuclear physics experiments have long been investigated at the 12-GeV proton synchrotron. Results are presented by H. En'yo for ~b production, J. Chiba for A resonance in nuclei and O. Hashimoto for the spectroscopy of hypernuclei. These studies by use of the hadron beam are complementary to the studies with the electromagnetic probes. A proposed JHF, Japan Hadron Facility, which is presented by our IPNS Director S. Yamada, is expected to deliver a good quality of pion, kaon and antiproton beams in future. I believe that these new facilities will play a key role in understanding the true nature of hadron and nucleus in the next century. At the end of the symposium, I would like to thank all the speakers and participants, especially participants from abroad, for their enthusiastic contribution to the success of the symposium. I hope everybody have spent a fruitful three clays at Tanashi surrounded by a Japanese cultural environment. Please bring back nice memories on Tanashi symposium to your home. Also I would like to thank the advisory committee and organizing committee members, and symposium secretaries for their help in organizing this symposium. Without their sincere help, this symposium could not be realized.

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