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Sponsorship Packet

In loving memory of Bobby Esposito


about CJD...
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a rare and rapidly progressive neurodegenerative brain disorder. The incidence of CJD cases worldwide is one case, per million, per population. Eighty-five percent of the cases are sporadic, meaning there is no known cause at present. Currently there is no cure and is always fatal. There are three types of CJD: Sporadic (sCJD) Familial (fCJD) Acquired (vCJD or iCJD) In the early stages of the disease, CJD patients may exhibit failing memory, behavior changes, impaired coordination and/or visual disturbances. As the illness progresses, mental deterioration becomes more pronounced, and involuntary movements, blindness, weakness of extremities, and, ultimately, coma may occur. sCJD usually occurs later in life and typically leads to death within a few weeks or months to one year following the onset of symptoms

My story...
My husband Bobby Esposito was taken by CJD on September, 23, 2012, at the age of 47. In early July of 2012, he began having some symptoms similar to a middle ear infection. However the symptoms progressed rapidly, thereby ruling out this diagnosis. On August 7, 2012, he was admitted to the hospital where he spent the next 7 weeks being transferred between hospitals and Nursing Facilities and having a multitude of tests conducted as the doctors were unable to diagnose the problem. It was like a real life episode of House. Towards the end he wasnt able to speak, walk, eat, or perform basic human functions. During those 7 weeks, the hospitals and nursing facilities became my home away from home as I never left his side, staying with him 24/7. I remember one day while in the hospital, he was hardly able to walk and was having seizures. He was nervous and afraid and asked me to lay by him and said Babe, youll need to cancel Thanksgiving dinner as I wont be here. Please pray to St Jude that he gives the doctors the wisdom to find the antidote. That day was the first of many traumatic and heartbreaking days in my life. He was finally diagnosed with CJD and passed away just 3 weeks after his diagnosis. The 7 weeks during his illness were the longest weeks in my life. I am passionate about fulfilling Bobby's wish for a cure by raising awareness and helping those who are affected by watching their loved ones become overtaken by CJD. We have put together a fundraising event that will take place on October 26, 2013, at Georgetown Centre in Pleasant Hills, Pa. All proceeds from this event will be donated directly to the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation, Inc. and earmarked for CJD research in loving memory of Bobby Esposito. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Espo's Hope at (412) 848-6367 or . I look forward to working with you on Espos Night of Hope for CJD. Thank you in advance for your support, Kathy Esposito


about the event...

Espos Night of Hope for CJD is looking to partner with businesses and corporate sponsors for our First Annual Espos Hope for CJD event. We are expecting 300+ participants to take part in this years event and we are dedicated to raising over $20,000. We are asking for your support in achieving this goal.

Espos Night of Hope for CJD is hosted by Kathy Esposito in loving memory of her husband Bobby who passed away from CJD September 23, 2012. The event directly benefits the Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation, Inc., and all of the funds will be earmarked for CJD research. The mission of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) Foundation, Inc. is based on serving the needs of the patients and families they represent. They know that the only hope we have to find a treatment or a cure is through research. In 2006, at the request of a few family members and with the approval of the CJD Foundation Board of Directors, they established the Family and CJD Foundation Human Prion Disease Research Grant project. Thus far they have offered a total of seven one year research grants. Each is underwritten by both the CJD Foundation and one of our families and bears the name of the loved one being remembered.

We need enthusiastic attendees and sponsors such as yourself to make this a successful event! Come out, promote awareness, and make a difference.

An evening of food, music, live entertainment and various fundraising activities to benefit the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation, Inc..

Georgetown Centre 526 East Bruceton Road Pleasant Hills, Pa 15236

Detailed information regarding the event and activities can be found at You may contact Espo's Hope with questions at (412) 848-6367 or

Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:30 PM - Check-in/Wine & Cheese Reception 7:00 PM - Dinner 9:00 PM - Chinese Lantern Memory Launch 10:00 PM - Raffle/Auction Winner Announcements

event fees...
$35 includes wine & cheese reception, dinner, dancing, live entertainment, soft drinks and beer. Cash bar is available

participation expectation

Sponsorship information...
This event will be widely promoted throughout the Pittsburgh area with a smaller reach into the greater Tri-State Area. Our publicity campaign will include posters, flyers, email, web communications, social media, newspapers, and radio advertising.

How can my company help?

Sponsorship There are 4 levels of sponsorship ranging from $250 - $2,500. In-kind Donations We have a need for a wide range of in-kind gifts, including: door prizes, silent auction items, Chinese auctions items, promotional giveaways, raffles and much more. Corporate Teams Have your employees form a team representing your organization and fundraise together. Matching Gifts If your company has a matching gift policy, please match your employees donations to this event.

Support Espo's Night of Hope

Corporate Philanthropy has several advantages. It is a wonderful medium to show the community your dedication to make the world a better place. As an added bonus, your donation may be used as a tax write-off. Here are some of the rewards of Corporate Philanthropy: Enhanced brand image and greater customer loyalty A Hill and Knowlton survey Corporate Citizen Watch, of 2,594 Americans aged 18 and over, found that 79 percent of Americans take corporate citizenship into account when making purchasing decisions. Boosts employee morale, productivity and loyalty The Walker Information study of 1,273 U.S. employees found that those with favorable impressions of company-sponsored philanthropy programs are five times more likely to stay with their employer. Promotes positive corporate reputationFortune magazines criteria for judging and ranking of Americas Most Admired Companies includes corporate citizenship. Other global surveys have found that corporate social responsibility plays a significant role in boosting a companys reputation. Promotes an avenue to expand into Emerging Markets Increasingly American companies such as Apple, Google, Cisco etc., are using philanthropy to get acquainted with emerging markets as well as promote development.

continue to next page for sponsorship levels...


sponsorship levels
From in-kind sponsorships to donor levels, there are many ways you can show your support.

in-kind donations
Espo's Night of Hope for CJD requires goods and services. If you can donate needed items, Espo's Hope will consider the appropriate level of sponsor benefits to be rendered to you, on a case-by-case basis. Items needed include Silent auction items, wine, door prizes, raffle items, etc.

platinum sponsor ($2,500)

Your company logo on printed posters/banners Your company logo on Espo's Hope website with link to your company website (optional) Espo's Night of Hope Branding (Sponsored By) Opportunity to speak on main stage Sponsorship mention from main stage Mention in all event press releases Reserved Table for 10 at Espo's Night of Hope

additional sponsor opportunities

We are also in need of individuals or corporations to sponsor the following:

gold sponsor ($1,000)

Your company logo on printed posters/banners Your company logo on Espo's Hope website with link to your company website (optional) Espo's Night of Hope Branding (Sponsored By) Sponsorship mention from main stage Mention in all event press releases

Wine & Cheese reception - $1500 Dessert Buffet - $750 Centerpieces - $500 Table Sponsor - $450 includes reserved table for 10 at Espos's Night of Hope with branding ("Sponsored By")

silver sponsor ($500)

Your company logo on printed posters/banners Mention on Espo's Hope website

*Espo's Hope volunteers are available to pick up inkind donations for the event if needed. To request pick up email or call 412848-6367

bronze sponsor ($250)

Mention on Espo's Hope website

Sponsorship Donation Form

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Espo's Night of Hope for CJD. Please fill out this form and return it to Espo's Hope, P.O. Box 154, South Park, PA 15129 or email GENERAL CONTACT INFORMATION Name/Business__________________________________________________________________________________ Contact (if Business):_____________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________Fax:_________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________Web URL:_____________________________________ Company name as it should be listed in event materials_________________________________________________

SPONSER LEVEL - PLEASE CHECK ONE _____ Platinum Sponsor: Donation of $2500 or more _____ Gold Sponsor: Donation of $1000 _____ Silver Sponsor: Donation of $500 _____ Bronze Sponsor: Donation of $250 _____ Wine & Cheese Table: Donation of $1500 _____ Dessert Buffet: Donation of $750 _____ Centerpieces: Donation of $500 _____ Table Sponsor: Donation of $450

_____ In-kind Donation: Donation of goods including beer, wine, door prizes, auction items, promotional giveaways, etc. ITEM(S) RETAIL VALUE _________________________________________________________________$___________________________ _________________________________________________________________$___________________________ TOTAL DONATION VALUE $___________ Delivery: Items are to be delivered or ready for pick up by October 4, 2013 _____ I will have this item(s) delivered to Espo's Night of Hope for CJD by October 4, 2013. _____ Please contact Espos Hope to arrange pick-up. Email or 412-848-6367 (Local pick-up only.)

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