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Daniel Nguyen

12 Advanced English


Analyse the ways conflicting perspectives generate diverse and provocative insights Conflicting Perspectives (Speech) I apologize in advance, as I am bound to stutter. Greetings fellow classmates and teachers, have you ever wondered whether if parents should be allowed to genetically engineer their babies or whether graffiti is a form of art or vandalism? These are controversial issues that are present in todays society, that generate many different many different opinions that clash and provoke different perceptions, similar to the play of Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare where the controversial rule of Caesar generates conflicting perspectives represented by different characters from the play. These ideologies are emulated in the film X-men by Bryan Singer and an internet article Love it or hate it-graffiti takes to the streets written by Stacey Vanoska. By investigating the conflicting perspectives supporting the representations of events and personalities portrayed by the composers, the audience invoke a deeper understanding of the text, as well as the ability to decipher the relationship between representation and meaning, hence allowing the audience to draw conclusions that are diverse and provide provocative insights. The notions of the diverse and often incompatible views of the general public are propagated in Stacey Vanoskas feature article Love it or hate it-graffiti takes to the streets. The text clarifies that the conflicting perspectives generated by different sectors in society in regards to whether graffiti should be accepted as a form of art, allowed to be displayed on public walls. Vanoska utilises juxtaposition in the title of the article love it or hate it to immediately address the focus of the differi ng perspectives surrounding the social issue of graffiti, questioning whether graffiti can be taken as an aesthetically pleasing art form or vandalism which should be banned. By employing personification in graffiti takes to the streets in the title depicts graffiti as an unstoppable force, this lifeless form of art displayed comparable with the authority of Caesars political power in Julius Caesar. Like Shakespeare, Vanoska offers multi-dimensional perspectives to the issue of graffiti, established through the various viewpoints within the article, providing the audience of different opinions (Mr Gimas, Deborah Sandars), allowing the audience to arrive at an informed decision at the issue, and mirroring Shakespeares approach in his tragedy. Vanoska further utilises a series of rhetorical questions to directly stimulate the reader to consider the issue about graffiti being proposed, and to reach a personal opinion regarding the social discussion. This is seen from what do you think of the solutions to solve the illegal graffiti problem? and should we call graffiti art? this is also further exemplified by the demanding tone in the truncated sentence tell us. Similarly in Singers film X-men, also addresses the conflicting viewpoints inherent in society, embodied by the court hearing of the mutant registry act, which plagues the audience as they try to decide to pass it. As the scene progresses the senator exclaims: There are even rumours of mutants so powerful that they enter our minds and control our thoughts taking away our God given free will, I think the American people deserve to right to decide whether if their children should go to school with mutants, to be taught by mutants. This quote along with the audience cheering for him, we get the impression that the general public treat mutants with hostility and possibly discriminating against them, similar to todays racism issues corresponding with provocative insights. In addition to the general audiences perspectives are the mutants perspectives. Magneto who believes that the war between humans and mutants is inevitable and decides hell be the one to strike the first move as he creates a machine that can turn humans into mutants, creating a way to assimilate the population into the mutant community, a way to jump start evolution and ensure the survival of what magneto believes to be the superior species. This is shown through his exclamation Were the future Charles not them, they no longer matter., which sends a message to the audience about his perspective, however Professor X believes there is hope and seeks peaceful co-existence with the human community seen when he explains to Wolverine: There are mutants out there with incredible powers Logan, and many who dont share the respect for mankind as I do, if no-one is equipped to oppose them, humanitys days are over. As the composer brings all these perspectives together Singer offers a multi-dimensional perspective to the audience that can be related to the real world, and offers a proactive insight in a sense that the movie is an extreme representation of what science can do to us. To sum it all up, Id like to say that when the composers from the text often present the audience with a multi-dimensional views towards their text, and often let audiences draw their own perspectives therefore creating diverse and provocative insights for each individual, so the next time you watch a movie or read a book think about how the author has implemented different perspectives into it and how you form your own perspective on it and also think about some controversial issues that may affect your life such as the ones I stated earlier, think of your own perspective and think of all the other views that may be similar or completely different. Thank you all for listening to my speech, live long and prosper.

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